Democrats Loved Jonathan Gruber Before They Forgot Who He Was

"so the stupid people he is talking about could only be those on the left who bought it hook, line, and sinker."

so the stupid people he is talking about could only be those on USMB.., and many other "social media" outlets, i have been on political oriented forums since the days of "Prodigy" (anyone remember that "social media" ??) and the most dumbest, lying, hate filled, name calling bunch of scum have ALWAYS been the lefttard fools who want to destroy America from within.., SOOO.., don't doubt me when i say i have 30+ years experience dealing with the left side of stupidity, gullibility and HATE from you left or no brained fools.

spare me your fucking :bsflag:
Gruber's only contribution to ObamaCare is he told them what Romney did in Massachusetts.

Not that romney would be caught having a drink with RomneyCare in 2012.

Reflexive Defense of the State and Big Brother

Guy, you people were all for ObamaCare when it was RomneyCare.

Personally, I'd be for going to a Canadian style single payer system. But the Dems had to try to do it your way.

You were all for it until the Black Guy did it.
Nobody outside of Massholes knew anything about Romneycare because it did not apply to them.

You just make shit up.

And single payer means the payer is the taxpayer, therefore single payer is just another dem scam to get votes from the useless, non-productive dependent class.
It's funny how the RWnuts have completely given up on arguing against the merits of the ACA and now focus on some irrelevant ad hominem attack on some obscure economics professor.
losing freedom is not a merit

just sayin

Freedom to do what?
How about keep your doctor if you liked him? You know, like Obama promised over and over knowing it was a lie?

It was true for 98% of Americans.
link please.
losing freedom is not a merit

just sayin

Freedom to do what?
How about keep your doctor if you liked him? You know, like Obama promised over and over knowing it was a lie?

It was true for 98% of Americans.
And the other 2%, assumign that's even true?

Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good.
So fuck the little guy.
It's the Democrats' new mantra.

the GOP will take healthcare coverage away from 10 million Americans if they repeal Obamacare.

What should they tell those people?
"That lying fuck!"..........,

was that his 69th lie of the day ? or the 69th blow job he gave Gruber ?

after a few hours the lies and blow jobs gets a bit confusing, hard to separate them after 6+ years of his fucking film canister* lips have been flapping to the tune of "Lie, Lie Liela"

* certainly, you have seen in NGS magazines the African jungle bunnies with all sorts of things in their lips, noses, ears and "other" body parts. right ??
You don't have to go to NGS, even "country" music "stars" are getting those ear loops and piercings.
In fairness Obama did not say he had never heard of Gruber. Perhaps he meant he hadnt heard of the videos surfacing. In either case Obama seems to be the last person who hears anything.
But what was he going to say? Yeah, I was there and agree that in order to pass this piece of shit we had to lie our asses off about it and that's why I told the whopper about keeping your doctor?
At least the Left has been revealed for the outrageous liars they are. That people arent outraged across the board is testimony to the gross cynicism that has infected the Left. They really dont care about process at all. They only care they win and get to stick it to people they disagree with.

Truthfully did they lie about it to get it passed? I don't think they told us much of anything about it other then it was the best thing since sliced bread and we couldn't know what was in it until it was passed. No they sold it as as liberals sell everything, they are doing it for the poor the down trodden. But in reality it helps mostly the rich insurance companies and drug companies.

They bought off their own party to sell Obama care, remember the Corn Husker kick back? For cry out loud when Oympia Snow didn't vote for the POS you know it was partisan and bad.
In fairness Obama did not say he had never heard of Gruber. Perhaps he meant he hadnt heard of the videos surfacing. In either case Obama seems to be the last person who hears anything.
But what was he going to say? Yeah, I was there and agree that in order to pass this piece of shit we had to lie our asses off about it and that's why I told the whopper about keeping your doctor?
At least the Left has been revealed for the outrageous liars they are. That people arent outraged across the board is testimony to the gross cynicism that has infected the Left. They really dont care about process at all. They only care they win and get to stick it to people they disagree with.

Truthfully did they lie about it to get it passed? I don't think they told us much of anything about it other then it was the best thing since sliced bread and we couldn't know what was in it until it was passed. No they sold it as as liberals sell everything, they are doing it for the poor the down trodden. But in reality it helps mostly the rich insurance companies and drug companies.

They bought off their own party to sell Obama care, remember the Corn Husker kick back? For cry out loud when Oympia Snow didn't vote for the POS you know it was partisan and bad.
They definitely lied. That was Gruber's whole point. They figured out how to game the CBO scoring system so the bill would score as costing less than a trillion dollars (after Obama promised it wouldnt add one thin dime to the deficit). So they sold it partially on that basis. No one believed it at the time.
IOW voters were stupid.
Yes, thanks for validating that is the Left's belief, Joe. Unfortunately they also think you are stupid for supporting them. And they're right!

Of course Republican voters are stupid. you keep voting against your own economic interests.

Smart would be a single payer system.

Gruber was right that back in the 1950's, Doctors lived middle class lifestyles. Now they live in the Hamptons, and the rest of us pay for it, and that's why health care costs are out of control.

the GOP will take healthcare coverage away from 10 million Americans if they repeal Obamacare.

