CDZ Democrats need to regroup


Staff member
Gold Supporting Member
Apr 17, 2009
Canis Latrans
This election has been a HUGE wake up call for both major parties.

We've been hearing about the Republicans for several years now. It's like an impending divorce that is messy, stuff gets thrown and broken and there are calls for "we have to stay together for the kids". It's been loud and public, like celebrity marriage. It's been analyzed and reanalyzed.

But what about the Democrats? Their midlife crisis has been much more quiet. Lots of behind closed doors bickering and presenting a happy face for the kids. Bernie kind of opened the door on that. Hillary's loss cemented it.

What is the Democrat Party going to do, from here on in? It can't continue as the party of "identity politics". And what does it/should it represent? We have major demographic changes which offer hope to both parties IF they can grasp them?

Hispanics: this is a demographic that is growing, hugely. It's a demographic the Dems have largely attracted because of immigration issues. Yet it's a demographic that is, by and large, socially conservative and Catholic. It should be prime picking for Republicans EXCEPT another big part of their party is a strong anti-immigrant contingent.

Blacks: another demographic that is growing but and could easily be exploited by the Republicans. Like white voters, they are diverse outside of racial issues. A high proportion of them are religious and socially conservative.

If the Republican's hang on the politics of fear - they're going to to take your guns away, discriminate against your religion, flood this country with foreigners, and whites will be a minority - the Democrats hang on to the politics of identity - black, female, hispanic, lgbd. This strategy works only as long as the OTHER side, opposes identity. Essentially, each side has become a house of cards.

But we don't hear much about the Democrat's implosion and I think we need to.

What do the Dems need to do to rebuild their party? What principles can they promote that can resound in a way that reaches everyone - not selected groups who are actually fairly diverse and might not always be counted on for support across the board?
You dems picked a lousy candidate, in fact you let that candidate put one over on Sanders.

You have no one to blame but yourselves. Trump broke away from the mold...and he won. That's telling in that the people are sick of the establishment
Yep. Democrats need to regroup. That is, after they put on some fresh undies! LMFAO.
This election has been a HUGE wake up call for both major parties.

We've been hearing about the Republicans for several years now. It's like an impending divorce that is messy, stuff gets thrown and broken and there are calls for "we have to stay together for the kids". It's been loud and public, like celebrity marriage. It's been analyzed and reanalyzed.

But what about the Democrats? Their midlife crisis has been much more quiet. Lots of behind closed doors bickering and presenting a happy face for the kids. Bernie kind of opened the door on that. Hillary's loss cemented it.

What is the Democrat Party going to do, from here on in? It can't continue as the party of "identity politics". And what does it/should it represent? We have major demographic changes which offer hope to both parties IF they can grasp them?

Hispanics: this is a demographic that is growing, hugely. It's a demographic the Dems have largely attracted because of immigration issues. Yet it's a demographic that is, by and large, socially conservative and Catholic. It should be prime picking for Republicans EXCEPT another big part of their party is a strong anti-immigrant contingent.

Blacks: another demographic that is growing but and could easily be exploited by the Republicans. Like white voters, they are diverse outside of racial issues. A high proportion of them are religious and socially conservative.

If the Republican's hang on the politics of fear - they're going to to take your guns away, discriminate against your religion, flood this country with foreigners, and whites will be a minority - the Democrats hang on to the politics of identity - black, female, hispanic, lgbd. This strategy works only as long as the OTHER side, opposes identity. Essentially, each side has become a house of cards.

But we don't hear much about the Democrat's implosion and I think we need to.

What do the Dems need to do to rebuild their party? What principles can they promote that can resound in a way that reaches everyone - not selected groups who are actually fairly diverse and might not always be counted on for support across the board?

Move to Cuba.
I don't want to seem like I am jumping on a drowning man, but if the D's are honest with themselves pbo needs to accept a whole shitload of the responsibility of the collapse of the DNC...
This election has been a HUGE wake up call for both major parties.

We've been hearing about the Republicans for several years now. It's like an impending divorce that is messy, stuff gets thrown and broken and there are calls for "we have to stay together for the kids". It's been loud and public, like celebrity marriage. It's been analyzed and reanalyzed.

But what about the Democrats? Their midlife crisis has been much more quiet. Lots of behind closed doors bickering and presenting a happy face for the kids. Bernie kind of opened the door on that. Hillary's loss cemented it.

What is the Democrat Party going to do, from here on in? It can't continue as the party of "identity politics". And what does it/should it represent? We have major demographic changes which offer hope to both parties IF they can grasp them?

