Democrats lose me again


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
1. First it was over ACA mandates, and flipping to the extreme OPPOSITE of "free choice"
by mandating that everyone support "right to health care through govt" under penalty of law.

There were liberals DENYING that any free choice or liberty was lost "because everyone HAS to buy
health insurance anyway" (that's like prolife advocates explaining abortion is murder
and NOT a legal choice, so regulations banning or restricting it AREN'T taking away anyone's free choice)

2. Next came the insanity and cruelty of punishing people for their beliefs, and abusing govt to force
people to change their beliefs about homosexuality and gay marriage when these are faith based choices.

If liberals and atheists can SUE to remove references to Crosses, Christmas or nativity decorations, prayer, God/Jesus, Bibles or creation from schools and other public buildings, institutions, policies or practices (because "they don't agree with those beliefs") then why can't people who don't agree with "homosexuality as natural"
or in "gay marriage as a ritual" demand that THOSE beliefs be removed from public institutions and endorsement!

3. Now more of this:
This Bill Would Make Conversion Therapy Illegal Nationwide

The same liberals who REFUSE to ban abortion, as harmful or risky or abused that is, where abortion can be forced on people socially emotionally and financially where the damage is irreversible after the fact,

DEMAND to ban "conversion therapy" as a choice. They want it declared FRAUD.

Again, isn't that like declaring abortion to be MURDER in order to ban it.

Or barring "sexual reassignment" procedures from children as CHILD ABUSE.

It blows my mind that the same liberals who want MINORS
to have a choice of access to abortion and sexual reassignment surgery
would want legislation protecting minors (and now all people) from conversion therapy by banning it.

I can understand banning ABUSES of therapy and fraud.

But so many prolife advocates have argued that the liberals
won't police the abuses of abortion the same way, but allow BUTCHERING to go on
because they don't want to shed negative light that makes abortion look bad.

4. Lastly, this does tie back in with the first issue in #1.

It blows my mind how liberals want to FINE the free choice of paying and providing
health care "other ways besides insurance mandated by govt"
but REFUSE to FINE or regulate the "choice of abortion"
claiming to defend free choice.

So crazy. How can wanting to pay for health care another way
be MORE HARMFUL or against govt and public interest
than wanting to have an abortion which liberals DEFEND to the end on the basis of "free choice"?

Some day, maybe someone can explain this to me! Please!
1. First it was over ACA mandates, and flipping to the extreme OPPOSITE of "free choice"
by mandating that everyone support "right to health care through govt" under penalty of law.

There were liberals DENYING that any free choice or liberty was lost "because everyone HAS to buy
health insurance anyway" (that's like prolife advocates explaining abortion is murder
and NOT a legal choice, so regulations banning or restricting it AREN'T taking away anyone's free choice)

2. Next came the insanity and cruelty of punishing people for their beliefs, and abusing govt to force
people to change their beliefs about homosexuality and gay marriage when these are faith based choices.

If liberals and atheists can SUE to remove references to Crosses, Christmas or nativity decorations, prayer, God/Jesus, Bibles or creation from schools and other public buildings, institutions, policies or practices (because "they don't agree with those beliefs") then why can't people who don't agree with "homosexuality as natural"
or in "gay marriage as a ritual" demand that THOSE beliefs be removed from public institutions and endorsement!

3. Now more of this:
This Bill Would Make Conversion Therapy Illegal Nationwide

The same liberals who REFUSE to ban abortion, as harmful or risky or abused that is, where abortion can be forced on people socially emotionally and financially where the damage is irreversible after the fact,

DEMAND to ban "conversion therapy" as a choice. They want it declared FRAUD.

Again, isn't that like declaring abortion to be MURDER in order to ban it.

Or barring "sexual reassignment" procedures from children as CHILD ABUSE.

It blows my mind that the same liberals who want MINORS
to have a choice of access to abortion and sexual reassignment surgery
would want legislation protecting minors (and now all people) from conversion therapy by banning it.

I can understand banning ABUSES of therapy and fraud.

But so many prolife advocates have argued that the liberals
won't police the abuses of abortion the same way, but allow BUTCHERING to go on
because they don't want to shed negative light that makes abortion look bad.

