Democrats Proudly Re-Hang 'Art' on Capitol Hill Depicting Police as Pigs

"how would it be received, do you honestly think, if that painting depicted apes, or some other malicious racist symbol, looting Ferguson, MO, for instance, in the wake of the Michael Brown incident and that painting was hanging in that building."

that's not painting a hypothetical, it was asking what you think.

Yes, asking me what I thought......ABOUT A HYPOTHETICAL, DICKHEAD!!
Hunter is an Ex-Marine.

As ex-military ,though, he should have remembered that we may not always agree with what you have to say but we were / are always willing to give our lives to defend your right to say it.
Morituri Curiam Non Salutant

Such toleration shows disrespect. Don't submit to SCROTUS's coercive preaching about freedom of speech, except the sane Court that said intentionally provocative "fighting words" are not protected. The ruling tribunal and its mouthpieces push their insulting absurdity just to see how much we will let them have their way.
"Democratic lawmakers put back on display on Capitol Hill a controversial painting that angered police with its depiction of officers as pigs -- after Republican Rep. Duncan Hunter personally took down the picture last week."

The picture is offensive.

The picture undermines support and respect for the police.

If a Republican had hung a picture as equally offensive to Liberals it would have been ripped from the wall and defaced by liberals.

And R-Hunter had no right to take the picture down....and now members of the Congressional Black Caucus (figures) and Rep. Lacy Clay, D-Mo, want the police to press charges against Hunter. Hunter responded by saying, “The Capitol Police aren’t going to arrest me for taking down a picture that portrays them as pigs.”

Painting Politics: Dems rehang controversial ‘pigs’ picture on Capitol Hill

Good grief....

Not surprising. Now, more than ever, Dems are hoping for civil unrest. The painting is a nod to the radical groups out there attacking white people and cops because they want more of it.

The blood of those victims is on the hands of every race baiter in Washington.

I think the painting incites violence because it appears that some congress idiots are condoning the mass violence we've seen against cops and whites.

The painting insults all cops across the country. We already have thugs ruling too many city streets.

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