Democrats setting a precedent on doxxing

"Biden Refuses To Condemn Harrassment of SC Justices"​

Means about as much as "Biden refuses to condemn his morning bowl of Cheerios". The man scarcely knows who he is. What's mind numbingly tragic is that small part of America that actually believes his is participating in political life in a meaningful way. The man's a carrot stick.
You'll see. Women's rights are about to come under attack by a constituency that wants them to go back in the kitchen and shut the fuck up.
If by "go back in the kitchen and shut the fuck up", you mean we want them to learn to be responsible for their genitals for the first time in their lives, you're probably right.
You lot suddenly get concerned about doxxing? REALLY? After all this time?

You have been doing it for some time…to poll workers, to election officials, to abortion providers…now, suddenly “it is a new level”? No it isn’t. It is bad alright. You just excused it when you guys did it.
I personally think doxxing should be made illegal. I don’t argue that this practice has been done by both sides; But, yes, you are goddamn right that I believe it is at a new level when a fucking Presidential administration dismisses it.
Leave it to the Left to make doxxing acceptable as part of protest and free speech. The Administration has every opportunity right now to put boundaries on protest and even say no to doxxing.

This too shall return to bite the Left in the ass. Remember this when Right Wing activist doxx liberal judges and politicians over an outcome or means of intimidation.
They'll see. We've allowed them their stupidity for far too long. It's coming.
Activists upset about the leaked document detailing a SCOTUS review of Roe V Wade are planning to dox and protest the homes of Supreme Court Justices.

This is another precedent being set by the Left. If you don’t like the action our outcome of the Court, you can dox them and protest outside their homes.

"Dox" people all you want if it's at their place of business and the reason why you're doxxing them is related to their work, e.g protest in front of the Supreme Court, flood their worklines with messages.

But not at home. That's harassment. And it's counterproductive because most people view it as wrong.
You lot suddenly get concerned about doxxing? REALLY? After all this time?

You have been doing it for some time…to poll workers, to election officials, to abortion providers…now, suddenly “it is a new level”? No it isn’t. It is bad alright. You just excused it when you guys did it.

Death threats and stalking people's families because the election workers didn't believe The Big Lie and overturning an election was pretty noxious.
haha yeah cause women are gonna be arrested for being knocked up! hahahaha
After they criminalize seeking an end to an unwanted pregnancy either though drugs or travel even women who have a natural miscarriage will be suspect. That's what's coming in some states. Decide now if you want to be supportive of that.
After they criminalize seeking an end to an unwanted pregnancy either though drugs or travel even women who have a natural miscarriage will be suspect. That's what's coming in some states. Decide now if you want to be supportive of that.
Have I told you lately how full of shit you are? I'm perfectly happy if sluts kill their children, as long as I don't have to pay for it and they don't do it in my state.
After they criminalize seeking an end to an unwanted pregnancy either though drugs or travel even women who have a natural miscarriage will be suspect. That's what's coming in some states. Decide now if you want to be supportive of that.
haha yeah they are gonna make laws against women traveling! hahaha

you are funny

"Biden Refuses To Condemn Harrassment of SC Justices"​

Means about as much as "Biden refuses to condemn his morning bowl of Cheerios". The man scarcely knows who he is. What's mind numbingly tragic is that small part of America that actually believes his is participating in political life in a meaningful way. The man's a carrot stick.
The sonofabitch should be impeached for instigating terrorism against the Justices.
Have I told you lately how full of shit you are? I'm perfectly happy if sluts kill their children, as long as I don't have to pay for it and they don't do it in my state.
So you're like the idiots in Alabama that keep voting down getting the lottery and complaining about underfunded education while driving to the next state to get lotto every week. Cutting off your nose to spite your face just makes you seem like the worst kind of fool.
So you're like the idiots in Alabama that keep voting down getting the lottery and complaining about underfunded education while driving to the next state to get lotto every week. Cutting off your nose to spite your face just makes you seem like the worst kind of fool.
I iterate.....................

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