Democrats Scramble To Come Up With ACA Fixes After Realizing Collapsing Obamacare Still THEIRS

one has to ask what type of "president" wants to hurt people just so he can pretend he isn't a total embarrassment and failure.
You know why Trump lied to you, Chumps?

You know why he had no intention of doing anything other than keeping ObamaCare around?

You know why he wants to keep ObamaCare around so it will blow up, hurting millions of Americans in the process?

Listen. Here's the secret. I'll let you in on it because I feel fucking sorry for you retards.

Trump wants things to get so bad, that the American people will cry out for single payer. UHC.

Trump has ALWAYS wanted UHC for America.

And you will turn on a dime and support single payer healthcare, thirty-eight milliseconds after your naked emperor tells you to.

Because that is who and what you are, Chumps.

Which was the plan from the beginning nimrod. I've been saying it since day 1. It's not just what TRUMP wants, it's what they ALL want.

Okay. You guys need to understand something unequivocally.

The Democrats are not going to give up.

Say it with me, "The Democrats are not going to give up."

ObamaCare will lumber on, gaining momentum as the bugs are worked out.

The sooner this sinks in, the better off you will be. The better prepared you will be.

It's over. The GOP capitulated the healthcare reform issue ten years ago, kids. They handed it over to the Democrats with a big red bow on it. We were sold down the river. What you are seeing now is a dog and pony show put on for the benefit of tards who don't know they were sold into bondage by their own party ten years ago.

In our lifetimes, we will have single payer healthcare and 60 percent-plus tax brackets. And that is the only time ObamaCare is going to be repealed.

You just don't like being shown up kid. The ACA was DESIGNED to collapse the system.

Did you look at the date of the post I quoted, retard?

You didn't show up anyone. You're a johnny come lately without a single original thought in your head, son. With a queer obsession for me.

You don't like being shown up, I warned you about that ego kid.
one has to ask what type of "president" wants to hurt people just so he can pretend he isn't a total embarrassment and failure.

Obambi and the Political caste CONSTRUCTED it to do just what it's doing. Time to grow up and think like a big person honey.
You know why Trump lied to you, Chumps?

You know why he had no intention of doing anything other than keeping ObamaCare around?

You know why he wants to keep ObamaCare around so it will blow up, hurting millions of Americans in the process?

Listen. Here's the secret. I'll let you in on it because I feel fucking sorry for you retards.

Trump wants things to get so bad, that the American people will cry out for single payer. UHC.

Trump has ALWAYS wanted UHC for America.

And you will turn on a dime and support single payer healthcare, thirty-eight milliseconds after your naked emperor tells you to.

Because that is who and what you are, Chumps.

Which was the plan from the beginning nimrod. I've been saying it since day 1. It's not just what TRUMP wants, it's what they ALL want.

Okay. You guys need to understand something unequivocally.

The Democrats are not going to give up.

Say it with me, "The Democrats are not going to give up."

ObamaCare will lumber on, gaining momentum as the bugs are worked out.

The sooner this sinks in, the better off you will be. The better prepared you will be.

It's over. The GOP capitulated the healthcare reform issue ten years ago, kids. They handed it over to the Democrats with a big red bow on it. We were sold down the river. What you are seeing now is a dog and pony show put on for the benefit of tards who don't know they were sold into bondage by their own party ten years ago.

In our lifetimes, we will have single payer healthcare and 60 percent-plus tax brackets. And that is the only time ObamaCare is going to be repealed.

You just don't like being shown up kid. The ACA was DESIGNED to collapse the system.

Did you look at the date of the post I quoted, retard?

You didn't show up anyone. You're a johnny come lately without a single original thought in your head, son. With a queer obsession for me.

You don't like being shown up, I warned you about that ego kid.

you freaks are the ones who've been shown up.

I love rightwingnut scum who get their butts handed to them and declare "victory".

I guess that's how you manage to delude yourself in trumpworld. :cuckoo:

such freaks of nature... :rofl:

now read, loserboy

Study: ObamaCare market 'stabilizing,' not collapsing
Dems suddenly scrambling to come up with ObamaCare fix

"After fighting Republicans tooth-and-nail for years on their plans to repeal and replace ObamaCare, Democrats have in a matter of days started touting a slew of proposals aimed at improving the ailing health care system.

