Democrats Loved Jonathan Gruber Before They Forgot Who He Was

In fairness Obama did not say he had never heard of Gruber. Perhaps he meant he hadnt heard of the videos surfacing. In either case Obama seems to be the last person who hears anything.
But what was he going to say? Yeah, I was there and agree that in order to pass this piece of shit we had to lie our asses off about it and that's why I told the whopper about keeping your doctor?
At least the Left has been revealed for the outrageous liars they are. That people arent outraged across the board is testimony to the gross cynicism that has infected the Left. They really dont care about process at all. They only care they win and get to stick it to people they disagree with.

Or we just don't think that this is an important issue. Frankly, you guys got what you wanted. You got a private sector, free market solution to the problem, and now you are whining about it that Gruber has pointed out that the Insurance Companies are the ones collecting the taxes instead of the government.
You dont think lying about a piece of legislation to get it passed is important? .

That is hilarious from someone who has zealously defended every single lie that got Americans to support the Iraq War.
And you guys are now defending every damned lie Obama is using to get us back into Iraq so as to save his reputation.

He is going to be remembered as the guy that lost the mid-East to ISIS.
No, Joe. YOU'RE stupid. You continue to support policies that have failed and make excuses for them. Plus you've got that envy thing going on. I guess you havent talked to too many doctors lately.

Oh, I remember my last doctor, the one who billed my insurance company for more than I make in year, whining about how he thought Health Reform was the worst thing ever.
You must not make very much. Of course you dont. The market for stupid lazy people is not well paying.
Deflection is also not a river in Egypt.
Again, arent you bothered that Democrats intenionally lied to get this passed, knowing it was an outright lie?

not really. because they didn't.

The only people upset about this are the ones who were against it all along.
In fairness Obama did not say he had never heard of Gruber. Perhaps he meant he hadnt heard of the videos surfacing. In either case Obama seems to be the last person who hears anything.
But what was he going to say? Yeah, I was there and agree that in order to pass this piece of shit we had to lie our asses off about it and that's why I told the whopper about keeping your doctor?
At least the Left has been revealed for the outrageous liars they are. That people arent outraged across the board is testimony to the gross cynicism that has infected the Left. They really dont care about process at all. They only care they win and get to stick it to people they disagree with.

Or we just don't think that this is an important issue. Frankly, you guys got what you wanted. You got a private sector, free market solution to the problem, and now you are whining about it that Gruber has pointed out that the Insurance Companies are the ones collecting the taxes instead of the government.
You dont think lying about a piece of legislation to get it passed is important? .

That is hilarious from someone who has zealously defended every single lie that got Americans to support the Iraq War.
And you guys are now defending every damned lie Obama is using to get us back into Iraq so as to save his reputation.

He is going to be remembered as the guy that lost the mid-East to ISIS.
He's goign to be remembered as the scandal plagued president who couldn't work with Congress and whose every policy failed. He will be the Herbert Hoover of the 21st century.
And you guys are now defending every damned lie Obama is using to get us back into Iraq so as to save his reputation.

He is going to be remembered as the guy that lost the mid-East to ISIS.

Isn't that like saying "Who lost China' when CHina was never ours to lose?

the GOP will take healthcare coverage away from 10 million Americans if they repeal Obamacare.

What should they tell those people?
Get a job, and buy insurance, or, just stay on Medicaid, which is where they were already getting their healthcare.
Deflection is also not a river in Egypt.
Again, arent you bothered that Democrats intenionally lied to get this passed, knowing it was an outright lie?

not really. because they didn't.

The only people upset about this are the ones who were against it all along.
What do you mean they didnt? Gruber said on video they lied. Are you saying the Dems didnt lie? Is Gruber lying?

the GOP will take healthcare coverage away from 10 million Americans if they repeal Obamacare.

What should they tell those people?

You know it isn't going away. You know that the 10 million will get their freebee hand out just like democrats like their constituents. I would have thought that the last election might make the left wing a little less smug, not so.

