Democrats now holding up budget and debt ceiling.

The Tea Party Republicans shut down the government and threatened to send the country into default.

Pass a clean bill and don't negotiate with Tea Party terrorists.

I see another liberal dumb ass did not read either of the articles I posted. Reid is demanding that the sequester cuts be eliminated or no debt ceiling or budget deal.

so its a do as I say and not as I do ... imagine that ...
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What lie? Read the article. Reid refused to bargain unless he gets more money. He won't pass either the debt ceiling or the Budget unless Republicans give him what he wants.

sounds good to me, and 70% of the American people ... you lose ...we would rather see Reid hold out until these moronic arrogant republicans put the final nail into their coffin

Go ahead get the public to associate the debt ceiling failure with the Democrats, that is what hurt the Republicans. See how your numbers do them. Ohh and remind me how all you wanted was a clean CR.

sucks to be you huh!!!! ya just don't like it when its done back to you... the republicans let the sequester happen... thousand of people are suffering over that ... republicans let the budget expire causing the government to shut down... now they want to use the debt ceiling to to force dems into doing things that we don't support ... Imagine that we liberals are saying you have to put back what you republicans broke ... you seem to not be able to figure that out ... you don't understand why the majority of the people is with the demsa on this ... go figure
The only reason nothing has been done is that the Dems think they have a winning hand with the shut down.

They want nothing more than for everyone to blame the R's.

Of course the fact that they don't want to talk and its their way or the highway is inconsiquential in their eyes.

Its all politics. Don't think for miniute one that they give a shit about the American people.

In case you haven't noticed. We are governed by idiots.
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And where is the outrage and the gnashing of teeth from the board liberals?

This is insane. The democrats are really making a dick move. Repubs are less likely to cave if democrats are going to make new demands.

Congress fucking blows.
I hope the democrats replace anti-science sequesterfuck with a new cr directed at the military and welfare...
I have a lot of outrage for the Tealiban right now and here is why: Last year, Boehner and the Republicans said that Obama gave them "98% of what we wanted, so, we're pretty happy, yeah".

Obama gave them $9 in spending cuts for every $1 in tax revenue, even though Obama and the Democrats trounced the Republicans in the general election, with Republicans losing seats in both chambers after they were convinced they would gain seats.

Even though the good guys won, they still gave the right a 9 to 1 deal favoring the right, and still the right bitches like a bunch of whiny teenaged girls now because it isn't 10 to 1 in their favor!

Nothing's happening at the moment because Republicans just want more and more of what they want, and the rest of us can go fuck ourselves.

Well, fuck off Republicans! We WON the election. You LOST! Give us dollar for dollar spending cuts to tax increases, and then maybe we'll listen to your dumb asses for a change!
You have a simplistic attitude. The winning party does not own the country.

Obama hasn't cut spending. Obama has increased the debt more than all presidents preceding him put together. He has nearly DOUBLED what was already too much debt since he ascended to his thrown.

Obama and the dimwits define a spending cut as a decrease in the increase of spending in any one category. Example: Last year we spent $100B...this year we plan to spend $200B...we'll "cut" that back to $150B and call it a $50B dollar spending cut"

..and the liberal dupes believe it! Gawd! What a stupid bunch of people we have on the left!

The left use to love this video.
Of course, this one is from 2009, so the debt was 10 trillion.
Ahh, the good old days....

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I have a lot of outrage for the Tealiban right now and here is why: Last year, Boehner and the Republicans said that Obama gave them "98% of what we wanted, so, we're pretty happy, yeah".

Obama gave them $9 in spending cuts for every $1 in tax revenue, even though Obama and the Democrats trounced the Republicans in the general election, with Republicans losing seats in both chambers after they were convinced they would gain seats.

Even though the good guys won, they still gave the right a 9 to 1 deal favoring the right, and still the right bitches like a bunch of whiny teenaged girls now because it isn't 10 to 1 in their favor!

Nothing's happening at the moment because Republicans just want more and more of what they want, and the rest of us can go fuck ourselves.

