Democrats Loved Jonathan Gruber Before They Forgot Who He Was

In fairness Obama did not say he had never heard of Gruber. Perhaps he meant he hadnt heard of the videos surfacing. In either case Obama seems to be the last person who hears anything.
But what was he going to say? Yeah, I was there and agree that in order to pass this piece of shit we had to lie our asses off about it and that's why I told the whopper about keeping your doctor?
At least the Left has been revealed for the outrageous liars they are. That people arent outraged across the board is testimony to the gross cynicism that has infected the Left. They really dont care about process at all. They only care they win and get to stick it to people they disagree with.

Or we just don't think that this is an important issue. Frankly, you guys got what you wanted. You got a private sector, free market solution to the problem, and now you are whining about it that Gruber has pointed out that the Insurance Companies are the ones collecting the taxes instead of the government.
Republicans loved ObamaCare when it was called "RomneyCare".

1) The two pieces of legislation are vastly different.

2) RomneyCare was not dependent on lack of transparency, the stupidity of the voter, or a necessity of passing the legislation first so that we could then see what is in it.

1) no, they aren't. They are pretty much the same thing.

2) ObamaCare was debated for over a year and a half. If the voters didn't pay attention, it was kind of hteir own fault.
IOW voters were stupid.
Yes, thanks for validating that is the Left's belief, Joe. Unfortunately they also think you are stupid for supporting them. And they're right!
In fairness Obama did not say he had never heard of Gruber. Perhaps he meant he hadnt heard of the videos surfacing. In either case Obama seems to be the last person who hears anything.
But what was he going to say? Yeah, I was there and agree that in order to pass this piece of shit we had to lie our asses off about it and that's why I told the whopper about keeping your doctor?
At least the Left has been revealed for the outrageous liars they are. That people arent outraged across the board is testimony to the gross cynicism that has infected the Left. They really dont care about process at all. They only care they win and get to stick it to people they disagree with.

Or we just don't think that this is an important issue. Frankly, you guys got what you wanted. You got a private sector, free market solution to the problem, and now you are whining about it that Gruber has pointed out that the Insurance Companies are the ones collecting the taxes instead of the government.
You dont think lying about a piece of legislation to get it passed is important? As Iwrote, the cynicism of the Left will destroy them.
We didnt get anything. The biggest opposition to Obamacare came from Democrats.
In fairness Obama did not say he had never heard of Gruber. Perhaps he meant he hadnt heard of the videos surfacing. In either case Obama seems to be the last person who hears anything.
But what was he going to say? Yeah, I was there and agree that in order to pass this piece of shit we had to lie our asses off about it and that's why I told the whopper about keeping your doctor?
At least the Left has been revealed for the outrageous liars they are. That people arent outraged across the board is testimony to the gross cynicism that has infected the Left. They really dont care about process at all. They only care they win and get to stick it to people they disagree with.

Or we just don't think that this is an important issue. Frankly, you guys got what you wanted. You got a private sector, free market solution to the problem, and now you are whining about it that Gruber has pointed out that the Insurance Companies are the ones collecting the taxes instead of the government.
You dont think lying about a piece of legislation to get it passed is important? .

That is hilarious from someone who has zealously defended every single lie that got Americans to support the Iraq War.
It's funny how the RWnuts have completely given up on arguing against the merits of the ACA and now focus on some irrelevant ad hominem attack on some obscure economics professor.
losing freedom is not a merit

just sayin

Freedom to do what?
How about keep your doctor if you liked him? You know, like Obama promised over and over knowing it was a lie?

It was true for 98% of Americans.
In fairness Obama did not say he had never heard of Gruber. Perhaps he meant he hadnt heard of the videos surfacing. In either case Obama seems to be the last person who hears anything.
But what was he going to say? Yeah, I was there and agree that in order to pass this piece of shit we had to lie our asses off about it and that's why I told the whopper about keeping your doctor?
At least the Left has been revealed for the outrageous liars they are. That people arent outraged across the board is testimony to the gross cynicism that has infected the Left. They really dont care about process at all. They only care they win and get to stick it to people they disagree with.

Or we just don't think that this is an important issue. Frankly, you guys got what you wanted. You got a private sector, free market solution to the problem, and now you are whining about it that Gruber has pointed out that the Insurance Companies are the ones collecting the taxes instead of the government.
You dont think lying about a piece of legislation to get it passed is important? .

That is hilarious from someone who has zealously defended every single lie that got Americans to support the Iraq War.
Deflection is also not a river in Egypt.
Again, arent you bothered that Democrats intenionally lied to get this passed, knowing it was an outright lie?
It's funny how the RWnuts have completely given up on arguing against the merits of the ACA and now focus on some irrelevant ad hominem attack on some obscure economics professor.
losing freedom is not a merit

just sayin

Freedom to do what?
How about keep your doctor if you liked him? You know, like Obama promised over and over knowing it was a lie?

It was true for 98% of Americans.
And the other 2%, assumign that's even true?
In fairness Obama did not say he had never heard of Gruber. Perhaps he meant he hadnt heard of the videos surfacing. In either case Obama seems to be the last person who hears anything.
But what was he going to say? Yeah, I was there and agree that in order to pass this piece of shit we had to lie our asses off about it and that's why I told the whopper about keeping your doctor?
At least the Left has been revealed for the outrageous liars they are. That people arent outraged across the board is testimony to the gross cynicism that has infected the Left. They really dont care about process at all. They only care they win and get to stick it to people they disagree with.

