Democrats scream "Death to America" in Kenosha

"A nation divided against itself will fall"
Abraham Lincoln

Since most of those fighting for the fall of America are Communists, they are elated at their progress.

Americans are not divided, just traditionally slow to react.

We have a domestic enemy in our midst that must be dealt with in the harshest terms.

Don't worry. Trump will be tossed out of office in November. Then he will be arrested and tried for his various crimes against the Constitution and the American people.
You're mentally ill.
"A nation divided against itself will fall"
Abraham Lincoln

Since most of those fighting for the fall of America are Communists, they are elated at their progress.

Americans are not divided, just traditionally slow to react.

We have a domestic enemy in our midst that must be dealt with in the harshest terms.

Don't worry. Trump will be tossed out of office in November. Then he will be arrested and tried for his various crimes against the Constitution and the American people.
Awwk...awwwwk..liberal Polly wanna cracker....awwwk awwwk
Exactly what you expect in a Banana Republic. Trying to Demonize millions and millions of Democrats over what a few said in anger during a protest. What a vile party the GOP has become under Trumpybear.

Democrats are demonizing themselves quite successfully, thank you.

"Once again, a Black man — Jacob Blake — was shot by the police. In front of his children. It makes me sick.

Is this the country we want to be?

Needless violence won’t heal us. We need to end the violence — and peacefully come together to demand justice. "

What a brainless liberal lemming you are

Let me tell you about those Lemmings you've been conditioned about.... The top nature hoax.

"Watch the first video segment below, from the 1958 Walt Disney documentary, White Wilderness, Part II. In great part, it’s how the lemming-suicide myth began.

In the second video, you’ll see how similar film footage was created. Captured lemmings were placed on a turntable to simulate the migration and chased over a cliff into the sea.

Although we’d like to think we’re more sophisticated today and skeptical than we were a few decades ago, still many animal photographs, posters, videos and “documentaries” are staged."

Whoooosh....whhhoooosssh....the sound of wind passing from one ear to the other through your skull

That's okay, just keep following the herd.
Exactly what you expect in a Banana Republic. Trying to Demonize millions and millions of Democrats over what a few said in anger during a protest. What a vile party the GOP has become under Trumpybear.

Democrats are demonizing themselves quite successfully, thank you.

"Once again, a Black man — Jacob Blake — was shot by the police. In front of his children. It makes me sick.

Is this the country we want to be?

Needless violence won’t heal us. We need to end the violence — and peacefully come together to demand justice. "

What a brainless liberal lemming you are

Let me tell you about those Lemmings you've been conditioned about.... The top nature hoax.

"Watch the first video segment below, from the 1958 Walt Disney documentary, White Wilderness, Part II. In great part, it’s how the lemming-suicide myth began.

In the second video, you’ll see how similar film footage was created. Captured lemmings were placed on a turntable to simulate the migration and chased over a cliff into the sea.

Although we’d like to think we’re more sophisticated today and skeptical than we were a few decades ago, still many animal photographs, posters, videos and “documentaries” are staged."

Whoooosh....whhhoooosssh....the sound of wind passing from one ear to the other through your skull

That's okay, just keep following the herd.
No thanks, the "herd" is out there rioting and breaking the law every night I follow law abiding citizens
"A nation divided against itself will fall"
Abraham Lincoln

Since most of those fighting for the fall of America are Communists, they are elated at their progress.

Americans are not divided, just traditionally slow to react.

We have a domestic enemy in our midst that must be dealt with in the harshest terms.
Execution by Semi.
"A nation divided against itself will fall"
Abraham Lincoln

Since most of those fighting for the fall of America are Communists, they are elated at their progress.

Americans are not divided, just traditionally slow to react.

We have a domestic enemy in our midst that must be dealt with in the harshest terms.

Don't worry. Trump will be tossed out of office in November. Then he will be arrested and tried for his various crimes against the Constitution and the American people.
Awwk...awwwwk..liberal Polly wanna cracker....awwwk awwwk
Exactly what you expect in a Banana Republic. Trying to Demonize millions and millions of Democrats over what a few said in anger during a protest. What a vile party the GOP has become under Trumpybear.

Democrats are demonizing themselves quite successfully, thank you.

"Once again, a Black man — Jacob Blake — was shot by the police. In front of his children. It makes me sick.

Is this the country we want to be?

Needless violence won’t heal us. We need to end the violence — and peacefully come together to demand justice. "

What a brainless liberal lemming you are

Let me tell you about those Lemmings you've been conditioned about.... The top nature hoax.

"Watch the first video segment below, from the 1958 Walt Disney documentary, White Wilderness, Part II. In great part, it’s how the lemming-suicide myth began.

In the second video, you’ll see how similar film footage was created. Captured lemmings were placed on a turntable to simulate the migration and chased over a cliff into the sea.

Although we’d like to think we’re more sophisticated today and skeptical than we were a few decades ago, still many animal photographs, posters, videos and “documentaries” are staged."

