Democrats Scramble To Come Up With ACA Fixes After Realizing Collapsing Obamacare Still THEIRS

Dems suddenly scrambling to come up with ObamaCare fix

"After fighting Republicans tooth-and-nail for years on their plans to repeal and replace ObamaCare, Democrats have in a matter of days started touting a slew of proposals aimed at improving the ailing health care system.

The Democrats’ scramble to tackle the problem comes after Senate Republicans endured a high-profile failure on their so-called ‘skinny repeal’ replacement bill last week, leaving unclear whether Republicans can ever get the votes to go it alone on health care.

Given the difficulty in locking down GOP support, some Republicans have welcomed the prospect of bipartisan talks. At the same time, some Democratic ideas -- such as those that swell the deficit -- may find little support on the Republican side.

"Voters will take this out on both parties next year”

The Democrats are finally starting to realize that the voters will hammer BOTH parties in 2018 - the GOP for failing to deliver on replacing the ACA and the Democrats for passing it in the 1st place and for doing nothing except Obstructing when a fix was sought.

The continuing collapse of the ACA and the inability of the GOP to lead and get anything done is great news for the American people because it may be forcing both parties to FINALLY come to the table and work together.

We'll see....
What The Republicans should do is Vote EVERY SINGLE DEM PROPOSAL DOWN. After ALL, DEMS SHOWED EVERYONE for the Last 8 years and last 8 MONTHS that they simply refuse to work with anyone on ANYTHING.

In Fact they should VOTE ALL DEM PROPOSALS DOWN all the way through 2018.

10 SENATE SEATS are up for grabs in 2018! These are seats analysts say have the most likely chance of being flipped. It doesn't look good for The Democrats. Maybe that's why they tried to rig the election and then create the Fake Russian Collusion Narrative.

"Democrats reeling from a devastating election face a daunting task: the 2018 Senate map.

It favors Republicans in a big way. The GOP will be defending just eight seats, while Democrats must fight for 23 — plus another two held by independents who caucus with Democrats."

10 Senate seats that could flip in 2018

Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.)
Jon Tester (D-Mont.)
Dean Heller (R-Nev.)
Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.)
Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio)
Bob Casey (D-Pa.)
Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.)
Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.)


And if you think AMERICA isn't sick of THESE DEMOCRATS and their Bullshit "RESIST" movement and people like BLM and ANTIFA, Illegal Alien Gangs on killing sprees, Mexican Heroin, Dembots in the GOV betraying their country and leaking classified information, & Fake News now, wait until 2018!

That's when they should do OBAMACARE Repeal!
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Everyone should has seen this coming. It started with the very partisan passing of ACA.
I beg to differ. It 1st started with the President of the United States wholesale, all-in lying his ass off about the ACA, from everything from 'every meeting will be held on TV' to 'It won't cost a dime, will pay for itself, will lower, premiums, you will have 72 hours to read it before a vote is cast, and if you like your plan you can keep your plan'.

THEN came the Democrats ramming into law in the wee hours of the morning, down the throats of the majority of Americans who opposed it, followed by Pelosi declaring the American people had no right to know what was in their edict until it had been rammed into law.
The last fatal plan of Trumpcare wasn't even revealed to its own republican congress. Trump wants them to vote yes without even seeing it. You didn't know that did you. There's so much you don't know.
Biggest crock of shit ever. The party in power owns healthcare..

Who rammed the POS into law? Democrats.

Whose NAME is on the law? OBAMAcare

Snowflakes claiming the ACA is the Repubicans' and Trump's is like the Captain of the Exon Veldeez, after running onto the rocks, telling the clean-up crew that shows up later, "It's all YOURS!"

You know why Trump lied to you, Chumps?

You know why he had no intention of doing anything other than keeping ObamaCare around?

You know why he wants to keep ObamaCare around so it will blow up, hurting millions of Americans in the process?

Listen. Here's the secret. I'll let you in on it because I feel fucking sorry for you retards.

Here's the deal: Trump wants things to get so bad that the American people will cry out for single payer. UHC.

Trump has ALWAYS wanted UHC for America.

And you will turn on a dime and support single payer healthcare, thirty-eight milliseconds after your naked emperor tells you to.

Because that is who and what you are, Chumps.
Dems suddenly scrambling to come up with ObamaCare fix

"After fighting Republicans tooth-and-nail for years on their plans to repeal and replace ObamaCare, Democrats have in a matter of days started touting a slew of proposals aimed at improving the ailing health care system.

The Democrats’ scramble to tackle the problem comes after Senate Republicans endured a high-profile failure on their so-called ‘skinny repeal’ replacement bill last week, leaving unclear whether Republicans can ever get the votes to go it alone on health care.

Given the difficulty in locking down GOP support, some Republicans have welcomed the prospect of bipartisan talks. At the same time, some Democratic ideas -- such as those that swell the deficit -- may find little support on the Republican side.

"Voters will take this out on both parties next year”

The Democrats are finally starting to realize that the voters will hammer BOTH parties in 2018 - the GOP for failing to deliver on replacing the ACA and the Democrats for passing it in the 1st place and for doing nothing except Obstructing when a fix was sought.