4. Lastly, this does tie back in with the first issue in #1.

It blows my mind how liberals want to FINE the free choice of paying and providing
health care "other ways besides insurance mandated by govt"
but REFUSE to FINE or regulate the "choice of abortion"
claiming to defend free choice.

So crazy. How can wanting to pay for health care another way
be MORE HARMFUL or against govt and public interest
than wanting to have an abortion which liberals DEFEND to the end on the basis of "free choice"?

Some day, maybe someone can explain this to me! Please!
It's already been explained a lot of times. You're just too dumb to understand.
1. First it was over ACA mandates, and flipping to the extreme OPPOSITE of "free choice"
by mandating that everyone support "right to health care through govt" under penalty of law.

There were liberals DENYING that any free choice or liberty was lost "because everyone HAS to buy
health insurance anyway" (that's like prolife advocates explaining abortion is murder
and NOT a legal choice, so regulations banning or restricting it AREN'T taking away anyone's free choice)

2. Next came the insanity and cruelty of punishing people for their beliefs, and abusing govt to force
people to change their beliefs about homosexuality and gay marriage when these are faith based choices.

If liberals and atheists can SUE to remove references to Crosses, Christmas or nativity decorations, prayer, God/Jesus, Bibles or creation from schools and other public buildings, institutions, policies or practices (because "they don't agree with those beliefs") then why can't people who don't agree with "homosexuality as natural"
or in "gay marriage as a ritual" demand that THOSE beliefs be removed from public institutions and endorsement!

3. Now more of this:
This Bill Would Make Conversion Therapy Illegal Nationwide

The same liberals who REFUSE to ban abortion, as harmful or risky or abused that is, where abortion can be forced on people socially emotionally and financially where the damage is irreversible after the fact,

DEMAND to ban "conversion therapy" as a choice. They want it declared FRAUD.

Again, isn't that like declaring abortion to be MURDER in order to ban it.

Or barring "sexual reassignment" procedures from children as CHILD ABUSE.

It blows my mind that the same liberals who want MINORS
to have a choice of access to abortion and sexual reassignment surgery
would want legislation protecting minors (and now all people) from conversion therapy by banning it.

I can understand banning ABUSES of therapy and fraud.

But so many prolife advocates have argued that the liberals
won't police the abuses of abortion the same way, but allow BUTCHERING to go on
because they don't want to shed negative light that makes abortion look bad.

4. Lastly, this does tie back in with the first issue in #1.

It blows my mind how liberals want to FINE the free choice of paying and providing
health care "other ways besides insurance mandated by govt"
but REFUSE to FINE or regulate the "choice of abortion"
claiming to defend free choice.

So crazy. How can wanting to pay for health care another way
be MORE HARMFUL or against govt and public interest
than wanting to have an abortion which liberals DEFEND to the end on the basis of "free choice"?

Some day, maybe someone can explain this to me! Please!
Welcome to the party, pal...
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Every other first world country on earth has more then the ACA...As in Single payer. It is just common sense! So you believe someone should just die on the side of a street? That isn't moral or right.

Everyone should treat gays, transexuals and other people with respect....SO you want to be a evil hearted person to people for being different?
Screw the parties. Be true to yourself, and that which you know to be true based in fact, logic and common sense.

Quite right, and then support Proportional Representation so that there are more parties, more choice and less partisan hackery.
What's weird is that emily has JUST NOW discovered the Democrats are the bad guys.

Where have you been since 1968, sleeping under a ROCK?
Every other first world country on earth has more then the ACA...As in Single payer. It is just common sense! So you believe someone should just die on the side of a street? That isn't moral or right.

Everyone should treat gays, transexuals and other people with respect....SO you want to be a evil hearted person to people for being different?

NO Other First World Country has embraced Capitalism and Free Markets as US. Since you are so enamored with every other First World Country and their SIngle Payer, then GO.
Jesus wanted his children to treat everyone with love and be forgiven. How the hell does your religion which jesus created would ever want you to be a hateful piece of crap in his name?

How would Jesus want your neighbor to suffer without healthcare???

