Democrats lie about recession

What makes this recession different is that it SHOULDN'T be happening. We had a complete shutdown of the economy due to the Chinese biological attack. As those lockdowns lifted, the economy was rebounding rapidly - until Xi's Biden Regime took over and siphoned $8 trillion from the private sector for their fascist schemes. This crashed a robust economy. The employment we have is people who returned to work after being locked out of them during the Wuhan scourge.

At the start of 2019, 157 million Americans were working. That is the largest number in history - in August of 2022 we have not regained that number.

Unemployment is low, yet we still have not regained all the jobs that were had before the attack.
yep xiden amd the dems inherited a economy booming and chopping at the bit to explode once again…they royally ans one has to think intentionally screwed the pooch and created record inflation, skyrocking interest rates and recession
Quote me, where did I say inflation was good?

Trump Republicans do that a lot. They can't use what was said. So, they create what the poster said, then criticize the poster based on what they imagined.

You are wrong. We did experience inflation during the good economies under Obama and Clinton, both Democratic Presidents. However, the inflation was not as high as it is today.

The high inflation today was caused by the world-wide pandemic which in turn caused severe supply problems during peak consumer spending, and, of course, Russia's invasion of Ukraine causing energy issues. Obama and Clinton did not face similar problems.
I am not a Trump Republican, hell, I am not even a Republican. Democrats and Republicans aren't the answer to America and our issues.

I said we experienced low inflation and you seem to gloss over it. Here is my quote: "Under Obama we had a good economy, low inflation, under Clinton good economy, low inflation. The last time inflation was this high was during the 81-82 recession,"

This is what you said about inflation: "Beats me what Americans are complaining about. Apparently, most are unaware that inflation is a by-product of prosperous times."

The inflation was caused by dumping over $4 trillion into an economy, along with printing new money like there was no tomorrow. That is what caused inflation. that is a product of Biden, Trump and Congress being stupid.

Anything else you want to lie about?
I am not a Trump Republican, hell, I am not even a Republican. Democrats and Republicans aren't the answer to America and our issues.

I said we experienced low inflation and you seem to gloss over it. Here is my quote: "Under Obama we had a good economy, low inflation, under Clinton good economy, low inflation. The last time inflation was this high was during the 81-82 recession,"

This is what you said about inflation: "Beats me what Americans are complaining about. Apparently, most are unaware that inflation is a by-product of prosperous times."

The inflation was caused by dumping over $4 trillion into an economy, along with printing new money like there was no tomorrow. That is what caused inflation. that is a product of Biden, Trump and Congress being stupid.

Anything else you want to lie about?
There’s a lot more to inflation than just government spending.
Your brain is paralyzed by partisanship. You don’t seem to be able to think outside this little box you’ve locked yourself in.
it’s pretty clear…they are the ones in chaege and running the show
it’s pretty clear…they are the ones in chaege and running the show
This may shock you, but things happen in this country that are not the result of the government.

But like I said, you’re locked in a partisan box and don’t think about these things.
This may shock you, but things happen in this country that are not the result of the government.

But like I said, you’re locked in a partisan box and don’t think about these things.
oh yeah! i remember the dembots tried to blame “greedy” private sector folks for inflation! haha

the buck never stops with the leftist…it’s rather amazing how poverty always follows leftist…but it’s never their fault

  1. a period of temporary economic decline during which trade and industrial activity are reduced, generally identified by a fall in GDP in two successive quarters:
    "the country is in the depths of a recession" · "measures to pull the economy out of recession

Any person taking a college level economic course has learned that a recession is two consecutive quarters of decline in real GDP.

But a recession isn't helpful to the democrats in furthering their agenda so they have undertaken the Orwellian task of lying reality out of existence.

Biden's top economic dog, Janet Yellen is faced with addressing the recession, and has chosen a favorite tactic of the democrat party - she is flat out lying.

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen doubled down on her claim that the US economy is not in a recession — despite the fact that the latest GDP report showed its second straight quarterly decline.

Yellen said experts “should avoid a semantic battle” when discussing the US economy, even as the White House on Thursday scrambled to push back against the widely held view among economists that two straight quarters of GDP declines are the definition of a recession.}

Joe Biden lied to the America people as well.

Will the lies of the democrats lessen the impact of this recession? Will the public buy into it? Will the NY Times and other party propaganda be able to erase 200 years of economic reality to serve the current regime?

Slobbers the retard who claims Clinton gave us a recession despite not having 2 consecutive quarters of negative growth.
oh yeah! i remember the dembots tried to blame “greedy” private sector folks for inflation! haha

the buck never stops with the leftist…it’s rather amazing how poverty always follows leftist…but it’s never their fault
What’s funny is that Democratic states and counties are more economically prosperous than red.

We had a pandemic which massively upset basically every part of the economy. It was never going to be easy to put it back just the way it was before.

But yeah, corporate profits are up. That’s our “recession” for you.
What’s funny is that Democratic states and counties are more economically prosperous than red.

We had a pandemic which massively upset basically every part of the economy. It was never going to be easy to put it back just the way it was before.

But yeah, corporate profits are up. That’s our “recession” for you.
haha bysinesss and people. are fleeing dem run states…cali is losing seats in the house over it

you live in some odd fantasy world
haha bysinesss and people. are fleeing dem run states…cali is losing seats in the house over it

you live in some odd fantasy world

Biden-voting counties equal 70% of America’s economy.​

yep xiden amd the dems inherited a economy booming and chopping at the bit to explode once again…they royally ans one has to think intentionally screwed the pooch and created record inflation, skyrocking interest rates and recession
When Biden took office the economy was hardly booming.

It had just started to recover from COVID shut downs

We’re you sleeping in mom’s basement?
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Good for you but what you posted indicates that we are not in a Recession NOW
I have given you numerous reasons and links as to why I believe we are in a recession, and you disagree. What more needs to be said?
When Biden took office the economy was hardly booming.

It had just started to recover from COVID shut downs

We’re you sleeping in mom’s basement?
you clearly haven’t paid attention to your fellow dembots! i march, two months after he took office they claimed we had the best economy ever! they even started threads about it

the reality is now matter how you look at it, we are worse off today the. we were even during a global pandemic, thanks joe

Biden-voting counties equal 70% of America’s economy.​

how does that change the fact that people are fleeing dembot run states?

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