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Democrats Opposed To LGBT Marriage Ruling Unite: Boycott DNC Candidate Donations

Do you believe SCOTUS Ruling on fatherless/motherless marriage today will hurt democrats in 2016?

  • Yes, even though I support today's ruling, I know it will cost us significant votes.

  • Yes, I'm opposed to this Ruling and it will cost dems votes.

  • No, the polling the LGBTs media outlets were reporting is correct, this won't cost dem votes.

  • Not sure, but a thinking person might suspect a silent opposed majority might speak out in 2016.

Results are only viewable after voting.
The Democratic party itself is under silent attack.

This is a thread to discuss how democrats (and democrats only, your posting habits will be checked to see where your affiliations actually lie if you start spewing BS) can take up the conversation.

It's simple. If you are a democrat and angry about having duct tape suddenly placed over your mouth, or if you are fearful for the other good platforms (healthcare, green energy, jobs) that will be sacraficed by this polarizing Decision today, simply send a message by not donating to the DNC or any candidate running as a democrat. Send a message to the democrats in Congress that their jobs and the jobs of their fellow hopefuls are in danger until this problem can be addressed: A Shortcut to Nixing The Gay Marriage Decision Subtract Two Votes US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum Most hard left Senators and Representatives will balk, but some of our middle dem folks might see the doomsday looming for all dems in 2016 and help remove two of those votes on today's Ruling, just to help their party stay alive. Hispanic catholics are going to flock away from this party in droves...just for starters....

And if none of that impresses you, just remember...you've been lied to about the numbers of people who support this decision. The GOP is going to beat our three legged horse now. So if you give money to the DNC or democratic candidates, you might as well just burn it in your fire place for all the good it's going to do. Best to place your donations in a GOP candidate whose actual record speaks of middle/sane policies.

What duct tape has been placed over your mouth? You have 20 threads on the topic of gays. You're obsessed, perhaps even addicted to the topic.

How then can you claim you're not allowed to talk about it?
I think you're mistaken.

The more republicans push for the bible agenda the more people are slipping through the republican vote rolls. As of yesterday I have officially crossed off three potential Republican presidential hopefuls. I told my husband this morning that if it keeps going the way it seems like it is, I'll end up voting Democrat this year.
It doesn't have to be the Bible version. It just can be a general secular or Christian opposition.

You obviously are harder left than the democrats who won't be donating to dem candidates this sure-to-fail go-around. But there are many traditional Christian dems (southern dems, hispanics) who will be expressing their faith in the voting booth. The choice they will face, as reminded by their pastors/priests (unless their sermons are made illegal like was tried recently in Texas) is "either refuse to support the spread of homosexuality throughout the culture as God Commanded in Jude 1's passage of the New Testament of Jesus Christ, or say goodbye to the Pearly Gates." I wonder which one they'll choose in the privacy of the voting booth?

Have fun in the land of denial. You have about 17 months. Meanwhile I'll be placing my election donations to someone just on the right of center who rejects gay marriage but who embraces sane policies similar to dems old platforms that actually matter..
If 2 people of the same sex can marry one another because they love one another, then 3 people who love each other have the same right, and 4 people..

Polygamy is incompatible with our marriage laws as questions arise under it that our marriage laws can't answer. While 2 person marriage laws work just as well for a heterosexual couple as they do a same sex couple.
Ah...the butt hurt continues.
Yes, the wallet is located very near the butt. Check the title of the thread..

Enjoy the next 17 months, party-hijacker.
We will...and beyond. :D

Yes, if 2014 was any measure of your projected-"reality" you should do "just fine" in 2016 now that you've dealt insulting and censuring blows to your middle dem components in the South and in Christian churches, particularly catholic ones (hispanic voters). I'm sure they'll all be "on board" to the party that used a gay guy shooting up a black church the day after a southern church announced it was not doing gay marriage to wrest the confederate flag away from all southern identity AND when their voices opposed silently or openly to gay marriage were suddenly cut off.

I'm sure that's going to win our party all kinds of support.

Withdraw funding. Do it now. It's easy, you do nothing. Tell the assholes who have hijacked our party that will lose anyway in 2016 "no more! OUT YOU GO".. So easy. Just don't send any three legged horse a single red cent.

Most democrats support same sex marriage. And most aren't single issue voters.

Homosexuals are your personal obsession. You keep assuming that everyone else must feel the same way you do. Um.....how'd that work out for you on the Obergefell decision?

Face it, Sil: you're moving from denial to anger. With the focus of your stage of loss being to try and punish people. You're not going to see much support among democrats on your personal obsession.
I think you're mistaken.

The more republicans push for the bible agenda the more people are slipping through the republican vote rolls. As of yesterday I have officially crossed off three potential Republican presidential hopefuls. I told my husband this morning that if it keeps going the way it seems like it is, I'll end up voting Democrat this year.
It doesn't have to be the Bible version. It just can be a general secular or Christian opposition.

