Democrats say January 6th almost ended Democracy. What about June 8th?


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2022
Ironic that Nancy Pelosi and her thugs claim that January 6th would have ended Democracy because their lives were threatened and the election would have been overturned. She's bat crazy but this is their attack. Chuck Shumer called on Democrats to threaten Supreme Court Justices if they overturn Roe v Wade. Trump gets impeached over his supposed threat but Shumer is praised for his threat. Now, we have a hearing on the Capitol break-in with 9 Democrat supporters (two supposedly republicans in wolve sheepskins). Yet, a Republican Justice life is threatened and the Democrat AG still allows the Democrat protestors to threaten the Justice's life, breaking the law of the land.
Suppose the killer was successful. This would be the first time the balance of powers would have shifted by means of assassination with the Supreme Court. Giving Biden the opportunity to nominate a left wing Democrat to replace a Republican. What a wicked generation we have. And complete hypocrisy with Pelosi blocking more protection for the Supreme Court but not for Congress. Our Constitution does hang by a thread because of the Democrats.
Oh the Poutrage...

Schumer said. "Of course I didn't intend to suggest anything other than political and public opinion consequences for the Supreme Court, and it is a gross distortion to imply otherwise.

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