Democrats Refuse To Follow The "Science" on COVID-19

I've been listening to the left cry and whine all weekend that Trump isn't following the science so I decided to look at the time line and the professional papers out there to see if that was true. Its Not!

Dr Risch of Yale Epidemiology ( a renowned epidemiologist and public health doctor) did the same and what he found was stunning..

In a nut shell the left has been on a massive disinformation campaign in an effort to keep the pain and death levels high in our nation. Left wing Governors are not allowing doctors to treat people early and with drugs that work. This is unforgivable. What kind of trash does this kind of thing?

Joe Biden, Pelosie, Reid, Cuomo, DeBlasio among many others democrat governors and congress people ridiculed Trump on his early response to the COVID crisis as xenophobic and racist only to have it backfire on them exposing them as the non-science and political whores they are. Now they claim that Trump isn't following the science in direct conflict with the evidence and science.

Most Americans (latest poll shows 82%) see this for what it is and are looking for themselves to see what the truth is...

Great you have a Scientist but no Science...

Where is his peer reviewed study?
Where is the raw data for his study?

So we are pro science and not personalities...
Interestingly low dose HCL is keeping doctors and nurses from getting this full blown disease.
I keep a shiny rock in my pocket and I’ve never gotten COVID.

Interestingly my rock is as effective as hydroxychloroquine.

Id warn people away from taking HCL. That’s a strong acid.
HCL is hydrochloric acid. Don't be an asshole. Don't spread disinformation.
It is also the acronym for HydroxiCLoriquine.
Nope. It’s an acronym for hydrochloric acid. You would know that acronyms are very specific in medicine because confusing them can be extremely dangerous. Committees determine acceptable acronyms. HCL is not the acronym for hydroxychloroquine. HCQ is. You don’t want to confuse hydroxychloroquine with hydrochloric acid.

This is basic patient safety, you’d know this if you had any medical experience.
Again, There are competing acronyms in medicine and this is why using the drugs name is important and why doctors use the specific name and dosages, not the acronym.. Epic fail again...

Competing acronyms would lead to medical errors. That’s why they’re standardized and why people with medical experience would be sure to use the right ones. You are not someone with any medical experience.
I have been saying this for months. It is a well known fact among medical professionals that the hydroxychoroquine is effective when used on high risk patients at the onset of the disease. There is a HUGE political component at play here. It is very sad and scary that even our medical community has been infiltrated by filthy, immoral liberals who put politics above all else, including lives.

So explain how Trump is President and GOP run states have the highest increase in cases in the developed world...

Please try and blame "the liberals" who have all lower growth rates right now...
From day #1 Trump undercut medical science's messages and played to Wall Street.
Amazing not one credible response to disprove their ANTI-SCIENCE stance...

You have no science.... Where is the raw data and peer reviewed studies...

We have been saying this about every-time you find someone who says there a scientist. Show us the Peer reviewed study with raw data. This is where the rubber meets the road. The Dr you quote here has none of that. We have numerous studies which show next to no benefit or harmful outcomes...

You are just making an idiot out of yourself.... Keep going, it important we know this before your next ground breaking scientific study announcement...

By the way while Trump has been pushing this nonsense the EU and China has been harvesting as much antibody plasma they can get their hands on since May. They are a long way down an antibody treatment. Fauci group have been doing work on this too, Trump got on the band wagon earlier this week. Just one small question, how much antibody plasma has US got on hand?
Interestingly low dose HCL is keeping doctors and nurses from getting this full blown disease.
I keep a shiny rock in my pocket and I’ve never gotten COVID.

Interestingly my rock is as effective as hydroxychloroquine.

Id warn people away from taking HCL. That’s a strong acid.
HCL is hydrochloric acid. Don't be an asshole. Don't spread disinformation.
It is also the acronym for HydroxiCLoriquine.
Nope. It’s an acronym for hydrochloric acid. You would know that acronyms are very specific in medicine because confusing them can be extremely dangerous. Committees determine acceptable acronyms. HCL is not the acronym for hydroxychloroquine. HCQ is. You don’t want to confuse hydroxychloroquine with hydrochloric acid.

This is basic patient safety, you’d know this if you had any medical experience.
You just repeated what I was correcting you on. Don't be stupid.
Interestingly low dose HCL is keeping doctors and nurses from getting this full blown disease.
I keep a shiny rock in my pocket and I’ve never gotten COVID.

Interestingly my rock is as effective as hydroxychloroquine.

Id warn people away from taking HCL. That’s a strong acid.
HCL is hydrochloric acid. Don't be an asshole. Don't spread disinformation.
It is also the acronym for HydroxiCLoriquine.
Nope. It’s an acronym for hydrochloric acid. You would know that acronyms are very specific in medicine because confusing them can be extremely dangerous. Committees determine acceptable acronyms. HCL is not the acronym for hydroxychloroquine. HCQ is. You don’t want to confuse hydroxychloroquine with hydrochloric acid.

This is basic patient safety, you’d know this if you had any medical experience.
I don't need medical experience. I was/am a chemist you fucking dolt.
"Science" is not a consensus industry- no matter who the players are.

Science predicted that 2.2 million Americans would die.

Boy was science wrong.

The leftist have been about as accurate with covid as they have with global warming.
Ha! Y’all called global warming a hoax too.

Let's see if you will answer the question every leftist ignores:

Why did Michael Manns team at Penn State manipulate the temperature data to show a spike in the now infamous hockey stick graph?
He didn’t. HE didnt ,his team did. Quit lying to yourself.
"Science" is not a consensus industry- no matter who the players are.

Science predicted that 2.2 million Americans would die.

Boy was science wrong.

The leftist have been about as accurate with covid as they have with global warming.
Ha! Y’all called global warming a hoax too.