The religion excuse is dumb.
Jesus wanted his children to treat everyone with love and be forgiven. How the hell does your religion which jesus created would ever want you to be a hateful piece of crap in his name?

How would Jesus want your neighbor to suffer without healthcare???

The religion excuse is dumb.
You don't even believe in Jesus, you hypocrite.
The efficacy of Conversion Therapy needs to be a judgement by the Psych community. Since it really becomes a form of deprogramming. It's NOT a political issue. UNLESS it involves involuntary detainment, force or torture.

It should be experimental and not feared. BECAUSE the "emaculate conversion rate" of kids under 30 who previously declared themselves gay and now are hetero -- is AMAZINGLY high.. This just might speed things along in a number of cases so they can get on with their lives.

What confuses me even more about the ACA is that the moment it was passed the progressives still weren't happy and said they wanted single payer.

Why didn't they just nationalize the whole damn health care system while they had the majority in both houses of Congress and the Presidency?

The fact that they didn't leaves one with only one conclusion...


I don't see how gay can be programmed in your genes and totally unfixable by therapy, but at the time gender is so fluid you can change you can decide you're a man on Monday and then on Tuesday decide you're a woman, and then on Wednesday, decide you're a new gender you invented yourself, libs should just make up their fucking minds!!!
What's weird is that emily has JUST NOW discovered the Democrats are the bad guys.

Where have you been since 1968, sleeping under a ROCK?
As a Democrat myself, I've been working with the historic community of Freedmen's Town since the 1990s trying to figure out why Congresswoman Lee couldn't get enough support behind the campus plans she saw signed into federal law get funded and enforced to break the cycle of poverty and oppression that keeps the political abuse and enslavement going.

Here's a summary of what I saw go wrong "wrapped" up in a single song:

We've had a Black President and Black Mayor, both Democrats, but the corporate corruption buying out the Party still silenced and divided efforts to save this district , the only place in the nation with two nationally registered landmarks to Freed Slave church and Civil Rights Era history as well as a WWII military historic site, destroyed by Black Democrat politics.

It is unbelievable and Maybe God can explain it and sort it out when that day comes , to answer to God for our hypocrisy and sins Democrats are so quick and loudmouthed in blaming on others.
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1. First it was over ACA mandates, and flipping to the extreme OPPOSITE of "free choice"
by mandating that everyone support "right to health care through govt" under penalty of law.

There were liberals DENYING that any free choice or liberty was lost "because everyone HAS to buy
health insurance anyway" (that's like prolife advocates explaining abortion is murder
and NOT a legal choice, so regulations banning or restricting it AREN'T taking away anyone's free choice)

2. Next came the insanity and cruelty of punishing people for their beliefs, and abusing govt to force
people to change their beliefs about homosexuality and gay marriage when these are faith based choices.

If liberals and atheists can SUE to remove references to Crosses, Christmas or nativity decorations, prayer, God/Jesus, Bibles or creation from schools and other public buildings, institutions, policies or practices (because "they don't agree with those beliefs") then why can't people who don't agree with "homosexuality as natural"
or in "gay marriage as a ritual" demand that THOSE beliefs be removed from public institutions and endorsement!

3. Now more of this:
This Bill Would Make Conversion Therapy Illegal Nationwide

The same liberals who REFUSE to ban abortion, as harmful or risky or abused that is, where abortion can be forced on people socially emotionally and financially where the damage is irreversible after the fact,

DEMAND to ban "conversion therapy" as a choice. They want it declared FRAUD.

Again, isn't that like declaring abortion to be MURDER in order to ban it.

Or barring "sexual reassignment" procedures from children as CHILD ABUSE.

It blows my mind that the same liberals who want MINORS
to have a choice of access to abortion and sexual reassignment surgery
would want legislation protecting minors (and now all people) from conversion therapy by banning it.

I can understand banning ABUSES of therapy and fraud.

But so many prolife advocates have argued that the liberals
won't police the abuses of abortion the same way, but allow BUTCHERING to go on
because they don't want to shed negative light that makes abortion look bad.

4. Lastly, this does tie back in with the first issue in #1.

It blows my mind how liberals want to FINE the free choice of paying and providing
health care "other ways besides insurance mandated by govt"
but REFUSE to FINE or regulate the "choice of abortion"
claiming to defend free choice.