The Democrats’ scramble to tackle the problem comes after Senate Republicans endured a high-profile failure on their so-called ‘skinny repeal’ replacement bill last week, leaving unclear whether Republicans can ever get the votes to go it alone on health care.

Given the difficulty in locking down GOP support, some Republicans have welcomed the prospect of bipartisan talks. At the same time, some Democratic ideas -- such as those that swell the deficit -- may find little support on the Republican side.

"Voters will take this out on both parties next year”

The Democrats are finally starting to realize that the voters will hammer BOTH parties in 2018 - the GOP for failing to deliver on replacing the ACA and the Democrats for passing it in the 1st place and for doing nothing except Obstructing when a fix was sought.

The continuing collapse of the ACA and the inability of the GOP to lead and get anything done is great news for the American people because it may be forcing both parties to FINALLY come to the table and work together.

We'll see....
Biggest crock of shit ever. The party in power owns healthcare..
You wanted complete power in government. Now that you got it you're going to blame Dems for your failures? No one is buying it. Easy putz is a stone cold liar..

The party in power owns healthcare!!?? Must be a liberal.
one has to ask what type of "president" wants to hurt people just so he can pretend he isn't a total embarrassment and failure.

Obambi and the Political caste CONSTRUCTED it to do just what it's doing. Time to grow up and think like a big person honey.

I'm sorry, I stopped reading when you couldn't manage to spell the name of the president who won election twice with 52% of the electorate.

dismissed loserboy.
Which was the plan from the beginning nimrod. I've been saying it since day 1. It's not just what TRUMP wants, it's what they ALL want.

Okay. You guys need to understand something unequivocally.

The Democrats are not going to give up.

Say it with me, "The Democrats are not going to give up."

ObamaCare will lumber on, gaining momentum as the bugs are worked out.

The sooner this sinks in, the better off you will be. The better prepared you will be.

It's over. The GOP capitulated the healthcare reform issue ten years ago, kids. They handed it over to the Democrats with a big red bow on it. We were sold down the river. What you are seeing now is a dog and pony show put on for the benefit of tards who don't know they were sold into bondage by their own party ten years ago.

In our lifetimes, we will have single payer healthcare and 60 percent-plus tax brackets. And that is the only time ObamaCare is going to be repealed.

You just don't like being shown up kid. The ACA was DESIGNED to collapse the system.

Did you look at the date of the post I quoted, retard?

You didn't show up anyone. You're a johnny come lately without a single original thought in your head, son. With a queer obsession for me.

You don't like being shown up, I warned you about that ego kid.

you freaks are the ones who've been shown up.

I love rightwingnut scum who get their butts handed to them and declare "victory".

I guess that's how you manage to delude yourself in trumpworld. :cuckoo:

such freaks of nature... :rofl:

now read, loserboy

Study: ObamaCare market 'stabilizing,' not collapsing

Pssst honey? The carriers are all pulling out ;) Why would that be?
Dems suddenly scrambling to come up with ObamaCare fix

"After fighting Republicans tooth-and-nail for years on their plans to repeal and replace ObamaCare, Democrats have in a matter of days started touting a slew of proposals aimed at improving the ailing health care system.

The Democrats’ scramble to tackle the problem comes after Senate Republicans endured a high-profile failure on their so-called ‘skinny repeal’ replacement bill last week, leaving unclear whether Republicans can ever get the votes to go it alone on health care.

Given the difficulty in locking down GOP support, some Republicans have welcomed the prospect of bipartisan talks. At the same time, some Democratic ideas -- such as those that swell the deficit -- may find little support on the Republican side.

"Voters will take this out on both parties next year”

The Democrats are finally starting to realize that the voters will hammer BOTH parties in 2018 - the GOP for failing to deliver on replacing the ACA and the Democrats for passing it in the 1st place and for doing nothing except Obstructing when a fix was sought.

The continuing collapse of the ACA and the inability of the GOP to lead and get anything done is great news for the American people because it may be forcing both parties to FINALLY come to the table and work together.

We'll see....
Biggest crock of shit ever. The party in power owns healthcare..
You wanted complete power in government. Now that you got it you're going to blame Dems for your failures? No one is buying it. Easy putz is a stone cold liar..