Hispanics: this is a demographic that is growing, hugely. It's a demographic the Dems have largely attracted because of immigration issues. Yet it's a demographic that is, by and large, socially conservative and Catholic. It should be prime picking for Republicans EXCEPT another big part of their party is a strong anti-immigrant contingent.

Blacks: another demographic that is growing but and could easily be exploited by the Republicans. Like white voters, they are diverse outside of racial issues. A high proportion of them are religious and socially conservative.

If the Republican's hang on the politics of fear - they're going to to take your guns away, discriminate against your religion, flood this country with foreigners, and whites will be a minority - the Democrats hang on to the politics of identity - black, female, hispanic, lgbd. This strategy works only as long as the OTHER side, opposes identity. Essentially, each side has become a house of cards.

But we don't hear much about the Democrat's implosion and I think we need to.

What do the Dems need to do to rebuild their party? What principles can they promote that can resound in a way that reaches everyone - not selected groups who are actually fairly diverse and might not always be counted on for support across the board?

Well, you got more votes than the GOP so I don’t think a total overhaul is needed. And you made major inroads in Arizona and Georgia so electorally, you will be okay. .
I think that people simply didn’t like Ms. Clinton is probably 30-40% of the problem. I think that the larger issue is that the electorate is looking for simple solutions to incredibly complex problems. Look at what was offered by President Elect Trump:

Need more jobs: Get rid of illegals who take jobs. Nevermind that there is a serious gulf between what these jobs pay and what Americans are used to making.

Need more industry: Impose tariffs on imported goods. Nevermind that this will do very little to compel businesses that moved to re-settle here and drive up the price of goods to where you are forced (as a consumer) to accept a cheaper American Made product (as if the Domestic mfg isn’t going to raise their price too) or move to the black market/after market.

Want to stop illegal immigration and the “terrorism”: Build a wall. Nevermind that 100% of the terrorists who hit us on 9/11 didn’t come across the border and the other terrorist events were committed by citizens. And tell the voters that it is free of charge too.

Simple solutions to complex problems almost never work. If you’re in politics; that doesn’t matter. If you don’t win; you can’t govern.


Of the many
There is a huge opportunity for the Republicans to take the black and Latino vote away from the Democrats.

I hope Trump plays it smart.
You dems picked a lousy candidate, in fact you let that candidate put one over on Sanders.

You have no one to blame but yourselves. Trump broke away from the mold...and he won. That's telling in that the people are sick of the establishment

yeah the people are sick of the establishment plotting against them and destroying america which the Bushs,Clintons,Obama,Romney,Mccain,Gore are all part of.

Trump is not a member of that little round table and that has the elite worried.
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This election has been a HUGE wake up call for both major parties.

We've been hearing about the Republicans for several years now. It's like an impending divorce that is messy, stuff gets thrown and broken and there are calls for "we have to stay together for the kids". It's been loud and public, like celebrity marriage. It's been analyzed and reanalyzed.

But what about the Democrats? Their midlife crisis has been much more quiet. Lots of behind closed doors bickering and presenting a happy face for the kids. Bernie kind of opened the door on that. Hillary's loss cemented it.

What is the Democrat Party going to do, from here on in? It can't continue as the party of "identity politics". And what does it/should it represent? We have major demographic changes which offer hope to both parties IF they can grasp them?

Hispanics: this is a demographic that is growing, hugely. It's a demographic the Dems have largely attracted because of immigration issues. Yet it's a demographic that is, by and large, socially conservative and Catholic. It should be prime picking for Republicans EXCEPT another big part of their party is a strong anti-immigrant contingent.

Blacks: another demographic that is growing but and could easily be exploited by the Republicans. Like white voters, they are diverse outside of racial issues. A high proportion of them are religious and socially conservative.

If the Republican's hang on the politics of fear - they're going to to take your guns away, discriminate against your religion, flood this country with foreigners, and whites will be a minority - the Democrats hang on to the politics of identity - black, female, hispanic, lgbd. This strategy works only as long as the OTHER side, opposes identity. Essentially, each side has become a house of cards.

But we don't hear much about the Democrat's implosion and I think we need to.

What do the Dems need to do to rebuild their party? What principles can they promote that can resound in a way that reaches everyone - not selected groups who are actually fairly diverse and might not always be counted on for support across the board?

Move to Cuba.

ZZ, this is CDZ, so behave, ok?
This election has been a HUGE wake up call for both major parties.