So crazy. How can wanting to pay for health care another way
be MORE HARMFUL or against govt and public interest
than wanting to have an abortion which liberals DEFEND to the end on the basis of "free choice"?

Some day, maybe someone can explain this to me! Please!
You must hate mandatory auto insurance laws also..
I don't see how gay can be programmed in your genes and totally unfixable by therapy, but at the time gender is so fluid you can change you can decide you're a man on Monday and then on Tuesday decide you're a woman, and then on Wednesday, decide you're a new gender you invented yourself, libs should just make up their fucking minds!!!
How long did it take you to decide?
Jesus wanted his children to treat everyone with love and be forgiven. How the hell does your religion which jesus created would ever want you to be a hateful piece of crap in his name?

How would Jesus want your neighbor to suffer without healthcare???

The religion excuse is dumb.
Dear Matthew what do you think the Christian charities hospitals ministries nonprofits and volunteer outreach are for ?

Look at the Muslim man in Africa who buys out houses and a whole village to serve the poor according to his faith. He does so effectively as a business man using his own resources and mgmt. He does not depend on govt. While the Islamic who take over govt abuse that to kill people .

If you are going to mix religion with govt, it doesn't turn out pretty but goes the other way. It gets abusive fast!

Learn from the Muslims who figured it out to build programs on their own so the control remains with those communities. Not depending on govt because when govt gets taken over by politics then nobody gets what they want.
1. First it was over ACA mandates, and flipping to the extreme OPPOSITE of "free choice"
by mandating that everyone support "right to health care through govt" under penalty of law.

There were liberals DENYING that any free choice or liberty was lost "because everyone HAS to buy
health insurance anyway" (that's like prolife advocates explaining abortion is murder
and NOT a legal choice, so regulations banning or restricting it AREN'T taking away anyone's free choice)

2. Next came the insanity and cruelty of punishing people for their beliefs, and abusing govt to force
people to change their beliefs about homosexuality and gay marriage when these are faith based choices.

If liberals and atheists can SUE to remove references to Crosses, Christmas or nativity decorations, prayer, God/Jesus, Bibles or creation from schools and other public buildings, institutions, policies or practices (because "they don't agree with those beliefs") then why can't people who don't agree with "homosexuality as natural"
or in "gay marriage as a ritual" demand that THOSE beliefs be removed from public institutions and endorsement!

3. Now more of this:
This Bill Would Make Conversion Therapy Illegal Nationwide

The same liberals who REFUSE to ban abortion, as harmful or risky or abused that is, where abortion can be forced on people socially emotionally and financially where the damage is irreversible after the fact,

DEMAND to ban "conversion therapy" as a choice. They want it declared FRAUD.

Again, isn't that like declaring abortion to be MURDER in order to ban it.

Or barring "sexual reassignment" procedures from children as CHILD ABUSE.

It blows my mind that the same liberals who want MINORS
to have a choice of access to abortion and sexual reassignment surgery
would want legislation protecting minors (and now all people) from conversion therapy by banning it.

I can understand banning ABUSES of therapy and fraud.

But so many prolife advocates have argued that the liberals
won't police the abuses of abortion the same way, but allow BUTCHERING to go on
because they don't want to shed negative light that makes abortion look bad.

4. Lastly, this does tie back in with the first issue in #1.

It blows my mind how liberals want to FINE the free choice of paying and providing
health care "other ways besides insurance mandated by govt"
but REFUSE to FINE or regulate the "choice of abortion"
claiming to defend free choice.

So crazy. How can wanting to pay for health care another way
be MORE HARMFUL or against govt and public interest
than wanting to have an abortion which liberals DEFEND to the end on the basis of "free choice"?

Some day, maybe someone can explain this to me! Please!
Welcome to the party, pal...

yippy kai yay MF
Jesus wanted his children to treat everyone with love and be forgiven. How the hell does your religion which jesus created would ever want you to be a hateful piece of crap in his name?

How would Jesus want your neighbor to suffer without healthcare???

The religion excuse is dumb.
ahhh that game? funny stuff mattie, you're still a lost soul

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