The continuing collapse of the ACA and the inability of the GOP to lead and get anything done is great news for the American people because it may be forcing both parties to FINALLY come to the table and work together.

We'll see....
What The Republicans should do is Vote EVERY SINGLE DEM PROPOSAL DOWN. After ALL, DEMS SHOWED EVERYONE for the Last 8 years and last 8 MONTHS that they simply refuse to work with anyone on ANYTHING.
The Republican Party has the well earned reputation as the party of obstruction.
Yet you lie about the Dems.
Your rotting tree is starting to fall..
I'm quite liberal, and getting much more liberal, on health care and other things. What's the purpose of a country if you're not gonna have defense and health care? If you can’t take care of your sick in the country, forget it, it’s all over. So I'm very liberal when it comes to health care. I believe in universal healthcare. - Donald J. Trump

Republicans just need to control the House, the Senate, and, the White House if the ACA is going to be repealed. Perhaps one day they will.
When Trump says " Let Obamacare implode" what he's actually saying is " Let people die."

He's the most heartless, brutal unconscionable president in history.

Trump: I want to be president of all the people.

You got snookered.
The Republican Party has the well earned reputation as the party of obstruction.
...declares the snowflake whose party openly, publicly declared they are 100% committed to shutting down the govt for the next 2 - 4 years for their own party's benefit.

The REALLY stupid thing is they never had to do that, and look like seditious, nutt-hurt asses while doing it, because the GOP under McConnell and Ryan's leadership can't get shite done anyway.

You know why Trump lied to you, Chumps?

You know why he had no intention of doing anything other than keeping ObamaCare around?

You know why he wants to keep ObamaCare around so it will blow up, hurting millions of Americans in the process?

Listen. Here's the secret. I'll let you in on it because I feel fucking sorry for you retards.

Trump wants things to get so bad, that the American people will cry out for single payer. UHC.

Trump has ALWAYS wanted UHC for America.

And you will turn on a dime and support single payer healthcare, thirty-eight milliseconds after your naked emperor tells you to.

Because that is who and what you are, Chumps.

Which was the plan from the beginning nimrod. I've been saying it since day 1. It's not just what TRUMP wants, it's what they ALL want.
It's funny how many times Trump used to go on fake news channel CNN to spout his far left views.

And the Chumps haven't even noticed! :lol:
We all own the ACA, & WE all better work together, because its not looking good no matter what side of the isle you sit on.
You know why Trump lied to you, Chumps?

You know why he had no intention of doing anything other than keeping ObamaCare around?

You know why he wants to keep ObamaCare around so it will blow up, hurting millions of Americans in the process?

Listen. Here's the secret. I'll let you in on it because I feel fucking sorry for you retards.

Trump wants things to get so bad, that the American people will cry out for single payer. UHC.

Trump has ALWAYS wanted UHC for America.

And you will turn on a dime and support single payer healthcare, thirty-eight milliseconds after your naked emperor tells you to.

Because that is who and what you are, Chumps.

Which was the plan from the beginning nimrod. I've been saying it since day 1. It's not just what TRUMP wants, it's what they ALL want.

Okay. You guys need to understand something unequivocally.

The Democrats are not going to give up.

Say it with me, "The Democrats are not going to give up."

ObamaCare will lumber on, gaining momentum as the bugs are worked out.

The sooner this sinks in, the better off you will be. The better prepared you will be.

It's over. The GOP capitulated the healthcare reform issue ten years ago, kids. They handed it over to the Democrats with a big red bow on it. We were sold down the river. What you are seeing now is a dog and pony show put on for the benefit of tards who don't know they were sold into bondage by their own party ten years ago.

In our lifetimes, we will have single payer healthcare and 60 percent-plus tax brackets. And that is the only time ObamaCare is going to be repealed.
You know why Trump lied to you, Chumps?

You know why he had no intention of doing anything other than keeping ObamaCare around?

You know why he wants to keep ObamaCare around so it will blow up, hurting millions of Americans in the process?

Listen. Here's the secret. I'll let you in on it because I feel fucking sorry for you retards.

Trump wants things to get so bad, that the American people will cry out for single payer. UHC.

Trump has ALWAYS wanted UHC for America.

And you will turn on a dime and support single payer healthcare, thirty-eight milliseconds after your naked emperor tells you to.

Because that is who and what you are, Chumps.

Which was the plan from the beginning nimrod. I've been saying it since day 1. It's not just what TRUMP wants, it's what they ALL want.

Okay. You guys need to understand something unequivocally.

The Democrats are not going to give up.

Say it with me, "The Democrats are not going to give up."

ObamaCare will lumber on, gaining momentum as the bugs are worked out.

The sooner this sinks in, the better off you will be. The better prepared you will be.

It's over. The GOP capitulated the healthcare reform issue ten years ago, kids. They handed it over to the Democrats with a big red bow on it. We were sold down the river. What you are seeing now is a dog and pony show put on for the benefit of tards who don't know they were sold into bondage by their own party ten years ago.

