Democrats Must Impeach Cuomo


Information isnt Advocacy
Aug 5, 2010
They need to show Republicans what it looks like to take a stand against conduct unbecoming of the office being held. If Cuomo doesn't resign, and Democratic voices calling for it need to be the loudest, they absolutely must impeach him.

Governor Cuomo has massive ego and a thin skin. He cannot handle criticism, nor is he likely to resign.
They need to show Republicans what it looks like to take a stand against conduct unbecoming of the office being held. If Cuomo doesn't resign, and Democratic voices calling for it need to be the loudest, they absolutely must impeach him.

So, when they don't, are you going to finally admit that the Dem party is full of shit?

That was before...what's he saying now?
It was one week prior when those allegations had already come to light.
He said it in April of 2020. That was a YEAR ago. Why lie?
I you listen to the reporter, he said Biden said those things just one week prior dolt.

But the Left was just swooning all over Cuomo calling him the gold standard, calling him a Presidential candidate, and if Trump were President we all know none of this would be coming out at all because the powers that be prefer Commie Harris to Cuomo to replace their next Muppet in power.
They need to show Republicans what it looks like to take a stand against conduct unbecoming of the office being held. If Cuomo doesn't resign, and Democratic voices calling for it need to be the loudest, they absolutely must impeach him.

They'll do it, but not for that reason. They'll just sacrifice him to cover their general ass.
They need to show Republicans what it looks like to take a stand against conduct unbecoming of the office being held. If Cuomo doesn't resign, and Democratic voices calling for it need to be the loudest, they absolutely must impeach him.

So, when they don't, are you going to finally admit that the Dem party is full of shit?

Now don't go talking crazy.

In fact, your comment must be racist in some way, but how?

No matter, I'll sit here and think a bit till I figure it out.
They need to show Republicans what it looks like to take a stand against conduct unbecoming of the office being held. If Cuomo doesn't resign, and Democratic voices calling for it need to be the loudest, they absolutely must impeach him.

They'll do it, but not for that reason. They'll just sacrifice him to cover their general ass.
I've pointed out time and again how only Republicans go to jail, or only Republican are convicted of anything or held to any standard.

So perhaps the Left has taken this to heart and now wants to make Cuomo their sacrificial lamb to show that mass hypocritical corruption is NOT occurring for only one party. The only other choice is to believe that the democrat party is the master race of moral righteousness. which I think most would be happy believing.

After all, none of them seem too bright.
They need to show Republicans what it looks like to take a stand against conduct unbecoming of the office being held. If Cuomo doesn't resign, and Democratic voices calling for it need to be the loudest, they absolutely must impeach him.

Why you rotten bastard you. We've known he's been a corrupt creep for yrs and yrs. Now shit comes out of your mouth for glorification on a finished politician. Save me your fucking bullshit. He got caught, now use what is left of him.
Now he murders 15k people and YOU KNEW IT fucking months ago. Then he ass klowns it with his dopey brother on TV.....Go suck a turd.
They need to show Republicans what it looks like to take a stand against conduct unbecoming of the office being held. If Cuomo doesn't resign, and Democratic voices calling for it need to be the loudest, they absolutely must impeach him.

Unlike our counter parts he will be investigated and if found to actually be responsible he will be held accountable. We don't blindly follow or excuse misbehaving based solely on party.

That was before...what's he saying now?
It was one week prior when those allegations had already come to light.
He said it in April of 2020. That was a YEAR ago. Why lie?
I you listen to the reporter, he said Biden said those things just one week prior dolt.

But the Left was just swooning all over Cuomo calling him the gold standard, calling him a Presidential candidate, and if Trump were President we all know none of this would be coming out at all because the powers that be prefer Commie Harris to Cuomo to replace their next Muppet in power.

You need to watch it again, dolt. The reporter said "last spring".
Maybe they should just start by stripping him of his Emmy? Such bad acting. . . . :heehee:

No, no, he deserved the Emmy. How can one be a mass murderer and sexual predator and be routinely declared the gold standard by the media and democrat party since his birth and still be such a monster?

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