Or we just don't think that this is an important issue. Frankly, you guys got what you wanted. You got a private sector, free market solution to the problem, and now you are whining about it that Gruber has pointed out that the Insurance Companies are the ones collecting the taxes instead of the government.
You dont think lying about a piece of legislation to get it passed is important? .

That is hilarious from someone who has zealously defended every single lie that got Americans to support the Iraq War.

Says the far left Obama drone who is supporting their far left Messiah for starting many illegal wars!
In fairness Obama did not say he had never heard of Gruber. Perhaps he meant he hadnt heard of the videos surfacing. In either case Obama seems to be the last person who hears anything.
But what was he going to say? Yeah, I was there and agree that in order to pass this piece of shit we had to lie our asses off about it and that's why I told the whopper about keeping your doctor?
At least the Left has been revealed for the outrageous liars they are. That people arent outraged across the board is testimony to the gross cynicism that has infected the Left. They really dont care about process at all. They only care they win and get to stick it to people they disagree with.

Or we just don't think that this is an important issue. Frankly, you guys got what you wanted. You got a private sector, free market solution to the problem, and now you are whining about it that Gruber has pointed out that the Insurance Companies are the ones collecting the taxes instead of the government.
You dont think lying about a piece of legislation to get it passed is important? .

That is hilarious from someone who has zealously defended every single lie that got Americans to support the Iraq War.

Lies like these?

"Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction ... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real..." - Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003 | Source

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members ... It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons." - Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10, 2002 | Source
It's funny how the RWnuts have completely given up on arguing against the merits of the ACA and now focus on some irrelevant ad hominem attack on some obscure economics professor.
losing freedom is not a merit

just sayin

Freedom to do what?
How about keep your doctor if you liked him? You know, like Obama promised over and over knowing it was a lie?

It was true for 98% of Americans.

Before the far left rammed through Obamacare and Obama signed it..

Don't forget he is reported as making 400,000 dollars for that "only thing."

RomneyCare is the way health care should be done, on the state level.

No, it should be done on the national level, which is how every other industrialized nation does it.

My problem with ObamaCare and RomneyCare is that they are both built on perserving the obscene profits of Big Insurance, BIg Pharma and Big Health Care.

We are still the greatest country in the world and I do not believe we need to follow the lead of other countries. Seems to me that is where you need to be.

And if you don't think that Big insurance, Big Pahama and Bigh Heath Care are not taken care of in Obamacare then you need Obamacare, psych ward. I heard on the news that there are 77 more health care insurance providers since Obamacare. Do you think they are getting into business because Obamacare isn't taking care of them?
Gruber's only contribution to ObamaCare is he told them what Romney did in Massachusetts.

Not that romney would be caught having a drink with RomneyCare in 2012.
Gruber's only contribution to ObamaCare is he told them what Romney did in Massachusetts.

Not that romney would be caught having a drink with RomneyCare in 2012.
You lie like Obama.

You are a fuckin' dumbass Grubercrat.

Keep drinking the Koolaid, maybe pour some on your election chapped ass.
In fairness Obama did not say he had never heard of Gruber. Perhaps he meant he hadnt heard of the videos surfacing. In either case Obama seems to be the last person who hears anything.
But what was he going to say? Yeah, I was there and agree that in order to pass this piece of shit we had to lie our asses off about it and that's why I told the whopper about keeping your doctor?
At least the Left has been revealed for the outrageous liars they are. That people arent outraged across the board is testimony to the gross cynicism that has infected the Left. They really dont care about process at all. They only care they win and get to stick it to people they disagree with.

Or we just don't think that this is an important issue. Frankly, you guys got what you wanted. You got a private sector, free market solution to the problem, and now you are whining about it that Gruber has pointed out that the Insurance Companies are the ones collecting the taxes instead of the government.

Yeah, YOU are a paid poster, aren't you? You just can't listen.
In fairness Obama did not say he had never heard of Gruber. Perhaps he meant he hadnt heard of the videos surfacing. In either case Obama seems to be the last person who hears anything.
But what was he going to say? Yeah, I was there and agree that in order to pass this piece of shit we had to lie our asses off about it and that's why I told the whopper about keeping your doctor?
At least the Left has been revealed for the outrageous liars they are. That people arent outraged across the board is testimony to the gross cynicism that has infected the Left. They really dont care about process at all. They only care they win and get to stick it to people they disagree with.

Or we just don't think that this is an important issue. Frankly, you guys got what you wanted. You got a private sector, free market solution to the problem, and now you are whining about it that Gruber has pointed out that the Insurance Companies are the ones collecting the taxes instead of the government.

Yeah, YOU are a paid poster, aren't you? You just can't listen.
They must not be paying much.
It's funny how the RWnuts have completely given up on arguing against the merits of the ACA and now focus on some irrelevant ad hominem attack on some obscure economics professor.
losing freedom is not a merit

just sayin

Freedom to do what?
How about keep your doctor if you liked him? You know, like Obama promised over and over knowing it was a lie?

It was true for 98% of Americans.
And the other 2%, assumign that's even true?

Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good.

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