Democrats Say You Can't Call A Bombing In NYC Terrorism Because It's Profiling Muslims

I was listening to the reports from Chelsea, and listening to the way all of the liberals are dancing around the issue, calling it "Intentional", but refusing to call it "Terrorism" because that is unfair profiling of Muslims.

Liberals want us to take leave of our senses so they can be politically-correct about yet another attack in the US.

Hillary was asked about it, and she looked like she was on downers. No emotion whatsoever in her voice or her face.

You could tell she didn't give a fuck, even though she was trying to act like it.

She wants more of these attacks. That's why she wants to bring more of them here.

You're a liar.
And you are a dumbass, lol.

I saw it on FOX as well.

I was listening to the reports from Chelsea, and listening to the way all of the liberals are dancing around the issue, calling it "Intentional", but refusing to call it "Terrorism" because that is unfair profiling of Muslims.

Liberals want us to take leave of our senses so they can be politically-correct about yet another attack in the US.

Hillary was asked about it, and she looked like she was on downers. No emotion whatsoever in her voice or her face.

You could tell she didn't give a fuck, even though she was trying to act like it.

She wants more of these attacks. That's why she wants to bring more of them here.

You're a liar.
No, he's got a point that we have come to equate "Terrorism" with "Islamic Radical Terrorism" lately. For good reason, imo, but there are other nutjobs who like to see things go BOOM other than Muslim radicals. Until we know, it is better to be careful in claiming "terrorism" when the public will automatically assume jihadists. That's why the Police Commissioner put it the way he did last night, and why the media (except for Breitbart and Fox) are trying to steer clear of the word.
If it was a jihadist, he/she wasn't that great at making bombs. I'm guessing the NJ and Chelsea explosions were by the same person/people and they weren't all that good at making bombs. 1 of 3 in NJ exploded and one of two exploded in Chelsea. Could have been a homegrown dolt inspired by ISIS, but I'm guessing it was an all American nutcase with some personal injustice to "correct." We'll see.
Yes, we call them Looney liberals.
I was listening to the reports from Chelsea, and listening to the way all of the liberals are dancing around the issue, calling it "Intentional", but refusing to call it "Terrorism" because that is unfair profiling of Muslims.

Liberals want us to take leave of our senses so they can be politically-correct about yet another attack in the US.

Hillary was asked about it, and she looked like she was on downers. No emotion whatsoever in her voice or her face.

You could tell she didn't give a fuck, even though she was trying to act like it.

She wants more of these attacks. That's why she wants to bring more of them here.

You're a liar.
And you're a fat poopy-pants.
I was listening to the reports from Chelsea, and listening to the way all of the liberals are dancing around the issue, calling it "Intentional", but refusing to call it "Terrorism" because that is unfair profiling of Muslims.

Liberals want us to take leave of our senses so they can be politically-correct about yet another attack in the US.

Hillary was asked about it, and she looked like she was on downers. No emotion whatsoever in her voice or her face.

You could tell she didn't give a fuck, even though she was trying to act like it.

She wants more of these attacks. That's why she wants to bring more of them here.

You're a liar.
And you're a fat poopy-pants.

Your bs claim makes you no less a liar.
I was watching Fox News, and the Democrat spokesman actually said calling an attack "Terrorism" is profiling Muslims.
That was Richard Fowler, a Democrat "strategist" who defends any Democrat politician with the ferocity of a crazed crocodile. He is a sick joke. With him, Geraldo and Juana Williams, everything Conservatives say is racist and profiling. I saw that segment on Fox earlier today.

That's exactly what Fux News is for.
Fowler is a Democrat speaking for Hillary. Fox News doesn't exclude opposing viewpoints like CNN, MSNBC, and the rest of the mainstream media.
I was listening to the reports from Chelsea, and listening to the way all of the liberals are dancing around the issue, calling it "Intentional", but refusing to call it "Terrorism" because that is unfair profiling of Muslims.

Liberals want us to take leave of our senses so they can be politically-correct about yet another attack in the US.

Hillary was asked about it, and she looked like she was on downers. No emotion whatsoever in her voice or her face.

You could tell she didn't give a fuck, even though she was trying to act like it.

She wants more of these attacks. That's why she wants to bring more of them here.