You obviously are harder left than the democrats who won't be donating to dem candidates this sure-to-fail go-around. But there are many traditional Christian dems (southern dems, hispanics) who will be expressing their faith in the voting booth. The choice they will face, as reminded by their pastors/priests (unless their sermons are made illegal like was tried recently in Texas) is "either refuse to support the spread of homosexuality throughout the culture as God Commanded in Jude 1's passage of the New Testament of Jesus Christ, or say goodbye to the Pearly Gates." I wonder which one they'll choose in the privacy of the voting booth?

Have fun in the land of denial. You have about 17 months. Meanwhile I'll be placing my election donations to someone just on the right of center who rejects gay marriage but who embraces sane policies similar to dems old platforms that actually matter..

/Your/ voters are already at the booth, if they were not then SSM ban's wouldn't be on the books at all.

You are losing the middle ground folks who typically vote Republican but now will not because your position is that "the LAW the CONSTITUTION are wrong because my bible says so here and here!"

Nope. I'm an American and my money will be going to a candidate who can understand that freedom of religion includes freedom /from/ religion. I'd prefer not to vote for a fiscal idiot, but frankly the rights of the people is a more important issue than money to me.
It's up to democrat voters to make this decision. By the time election day comes around those voters will have to address how far their support for perversion really goes.
It's up to democrat voters to make this decision. By the time election day comes around those voters will have to address how far their support for perversion really goes.
I for one am not giving one red cent to a lost cause; and subsidizing a perverted cult stomping on all the good platforms that will be dead along with the name "democratic party" in 2016. I don't bet on horses that buck, kick or bite or are missing a leg to win anything.
88.9% of voters in the poll here believe Friday's decision will hurt democratic chances in 2016. Line up and throw your money at that three legged horse folks!
I think you're mistaken.

The more republicans push for the bible agenda the more people are slipping through the republican vote rolls. As of yesterday I have officially crossed off three potential Republican presidential hopefuls. I told my husband this morning that if it keeps going the way it seems like it is, I'll end up voting Democrat this year.
It doesn't have to be the Bible version. It just can be a general secular or Christian opposition.

You obviously are harder left than the democrats who won't be donating to dem candidates this sure-to-fail go-around. But there are many traditional Christian dems (southern dems, hispanics) who will be expressing their faith in the voting booth. The choice they will face, as reminded by their pastors/priests (unless their sermons are made illegal like was tried recently in Texas) is "either refuse to support the spread of homosexuality throughout the culture as God Commanded in Jude 1's passage of the New Testament of Jesus Christ, or say goodbye to the Pearly Gates." I wonder which one they'll choose in the privacy of the voting booth?

Have fun in the land of denial. You have about 17 months. Meanwhile I'll be placing my election donations to someone just on the right of center who rejects gay marriage but who embraces sane policies similar to dems old platforms that actually matter..
If 2 people of the same sex can marry one another because they love one another, then 3 people who love each other have the same right, and 4 people..

Polygamy is incompatible with our marriage laws as questions arise under it that our marriage laws can't answer. While 2 person marriage laws work just as well for a heterosexual couple as they do a same sex couple.

Gay was incompatible with our marriage laws. So they changed the laws. Haven't you been listening? And under the new definition, love determines who should be allowed to marry. 3 can love as much as 2. And don't forget how much we love our pets...........
I cannot find fault with same-sex marriage.

Unfortunately a probably minority portion of homosexuals will take the legalization of their unions to be license to throw it in the face of everyone regardless of how they might have felt previously.

This angry, provocative approach will bring change. But change they will not like.

Friggin' idiots!
What a bunch of fucking horseshit.

Democrats, the vast, vast, vast majority of the, support SSM.

And we will not lose votes because of today's decision.

You live in a most interesting, unicorn-like fantasy world.

Don't forget to take your meds, mkay?

California's prop 8 vote demonstrates you may very well be wrong......recently saw a study that showed polls consistently understated the non-gay-"marriage" position by around 7% where true votes were subsequently taken.

But Democratic support is also likely to fall due to Obama's embrace of trade promotion authority and the trans-pacific -partnership
What a bunch of fucking horseshit...Democrats, the vast, vast, vast majority of the, support SSM...And we will not lose votes because of today's decision...You live in a most interesting, unicorn-like fantasy world.

Don't forget to take your meds, mkay?

California's prop 8 vote demonstrates you may very well be wrong......recently saw a study that showed polls consistently understated the non-gay-"marriage" position by around 7% where true votes were subsequently taken.

But Democratic support is also likely to fall due to Obama's embrace of trade promotion authority and the trans-pacific -partnership

The protest couldn't be simpler. As you say dcraelin, we're going to take a hit in 2016, so might as well use the time to send a message to our own party. You wear a rainbow lapel, you don't get campaign donations. It's so easy. You just stay home and do not one thing. No more potent message could be sent with such ease.. :popcorn:
Bad democrats. No donations until you at least apologize for the Whitehouse rainbow light display. And I want the work logs, dates and times those lights were set up. If it was before Friday's release of the Ruling, y'all are in even bigger trouble I assume.

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