Well, fuck off Republicans! We WON the election. You LOST! Give us dollar for dollar spending cuts to tax increases, and then maybe we'll listen to your dumb asses for a change!
You have a simplistic attitude. The winning party does not own the country.

Obama hasn't cut spending. Obama has increased the debt more than all presidents preceding him put together. He has nearly DOUBLED what was already too much debt since he ascended to his thrown.

Obama and the dimwits define a spending cut as a decrease in the increase of spending in any one category. Example: Last year we spent $100B...this year we plan to spend $200B...we'll "cut" that back to $150B and call it a $50B dollar spending cut"

..and the liberal dupes believe it! Gawd! What a stupid bunch of people we have on the left!

Obama doubled + food stamps
Obama gave a shit load of disability
Obama bailed out entire businesses
stayed in wars

Yet science, tech and infrastructure is going to pay? This country has spent near the same on these three for the past 50 years...Hell, during the 1950s and 1960s we spent more outside of inflation.
You did not read the article. Reid wants more money or he won't vote for the Budget or debt ceiling.

the Demrats are now going for the jugular.....that piece of shit potus could care less if we default....

good !!! just like that previous piece of shit president who got thousands of people killed because his daddy was threaten ...

Sad to say
More soldiers died in Afghanistan under Papa Obama than Bush.
If fact, they more than doubled.

But it is the current suffering that Papa Obama is causing
that is the bad.

A poor veteran who suffers at the temper tantrum of Papa Obama
of trying to close open air parks. A first for any gov't shutdown

This disabled vet with no legs carried a piece of the 'barry-cade' to the White House.
A true hero.


Just imagine how the gov't could punish the people, if/when they have full control of healthcare.

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The only reason nothing has been done is that the Dems think they have a winning hand with the shut down.

thats because they do have a winning hand especially when the people back up their winning hand

They want nothing more than for everyone to blame the R's.

it wasn't the dems who who let the sequester expire it was the republicans...
it wasn't the dems who tried to defund ACA in the budget bill it was the republicans ... it wasn't the dems who tried t use the tax on medical devices to be removed, it was the republicans ... as a matter of fact, all the things that was put into these bills was done by the republicans and now that it has bit them in the ass, your think is the dems wanting every thing put back is an attempt to blame the republicans .... seems to me it was the republicans who fucked them selves by putting this crap into the bill in the first place ... it was the republicans arrogant trying to force our hand ...

Of course the fact that they don't want to talk and its their way or the highway is inconsiquential in their eyes.

this is the way a republican acts when they are confronted with the facts.... its every body elses fault except theirs ... cause they won't let a bill come throurh clean .... so noooooooooooooow its the dems fault ... guess again...

Its all politics. Don't think for miniute one that they give a shit about the American people.

you keep believing that we don't care about the American people ... after all it wasn't the dems who said let the children starve that's ok ...but for a woman who can't afford another child, they have to have it. real caring huh republicans

In case you haven't noticed. We are governed by idiots.

oh we know it ... those idiots you speak of are in the majority in the house
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I have a lot of outrage for the Tealiban right now and here is why: Last year, Boehner and the Republicans said that Obama gave them "98% of what we wanted, so, we're pretty happy, yeah".

Obama gave them $9 in spending cuts for every $1 in tax revenue, even though Obama and the Democrats trounced the Republicans in the general election, with Republicans losing seats in both chambers after they were convinced they would gain seats.

Even though the good guys won, they still gave the right a 9 to 1 deal favoring the right, and still the right bitches like a bunch of whiny teenaged girls now because it isn't 10 to 1 in their favor!

Nothing's happening at the moment because Republicans just want more and more of what they want, and the rest of us can go fuck ourselves.

Well, fuck off Republicans! We WON the election. You LOST! Give us dollar for dollar spending cuts to tax increases, and then maybe we'll listen to your dumb asses for a change!
You have a simplistic attitude. The winning party does not own the country.

Obama hasn't cut spending. Obama has increased the debt more than all presidents preceding him put together. He has nearly DOUBLED what was already too much debt since he ascended to his thrown.

