Democrats should have been thrilled to see trump rally in Arizona

Why would he lie and say he lost the election?

It’s clear now that he won. Democrats had to cheat and steal the election.
The election is over, the Electoral College awarded it to Biden. Trump needs to accept defeat and move on. With al the abuse he suffered for four years, I'd think he's be glad to be out of the White House.

Yup, he cannot man up and admit he lose in 2020. The longer he keeps dragging up his loss, the more it helps the Dems. Young, talented Republicans need wo walk away from this Loser before he does to him what he did to the Georgia Senatorial race.
Were the former cheeto-in-chief to admit he lost the election (and by a landslide), there would be a mass suicide among the trump Nazis. After accepting as truth more than thirty-thousand lies, to hear the truth from their wannabe führer, would be too much for vast majority of them to bear.

Not sure there are any honest and patriotic republicans left. If they had those two qualities, they wouldn't be republicans any more.
There's a reason they're considered the right. That's not just coincidence.
There's a reason they're considered the right. That's not just coincidence.
Yes. It's because they sit on the right in congressional chambers, and Democrats sit to the left. . You didn't already know that?
This morning Ken Bennett, the Arizona Senate's point man to the Maricopa County audit, was on the radio.

Bennett said he was denied access Friday from an ongoing third count of the ballot totals in an Arizona State Fairgrounds building after a disagreement about how that tally should be conducted.

He said co-liaison Randy Pullen had already taken the lead during the new count, which Bennett thought an independent group should conduct after the Cyber Ninjas’ tally didn’t match the total documented by Maricopa County.

The auditors have refused to reveal their procedures for the latest count, Bennett said, leaving him “very concerned” they would “force balance” in the direction of their earlier findings.

Look who's talking, dementia Joe Biden is your leader :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
It's really something watching Trump cult members off themselves by not getting vaccinated because they love the sensation of getting smoke blown up their asses by Dear Leader & his goons over at Fox who conveniently have all been vaccinated.

It really is something.
It's really something watching Trump cult members off themselves by not getting vaccinated because they love the sensation of getting smoke blown up their asses by Dear Leader & his goons over at Fox who conveniently have all been vaccinated.

It really is something.
Why do you lie? I was vaccinated within days of it becoming available to my age/risk group fool. Wait, CNN fake news is that you?
Why do you lie? I was vaccinated within days of it becoming available to my age/risk group fool. Wait, CNN fake news is that you?
You may have been vaccinated but there are millions of others who haven't because they're stupid. Stupid for listening to right wing hacks who would rather see people die then listen to experts who are warning people to get vaccinated. This os the only time in history that a vaccine has been used as a political tool. And Trump & his goons like that bastard Carlson are responsible. Today the Gov. of Arkansas was booed & heckled by idiots in a town hall because she advocated for getting the shot. Some will die & infect others, some who also will die. It goes on & on. Enough.
You may have been vaccinated but there are millions of others who haven't because they're stupid. Stupid for listening to right wing hacks who would rather see people die then listen to experts who are warning people to get vaccinated. This os the only time in history that a vaccine has been used as a political tool. And Trump & his goons like that bastard Carlson are responsible. Today the Gov. of Arkansas was booed & heckled by idiots in a town hall because she advocated for getting the shot. Some will die & infect others, some who also will die. It goes on & on. Enough.
10's of millions of Dems have not got the vaccine. See we can make shit up too without any facts to back it up. 10's of millions of Dem super spreaders, KILLING people.
For the far left and far right not to be hypocrits, the quality of Cyber Ninjas' work on this "forensic audit" should be viewed as equivalent to their view of all past investigations and analysis conducted by Michael Moore on a variety of matters.

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