What should they tell those people?

You know it isn't going away. You know that the 10 million will get their freebee hand out just like democrats like their constituents. I would have thought that the last election might make the left wing a little less smug, not so.
Yeah, republicans in Massachusetts.

Health care should be a state issue, no problem with what Massholes think is good for Massholes.


Health Care should be a public service, not a consumer commodity you only get if you can afford it.
IOW voters were stupid.
Yes, thanks for validating that is the Left's belief, Joe. Unfortunately they also think you are stupid for supporting them. And they're right!

Of course Republican voters are stupid. you keep voting against your own economic interests.

Smart would be a single payer system.

Gruber was right that back in the 1950's, Doctors lived middle class lifestyles. Now they live in the Hamptons, and the rest of us pay for it, and that's why health care costs are out of control.
No, Joe. YOU'RE stupid. You continue to support policies that have failed and make excuses for them. Plus you've got that envy thing going on. I guess you havent talked to too many doctors lately.
Yeah, republicans in Massachusetts.

Health care should be a state issue, no problem with what Massholes think is good for Massholes.


Health Care should be a public service, not a consumer commodity you only get if you can afford it.
Along with food, shelter, water and everything else. Right, oe?

Some people are contented to be guaranteed some minimal level of existence. They wont eat well or live well but they wont starve either. And that's OK with them.
Sad that's become the Democrat voter base: stupid lazy people.
No, Joe. YOU'RE stupid. You continue to support policies that have failed and make excuses for them. Plus you've got that envy thing going on. I guess you havent talked to too many doctors lately.

Oh, I remember my last doctor, the one who billed my insurance company for more than I make in year, whining about how he thought Health Reform was the worst thing ever.
It's funny how the RWnuts have completely given up on arguing against the merits of the ACA and now focus on some irrelevant ad hominem attack on some obscure economics professor.
If you say so.

Like saying all Republicans loved Romney care; you guys just invent shit to say out of thin air.

the GOP will take healthcare coverage away from 10 million Americans if they repeal Obamacare.

What should they tell those people?

You know it isn't going away. You know that the 10 million will get their freebee hand out just like democrats like their constituents. I would have thought that the last election might make the left wing a little less smug, not so.

Well even the CBO said that 30 million people would be without insurance after Obamacare was fully implemented, yet Obamacare was sold on insuring the 30 million people that did not have insurance..

If that does not tell you the story nothing else will..

However the far left will continue to back it and post the debunked propaganda even though it has all been proven wrong!
In fairness Obama did not say he had never heard of Gruber. Perhaps he meant he hadnt heard of the videos surfacing. In either case Obama seems to be the last person who hears anything.
But what was he going to say? Yeah, I was there and agree that in order to pass this piece of shit we had to lie our asses off about it and that's why I told the whopper about keeping your doctor?
At least the Left has been revealed for the outrageous liars they are. That people arent outraged across the board is testimony to the gross cynicism that has infected the Left. They really dont care about process at all. They only care they win and get to stick it to people they disagree with.

Truthfully did they lie about it to get it passed? I don't think they told us much of anything about it other then it was the best thing since sliced bread and we couldn't know what was in it until it was passed. No they sold it as as liberals sell everything, they are doing it for the poor the down trodden. But in reality it helps mostly the rich insurance companies and drug companies.

They bought off their own party to sell Obama care, remember the Corn Husker kick back? For cry out loud when Oympia Snow didn't vote for the POS you know it was partisan and bad.
They definitely lied. That was Gruber's whole point. They figured out how to game the CBO scoring system so the bill would score as costing less than a trillion dollars (after Obama promised it wouldnt add one thin dime to the deficit). So they sold it partially on that basis. No one believed it at the time.

yeah that is the one thing they were telling themselves and us. How it was going to pay for itself by confiscating the wealth of people who didn't want healthcare insurance in the first place.

I stand corrected they played the Congress as fools. I think something that big should require a consitutional convention that way the people get to decide. Not one party of bought off fools that didn't even know what was in the bill let alone understand it. But hey the ads are nice, they tell everyone they can get government help with their healthcare premiums. I just wonder if the left understands where the government gets its money.
Along with food, shelter, water and everything else. Right, oe?

Some people are contented to be guaranteed some minimal level of existence. They wont eat well or live well but they wont starve either. And that's OK with them.
Sad that's become the Democrat voter base: stupid lazy people.

As opposed to rEpublicans, who are happy to work themselves to death in order to make soemone else rich?

this is better, how?
Along with food, shelter, water and everything else. Right, oe?

Some people are contented to be guaranteed some minimal level of existence. They wont eat well or live well but they wont starve either. And that's OK with them.
Sad that's become the Democrat voter base: stupid lazy people.

As opposed to rEpublicans, who are happy to work themselves to death in order to make soemone else rich?

this is better, how?
You dont think lying about a piece of legislation to get it passed is important? As Iwrote, the cynicism of the Left will destroy them.
We didnt get anything. The biggest opposition to Obamacare came from Democrats.

I don't think anyone lied... except maybe Sarah Palin about "Death Panels" coming for her retard.

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