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Democrats Opposed To LGBT Marriage Ruling Unite: Boycott DNC Candidate Donations

Do you believe SCOTUS Ruling on fatherless/motherless marriage today will hurt democrats in 2016?

  • Yes, even though I support today's ruling, I know it will cost us significant votes.

  • Yes, I'm opposed to this Ruling and it will cost dems votes.

  • No, the polling the LGBTs media outlets were reporting is correct, this won't cost dem votes.

  • Not sure, but a thinking person might suspect a silent opposed majority might speak out in 2016.

Results are only viewable after voting.
Those "angry duct taped Dems" that the OP is referring to are as plentiful as unicorns in the vacuum between his ears but nowhere to be found in the real world......

Yes, I'm sure that 100% of the million "likes" on the "Boycott A&E" Facebook page within 24 hours of its posting, as well as 100% of the folks who showed up in support of Chic Fil-A's region-wide mob support were all registered republicans anyway..



And...over 80% of the voters on the poll here agree with me on my points....

...There's that number again..80% worried about the dems alliance with the LGBT cult, tied at the hip...
One thing we have learned....RWrs love them some junk food. Never get between them and their junk food. And if you fool them into thinking a "protest" involves stuffing themselves with greasy junk food, they will roll out in droves.
Ah...the butt hurt continues.
Yes, the wallet is located very near the butt. Check the title of the thread..

Enjoy the next 17 months, party-hijacker.
We will...and beyond. :D

Yes, if 2014 was any measure of your projected-"reality" you should do "just fine" in 2016 now that you've dealt insulting and censuring blows to your middle dem components in the South and in Christian churches, particularly catholic ones (hispanic voters). I'm sure they'll all be "on board" to the party that used a gay guy shooting up a black church the day after a southern church announced it was not doing gay marriage to wrest the confederate flag away from all southern identity AND when their voices opposed silently or openly to gay marriage were suddenly cut off.

I'm sure that's going to win our party all kinds of support.

Withdraw funding. Do it now. It's easy, you do nothing. Tell the assholes who have hijacked our party that will lose anyway in 2016 "no more! OUT YOU GO".. So easy. Just don't send any three legged horse a single red cent.
What does it mean to support gay marriage ?

Not sure what you're looking for there Sun Devil. But I know what it means for middle dems to NOT support gay marriage. It means no money for democratic candidates until the party purges the LGBT cult agenda. It's just right of center GOP candidates for me until this happens. I'm sure most Christian hispanics, Christian blacks and other Christian dems feel the same way; also blue-collar dems. Why give money to a three-legged horse in 2016? Don't spend a dime and get your party back. We can starve the deviant agenda out of our party. 2016 is now a washout anyway. We'll try again in 2018 and 2020...
These Dims of today won't be hurt in any way whatsoever by this. They're all on board.
Even the hispanic catholics? The southern hardcore Christian blacks? The blue collar Janes and Joes? 2014 was a reminder that your smoke machine is running low on steam...
Here's a Prop 8 analysis on blacks and hispanics "support" for "gay marriage"

November 9, 2008

The record turnout of black and Hispanic voters played a key role in the victory of President-elect Barack Obama, but in California that same racial and ethnic factor also was instrumental in the passage of Proposition 8, a ballot measure that declares marriage as the union of a man and a woman. When the voting was over, Proposition 8 had won in 42 of 58 counties in California and was passed by 52 percent to 48 percent.

But while Mr. Obama opposed the measure to reverse a California Supreme Court decision that declared gay marriage a right, his loyalists saved it, marshalling a victory for the traditional, conservative view of marriage.

"Really, Hispanic and black voters in California passed Proposition 8," said Andrew Pugno,
general counsel of ProtectMarriage.com, which backed the amendment. "Inner-city black neighborhoods voted stronger for Prop. 8 than the Republican suburbs. An amazing analysis," Mr. Pugno continued. Blacks voted 70 percent in favor of Proposition 8,
What a bunch of fucking horseshit.

Democrats, the vast, vast, vast majority of the, support SSM.

And we will not lose votes because of today's decision.

You live in a most interesting, unicorn-like fantasy world.

Don't forget to take your meds, mkay?
Democrats, the vast, vast, vast majority of the, support SSM.
you mean like they were out here in California....twice?....
Sure, and that's why dems took a horse whippin' in 2016 and "Boycott A&E" got a million likes in less than 24 hours...because all those crossovers are 100% in favor of gay marriage.

Enjoy Delusionville USA. You've got about 17 months until your wakeup call...or less if people in the middle just refuse to donate to any dem campaign. Why not? We're going to lost anyway. We at least could win our party's good platforms back from the rainbow hijackers by starving them out..

Today's date: June 27th, 2015.

You wrote in past tense about a year in the future.

I love it when Righties completely jump the shark. Even the shark gets scared.

And RWNJ stupidity is just so fun to laugh at.
What a bunch of fucking horseshit.

Democrats, the vast, vast, vast majority of the, support SSM.

And we will not lose votes because of today's decision.

You live in a most interesting, unicorn-like fantasy world.

Don't forget to take your meds, mkay?..

Democrats, the vast, vast, vast majority of the, support SSM.
you mean like they were out here in California....twice?....
:clap2: Proof's in the pudding. Well done Harry D.
If 2 people of the same sex can marry one another because they love one another, then 3 people who love each other have the same right, and 4 people..
What a bunch of fucking horseshit.

Democrats, the vast, vast, vast majority of the, support SSM.

And we will not lose votes because of today's decision.

You live in a most interesting, unicorn-like fantasy world.

Don't forget to take your meds, mkay?..

