Democrats Scramble To Come Up With ACA Fixes After Realizing Collapsing Obamacare Still THEIRS

You just don't like being shown up kid. The ACA was DESIGNED to collapse the system.

which is why 43 republicans and democrats formed a bipartisan committee to save it..


They aren't going to "save" it, they will replace it with what was planned years ago. Single payer.

planned by whom, loserboy? Hillary Clinton when she was first lady?

LOL, the Political Class sweetie, you know how I know you aren't up to this conversation?
You still think that there two distinct Parties in Washington. Sorry no. There is one party being used to divide the Nation and they are damn good at it. This is precisely why nothing ever changes.

it's so cute how trump loons keep repeating the same trash regardless of reality.

poor dear....

so delusional
You just don't like being shown up kid. The ACA was DESIGNED to collapse the system.

which is why 43 republicans and democrats formed a bipartisan committee to save it..


They aren't going to "save" it, they will replace it with what was planned years ago. Single payer.

planned by whom, loserboy? Hillary Clinton when she was first lady?

LOL, the Political Class sweetie, you know how I know you aren't up to this conversation?
You still think that there two distinct Parties in Washington. Sorry no. There is one party being used to divide the Nation and they are damn good at it. This is precisely why nothing ever changes.

it's so cute how trump loons keep repeating the same trash regardless of reality.

poor dear....

so delusional

Did you read your own source kid?
It stated that the Companies have paid out 75% of collected premiums for claims....can you tell me what's wrong with that statement?
Obamacare Customers Face Big Price Hikes Next Year | HuffPost

Health insurers plan big Obamacare rate hikes — and they blame Trump

More insurers drop Obamacare, even in a state with a healthy exchange
- "Two counties won't have any insurers participating in the individual market -- either on the state's Obamacare exchange or off of it -- next year unless another company steps in, the Washington insurance department said Wednesday. This could be trouble for the more than 3,300 people in those counties, Klickitat and Grays Harbor, who buy their own coverage. This includes the more than 2,100 residents who signed up for policies through the exchange."

--- F* 'em....they don't need insurance, right, snowflakes?!

Last remaining insurer for most of Iowa may drop out of Obamacare

Oh, no....the ACA is doing GREAT....exactly what Obama promised, right?
No sane person is going to blame the Democrats for future Obamacare problems after the Republican majority failed to lift a finger to fix them.

LMAO is that why voters booted your ass out of the House, Senate, and White House? That's some funny shit right there ^^^ :laugh: you people own Obamacare, it destroyed your party and Obama's presidency.

Republicans ran on repealing and replacing Obamacare. Now that they've PROVEN they aren't capable of doing that,
the value of that as a campaign issue is GONE.
We'll see....
If Trump drove the Titanic into an iceberg, you'd be starting a topic about what a great guy Trump is for taking everyone out for a moonlight swim.

You are one of the most pathetic hacks on this forum.
"If you like your plan you can keep your plan"

7 Key Promises Obamacare Broke
- Obamacare's mandates and regulations caused insurance plans to cover benefits that a lot of people didn't want or need, contributing to the rise in premiums while pushing people off their insurance and onto Medicaid

"The ACA won't cost a dime / The ACA will pay for itself."

Obamacare’s Subsidies to Cost Taxpayers an Extra $10 Billion in 2017
- "We now have a price tag showing exactly how much those higher premiums will cost the public. The government will spend nearly $10 billion more this year, rising from about $32.8 billion in 2016 to about $42.6 billion in 2017, a 28 percent hike. The average monthly subsidy will rise from $291 per month to $367."

"The ACA will lower premiums"

7 Key Promises Obamacare Broke
- Obama promised repeatedly that premiums would decline by $2,500 per year under Obamacare. The opposite happened as premiums SKY-ROCKETED under the ACA.

"I will not sign a plan that adds one dime to our deficits"

7 Key Promises Obamacare Broke
- Obamacare will "result in trillion-dollar deficits in seven years' time" and that the "Congressional Budget Office warned that the debt could be as high as $30 trillion by 2030, with Obamacare being one of the driving factors behind that increase."

"Obamacare Exchanges will be competitive market places"

7 Key Promises Obamacare Broke
- ""We'll do this by creating a new insurance exchange — a marketplace where individuals and small businesses will be able to shop for health insurance at a competitive price,"

FACT: "Seven states have only one insurer providing insurance through Obamacare due to the fact that major insurers like Blue Cross Blue Shield, United Healthcare and Aetna are all leaving the exchanges because of unsustainability. As a result, there has been less competition throughout the Obamacare exchanges, contributing to the rise of premiums and deductibles and less consumer choice."

Obama is one of the, if not THE, biggest LYING President of all time, intentionally running a scam on the American people, and in the end Democrats still had to ram it into law as the American people slept.
“I’m going to be working for you. I’m not going to have time to go play golf. Bleev me. Bleev me. Bleev me, folks." - Donald Trump, August 8, 2016

"If you like your plan you can keep your plan"

7 Key Promises Obamacare Broke
- Obamacare's mandates and regulations caused insurance plans to cover benefits that a lot of people didn't want or need, contributing to the rise in premiums while pushing people off their insurance and onto Medicaid

"The ACA won't cost a dime / The ACA will pay for itself."

Obamacare’s Subsidies to Cost Taxpayers an Extra $10 Billion in 2017
- "We now have a price tag showing exactly how much those higher premiums will cost the public. The government will spend nearly $10 billion more this year, rising from about $32.8 billion in 2016 to about $42.6 billion in 2017, a 28 percent hike. The average monthly subsidy will rise from $291 per month to $367."

"The ACA will lower premiums"

7 Key Promises Obamacare Broke
- Obama promised repeatedly that premiums would decline by $2,500 per year under Obamacare. The opposite happened as premiums SKY-ROCKETED under the ACA.

