democrats spend millions to keep a black veteran from winning the Illinois republican primary !

thats right the good ole boys in the dem party spend millions endorsing a white republican to undermine a black republican from winning the Illinois primary ! the left were desperately against a black man being their opponent in the gov race ! so desperate they spent a record amount of money to endorse a white republican to prevent a black republican from being their opponent in the gen election for governor ! WOW !
Gasp! Dems are actively campaigning against a Republican!!! So unfair :crybaby: :crybaby:
Damn, one more Trump worshiping fool having sexual fantasies about me.

Why is it so many of you have these fantasies about me?
no ones having any sexual fantasies about you unless you view wanting to put people like you in cages beside the bearded lady in a freak show and charging people 5 bucks a pop to throw rotten fruit at you as sexual ..
no ones having any sexual fantasies about you unless you consider putting people like you in cages beside the bearded lady in a freak show and charging people 5 bucks a pop to throw rotten fruit at you sexual ..

There you go again.

Weird how it is always the far right wingnuts with these fantasies

It is almost like you have something to hide and it keeps slipping out
lol ! why did your party spend record amounts on a white guy to beat a black guy ? answer .... dems hate black conservatives that dont kiss their asses .
Fucking retard. Yes, Dems hate conservatives. Color has nothing to do with it.

Would you idiots support a liberal? Black, white or blue? Fucking retard. Is this the best you can do?
There you go again.

Weird how it is always the far right wingnuts with these fantasies

It is almost like you have something to hide and it keeps slipping out

watch out freak !
Don't you conservatives have some more white supremacist asses to suck?

All the white supremacist shistains are on your side. All the guys sporting swastikas are on your side. Such racist filth is always very, very welcome in the Republican party.

I'm making it clear where we all stand. Liberals oppose racists, while conservatives spend their lives lovingly tonguing racist anuses.

Now, racists, pull your tongues clear, run back to your masters, drop to your knees, do what you do best, and then ask your masters how to respond.
Don't you conservatives have some more white supremacist asses to suck?

All the white supremacist shistains are on your side. All the guys sporting swastikas are on your side. Such racist filth is always very, very welcome in the Republican party.

I'm making it clear where we all stand. Liberals oppose racists, while conservatives spend their lives lovingly tonguing racist anuses.

Now, racists, pull your tongues clear, run back to your masters, drop to your knees, do what you do best, and then ask your masters how to respond.

Irvin lost 15% to 53%, but yeah it was the Dems that caused him to lose!

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:
Fucking retard. Yes, Dems hate conservatives. Color has nothing to do with it.

Would you idiots support a liberal? Black, white or blue? Fucking retard. Is this the best you can do?
lol ! i love sending leftists over the edge !:dance:
white democrats hate and fear black conservatives .
Actually, I despise all conservative equally. However, I fear none. You people might wreak havoc with the Constitution, Democracy, the environment, and the health and well being of people for a while. However, the arc of justice is long andcertain. In the end you will pay
thats right the good ole boys in the dem party spend millions endorsing a white republican to undermine a black republican from winning the Illinois primary ! the left were desperately against a black man being their opponent in the gov race ! so desperate they spent a record amount of money to endorse a white republican to prevent a black republican from being their opponent in the gen election for governor ! WOW !
He must not be really black because if he was really black he would be on Biden's side.
Actually, I despise all conservative equally. However, I fear none. You people might wreak havoc with the Constitution, Democracy, the environment, and the health and well being of people for a while. However, the arc of justice is long andcertain. In the end you will pay
is that why leftists are threatening SC justices and fire bombing family planning centers ?
Actually, I despise all conservative equally. However, I fear none. You people might wreak havoc with the Constitution, Democracy, the environment, and the health and well being of people for a while. However, the arc of justice is long andcertain. In the end you will pay
take that and run with it in nov 2022 and 2024 commie .
The truly best part of this thread is the guy lost by 38 percentage points, and this fucking moron wants to blame it on the Dems! :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
is that why leftists are threatening SC justices and fire bombing family planning centers ?
Both sides decend into violence at times. You guys did Jan 6. Because a few letftists act stupid, it does not mean that we as a group endorse it. On the other hand , your dear leader is very vocal about promoting violence
Both sides decend into violence at times. You guys did Jan 6. Because a few letftists act stupid, it does not mean that we as a group endorse it. On the other hand , your dear leader is very vocal about promoting violence
the brief violence on jan 6th is the only mass violence by the right in decades ! do you recall the night when the left tried to storm the WH perimeter and injured dozens of Secrete Service members and set fires ? it was so violent they had to move the POTUS to a bunker ! do you remember that ? the mob was calling for the presidents head ! if you need a reminder it happened during the time of a spree of violent riots [over 500] by leftists in 2020 ... an election year !
the brief violence on jan 6th is the only mass violence by the right in decades ! do you recall the night when the left tried to storm the WH perimeter and injured dozens of Secrete Service members and set fires ? it was so violent they had to move the POTUS to a bunker ! do you remember that ? the mob was calling for the presidents head ! if you need a reminder it happened during the time of a spree of violent riots [over 500] by leftists in 2020 ... an election year !
No actually I don't remenber. Are you referring to the war of 1812?

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