Democrats, the vast, vast, vast majority of the, support SSM.
you mean like they were out here in California....twice?....
:clap2: Proof's in the pudding. Well done Harry D.
you notice how stats went right over that post?.....i had to laugh how when i brought this up in another thread a while back,a couple of our gay Californian posters blamed it on the Mormons ....so i asked them "do you gay folks and the Democrats in this State always vote the way the Mormons and the Religious right tell you too?".....did not get much of a reply for that one.....no one wanted to admit that there are,at least at that time,a hell of a lot of Democrats who just could not get behind gay marriage.....
What a bunch of fucking horseshit.

Democrats, the vast, vast, vast majority of the, support SSM.

And we will not lose votes because of today's decision.

You live in a most interesting, unicorn-like fantasy world.

Don't forget to take your meds, mkay?..

Democrats, the vast, vast, vast majority of the, support SSM.
you mean like they were out here in California....twice?....
:clap2: Proof's in the pudding. Well done Harry D.
you notice how stats went right over that post?.....i had to laugh how when i brought this up in another thread a while back,a couple of our gay Californian posters blamed it on the Mormons ....so i asked them "do you gay folks and the Democrats in this State always vote the way the Mormons and the Religious right tell you too?".....did not get much of a reply for that one.....no one wanted to admit that there are,at least at that time,a hell of a lot of Democrats who just could not get behind gay marriage.....

You need a lot of attention, now don't you.

I went over nothing. I am barely on, it's vacation.

And California is not the entire USA. Just in case you didn't notice.

Better luck next time.
What a bunch of fucking horseshit.

Democrats, the vast, vast, vast majority of the, support SSM.

And we will not lose votes because of today's decision.

You live in a most interesting, unicorn-like fantasy world.

Don't forget to take your meds, mkay?..

Democrats, the vast, vast, vast majority of the, support SSM.
you mean like they were out here in California....twice?....
:clap2: Proof's in the pudding. Well done Harry D.
you notice how stats went right over that post?.....i had to laugh how when i brought this up in another thread a while back,a couple of our gay Californian posters blamed it on the Mormons ....so i asked them "do you gay folks and the Democrats in this State always vote the way the Mormons and the Religious right tell you too?".....did not get much of a reply for that one.....no one wanted to admit that there are,at least at that time,a hell of a lot of Democrats who just could not get behind gay marriage.....

Yeah, that and nearing 90% of the people voting on the poll so far are saying this is going to cost the dems votes. That's a no brainer. The further the GOP distances itself from gay marriage and actually makes inroads at reversing yesterday's HUGE legal blunder (so many parameters of unfortunate precedent it's would take 12 threads to address just some of the rat's nest), the worse it's going to be for dems in 2016.

A great place to start would be asking Kagan and Ginsburg to withdraw their votes for displays of obvious bias A Shortcut to Nixing The Gay Marriage Decision Subtract Two Votes US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

And if dems want to take back their party, the simplest solution of all....Since we're going to get hosed in 2016 no matter what we do, we starve any democratic candidate for funding donations until they scrape off the rainbow barnacles. It sends a message: either cast off the deviant sex agenda or starve/lose your jobs. They tend to sit up and listen when the cash cow goes dry..
I think you're mistaken.

The more republicans push for the bible agenda the more people are slipping through the republican vote rolls. As of yesterday I have officially crossed off three potential Republican presidential hopefuls. I told my husband this morning that if it keeps going the way it seems like it is, I'll end up voting Democrat this year.
I think you're mistaken.

The more republicans push for the bible agenda the more people are slipping through the republican vote rolls. As of yesterday I have officially crossed off three potential Republican presidential hopefuls. I told my husband this morning that if it keeps going the way it seems like it is, I'll end up voting Democrat this year.
It doesn't have to be the Bible version. It just can be a general secular or Christian opposition.

You obviously are harder left than the democrats who won't be donating to dem candidates this sure-to-fail go-around. But there are many traditional Christian dems (southern dems, hispanics) who will be expressing their faith in the voting booth. The choice they will face, as reminded by their pastors/priests (unless their sermons are made illegal like was tried recently in Texas) is "either refuse to support the spread of homosexuality throughout the culture as God Commanded in Jude 1's passage of the New Testament of Jesus Christ, or say goodbye to the Pearly Gates." I wonder which one they'll choose in the privacy of the voting booth?

Have fun in the land of denial. You have about 17 months. Meanwhile I'll be placing my election donations to someone just on the right of center who rejects gay marriage but who embraces sane policies similar to dems old platforms that actually matter..
What a bunch of fucking horseshit.

Democrats, the vast, vast, vast majority of the, support SSM.

And we will not lose votes because of today's decision.

You live in a most interesting, unicorn-like fantasy world.

Don't forget to take your meds, mkay?..

Democrats, the vast, vast, vast majority of the, support SSM.
you mean like they were out here in California....twice?....
:clap2: Proof's in the pudding. Well done Harry D.
you notice how stats went right over that post?.....i had to laugh how when i brought this up in another thread a while back,a couple of our gay Californian posters blamed it on the Mormons ....so i asked them "do you gay folks and the Democrats in this State always vote the way the Mormons and the Religious right tell you too?".....did not get much of a reply for that one.....no one wanted to admit that there are,at least at that time,a hell of a lot of Democrats who just could not get behind gay marriage.....

You need a lot of attention, now don't you.

I went over nothing. I am barely on, it's vacation.

And California is not the entire USA. Just in case you didn't notice.

Better luck next time.
sure you did stats....you went over my post and commented on one after mine....thats going over mine....and you claimed that Democrats, the vast, vast, vast majority of them, support SSM.....Cals a pretty big Democratic State....if it was so overwhelming as you claimed...it should have passed the first time by a big majority....better luck next time .....

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