We've been hearing about the Republicans for several years now. It's like an impending divorce that is messy, stuff gets thrown and broken and there are calls for "we have to stay together for the kids". It's been loud and public, like celebrity marriage. It's been analyzed and reanalyzed.

But what about the Democrats? Their midlife crisis has been much more quiet. Lots of behind closed doors bickering and presenting a happy face for the kids. Bernie kind of opened the door on that. Hillary's loss cemented it.

What is the Democrat Party going to do, from here on in? It can't continue as the party of "identity politics". And what does it/should it represent? We have major demographic changes which offer hope to both parties IF they can grasp them?

Hispanics: this is a demographic that is growing, hugely. It's a demographic the Dems have largely attracted because of immigration issues. Yet it's a demographic that is, by and large, socially conservative and Catholic. It should be prime picking for Republicans EXCEPT another big part of their party is a strong anti-immigrant contingent.

Blacks: another demographic that is growing but and could easily be exploited by the Republicans. Like white voters, they are diverse outside of racial issues. A high proportion of them are religious and socially conservative.

If the Republican's hang on the politics of fear - they're going to to take your guns away, discriminate against your religion, flood this country with foreigners, and whites will be a minority - the Democrats hang on to the politics of identity - black, female, hispanic, lgbd. This strategy works only as long as the OTHER side, opposes identity. Essentially, each side has become a house of cards.

But we don't hear much about the Democrat's implosion and I think we need to.

What do the Dems need to do to rebuild their party? What principles can they promote that can resound in a way that reaches everyone - not selected groups who are actually fairly diverse and might not always be counted on for support across the board?

Move to Cuba.

ZZ, this is CDZ, so behave, ok?

It was an honest answer and germane to your question. Democrats are a socialist party. Move to a socialist land and rule it as you see fit.

Why did you chose to call me out? The answer was short and directly to the point.
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You dems picked a lousy candidate, in fact you let that candidate put one over on Sanders.

You have no one to blame but yourselves. Trump broke away from the mold...and he won. That's telling in that the people are sick of the establishment

This actually not about candidates. When you come right down to it, Trump was not a good candidate either. He won electorally but not the popular vote. He presented a huge problem for the Republicans right out of the primaries. Their support of his candidacy was patchy and weak - which probably worked in his favor. If he had lost - the party would have HAD to change. And his winning means the same thing - the part HAS to change. The term I heard best is "if he wins he will remake the party in his own image". I think for the Republicans, Trump is finishing what was begun by the Tea Party.

What I'm interested in - is how this same process is playing out with the Democrats. They can't continue on as before and their exisistentional angst has been largely quiet. Bernie cracked the door on that, and let some of it spill out. Where are they going from here on in?

So, let's not make it about candidates please.
One thing Democrats need to understand that too many broken promises will sink you sooner or later...

Maybe a few years out will help the old party and bring on a new class of leaders that can shape the party into something that can one day lead again...
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  • #13
This election has been a HUGE wake up call for both major parties.

We've been hearing about the Republicans for several years now. It's like an impending divorce that is messy, stuff gets thrown and broken and there are calls for "we have to stay together for the kids". It's been loud and public, like celebrity marriage. It's been analyzed and reanalyzed.

But what about the Democrats? Their midlife crisis has been much more quiet. Lots of behind closed doors bickering and presenting a happy face for the kids. Bernie kind of opened the door on that. Hillary's loss cemented it.

What is the Democrat Party going to do, from here on in? It can't continue as the party of "identity politics". And what does it/should it represent? We have major demographic changes which offer hope to both parties IF they can grasp them?

Hispanics: this is a demographic that is growing, hugely. It's a demographic the Dems have largely attracted because of immigration issues. Yet it's a demographic that is, by and large, socially conservative and Catholic. It should be prime picking for Republicans EXCEPT another big part of their party is a strong anti-immigrant contingent.

Blacks: another demographic that is growing but and could easily be exploited by the Republicans. Like white voters, they are diverse outside of racial issues. A high proportion of them are religious and socially conservative.

If the Republican's hang on the politics of fear - they're going to to take your guns away, discriminate against your religion, flood this country with foreigners, and whites will be a minority - the Democrats hang on to the politics of identity - black, female, hispanic, lgbd. This strategy works only as long as the OTHER side, opposes identity. Essentially, each side has become a house of cards.

But we don't hear much about the Democrat's implosion and I think we need to.

What do the Dems need to do to rebuild their party? What principles can they promote that can resound in a way that reaches everyone - not selected groups who are actually fairly diverse and might not always be counted on for support across the board?