Let's see if you will answer the question every leftist ignores:

Why did Michael Manns team at Penn State manipulate the temperature data to show a spike in the now infamous hockey stick graph?
He didn’t.
He did. He spliced together two disparate data sets. Something a real statistician would never do. Then he refused to turn over his data including the R2 values so that other scientists could try and duplicate his work. Something that is done ALWAYS in a real scientific setting. Michael Mann is a hack in my estimation.
"Science" is not a consensus industry- no matter who the players are.

Science predicted that 2.2 million Americans would die.

Boy was science wrong.

The leftist have been about as accurate with covid as they have with global warming.
Ha! Y’all called global warming a hoax too.

Let's see if you will answer the question every leftist ignores:

Why did Michael Manns team at Penn State manipulate the temperature data to show a spike in the now infamous hockey stick graph?
He didn’t.
Here is an interview in which Judith Curry takes Michale Mann et al to task.

She is the real deal. You want real scientific opinion? Look no further than her web page
Dems only tout science when it fits their narrative just as they only tout the Constitution when it fits their narrative or will of the people in elections when it fits their narrative. When voters in California voted to ban gay marriage Dems ran to the courts to overturn the election and will of Californians. That tells you all you need to know about Dems.
"Science" is not a consensus industry- no matter who the players are.

Science predicted that 2.2 million Americans would die.

Boy was science wrong.

The leftist have been about as accurate with covid as they have with global warming.
Ha! Y’all called global warming a hoax too.

Let's see if you will answer the question every leftist ignores:

Why did Michael Manns team at Penn State manipulate the temperature data to show a spike in the now infamous hockey stick graph?
He didn’t. HE didnt ,his team did. Quit lying to yourself.
They didn’t either. You’re talking about the right wing hoax accusing them of manipulation.
I have been saying this for months. It is a well known fact among medical professionals that the hydroxychoroquine is effective when used on high risk patients at the onset of the disease. There is a HUGE political component at play here. It is very sad and scary that even our medical community has been infiltrated by filthy, immoral liberals who put politics above all else, including lives.

So explain how Trump is President and GOP run states have the highest increase in cases in the developed world...

Please try and blame "the liberals" who have all lower growth rates right now...

I can explain that pretty easily: It's a bullshit lie you gobbled down because it was what you wanted to believe.
From day #1 Trump undercut medical science's messages and played to Wall Street.

From day #1, leftists have touted whatever they wanted to believe as "medical science" and dismissed anything they didn't want to believe as "playing to Wall Street".

Go ahead, I DARE you to try to present yourself as the champion of science, you partisan drooler.
Amazing not one credible response to disprove their ANTI-SCIENCE stance...

You have no science.... Where is the raw data and peer reviewed studies...

We have been saying this about every-time you find someone who says there a scientist. Show us the Peer reviewed study with raw data. This is where the rubber meets the road. The Dr you quote here has none of that. We have numerous studies which show next to no benefit or harmful outcomes...

You are just making an idiot out of yourself.... Keep going, it important we know this before your next ground breaking scientific study announcement...

By the way while Trump has been pushing this nonsense the EU and China has been harvesting as much antibody plasma they can get their hands on since May. They are a long way down an antibody treatment. Fauci group have been doing work on this too, Trump got on the band wagon earlier this week. Just one small question, how much antibody plasma has US got on hand?

"You have no science . . . because I've just decided that ONLY THIS is science!!!"

And then the instant your agenda hinges on some rando making a statement, THAT will be science.

By all means, though, keep telling yourself that cries of "That's not really science! You're so stooopid!!" coming from you are important to people.
Great thread Billy_Bob. Once the media attacked the effective and inexpensive hydroxychloroquine, the medical community started using a more expensive medicine that operated the exact same way. Saying hydroxychloroquine doesn't work is one thing, but saying it was dangerous was obvious political bias.
From day #1 Trump undercut medical science's messages and played to Wall Street.

From day #1, leftists have touted whatever they wanted to believe as "medical science" and dismissed anything they didn't want to believe as "playing to Wall Street".

Go ahead, I DARE you to try to present yourself as the champion of science, you partisan drooler.

From day #1 Trump undercut medical science's messages and played to Wall Street.

From day #1, leftists have touted whatever they wanted to believe as "medical science" and dismissed anything they didn't want to believe as "playing to Wall Street".

Go ahead, I DARE you to try to present yourself as the champion of science, you partisan drooler.


"Look, I found a video on the Internet of someone saying what I want to hear, so that PROVES I'm right!!!!"

Yeah, that's "science", all right.
From day #1 Trump undercut medical science's messages and played to Wall Street.

From day #1, leftists have touted whatever they wanted to believe as "medical science" and dismissed anything they didn't want to believe as "playing to Wall Street".

Go ahead, I DARE you to try to present yourself as the champion of science, you partisan drooler.


"Look, I found a video on the Internet of someone saying what I want to hear, so that PROVES I'm right!!!!"

Yeah, that's "science", all right.

Well if the contradictory words straight from the horse's ass weren't good enough for you then I'll just leave you to your drooling.
From day #1 Trump undercut medical science's messages and played to Wall Street.

From day #1, leftists have touted whatever they wanted to believe as "medical science" and dismissed anything they didn't want to believe as "playing to Wall Street".

Go ahead, I DARE you to try to present yourself as the champion of science, you partisan drooler.


"Look, I found a video on the Internet of someone saying what I want to hear, so that PROVES I'm right!!!!"

Yeah, that's "science", all right.

Well if the contradictory words straight from the horse's ass weren't good enough for you then I'll just leave you to your drooling.

Your lack of ability to think and form an opinion of your own is duly noted, as is your pathetic attempt to disguise your surrender and retreat. Run along.

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