Whoooosh....whhhoooosssh....the sound of wind passing from one ear to the other through your skull

That's okay, just keep following the herd.
No thanks, the "herd" is out there rioting and breaking the law every night I follow law abiding citizens

The "herd" is voting for Donald Trump. No policies, no plans, no clue.
Well look at you. One month to the day on this board and already making a fool of yourself by not paying attention to who you are responoding to. Idiot right wingers.
They sure calmed down after a couple of them got shot and killed....that's how you stop the looting and rioting....all it takes is a couple of long rifle 22 cal...well placed rounds...and like magic the riot ends.....
"A nation divided against itself will fall"
Abraham Lincoln

Since most of those fighting for the fall of America are Communists, they are elated at their progress.

America is not divided.

We just imported a other nation among our midst.

If you don't vote for president Trump, you aren't an American.
Nah, unlike you, he'll never attain moron status.
Exactly what you expect in a Banana Republic. Trying to Demonize millions and millions of Democrats over what a few said in anger during a protest. What a vile party the GOP has become under Trumpybear.

Democrats are demonizing themselves quite successfully, thank you.

"Once again, a Black man — Jacob Blake — was shot by the police. In front of his children. It makes me sick.

Is this the country we want to be?

Needless violence won’t heal us. We need to end the violence — and peacefully come together to demand justice. "

Another obnoxious retarded person dies... All he had to do was obey the cops orders and live another day
"A nation divided against itself will fall"
Abraham Lincoln

Since most of those fighting for the fall of America are Communists, they are elated at their progress.

America is not divided.

We just imported a other nation among our midst.

If you don't vote for president Trump, you aren't an American.
Nah, unlike you, he'll never attain moron status.
Get prepared to lose big in November...I'll be partying like its 2016....
It's time to send-in a great deal of mounted horse-cavalry armed with long baton-clubs, tazers and (for emergencies) semi-automatic service pistols.

Time to start cracking skulls of these rioters and looters, round them up, and pack them off to Sheriff Joe Arpaio -style tent-camps to await processing.
Posted on August 26, 2020
BLM’s Perpetual Fake Outrage Cycle
Michelle Malkin, American Renaissance, August 26, 2020

Here we go again: Manufacture. Rinse. Repeat.
Everyone knows the cycle. Everyone knows it ends with false and incomplete narratives eventually being debunked by actual facts. Everyone knows that the racial mythmakers and political opportunists end up with fame, wealth and glory — but never any criminal punishments or moral accountability.

"A nation divided against itself will fall"
Abraham Lincoln

Since most of those fighting for the fall of America are Communists, they are elated at their progress.

Americans are not divided, just traditionally slow to react.

We have a domestic enemy in our midst that must be dealt with in the harshest terms.

Don't worry. Trump will be tossed out of office in November. Then he will be arrested and tried for his various crimes against the Constitution and the American people.
Awwk...awwwwk..liberal Polly wanna cracker....awwwk awwwk
Exactly what you expect in a Banana Republic. Trying to Demonize millions and millions of Democrats over what a few said in anger during a protest. What a vile party the GOP has become under Trumpybear.

Democrats are demonizing themselves quite successfully, thank you.

"Once again, a Black man — Jacob Blake — was shot by the police. In front of his children. It makes me sick.

Is this the country we want to be?

Needless violence won’t heal us. We need to end the violence — and peacefully come together to demand justice. "

What a brainless liberal lemming you are

Let me tell you about those Lemmings you've been conditioned about.... The top nature hoax.

"Watch the first video segment below, from the 1958 Walt Disney documentary, White Wilderness, Part II. In great part, it’s how the lemming-suicide myth began.

In the second video, you’ll see how similar film footage was created. Captured lemmings were placed on a turntable to simulate the migration and chased over a cliff into the sea.

Although we’d like to think we’re more sophisticated today and skeptical than we were a few decades ago, still many animal photographs, posters, videos and “documentaries” are staged."

Whoooosh....whhhoooosssh....the sound of wind passing from one ear to the other through your skull

That's okay, just keep following the herd.
No thanks, the "herd" is out there rioting and breaking the law every night I follow law abiding citizens

The "herd" is voting for Donald Trump. No policies, no plans, no clue.
Well look at you. One month to the day on this board and already making a fool of yourself by not paying attention to who you are responoding to. Idiot right wingers.
Hmmmm...who did you say is making a fool of themselves??
BLM and Antifa, who Democrat Gerry Nadler continues to claim does not even exist, continued to publicly demonstrate that they are foreign-funded, Democrat-supported/facilitated DOMESTIC TERRORISTS, ENEMIES OF THE STATE.

Biden should denounce both groups and rebuke Gerry Nadler for continuing to embarrass himself, the Democratic party, and Biden by making the ludicrous claim that one of the militant, terrorist arms of the DNC - Antifa - does not even exist.

Exactly what you expect in a Banana Republic. Trying to Demonize millions and millions of Democrats over what a few said in anger during a protest. What a vile party the GOP has become under Trumpybear.
You are who you are. Show us where you've condemned their violence

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