The party in power owns healthcare!!?? Must be a liberal.

you really shouldn't call yourself "thinker" until you think.
one has to ask what type of "president" wants to hurt people just so he can pretend he isn't a total embarrassment and failure.

Obambi and the Political caste CONSTRUCTED it to do just what it's doing. Time to grow up and think like a big person honey.

I'm sorry, I stopped reading when you couldn't manage to spell the name of the president who won election twice with 52% of the electorate.

dismissed loserboy.

No you stopped because you aren't prepared for this discussion kid.

You just don't like being shown up kid. The ACA was DESIGNED to collapse the system.

Did you look at the date of the post I quoted, retard?

You didn't show up anyone. You're a johnny come lately without a single original thought in your head, son. With a queer obsession for me.

You don't like being shown up, I warned you about that ego kid.

you freaks are the ones who've been shown up.

I love rightwingnut scum who get their butts handed to them and declare "victory".

I guess that's how you manage to delude yourself in trumpworld. :cuckoo:

such freaks of nature... :rofl:

now read, loserboy

Study: ObamaCare market 'stabilizing,' not collapsing

Pssst honey? The carriers are all pulling out ;) Why would that be?


because the orange lunatic hasn't sent the checks, loserboy...

again... read, lowlife.

Study: ObamaCare market 'stabilizing,' not collapsing
You know why Trump lied to you, Chumps?

You know why he had no intention of doing anything other than keeping ObamaCare around?

You know why he wants to keep ObamaCare around so it will blow up, hurting millions of Americans in the process?

Listen. Here's the secret. I'll let you in on it because I feel fucking sorry for you retards.

Trump wants things to get so bad, that the American people will cry out for single payer. UHC.

Trump has ALWAYS wanted UHC for America.

And you will turn on a dime and support single payer healthcare, thirty-eight milliseconds after your naked emperor tells you to.

Because that is who and what you are, Chumps.

Which was the plan from the beginning nimrod. I've been saying it since day 1. It's not just what TRUMP wants, it's what they ALL want.

Okay. You guys need to understand something unequivocally.

The Democrats are not going to give up.

Say it with me, "The Democrats are not going to give up."

ObamaCare will lumber on, gaining momentum as the bugs are worked out.

The sooner this sinks in, the better off you will be. The better prepared you will be.

It's over. The GOP capitulated the healthcare reform issue ten years ago, kids. They handed it over to the Democrats with a big red bow on it. We were sold down the river. What you are seeing now is a dog and pony show put on for the benefit of tards who don't know they were sold into bondage by their own party ten years ago.

In our lifetimes, we will have single payer healthcare and 60 percent-plus tax brackets. And that is the only time ObamaCare is going to be repealed.

You just don't like being shown up kid. The ACA was DESIGNED to collapse the system.

which is why 43 republicans and democrats formed a bipartisan committee to save it..


They aren't going to "save" it, they will replace it with what was planned years ago. Single payer.
one has to ask what type of "president" wants to hurt people just so he can pretend he isn't a total embarrassment and failure.

Obambi and the Political caste CONSTRUCTED it to do just what it's doing. Time to grow up and think like a big person honey.

I'm sorry, I stopped reading when you couldn't manage to spell the name of the president who won election twice with 52% of the electorate.

dismissed loserboy.

No you stopped because you aren't prepared for this discussion kid.

er... no....

if you aren't smart enough to spell president Obama's name, you aren't worth discussing anything with.

and until you learn to read you have nothing to say, loserboy.

Study: ObamaCare market 'stabilizing,' not collapsing

now go stamp your widdle trumploon feet
You know why Trump lied to you, Chumps?

You know why he had no intention of doing anything other than keeping ObamaCare around?

You know why he wants to keep ObamaCare around so it will blow up, hurting millions of Americans in the process?

Listen. Here's the secret. I'll let you in on it because I feel fucking sorry for you retards.

Trump wants things to get so bad, that the American people will cry out for single payer. UHC.

Trump has ALWAYS wanted UHC for America.

And you will turn on a dime and support single payer healthcare, thirty-eight milliseconds after your naked emperor tells you to.

Because that is who and what you are, Chumps.

