Democrats now want tax cuts

the Rw's continue to yammer about raising taxes in a stagnant economy ... can't do that.

now they're yammering about lowering taxes in a stagnant economy ... can't do that.

RW's can' make up their pea brains. Can they wipe their own ass ?
Clearly the remaining Democrats know WHY they were rejected by the American people.

They always talk tax cuts and helping the little guy, but it's only talk and never materializes. Dems never met a tax they didn't love.
Clearly the remaining Democrats know WHY they were rejected by the American people.

They always talk tax cuts and helping the little guy, but it's only talk and never materializes. Dems never met a tax they didn't love.

I suppose that's why Obama made the Bush tax cuts permanent and you're an idiot.

He kept 82% of them because there was a lot of opposition to raising taxes. Now he takes credit for not raising them. How many Dems actually initiate tax cuts to begin with? Dems bitched about Bush lowering taxes in the first place and in 2012, they knew that average people would be angry if their taxes shot up so they kept the tax rates in place. It was more to appease voters so they wouldn't be angry as they entered the polls. As usual, it was a self-serving plan. Of course, they quickly started looking for other taxes to impose to make up for it. They already passed Obamacare, which is wicked as far as taxes go.
Well two of the biggest tax cuts in the modern era were done by Democrats JKF and Carter..
It's frequently entertaining to see just what lies the Democrats will come up with to try to explain away their monstrous defeats.

In this case it's a truth combines with a lie. JFK did put a big tax cut into place. But Carter did little tax cutting... and sat back while inflation drove people incomes AND EXPENSES hugely higher. On paper this was a wash - they had more money, but everything cost more.

Except it drove many people INTO THE NEXT HIGHER TAX BRACKET... and there was nothing to balance this loss to their pocketbooks. So the Carter years wound up as a net loss, since many people were paying higher percentages of their incomes in taxes.

One of the things Reagan did, was to index tax rates to inflation, thus eliminating these "automatic" inflation-driven tax increases.

Carter lowered the capital gains tax from the upper 90's to the lower 30's..

Big huge tax cut if you ask me..

Did that capital gains tax help the lower and middle class?
So where was all of this concern for the middle class when they were the ones running the show?

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