Democrats Proudly Re-Hang 'Art' on Capitol Hill Depicting Police as Pigs


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Democratic lawmakers put back on display on Capitol Hill a controversial painting that angered police with its depiction of officers as pigs -- after Republican Rep. Duncan Hunter personally took down the picture last week."

The picture is offensive.

The picture undermines support and respect for the police.

If a Republican had hung a picture as equally offensive to Liberals it would have been ripped from the wall and defaced by liberals.

And R-Hunter had no right to take the picture down....and now members of the Congressional Black Caucus (figures) and Rep. Lacy Clay, D-Mo, want the police to press charges against Hunter. Hunter responded by saying, “The Capitol Police aren’t going to arrest me for taking down a picture that portrays them as pigs.”

Painting Politics: Dems rehang controversial ‘pigs’ picture on Capitol Hill

Good grief....
"Democratic lawmakers put back on display on Capitol Hill a controversial painting that angered police with its depiction of officers as pigs -- after Republican Rep. Duncan Hunter personally took down the picture last week."

The picture is offensive.

The picture undermines support and respect for the police.

If a Republican had hung a picture as equally offensive to Liberals it would have been ripped from the wall and defaced by liberals.

And R-Hunter had no right to take the picture down....and now members of the Congressional Black Caucus (figures) and Rep. Lacy Clay, D-Mo, want the police to press charges against Hunter. Hunter responded by saying, “The Capitol Police aren’t going to arrest me for taking down a picture that portrays them as pigs.”

Painting Politics: Dems rehang controversial ‘pigs’ picture on Capitol Hill

Good grief....
Everything Democrats do causes Trump to gain another half a million supporters.
This is the genius behind Hunters action.....No lose proposition,.....Either they concede it was distasteful or they stepped further Into the muck under the bright lights now on the issue.
"Democratic lawmakers put back on display on Capitol Hill a controversial painting that angered police with its depiction of officers as pigs -- after Republican Rep. Duncan Hunter personally took down the picture last week."

The picture is offensive.

The picture undermines support and respect for the police.

If a Republican had hung a picture as equally offensive to Liberals it would have been ripped from the wall and defaced by liberals.

And R-Hunter had no right to take the picture down....and now members of the Congressional Black Caucus (figures) and Rep. Lacy Clay, D-Mo, want the police to press charges against Hunter. Hunter responded by saying, “The Capitol Police aren’t going to arrest me for taking down a picture that portrays them as pigs.”

Painting Politics: Dems rehang controversial ‘pigs’ picture on Capitol Hill

Good grief....

Interesting to see progs in the no win situation for once.
This is the genius behind Hunters action.....No lose proposition,.....Either they concede it was distasteful or they stepped further Into the muck under the bright lights now on the issue.

What Man said is true, which shows the Repubs are finally waking up on how to play division politics.

I agree division politics are wrong, but since that is the only way Democrats can win, I say, play them, and play them hard!
Hunter is an Ex-Marine. He saw the picture as divisive and disrespectful, offensive to police, not something that needed to be hanging in the Capitol. That's it - this was no 'calculated move'.

As ex-military ,though, he should have remembered that we may not always agree with what you have to say but we were / are always willing to give our lives to defend your right to say it.
Police do bad things all the time. I acknowledge that. I'm not one of those Authority-Worshippers who defends and justifies everything the Police do. But that being said, this 'art' does seem a bit inappropriate for that setting.

I mean these Congress folks rely on law enforcement to protect them and their families. Degrading them, probably isn't a smart move. They're the ones standing between them and the people who wanna do them harm. Democrats really should re-think this one.
Hunter is an Ex-Marine. He saw the picture as divisive and disrespectful, offensive to police, not something that needed to be hanging in the Capitol. That's it - this was no 'calculated move'.

As ex-military ,though, he should have remembered that we may not always agree with what you have to say but we were / are always willing to give our lives to defend your right to say it.
Doesn't matter if it occurred to him or not, that is the affect
Thats just one cop depicted like that and you dont have the right to move something that isnt yours
Interesting how there is no 'art' depicting people jumping up and down on the roofs of cop cars, looting, burning local stores, assaulting / killing cops, etc... It's just one-sided 'hate'.
Interesting how there is no 'art' depicting people jumping up and down on the roofs of cop cars, looting, burning local stores, assaulting / killing cops, etc... It's just one-sided 'hate'.
Hardly so if you study the other characters in the painting...
I wonder how long liberals would have let 'art' depicting a cross, the 10 Commandments, etc stay up on the wall? :p
Democrats should be proud that they hate Law Enforcement almost as much as Islamic Radicals do.
They also hate Jews, but that is another topic entirely.
If I was Hunter I'd immediately be putting up "art" depicting the brutal torture of a disabled man in Chicago at the hands of Democrats.

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