Move to Cuba.

ZZ, this is CDZ, so behave, ok?

It was an honest answer and germane to your question. Democrats are a socialist party. Move to a socialist land and rule it as you see fit.

Why did you chose to call me out? The answer was short and directly to the point.

It came off to me as trolling rather than discussion.
This election has been a HUGE wake up call for both major parties.

We've been hearing about the Republicans for several years now. It's like an impending divorce that is messy, stuff gets thrown and broken and there are calls for "we have to stay together for the kids". It's been loud and public, like celebrity marriage. It's been analyzed and reanalyzed.

But what about the Democrats? Their midlife crisis has been much more quiet. Lots of behind closed doors bickering and presenting a happy face for the kids. Bernie kind of opened the door on that. Hillary's loss cemented it.

What is the Democrat Party going to do, from here on in? It can't continue as the party of "identity politics". And what does it/should it represent? We have major demographic changes which offer hope to both parties IF they can grasp them?

Hispanics: this is a demographic that is growing, hugely. It's a demographic the Dems have largely attracted because of immigration issues. Yet it's a demographic that is, by and large, socially conservative and Catholic. It should be prime picking for Republicans EXCEPT another big part of their party is a strong anti-immigrant contingent.

Blacks: another demographic that is growing but and could easily be exploited by the Republicans. Like white voters, they are diverse outside of racial issues. A high proportion of them are religious and socially conservative.

If the Republican's hang on the politics of fear - they're going to to take your guns away, discriminate against your religion, flood this country with foreigners, and whites will be a minority - the Democrats hang on to the politics of identity - black, female, hispanic, lgbd. This strategy works only as long as the OTHER side, opposes identity. Essentially, each side has become a house of cards.

But we don't hear much about the Democrat's implosion and I think we need to.

What do the Dems need to do to rebuild their party? What principles can they promote that can resound in a way that reaches everyone - not selected groups who are actually fairly diverse and might not always be counted on for support across the board?

Universal healthcare
Investment in early childhood education and affordable daycare; investment in effective education for a modern workforce
Clean/renewable energy and environmental protection

just to start
This election has been a HUGE wake up call for both major parties.

We've been hearing about the Republicans for several years now. It's like an impending divorce that is messy, stuff gets thrown and broken and there are calls for "we have to stay together for the kids". It's been loud and public, like celebrity marriage. It's been analyzed and reanalyzed.

But what about the Democrats? Their midlife crisis has been much more quiet. Lots of behind closed doors bickering and presenting a happy face for the kids. Bernie kind of opened the door on that. Hillary's loss cemented it.

What is the Democrat Party going to do, from here on in? It can't continue as the party of "identity politics". And what does it/should it represent? We have major demographic changes which offer hope to both parties IF they can grasp them?

Hispanics: this is a demographic that is growing, hugely. It's a demographic the Dems have largely attracted because of immigration issues. Yet it's a demographic that is, by and large, socially conservative and Catholic. It should be prime picking for Republicans EXCEPT another big part of their party is a strong anti-immigrant contingent.

Blacks: another demographic that is growing but and could easily be exploited by the Republicans. Like white voters, they are diverse outside of racial issues. A high proportion of them are religious and socially conservative.

If the Republican's hang on the politics of fear - they're going to to take your guns away, discriminate against your religion, flood this country with foreigners, and whites will be a minority - the Democrats hang on to the politics of identity - black, female, hispanic, lgbd. This strategy works only as long as the OTHER side, opposes identity. Essentially, each side has become a house of cards.

But we don't hear much about the Democrat's implosion and I think we need to.

What do the Dems need to do to rebuild their party? What principles can they promote that can resound in a way that reaches everyone - not selected groups who are actually fairly diverse and might not always be counted on for support across the board?

Move to Cuba.

ZZ, this is CDZ, so behave, ok?

It was an honest answer and germane to your question. Democrats are a socialist party. Move to a socialist land and rule it as you see fit.

Why did you chose to call me out? The answer was short and directly to the point.

It came off to me as trolling rather than discussion.

Fair enough. So would you like to discuss the socialist party that you're soliciting help for?
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I should add - I'm not actually a Democrat, I'm registered as an Independent. I've voted consistently Democrat since GWB because in general they match a lot of my positions on environment, women's issues, etc. The HUGE amount of money, wall street, corporate funding...all have become quite a turn off (and this is a problem in both parties) I sympathized with the anger of the Occupy Wall Street movement, but they couldn't get a coherent message together that would last.
  • Thread starter
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  • #17
One thing Democrats need to understand that too many broken promises will sink you sooner or later...