Which was the plan from the beginning nimrod. I've been saying it since day 1. It's not just what TRUMP wants, it's what they ALL want.

Okay. You guys need to understand something unequivocally.

The Democrats are not going to give up.

Say it with me, "The Democrats are not going to give up."

ObamaCare will lumber on, gaining momentum as the bugs are worked out.

The sooner this sinks in, the better off you will be. The better prepared you will be.

It's over. The GOP capitulated the healthcare reform issue ten years ago, kids. They handed it over to the Democrats with a big red bow on it. We were sold down the river. What you are seeing now is a dog and pony show put on for the benefit of tards who don't know they were sold into bondage by their own party ten years ago.

In our lifetimes, we will have single payer healthcare and 60 percent-plus tax brackets. And that is the only time ObamaCare is going to be repealed.

You just don't like being shown up kid. The ACA was DESIGNED to collapse the system.

which is why 43 republicans and democrats formed a bipartisan committee to save it..


They aren't going to "save" it, they will replace it with what was planned years ago. Single payer.

planned by whom, loserboy? Hillary Clinton when she was first lady?
You just don't like being shown up kid. The ACA was DESIGNED to collapse the system.

Did you look at the date of the post I quoted, retard?

You didn't show up anyone. You're a johnny come lately without a single original thought in your head, son. With a queer obsession for me.

You don't like being shown up, I warned you about that ego kid.

you freaks are the ones who've been shown up.

I love rightwingnut scum who get their butts handed to them and declare "victory".

I guess that's how you manage to delude yourself in trumpworld. :cuckoo:

such freaks of nature... :rofl:

now read, loserboy

Study: ObamaCare market 'stabilizing,' not collapsing

Pssst honey? The carriers are all pulling out ;) Why would that be?


because the orange lunatic hasn't sent the checks, loserboy...

again... read, lowlife.

Study: ObamaCare market 'stabilizing,' not collapsing

Pssst? The Risk Corridors have NEVER sent more than 12% of what was promised honey. Be patient, your Single Payer is coming.
The GOP lied to us for eight years.

They can claim whatever they want, but they can't escape that fact.
Which was the plan from the beginning nimrod. I've been saying it since day 1. It's not just what TRUMP wants, it's what they ALL want.

Okay. You guys need to understand something unequivocally.

The Democrats are not going to give up.

Say it with me, "The Democrats are not going to give up."

ObamaCare will lumber on, gaining momentum as the bugs are worked out.

The sooner this sinks in, the better off you will be. The better prepared you will be.

It's over. The GOP capitulated the healthcare reform issue ten years ago, kids. They handed it over to the Democrats with a big red bow on it. We were sold down the river. What you are seeing now is a dog and pony show put on for the benefit of tards who don't know they were sold into bondage by their own party ten years ago.

In our lifetimes, we will have single payer healthcare and 60 percent-plus tax brackets. And that is the only time ObamaCare is going to be repealed.

You just don't like being shown up kid. The ACA was DESIGNED to collapse the system.

which is why 43 republicans and democrats formed a bipartisan committee to save it..


They aren't going to "save" it, they will replace it with what was planned years ago. Single payer.

planned by whom, loserboy? Hillary Clinton when she was first lady?

LOL, the Political Class sweetie, you know how I know you aren't up to this conversation?
You still think that there two distinct Parties in Washington. Sorry no. There is one party being used to divide the Nation and they are damn good at it. This is precisely why nothing ever changes.
one has to ask what type of "president" wants to hurt people just so he can pretend he isn't a total embarrassment and failure.

Obambi and the Political caste CONSTRUCTED it to do just what it's doing. Time to grow up and think like a big person honey.

I'm sorry, I stopped reading when you couldn't manage to spell the name of the president who won election twice with 52% of the electorate.

dismissed loserboy.

No you stopped because you aren't prepared for this discussion kid.

er... no....

if you aren't smart enough to spell president Obama's name, you aren't worth discussing anything with.

and until you learn to read you have nothing to say, loserboy.

Study: ObamaCare market 'stabilizing,' not collapsing

now go stamp your widdle trumploon feet

And if you aren't smart enough to do adequate research you aren't worth discussing anything with...loser liberal.
Is It Time To Acknowledge That Obamacare Is Collapsing?

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