President Trump to Attend Rally to Protect Our Elections

Because our polite reps have done such a great job?
I guess you have a very cushy job or a great pension.
We need leaders that understand the Cincinnatus Principle... not some disloyal autocratic un-American piece-of-$hit like ya'll fielded last time.
You want to hear policy not insults as you insult all "dark skinned" people. Interesting.
My comment about "Dark Skinned" people is fact, not an insult.
Name me one nation down south where the non-wealthy want to stay where they can't.
My turn.

Can you name a country less diverse and more white than the United States that is as successful?
People like you don't understand how politics works. If there aren't any blacks in the administration, blacks will bitch and complain. If there aren't women in the administration, women will bitch and complain. Some token blacks and women need to be in the administration to make the minorities happy.
In other words, she is your idea of a woman, even though she was tump's Communications Director,
which means absolutely no credibility, nada, zilch because she is a woman who is only using her office to "bitch and complain". This is your idea of how politics works?? There is no truth to her insider statement about tump, even though she was a part of his inner circle? You need therapy, son.
It has all the bearing in the world but I do recognize your immaturity.
Enlighten us, oh Wise-and-Mature One...

How does the nature of anyone's job or their retirement preparations bear upon the remark (below)?

Remember... you're dealing with an immature simpleton, so use small words, to improve the odds that I'll understand you...

We need leaders that understand the Cincinnatus Principle... not some disloyal autocratic un-American piece-of-$hit like ya'll fielded last time...
They didnt have any evidence a year ago and they wont have any in mid August or whatever the new date for the Kraken is. :auiqs.jpg:
Yeah, whatever did happen to that Kraken anyway? So many people I grew up with kept posting that then......silence. Weird how that happens. :rolleyes:
Enlighten us, oh Wise-and-Mature One...

How does the nature of anyone's job or their retirement preparations bear upon the remark (below)?

Remember... you're dealing with an immature simpleton, so use small words, to improve the odds that I'll understand you...
When you have a pension you don't care about other people careers or financial situation.
And what-in-the-world leads you to believe that I don't care about other people's careers or financial situation?
You voted for a scumbag who has voted for decades to replace US citizens in the workforce with non-citizens.
Are you really that stupid?
You voted for a scumbag who has voted for decades to replace US citizens in the workforce with non-citizens.
Are you really that stupid?
Ahhhhh... got it... an obscure and oblique connection, but... OK... it's still within the boundaries of rational thought... kinda-sorta...

No, I'm not stupid.

I merely believe that the damage done by a Left-of-Center traditionalist can be reversed, once the Placeholder President I voted for has run his course.

I believe that the damage to American representative democracy and rule-of-law likely to unfold during a second Rump term would have been irreversible.

I voted for reversible damage rather than face the very likely prospect of irreversible damage - the Lesser of Two Evils, in my opinion, and that of a majority of our countrymen.

My pocketbook - or yours - or any other individual's - is FAR less important than the preservation of American representative democracy and the rule-of-law.

You selfishly and myopically voted your pocketbook.

I voted in the best long-term interests of The People and their Republic and its Constitution and the Rule of Law.

Sleepy Old Uncle Joe wasn't my first choice, either... but at least he'll step aside and honor the tradition of a peaceful-transfer-of-power once his time is done.

As it probably will be after a single term... especially if the Pubs manage to regain a majority in the legislative branch this time next year, as it seems likely they will.

I'm actually a hard-liner on Immigration and China and Allies paying their fair share and American Manufacturing and a Strong Defense and an America First perspective.

It's just that your Orange Baboon-God is entirely unfit - intellectually, morally, ethically - for high office in our Republic - and is too high a price for me to get what I want.

So I vote for the preservation of the Republic and wait and hope for better times.

Next time, field much of the Rump agenda, for all I care... much of it is appealing... but ditch Rump himself, and field a better candidate who understands Cincinnatus.
Ahhhhh... got it... an obscure and oblique connection, but... OK... it's still within the boundaries of rational thought... kinda-sorta...

No, I'm not stupid.

I merely believe that the damage done by a Left-of-Center traditionalist can be reversed, once the Placeholder President I voted for has run his course.

I believe that the damage to American representative democracy and rule-of-law likely to unfold during a second Rump term would have been irreversible.

I voted for reversible damage rather than face the very likely prospect of irreversible damage - the Lesser of Two Evils, in my opinion, and that of a majority of our countrymen.

My pocketbook - or yours - or any other individual's - is FAR less important than the preservation of American representative democracy and the rule-of-law.

You selfishly and myopically voted your pocketbook.

I voted in the best long-term interests of The People and their Republic and its Constitution and the Rule of Law.

Sleepy Old Uncle Joe wasn't my first choice, either... but at least he'll step aside and honor the tradition of a peaceful-transfer-of-power once his time is done.

As it probably will be after a single term... especially if the Pubs manage to regain a majority in the legislative branch this time next year, as it seems likely they will.

I'm actually a hard-liner on Immigration and China and Allies paying their fair share and American Manufacturing and a Strong Defense and an America First perspective.

It's just that your Orange Baboon-God is entirely unfit - intellectually, morally, ethically - for high office in our Republic - and is too high a price for me to get what I want.

So I vote for the preservation of the Republic and wait and hope for better times.

Next time, field much of the Rump agenda, for all I care... much of it is appealing... but ditch Rump himself, and field a better candidate who understands Cincinnatus.
Well said, and I doubt that the blogger understands your point, even though you spelled it out in a way that a 5th grader would understand and appreciate.

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