"I will not sign a plan that adds one dime to our deficits"

7 Key Promises Obamacare Broke
- Obamacare will "result in trillion-dollar deficits in seven years' time" and that the "Congressional Budget Office warned that the debt could be as high as $30 trillion by 2030, with Obamacare being one of the driving factors behind that increase."

"Obamacare Exchanges will be competitive market places"

7 Key Promises Obamacare Broke
- ""We'll do this by creating a new insurance exchange — a marketplace where individuals and small businesses will be able to shop for health insurance at a competitive price,"

FACT: "Seven states have only one insurer providing insurance through Obamacare due to the fact that major insurers like Blue Cross Blue Shield, United Healthcare and Aetna are all leaving the exchanges because of unsustainability. As a result, there has been less competition throughout the Obamacare exchanges, contributing to the rise of premiums and deductibles and less consumer choice."

Obama is one of the, if not THE, biggest LYING President of all time, intentionally running a scam on the American people, and in the end Democrats still had to ram it into law as the American people slept.
"My first day in office, I'm going to ask Congress to put a bill on my desk getting rid of this disastrous law, and replacing it with reforms that expand choice, freedom, affordability. You're going to have such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost, and it's going to be so easy."

Trump Vows To Immediately Repeal, Replace 'Imploding' Obamacare

In his first press conference since the election, President-Elect Donald Trump called “Obamacare” a “total disaster” and vowed to repeal and replace it immediately.

Trump said a replacement for “Obamacare” will be offered with the confirmation of his health secretary.

"On day one of the Trump Administration, we will ask Congress to immediately deliver a full repeal of Obamacare.

"However, it is not enough to simply repeal this terrible legislation. We will work with Congress to make sure we have a series of reforms ready for implementation that follow free market principles and that will restore economic freedom and certainty to everyone in this country. By following free market principles and working together to create sound public policy that will broaden healthcare access, make healthcare more affordable and improve the quality of the care available to all Americans."

2015 Lie of the Year: Donald Trump's campaign misstatements

PolitiFact's 2016 Lie of the Year: Fake news

Fake news: Hillary Clinton is running a child sex ring out of a pizza shop.
Where's the ObamaCare replacement Trump said he had?

You dumb shits are so unbelievably stupid, you never even asked to see it! Even now, you have STILL not caught on you were hoaxed.

Trump holds you in such utter contempt, he knows he can lie to you because you are that profoundly fucking stupid.

And no amount of smoke you emit from your ass is going to hide that.
No sane person is going to blame the Democrats for future Obamacare problems after the Republican majority failed to lift a finger to fix them.

wow you are delusional.

dems rammed it through and have not done a single thing to fix it.

its all yours....the house of cards is coming down. buh bye
"After fighting Republicans tooth-and-nail for years on their plans to repeal and replace ObamaCare, Democrats have in a matter of days started touting a slew of proposals aimed at improving the ailing health care system..

After finding out that the Deal Maker in Chief couldn't accomplish anything in Congress- and after the Republicans fail at repealing the ACA- the Democrats have signaled that they are willing to work with Republicans to fix areas of the ACA that need fixing.

Are Republicans willing to do something to help the healthcare of Americans- if it means working with Democrats?

We will see.
"After fighting Republicans tooth-and-nail for years on their plans to repeal and replace ObamaCare, Democrats have in a matter of days started touting a slew of proposals aimed at improving the ailing health care system..

After finding out that the Deal Maker in Chief couldn't accomplish anything in Congress- and after the Republicans fail at repealing the ACA- the Democrats have signaled that they are willing to work with Republicans to fix areas of the ACA that need fixing.

Are Republicans willing to do something to help the healthcare of Americans- if it means working with Democrats?

We will see.
McConnell isn't...and if he changes his mind he will give the Democrats anything they want.
No sane person is going to blame the Democrats for future Obamacare problems after the Republican majority failed to lift a finger to fix them.

LMAO is that why voters booted your ass out of the House, Senate, and White House? That's some funny shit right there ^^^ :laugh: you people own Obamacare, it destroyed your party and Obama's presidency.

Republicans ran on repealing and replacing Obamacare. Now that they've PROVEN they aren't capable of doing that,
the value of that as a campaign issue is GONE.

We are discussing Dem's epic ass whooping, you are deflecting, new day same old NYcarbineer. Here's some :laugh::laugh::laugh: for any of your posts I didn't get around to mocking yet.
Democrats have been proposing fixes for years but Republicans blocked them every time.

Maybe it's time for some bipartisan work on ACA.
Dems suddenly scrambling to come up with ObamaCare fix

"After fighting Republicans tooth-and-nail for years on their plans to repeal and replace ObamaCare, Democrats have in a matter of days started touting a slew of proposals aimed at improving the ailing health care system.

The Democrats’ scramble to tackle the problem comes after Senate Republicans endured a high-profile failure on their so-called ‘skinny repeal’ replacement bill last week, leaving unclear whether Republicans can ever get the votes to go it alone on health care.

Given the difficulty in locking down GOP support, some Republicans have welcomed the prospect of bipartisan talks. At the same time, some Democratic ideas -- such as those that swell the deficit -- may find little support on the Republican side.

"Voters will take this out on both parties next year”

The Democrats are finally starting to realize that the voters will hammer BOTH parties in 2018 - the GOP for failing to deliver on replacing the ACA and the Democrats for passing it in the 1st place and for doing nothing except Obstructing when a fix was sought.

The continuing collapse of the ACA and the inability of the GOP to lead and get anything done is great news for the American people because it may be forcing both parties to FINALLY come to the table and work together.

We'll see....

Pubs have had how many years to repeal or fix.

And now they have a prez?

You suck at logic.

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