Democrats setting a precedent on doxxing

Since the conservative judges have made the decision to put partisan politics above the good of the nation they must now face the wrath of their intended victims. Where's your usual complaint about activist judges now hack? This decision has the potential to cause so much harm they should never have another minute's peace.

Based on the Constitution, they are making the correct decision. What you and the Democrats want is for them to make a political decision.
Based on the Constitution, they are making the correct decision. What you and the Democrats want is for them to make a political decision.
This is going to hurt a lot of people and only add to the poisonous political atmosphere of the nation. It's not the correct decision.
You don’t see any harm in every extremists group “peacefully” protesting every partisan issue brought before any court? Every judge would face the equivalent of a paparazzi crowd everywhere he/she went. You believe this is productive, particularly for the highest court in the land? You don’t believe that inevitable, given that type of environment, that things may get out of hand and lead to violence?

Someone not only leaked internal notes from the SCJ, but also the home address of the justices. You can’t see how potentially dangerous this type of behavior is to the very fabric of the court and 1/3 of our federal government?
This is what politics becomes when a small number of people make unpopular decisions that hurt everyone.
The people have every tight to protest no matter what you people think or approve.
I'm so happy all this Doxin is taking place pal. I want it to get seiously out of control

If it was Kagan or that knuckle dragging stupid Mongoloid, it would be different with you absolute wastes not deserving to even live
This is what politics becomes when a small number of people make unpopular decisions that hurt everyone.

They appear to be on the verge of overturning an unconstitutional law. That is their job. If abortion is so popular, states can enact laws on their own. It is really that simple.
They appear to be on the verge of overturning an unconstitutional law. That is their job. If abortion is so popular, states can enact laws on their own. It is really that simple.
This particular cop out is not going to work very long. Better start thinking of a good excuse why preganant women deserve to be arrested.
When places like Texas are throwing women in prison for having miscarriages try not to giggle too much.
I'm on your side. I want the Doxing of everyone I disagree with. I want to put pictures of their children and families and where they go to skewl

We know what the Kavanaugh kids look like just by official photos

You know you want to see them harmed or you wouldn't do it
Activists upset about the leaked document detailing a SCOTUS review of Roe V Wade are planning to dox and protest the homes of Supreme Court Justices.

This is another precedent being set by the Left. If you don’t like the action our outcome of the Court, you can dox them and protest outside their homes.

You lot suddenly get concerned about doxxing? REALLY? After all this time?

You have been doing it for some time…to poll workers, to election officials, to abortion providers…now, suddenly “it is a new level”? No it isn’t. It is bad alright. You just excused it when you guys did it.
Xiden and the party of the klan have long hated the judicial branch of govt, it gets in the way of their oppressive regime.

So of course they openly encourage an insurrection to over throw it
This particular cop out is not going to work very long. Better start thinking of a good excuse why preganant women deserve to be arrested.
huh? what makes you think they are gonna be arrested?
This particular cop out is not going to work very long. Better start thinking of a good excuse why preganant women deserve to be arrested.

What you want is for the SC to ignore a law that is unconstitutional(re: extending the “right to privacy”) to support your ideology. That is not how it works. Like I said, each state can make laws which they feel best represent their constituencies.
Like the Democrats say, silence is violence. Biden is a classless Marxist.
Prez Biden appears to be a corrupted capitalist big time as he likes making $$$$$ big time anyway he can. Big Joe does not like competition so he prefers the American constituency to remain imprisoned into communalism. The pres Biden mentality is: "Do as I say NOT as I do!"
With inflation through the roof, an open border, parents feeling powerless in directing their kids school and a war in Ukraine, this "leak" was perfectly timed to try and motivate Dem voters to get out in the mid-terms in spite of their own personal suffering and difficulties eating, feeling safe.

Anyone who votes based on this leak deserves their bread crumbs. You are doing the bidding of billionaires.
What you want is for the SC to ignore a law that is unconstitutional(re: extending the “right to privacy”) to support your ideology. That is not how it works. Like I said, each state can make laws which they feel best represent their constituencies.
You'll see. Women's rights are about to come under attack by a constituency that wants them to go back in the kitchen and shut the fuck up.

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