In our lifetimes, we will have single payer healthcare and 60 percent-plus tax brackets. And that is the only time ObamaCare is going to be repealed.

You just don't like being shown up kid. The ACA was DESIGNED to collapse the system.
You know why Trump lied to you, Chumps?

You know why he had no intention of doing anything other than keeping ObamaCare around?

You know why he wants to keep ObamaCare around so it will blow up, hurting millions of Americans in the process?

Listen. Here's the secret. I'll let you in on it because I feel fucking sorry for you retards.

Trump wants things to get so bad, that the American people will cry out for single payer. UHC.

Trump has ALWAYS wanted UHC for America.

And you will turn on a dime and support single payer healthcare, thirty-eight milliseconds after your naked emperor tells you to.

Because that is who and what you are, Chumps.

Which was the plan from the beginning nimrod. I've been saying it since day 1. It's not just what TRUMP wants, it's what they ALL want.

Okay. You guys need to understand something unequivocally.

The Democrats are not going to give up.

Say it with me, "The Democrats are not going to give up."

ObamaCare will lumber on, gaining momentum as the bugs are worked out.

The sooner this sinks in, the better off you will be. The better prepared you will be.

It's over. The GOP capitulated the healthcare reform issue ten years ago, kids. They handed it over to the Democrats with a big red bow on it. We were sold down the river. What you are seeing now is a dog and pony show put on for the benefit of tards who don't know they were sold into bondage by their own party ten years ago.

In our lifetimes, we will have single payer healthcare and 60 percent-plus tax brackets. And that is the only time ObamaCare is going to be repealed.

You just don't like being shown up kid. The ACA was DESIGNED to collapse the system.

Did you look at the date of the post I quoted, retard?

You didn't show up anyone. You're a johnny come lately without a single original thought in your head, son. With a queer obsession for me.
We all own the ACA, & WE all better work together, because its not looking good no matter what side of the isle you sit on.

'We all own the ACA' is like an oxen declaring, 'Ok, all of us own this yoke that has been forced around our necks, so we better work together to make it work better...'
You know why Trump lied to you, Chumps?

You know why he had no intention of doing anything other than keeping ObamaCare around?

You know why he wants to keep ObamaCare around so it will blow up, hurting millions of Americans in the process?

Listen. Here's the secret. I'll let you in on it because I feel fucking sorry for you retards.

Trump wants things to get so bad, that the American people will cry out for single payer. UHC.

Trump has ALWAYS wanted UHC for America.

And you will turn on a dime and support single payer healthcare, thirty-eight milliseconds after your naked emperor tells you to.

Because that is who and what you are, Chumps.

Which was the plan from the beginning nimrod. I've been saying it since day 1. It's not just what TRUMP wants, it's what they ALL want.

Okay. You guys need to understand something unequivocally.

The Democrats are not going to give up.

Say it with me, "The Democrats are not going to give up."

ObamaCare will lumber on, gaining momentum as the bugs are worked out.

The sooner this sinks in, the better off you will be. The better prepared you will be.

It's over. The GOP capitulated the healthcare reform issue ten years ago, kids. They handed it over to the Democrats with a big red bow on it. We were sold down the river. What you are seeing now is a dog and pony show put on for the benefit of tards who don't know they were sold into bondage by their own party ten years ago.

In our lifetimes, we will have single payer healthcare and 60 percent-plus tax brackets. And that is the only time ObamaCare is going to be repealed.

You just don't like being shown up kid. The ACA was DESIGNED to collapse the system.

which is why 43 republicans and democrats formed a bipartisan committee to save it..

Dems suddenly scrambling to come up with ObamaCare fix

"After fighting Republicans tooth-and-nail for years on their plans to repeal and replace ObamaCare, Democrats have in a matter of days started touting a slew of proposals aimed at improving the ailing health care system.

The Democrats’ scramble to tackle the problem comes after Senate Republicans endured a high-profile failure on their so-called ‘skinny repeal’ replacement bill last week, leaving unclear whether Republicans can ever get the votes to go it alone on health care.

Given the difficulty in locking down GOP support, some Republicans have welcomed the prospect of bipartisan talks. At the same time, some Democratic ideas -- such as those that swell the deficit -- may find little support on the Republican side.

"Voters will take this out on both parties next year”

The Democrats are finally starting to realize that the voters will hammer BOTH parties in 2018 - the GOP for failing to deliver on replacing the ACA and the Democrats for passing it in the 1st place and for doing nothing except Obstructing when a fix was sought.

The continuing collapse of the ACA and the inability of the GOP to lead and get anything done is great news for the American people because it may be forcing both parties to FINALLY come to the table and work together.

We'll see....

it is not "collapsing", dum dum. but please keep spreading your paid propaganda.

you need to stop lying all day every day and find something productive to do with your time.

now be a good troll and read this for a bit of actual reality:

Study: ObamaCare market 'stabilizing,' not collapsing

and when you're done, send our regards to vlad.

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