You're a liar.
No, he's got a point that we have come to equate "Terrorism" with "Islamic Radical Terrorism" lately. For good reason, imo, but there are other nutjobs who like to see things go BOOM other than Muslim radicals. Until we know, it is better to be careful in claiming "terrorism" when the public will automatically assume jihadists. That's why the Police Commissioner put it the way he did last night, and why the media (except for Breitbart and Fox) are trying to steer clear of the word.
If it was a jihadist, he/she wasn't that great at making bombs. I'm guessing the NJ and Chelsea explosions were by the same person/people and they weren't all that good at making bombs. 1 of 3 in NJ exploded and one of two exploded in Chelsea. Could have been a homegrown dolt inspired by ISIS, but I'm guessing it was an all American nutcase with some personal injustice to "correct." We'll see.
Nonsense. Arabs can be every bit as much of a screw up as an American. You just don't know enough to say who is responsible. However, Muslims love to use explosives. Most Domestic Terrorists, regardless which country it is, love using guns.
The proper Ft. Hood-esque description would be neighborhood violence.

explosion in a trash can? -----how about "goosey nite prank"
(for those not fluent in New Jersey lingo----goosey nite
it the nite before the state holiday HALLOWEEN. It is the
nite of soaping up windows----toilet papering shrubbery---
water balloons from high places-----and little "explosions"
here and there
A prank using a bomb? Maybe you should get pranked, you fucking idiot.
You have to learn to recognize irosie91 s humorous sarcasm, jknowgood
I was listening to the reports from Chelsea, and listening to the way all of the liberals are dancing around the issue, calling it "Intentional", but refusing to call it "Terrorism" because that is unfair profiling of Muslims.

Liberals want us to take leave of our senses so they can be politically-correct about yet another attack in the US.

Hillary was asked about it, and she looked like she was on downers. No emotion whatsoever in her voice or her face.

You could tell she didn't give a fuck, even though she was trying to act like it.

She wants more of these attacks. That's why she wants to bring more of them here.

No one should give a fuck what liberals are demanding. Let them howl all they want.
What absolute stupidity and cowardice to say that Islam can't even be suspected, as if by burying your head in the sand the whole problem will dissapear.

Reality must be faced sooner or later by those who would rather submit.
I was watching Fox News, and the Democrat spokesman actually said calling an attack "Terrorism" is profiling Muslims.
That`s ridiculous. It could be gun nuts. Remember Oklahoma City?

a one time event 21 years ago will forever be the equivalent to the hundreds of muslim attacks going on now
Dylan Roof wasn`t a terrorist? How about the guy who shot up the movie theater?

no, they did not do it as part of an organized ideology
No, he's got a point that we have come to equate "Terrorism" with "Islamic Radical Terrorism" lately. .

That is nothing more than another Marxist talking point.

Everyone else in the country knows that terrorism does not equal Muslim.
Good lord. First we couldn't call Islamic terrorism Islamic terrorism cos it offends Muslims, now we can't call terrorism terrorism cos it offends Muslims :wtf:
I was listening to the reports from Chelsea, and listening to the way all of the liberals are dancing around the issue, calling it "Intentional", but refusing to call it "Terrorism" because that is unfair profiling of Muslims.

Liberals want us to take leave of our senses so they can be politically-correct about yet another attack in the US.

Hillary was asked about it, and she looked like she was on downers. No emotion whatsoever in her voice or her face.

You could tell she didn't give a fuck, even though she was trying to act like it.

She wants more of these attacks. That's why she wants to bring more of them here.

You're a liar.
No, he's got a point that we have come to equate "Terrorism" with "Islamic Radical Terrorism" lately. For good reason, imo, but there are other nutjobs who like to see things go BOOM other than Muslim radicals. Until we know, it is better to be careful in claiming "terrorism" when the public will automatically assume jihadists. That's why the Police Commissioner put it the way he did last night, and why the media (except for Breitbart and Fox) are trying to steer clear of the word.
If it was a jihadist, he/she wasn't that great at making bombs. I'm guessing the NJ and Chelsea explosions were by the same person/people and they weren't all that good at making bombs. 1 of 3 in NJ exploded and one of two exploded in Chelsea. Could have been a homegrown dolt inspired by ISIS, but I'm guessing it was an all American nutcase with some personal injustice to "correct." We'll see.
Whoever is responsible, it was still TERRORISM - quit treating Americans as though they are imbeciles.
I was listening to the reports from Chelsea, and listening to the way all of the liberals are dancing around the issue, calling it "Intentional", but refusing to call it "Terrorism" because that is unfair profiling of Muslims.

Liberals want us to take leave of our senses so they can be politically-correct about yet another attack in the US.

Hillary was asked about it, and she looked like she was on downers. No emotion whatsoever in her voice or her face.

You could tell she didn't give a fuck, even though she was trying to act like it.

She wants more of these attacks. That's why she wants to bring more of them here.

Lies, hyperbole and blaming Muslims and asking questions later. You must be a Trump supporter.
Haven't seen exactly who is responsible for it yet. However, whether from the right, left, or Islamic radicals, it is terrorism. Mindless violence to instill fear in people. The fact that "Conservatives" invariably use this type of incident to try to turn Americans against one another shows that they are really accessories to the terrorists.

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