Democrats Panicked Over Warren...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
What a difference a week makes. Last week Democrats were here boasting about her winning being a 'Slam Dunk.'

Elizabeth Warren brings no peace to Dems

Elizabeth Warren’s stumbling efforts to douse the firestorm surrounding her claims of being a Native American minority have raised concerns among local and national Democrats who are questioning her campaign’s competence.

“There’s nobody watching this that doesn’t think she’s in big trouble,” one well-known Massachusetts Democrat said.

Joe Trippi, a prominent national Democratic consultant, told the Herald that while Warren has time to recover, the campaign should have anticipated this issue would surface.

“The problem is they weren’t ready for something they should have been ahead of,” Trippi said.

Another nationally known Democratic consultant said while there is no hand-wringing yet in the party, “The fact they weren’t prepared for this is a little surprising.”

Some national political experts had much stronger words for Warren’s conflicting explanations about why she listed herself as a minority in university directories.

“This takes her biography into a bizarre dimension,” said Larry Sabato, director of the University of Virginia Center for Politics. “It has derailed the effort to define Warren in a voter-friendly way.”

Sabato also said that Warren’s claim that she didn’t list herself as a minority to gain an employment advantage is not believable.

“This is what happens when candidates don’t tell the truth,” he said. “It’s pretty obvious she was using (the minority listing) for career advancement”...

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It takes just one little mistake to derail a campaign. Warren did it.
Has anyone got on her case for using the politically incorrect Indians instead of native Americans? I haven't heard, but then I haven't been following very closely either.

Imagine the bloviating from the left if a Republican had been so insensitive as to refer to them as Indians. That person would be deemed unfit to run against Barry next January for the position of dog catcher in Hyde Park.
There is still plenty of time before the election for this to blow over, but I've always thought from the beginning she would lose to Brown anyway. This certainly won't help her any.
I thought you guys didnt like Brown anymore?

I've always liked Scott Brown. His biggest criticizers are conservatives and Republicans who don't live in Massachusetts and can't seem to grasp the fact that Massachusetts isn't South Carolina. Brown is representative of most Republicans and independents and even a decent chunk of Democrats in Massachusetts and that's why he'll win.
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yeah.....why would Democrats be upset about her claiming her heritage.....the Cherokee Nation returns.....:D

[ame=]Cherokee People, Cherokee Pride - YouTube[/ame]
Democrats Panicked Over Warren...
How conveniently you gloss-over the fact.....​



I thought you guys didnt like Brown anymore?

There are many things you "think" that arent true Truthmatters.

FYI....there is not a single politician whom I agree 100% with.

Unlike you, I will call out and criticize an (R) when I disagree with them.

To you, all (D)'s fart roses and shit cupcakes.

So when you see a conservative criticize an (R) you automatically assume we hate him or her.
Yea, well...........minorities are just votes and $ to Dems. Too bad they can't see that, it's really a shame. I found this post rather interesting following the article in the Daily Caller. Elizabeth Warren | Native American | High Cheek Bones | The Daily Caller

This people, is the face of the liberal left; they look at minorities as visual props, not at their humanity. And I am black so I know. They love minorities from a distance, but ask any of them how many minorities that they know personally, or if they would like their child to marry one, and wait for the answer. They are condescending and repulsive and yes, covertly racist, because all we are to them is votes and charity cases.
--Peiyuyen (author)
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yeah.....why would Democrats be upset about her claiming her heritage.....the Cherokee Nation returns.....:D

Cherokee People, Cherokee Pride - YouTube

The mocking of Warren hard core has begun. Too funny on twitter they are coming up with Indian names for her.

Some of my faves:

She Will Sioux

Stands with a Writ.

Hunts at Whole Foods

Running Joke

Spinning Bull

Runs with scissors


The "my grandfather had high cheekbones like all Indians do" made my jaw drop.
The Dems will replace her like they did Bob Toricelli in NJ, legal deadlines notwithstanding
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Pub dupes! Change the channel. She's 1/32 Native. Get over it...
yeah.....why would Democrats be upset about her claiming her heritage.....the Cherokee Nation returns.....:D

Cherokee People, Cherokee Pride - YouTube

The mocking of Warren hard core has begun. Too funny on twitter they are coming up with Indian names for her.

Some of my faves:

She Will Sioux

Stands with a Writ.

Hunts at Whole Foods

Running Joke

Spinning Bull

Runs with scissors


The "my grandfather had high cheekbones like all Indians do" made my jaw drop.

This story is a knee-slapper alright......i like Faux-cahontas :lol:

Warren: Win a lunch date with her
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1/2 = parent
1/4 = grandparent
1/8 = great grandparent
1/16 = great great grandparent
1/32 = great great great grandparent

Stick a fork in her, she's toast
What a difference a week makes. Last week Democrats were here boasting about her winning being a 'Slam Dunk.'

Elizabeth Warren brings no peace to Dems

Elizabeth Warren’s stumbling efforts to douse the firestorm surrounding her claims of being a Native American minority have raised concerns among local and national Democrats who are questioning her campaign’s competence.

“There’s nobody watching this that doesn’t think she’s in big trouble,” one well-known Massachusetts Democrat said.

Joe Trippi, a prominent national Democratic consultant, told the Herald that while Warren has time to recover, the campaign should have anticipated this issue would surface.

“The problem is they weren’t ready for something they should have been ahead of,” Trippi said.

Another nationally known Democratic consultant said while there is no hand-wringing yet in the party, “The fact they weren’t prepared for this is a little surprising.”

Some national political experts had much stronger words for Warren’s conflicting explanations about why she listed herself as a minority in university directories.

“This takes her biography into a bizarre dimension,” said Larry Sabato, director of the University of Virginia Center for Politics. “It has derailed the effort to define Warren in a voter-friendly way.”

Sabato also said that Warren’s claim that she didn’t list herself as a minority to gain an employment advantage is not believable.

“This is what happens when candidates don’t tell the truth,” he said. “It’s pretty obvious she was using (the minority listing) for career advancement”...

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Dude! WTF? I can't panic, I've only been awake nine minutes and I haven't even had any caffeine. Christ! Give a woman some warning, would you??


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