Well even the CBO said that 30 million people would be without insurance after Obamacare was fully implemented, yet Obamacare was sold on insuring the 30 million people that did not have insurance..

If that does not tell you the story nothing else will..

However the far left will continue to back it and post the debunked propaganda even though it has all been proven wrong!

Yeah, what is the left going to do about those 30 million. They need to be put into the system so the Insurance companies can make even more money.
Deflection is also not a river in Egypt.
Again, arent you bothered that Democrats intenionally lied to get this passed, knowing it was an outright lie?

not really. because they didn't.

The only people upset about this are the ones who were against it all along.
Now that is a lie too.

Millions cut back to part time or let go altogether now hate it too.
What do you mean they didnt? Gruber said on video they lied. Are you saying the Dems didnt lie? Is Gruber lying?

Gruber worked for Romney. SO he probably is a liar.

But we debated ObamaCare for years... so it's hard to buy the claim that you had NO IDEA what was in it.

When you show me someone who was all for ObamaCare until he found out the penatly was really a tax, then I'll take you seriously.
Deflection is also not a river in Egypt.
Again, arent you bothered that Democrats intenionally lied to get this passed, knowing it was an outright lie?

not really. because they didn't.

The only people upset about this are the ones who were against it all along.
What do you mean they didnt? Gruber said on video they lied. Are you saying the Dems didnt lie? Is Gruber lying?
Dem mantra: Gruber, the guy we never heard of, is a self-confessed liar, and is lying about lying to the Dems.
What do you mean they didnt? Gruber said on video they lied. Are you saying the Dems didnt lie? Is Gruber lying?

Gruber worked for Romney. SO he probably is a liar.

But we debated ObamaCare for years... so it's hard to buy the claim that you had NO IDEA what was in it.

When you show me someone who was all for ObamaCare until he found out the penatly was really a tax, then I'll take you seriously.
Gruber did not work for Romney. That is a lie too.
We did know what was in it. But the Democrats assured us we were lying. In fact they were lying. Do you admit now that the Dems lied? That they gamed the CBO scoring system to produce an acceptable number? Because that's what Gruber said and no one has disagreed.
Deflection is also not a river in Egypt.
Again, arent you bothered that Democrats intenionally lied to get this passed, knowing it was an outright lie?

not really. because they didn't.

The only people upset about this are the ones who were against it all along.
What do you mean they didnt? Gruber said on video they lied. Are you saying the Dems didnt lie? Is Gruber lying?
Dem mantra: Gruber, the guy we never heard of, is a self-confessed liar, and is lying about lying to the Dems.
It's incredible. A double down on lying. And Dems eat this shit up. It's like battered wife syndrome.
Saw a clip this morning with Kerry in a meeting with Congress talking about Gruber and his thoughts. This was a couple of years ago.
Saw a clip this morning with Kerry in a meeting with Congress talking about Gruber and his thoughts. This was a couple of years ago.
That's Kerry, who criticized Bush for not stopping Saddam from developing WMD and then turned around and criticized him for launching a war.
Yeah Dems are the biggest lying hypocrites on the planet.
Along with food, shelter, water and everything else. Right, oe?

Some people are contented to be guaranteed some minimal level of existence. They wont eat well or live well but they wont starve either. And that's OK with them.
Sad that's become the Democrat voter base: stupid lazy people.

As opposed to rEpublicans, who are happy to work themselves to death in order to make soemone else rich?

this is better, how?
You sure your name isn't Joe Dirt?
losing freedom is not a merit

just sayin

Freedom to do what?
How about keep your doctor if you liked him? You know, like Obama promised over and over knowing it was a lie?

It was true for 98% of Americans.
And the other 2%, assumign that's even true?

Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good.
Don't let the truth get in the way of passing obamacare

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
You dont think lying about a piece of legislation to get it passed is important? As Iwrote, the cynicism of the Left will destroy them.
We didnt get anything. The biggest opposition to Obamacare came from Democrats.

I don't think anyone lied... except maybe Sarah Palin about "Death Panels" coming for her retard.

When pressed a little shit stains like this one show their real colors.

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