Maybe a few years out will help the old party and bring on a new class of leaders that can shape the party into something that can one day lead again...

What ideas do you feel defined the old party that the new has lost?
I should add - I'm not actually a Democrat, I'm registered as an Independent. I've voted consistently Democrat since GWB because in general they match a lot of my positions on environment, women's issues, etc. The HUGE amount of money, wall street, corporate funding...all have become quite a turn off (and this is a problem in both parties) I sympathized with the anger of the Occupy Wall Street movement, but they couldn't get a coherent message together that would last.

They had quite a consistent message. Have no job, live off welfare from overtaxed workers and riot against the society that supports them.
  • Thread starter
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  • #19
This election has been a HUGE wake up call for both major parties.

We've been hearing about the Republicans for several years now. It's like an impending divorce that is messy, stuff gets thrown and broken and there are calls for "we have to stay together for the kids". It's been loud and public, like celebrity marriage. It's been analyzed and reanalyzed.

But what about the Democrats? Their midlife crisis has been much more quiet. Lots of behind closed doors bickering and presenting a happy face for the kids. Bernie kind of opened the door on that. Hillary's loss cemented it.

What is the Democrat Party going to do, from here on in? It can't continue as the party of "identity politics". And what does it/should it represent? We have major demographic changes which offer hope to both parties IF they can grasp them?

Hispanics: this is a demographic that is growing, hugely. It's a demographic the Dems have largely attracted because of immigration issues. Yet it's a demographic that is, by and large, socially conservative and Catholic. It should be prime picking for Republicans EXCEPT another big part of their party is a strong anti-immigrant contingent.

Blacks: another demographic that is growing but and could easily be exploited by the Republicans. Like white voters, they are diverse outside of racial issues. A high proportion of them are religious and socially conservative.

If the Republican's hang on the politics of fear - they're going to to take your guns away, discriminate against your religion, flood this country with foreigners, and whites will be a minority - the Democrats hang on to the politics of identity - black, female, hispanic, lgbd. This strategy works only as long as the OTHER side, opposes identity. Essentially, each side has become a house of cards.

But we don't hear much about the Democrat's implosion and I think we need to.

What do the Dems need to do to rebuild their party? What principles can they promote that can resound in a way that reaches everyone - not selected groups who are actually fairly diverse and might not always be counted on for support across the board?

Move to Cuba.

ZZ, this is CDZ, so behave, ok?

It was an honest answer and germane to your question. Democrats are a socialist party. Move to a socialist land and rule it as you see fit.

Why did you chose to call me out? The answer was short and directly to the point.

It came off to me as trolling rather than discussion.

Fair enough. So would you like to discuss the socialist party that you're soliciting help for?

Sorry, but that isn't really much better. It's like if you wanted to discuss the Republican Party in the CDZ and I talked about fascism and suggested you move to Russia. If I wanted do discuss the socialist party, I'd discuss the socialist party.
You dems picked a lousy candidate, in fact you let that candidate put one over on Sanders.

You have no one to blame but yourselves. Trump broke away from the mold...and he won. That's telling in that the people are sick of the establishment

This actually not about candidates. When you come right down to it, Trump was not a good candidate either. He won electorally but not the popular vote. He presented a huge problem for the Republicans right out of the primaries. Their support of his candidacy was patchy and weak - which probably worked in his favor. If he had lost - the party would have HAD to change. And his winning means the same thing - the part HAS to change. The term I heard best is "if he wins he will remake the party in his own image". I think for the Republicans, Trump is finishing what was begun by the Tea Party.

What I'm interested in - is how this same process is playing out with the Democrats. They can't continue on as before and their exisistentional angst has been largely quiet. Bernie cracked the door on that, and let some of it spill out. Where are they going from here on in?

So, let's not make it about candidates please.

The candidates goes to your question. Trump broke away from the status quo.

You want to know what the dems have to do? For starters stop being intolerant of those that don't believe in the agenda they are trying to push. Stop keeping blacks on the plantation and using them for votes, stop using social issues as wedge issues. For the last two years I've heard the GOP is finished, it will be decades before they regain the White House, blah, blah, blah. Look where we are now....Clinton ran on the same old garbage Obama gave us for the last eight years...the American people rejected it.

When you force the issues and what you "feel" is good for all people are going to push back. America pushed back, they want real change, not the rot Obama and Co tried to sell

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