Obama and the dimwits define a spending cut as a decrease in the increase of spending in any one category. Example: Last year we spent $100B...this year we plan to spend $200B...we'll "cut" that back to $150B and call it a $50B dollar spending cut"

..and the liberal dupes believe it! Gawd! What a stupid bunch of people we have on the left!

heres a person who probably doesn't know the difference between the budget and the budget deficit

during the time between september 2011 to 2012 the budget deficit was 1.3 trillion dollars

during the time between september 2012 to 2013 the budget deficit was 700 billion dollars

its still unacceptable, but for you to say that obama double the debt, that's you not knowing
what the hell you're talking about because the numbers are there, and numbers don't lie ...
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It appears they were referring deficit rate spending under the Presidents

From right wing CBS
National Debt has increased more under Obama than under Bush

The Debt rose $4.899 trillion during the two terms of the Bush presidency. It has now gone up $4.939 trillion since President Obama took office

Considering that he spent more than Bush in half the time

It is fair to say that he is approaching that'
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the Demrats are now going for the jugular.....that piece of shit potus could care less if we default....

good !!! just like that previous piece of shit president who got thousands of people killed because his daddy was threaten ...

Sad to say
More soldiers died in Afghanistan under Papa Obama than Bush.
If fact, they more than doubled.

But it is the current suffering that Papa Obama is causing
that is the bad.

A poor veteran who suffers at the temper tantrum of Papa Obama
of trying to close open air parks. A first for any gov't shutdown

This disabled vet with no legs carried a piece of the 'barry-cade' to the White House.
A true hero.


Just imagine how the gov't could punish the people, if/when they have full control of healthcare.


it wasn't the dems who who let the sequester expire it was the republicans...
it wasn't the dems who tried to defund ACA in the budget bill it was the republicans ...
it wasn't the dems who tried t use the tax on medical devices to be removed, it was the republicans ...
as a matter of fact, all the things that was put into these bills was done by the republicans and now that it has bit them in the ass, your think the dems wanting every thing put back is an attempt to blame the republicans ....
seems to me it was the republicans who fucked them selves by putting this crap into the bill in the first place ...
it was the republicans arrogant trying to force our hand ... nice try, but your poor stage picture well it just doesn't hold water
As the radical left likes to say

Sequester was the law of the land

Sorry to say, it is the left that wants to make people suffer

Staged? That would be the immature attempts by the left and Papa Obama
to close, never before during shutdowns, open air parks
blocking public road views of Mt Rushmore etc

Truth is hard for the left
In fact, it is their worst enemy

In this case, the truth of the radical left is ugly

The extreme left's predictions of the GOP's demise are greatly over exaggerated
as are the successes of the roll out of Papa ObamaCare
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Boehner can open up government any time he wants with an up and down clean vote on the CR and the debit ceiling.

You did not read the article. Reid wants more money or he won't vote for the Budget or debt ceiling.

the Demrats are now going for the jugular.....that piece of shit potus could care less if we default....

And they'll probably get it due to the spineless wonder repubs.
Let's be very....very clear on this.

From the moment this jumped off, it is the TeaHadist Faction of the RePugLiCon Party that rode the crazy train to the Shut-Down.

It was the TeaBaggers that wanted to close The World War II Memorial....NOT the Democrats.

It was the TeaBaggers that wanted to the Statue of Liberty.....NOT the Democrats.

It was the TeaBaggers that cut money for Cancer Research at the National Institutes of Heath that went to Cancer Research......NOT the Democrats.

It was the TeaBaggers that cut money given the Families of U.S. Military Personnel Killed In Combat.....NOT the Democrats.

TeaBaggers wanted this happen, and when it blew up in their face, they ran for cover blaming anyone but themself.

So much for the "Party of Personal Responsibility".

YOU COJOBS/NEONUTS/REPUGS/TEAHADISTS wanted this Shut-Down, but because it has been a total disaster, you want to run away from it.

As for the Lazy Inefficient Fuck-Off's Expecting Retirement (The lying Gunny and others)...IF YOU HATE U.S. GOVERNMENT SPONSERED.....U.S. TAX PAYER FUNDED HEALTH CARE SO FUCKING MUCH.....THEN STOP TAKING YOURS....

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