Democrats now holding up budget and debt ceiling.

It appears they were referring deficit rate spending under the Presidents

From right wing CBS
National Debt has increased more under Obama than under Bush

[SIZE="3"]no it has not ... from September 2008 to September 2009 that's was bush deficit 1.7 tyrillion dollars that he spent ... I realize you didn't understand that from 2009 till 2011 there wasn't a budge put in place in 2011 due to all the emergency appropriation spending under bush that spending cost the American people total $4.899 trillion dollars .... the money you on the right say well Obama spent ... if you knew what the hell you were talking about you wouldn't be a republican[/SIZE]

The Debt rose $4.899 trillion during the two terms of the Bush presidency. It has now gone up $4.939 trillion since President Obama took office

Considering that he spent more than Bush in half the time

It is fair to say that he is approaching that'

Like I said here's a person who doesn't know what we are talking about that deficit rate spending you speak of moron is the budget dificit
It clearly states in my post
"It appears they were referring deficit rate spending under the Presidents"
and the rate that the national rate rose and implications for spending rate

No doubt, you suffer from a public school education

Perhaps, if you had some family member read it to you
you might under stand the idea better

How total went up the same in half the time

good luck with that

Side note
the bold print does not make you look smarter
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As the radical left likes to say

Sequester was the law of the land

Sorry to say, it is the left that wants to make people suffer

Staged? That would be the immature attempts by the left and Papa Obama
to close, never before during shutdowns, open air parks
blocking public road views of Mt Rushmore etc

Truth is hard for the left
In fact, it is their worst enemy

In this case, the truth of the radical left is ugly

The extreme left's predictions of the GOP's demise are greatly over exaggerated
as are the successes of the roll out of Papa ObamaCare

translation = you lost the debate and i won... the fact that you and the republicans have to use staged pictures to try to win your battles here, says it alll ... all cowboy hat and no horse ... to coin a old phrase
when republicans are confronted with the facts they try their damnedest to try and save face ... just like these republicans have done here today, yesterday, and the days before that ... that sad part here is any one with a brain can see right through that ... that's why the majority of the people are siding with the democrats/liberals ... not the republicans ... when they start thinking about the peoples wants and needs, instead of these corporations maybe then and only then will the people will turn to the right for help
Actually, the American people are losing

But the radical left does not really care about them
Since they don't mind making Veterans suffer

as long as the republicans hold the majority in the house, they are losing...
But the radical right does not really care about them
Since they don't mind making Veterans suffer ... and they
have prove it by shutting down the government ...
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It clearly states in my post
"It appears they were referring deficit rate spending under the Presidents"
and the rate that the national rate rose and implications for spending rate

No doubt, you suffer from a public school education

Perhaps, if you had some family member read it to you
you might under stand the idea better

How total went up the same in half the time

good luck with that

Side note
the bold print does not make you look smarter

the bold print is so the posters can detemine my post from yours... nothing more...
deficit rate spending my uneducated friend is the budget deficit ... so if anyone needs some sckoolin' that would be you ...

as I pointed out to you it went up because of all the emergency appropriation spending under the bush administration ... Obama took all the debt and put it into the budget the first year in office ... thats why ... if you took time to look where it came from you would understand that... but you didn't do that ... you saw some republican blogger say see 4.8 trillion dollars under obama and you never bothered to look to see where it came from ... a typical single minded republican you are ... you want to blamed it on obama so bad ... when in reality, the smart people knows where the debt came from ... I'm sad to say you don't...which that puts you with the rest of the stupid republicans ...

you know if you want me to point out to others your stupidity here, feel free ... so far you've lost every debate
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Let's be very....very clear on this.

From the moment this jumped off, it is the TeaHadist Faction of the RePugLiCon Party that rode the crazy train to the Shut-Down.

It was the TeaBaggers that wanted to close The World War II Memorial....NOT the Democrats.

It was the TeaBaggers that wanted to the Statue of Liberty.....NOT the Democrats.

It was the TeaBaggers that cut money for Cancer Research at the National Institutes of Heath that went to Cancer Research......NOT the Democrats.

It was the TeaBaggers that cut money given the Families of U.S. Military Personnel Killed In Combat.....NOT the Democrats.

TeaBaggers wanted this happen, and when it blew up in their face, they ran for cover blaming anyone but themself.

So much for the "Party of Personal Responsibility".

YOU COJOBS/NEONUTS/REPUGS/TEAHADISTS wanted this Shut-Down, but because it has been a total disaster, you want to run away from it.

As for the Lazy Inefficient Fuck-Off's Expecting Retirement (The lying Gunny and others)...IF YOU HATE U.S. GOVERNMENT SPONSERED.....U.S. TAX PAYER FUNDED HEALTH CARE SO FUCKING MUCH.....THEN STOP TAKING YOURS....

let's be very clear here.....the piece of shit potus won't's obvious he doesn't care about a shutdown OR a default...

then stop FORCING those who don't want it.......(but don't worry....eventually nobody ('cept the ruling class) is going to get decent healthcare because it all will go BROKE...)
It clearly states in my post
"It appears they were referring deficit rate spending under the Presidents"
and the rate that the national rate rose and implications for spending rate

No doubt, you suffer from a public school education

Perhaps, if you had some family member read it to you
you might under stand the idea better

How total went up the same in half the time

good luck with that

Side note
the bold print does not make you look smarter

the bold print is so the posters can detemine my post from yours... nothing more...
deficit rate spending my uneducated friend is the budget deficit ... so if anyone needs some sckoolin' that would be you ...

as I pointed out to you it went up because of all the emergency appropriation spending under the bush administration ... Obama took all the debt and put it into the budget the first year in office ... thats why ... if you took time to look where it came from you would understand that... but you didn't do that ... you saw some republican blogger say see 4.8 trillion dollars under obama and you never bothered to look to see where it came from ... a typical single minded republican you are ... you want to blamed it on obama so bad ... when in reality, the smart people knows where the debt came from ... I'm sad to say you don't...which that puts you with the rest of the stupid republicans ...

you know if you want me to point out to others your stupidity here, feel free ... so far you've lost every debate

Did you ever notice posters who claim they "won" in some fashion
Never really do...


Side note
In FY2009, Congress did not complete work by September 30, 2008.
Bush signed some appropriations bills and a continuing resolutions.
But, a Democrat controlled Congress purposely held off on the big spending portions of the appropriations bills until Obama took office.
-to jack up spending. President Obama signed the final 2009 spending bills in March of 2009.

Truth is hard for the left
In fact, it is their worst enemy
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