Democrats say denying election results is fascism?

"Fascism" has now entered the pantheon of words that no longer really mean anything, due to comical over-use by both ends of the political spectrum. Bleh.

This whole "fake election" thing is simply the result of (a) decades of manipulation, (b) a shameless and obvious con man who will say anything to the manipulated that he thinks helps him, and (c) craven politicians and media figures who are enabling the whole thing for their own professional advantage.

It ain't that complicated. Tragic, but relatively simple.
Ohhkay Francis
Remember Swallwell wants to nuke us.
Not interested in nukes. Don't want anything to do with nukes.

See, that's the whole stupidity of it. Big bad Deep State. F-15's. Nukes.

Meanwhile, the lowly Chinese from 7000 miles away are hacking into our DoD a hundred times a WEEK, and I wouldn't be surprised if we didn't have a single goddamn secret left.

You know... and the fucktard Democraps ... Trump Trump Trump.

The leftards are so outright stupid and clueless they've become ACTUALLY dangerous.

They burn cities, they try to shoot Supreme Court Justices, they let terrorists in across our wide open borders (and if that doesn't work they fly them in from Afghanistan).... I mean, what's next?

Oh wait ... throwing the political opposition in jail?
We Americans didn't like it but we knew that The Worthless Negro legitimately won the elections because he had a coalition of all the idiots in the country.

We Americans also know that The Democrats stole the 2022 election. The Moon Bats also know it but they will never admit it.
We Americans also know that The Democrats stole the 2022 election. The Moon Bats also know it but they will never admit it.
Much like JFK. Nothing like that happens without the blessing and support AND PARTICIPATION of the Deep State

Ask yourself: why is Trump so dangerous to these people?

With Kennedy we had the Derp State aligned with the mafia. With Trump we have them aligned with the Democratic party. Because the Dems have lots of mindless lemmings running around doing the Derp State's work for it, for free. This way they don't have to kill anyone.
You're correct...

Rump will say anything that he thinks would help him...

After all... he was a Democrat and a huge donor for the Clintons not too long ago... :auiqs.jpg: :cool:

The guy's just another Vote Whore with a better-than-average line of bull$hit...

Enough to fool most of these Neanderthals, anyway...
Yep. Give him credit: Like a good salesman, he identified a clear and easily-reachable target market and has spoken to them exclusively, precisely in their language, since Escalator Day. Since he has no principles, he just shape-shifted himself to be exactly what they wanted so that they'd trust him.

As another poster here has pointed out, he took one look at the talk radio crowd and said, "this is gonna be easy".

As always though, this is not about him. It's about the sociological/cultural conditions that existed that created him, and the people who have enabled him. He's just one profoundly unwell guy who took advantage of current conditions. It's those conditions we need to examine and address.
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Anyone voting for either of the two criminal gangs is stupid.

If you’re wondering why the DNC just refused to ban dark money it’s because Democrats took even more of it than Republicans in 2020. Remember this next time Democrats give their speeches about “saving democracy.” There is no democracy in the U.S. Both parties serve the oligarchy.

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