Democrats often speak highly about the changing demography of our country…Can they showed us where it’s proven to be a good thing for our nation?

I can say for certainty the reason our govt. has become so emotionally distraught and ineffective is because.......


So many women and color in congress.
How about we bring back public hangings along the border?
95% of the Rangers' Prisoners Were Reported "Killed Trying to Escape"

The Texas Rangers (Old School) even went to the extent of telling a bandito that if he told them where his gang's hideout was, they'd let him go. After he told them, they hanged him anyway.
Hanging who, the invaders or the invaded? Imperial Borders and Mythical Frontiers -

You and the GOP have a big problem in this country. Everything applies to the others, not you; Whether it's compliance to the rule of law, or invading other countries, then blaming the victims for those invasions, the result is the same.

You think the world belongs to you and your ilk, and the same standards never apply to you. You can do whatever with impunity, but everyone else has to bow to your demands. The world doesn't work that way.

The Third World War Will Be, and Must Be, Against the Third World
Check out this family of Caucasians.

View attachment 683998

When I hear "Caucasians" all I can imagine is Armenians and Azerbaijanis.
Postmodern Dopes Use Bait-and-Switch Language

Typical anachronistic thinking. Those tribes came long after the Caucasians left the Caucasus in 4,000 BC. Whites were driven off, from Ireland to India, by a massive invasion by the bloodthirsty Mongols.
I actually don't want to genocide you. What would be the fun in that? I want you around as we take down your statues and piss on the memories of your heroes and your culture. I've been watching amused as gays and tran men and women have exploded out of the closet the last 40 years while white racists now cower in it. Do any of you cucks remember what the 80s were like? Its like a complete roll reversal. You've concede the culture because you cuck white racists have been so afraid to even admit who you are. This sad attempt at push back at CRT and "grooming" which is really just teaching children it's okay if they're gay or trans, is too little too late. You've lost. 😄
When Sheep Become Rams

Decoyed by controlled politics and controlled political discussion, Whites have yet begun to fight. Our role model is the Father of the American Navy, John Paul Jones. He captured a ship that had already sunk his own ship.

We won't fire until the Whites have eyes. So far, they have been blinded by glittering choices.
When Sheep Become Rams

Decoyed by controlled politics and controlled political discussion, Whites have yet begun to fight. Our role model is the Father of the American Navy, John Paul Jones. He captured a ship that had already sunk his own ship.

We won't fire until the Whites have eyes. So far, they have been blinded by glittering choices.

Do you clowns ever stop cosplaying?

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