Democrats SUE to stop Arizona Senate from forensic audit of 2020 election

So YOU say...Me think thou protests too much.
I do say. These jokers they hired aren’t serious. They aren’t reputable. They don’t know what they’re doing and they’re not really even telling people what they’re doing.

Why would anyone consider this a legitimate audit?

The danger here isn’t unearthing an actual crime, it’s providing more lies for the people who want to believe there was.
Guess what? The machines scanning the ballots know what they are doing. You just turn them on. They should be able to find anything that would make the ballot illegal. You guys are in world's of trouble.

The voters will see through this scam for that is what it is - time-tested GOP dirty tricks from decades ago.
The voters will see fraud proven. They will see other states getting audits.
The voters will see accusations of fraud.

They will indeed, and Sleepy Joe will have every opportunity to prove his innocence.
No big deal. The crazies have been yelling fraud for a long time. Not a drop of credible proof yet. No reason to believe the crap they come up with will be any more credible than that pillow nut's claims.

There is no proof you, or any progressive will admit to, because of your inherent dishonesty...
Nobody has presented any yet.

So, like usual, if evidence is not presented to you immediately upon announcing any investigation, you dismiss it...You wouldn’t believe evidence if it were presented, because you’re only here to dissemble....
That's what I thought. You keep whining about evidence, but you never present it. Come on dumb ass. Show the credible evidence or admit it doesn't exist.

When the investigation is over, AZ will make its findings known...This is how investigations are done, buttercup.
Any day now?

It‘s done when it’s done...Why the rush? What are you afraid of?
So YOU say...Me think thou protests too much.
I do say. These jokers they hired aren’t serious. They aren’t reputable. They don’t know what they’re doing and they’re not really even telling people what they’re doing.

Why would anyone consider this a legitimate audit?

The danger here isn’t unearthing an actual crime, it’s providing more lies for the people who want to believe there was.
Guess what? The machines scanning the ballots know what they are doing. You just turn them on. They should be able to find anything that would make the ballot illegal. You guys are in world's of trouble.

The voters will see through this scam for that is what it is - time-tested GOP dirty tricks from decades ago.
The voters will see fraud proven. They will see other states getting audits.
The voters will see accusations of fraud.

They will indeed, and Sleepy Joe will have every opportunity to prove his innocence.
No big deal. The crazies have been yelling fraud for a long time. Not a drop of credible proof yet. No reason to believe the crap they come up with will be any more credible than that pillow nut's claims.

There is no proof you, or any progressive will admit to, because of your inherent dishonesty...
Nobody has presented any yet.

So, like usual, if evidence is not presented to you immediately upon announcing any investigation, you dismiss it...You wouldn’t believe evidence if it were presented, because you’re only here to dissemble....
That's what I thought. You keep whining about evidence, but you never present it. Come on dumb ass. Show the credible evidence or admit it doesn't exist.

When the investigation is over, AZ will make its findings known...This is how investigations are done, buttercup.
Any day now?

It‘s done when it’s done...Why the rush? What are you afraid of?
One of us might be afraid of credible proof that might come from that investigation, but I assure you it isn't me.
The audit is showing a shit,oad of inconsistencies. What a shock.

And it is all fake inconsistencies.

What about illegal colored pens (they are NOT using RED) which is the authorized color for audits when they find errors or mistakes NOT the blue or black ones which CAN be used to change votes since it's color voters used when they first cast their votes ....

What a slimy stunt.
What about the demleftists and their media allies concocting all kinds of misinformation to cast doubt on the process? If you morons weren’t so easily misled this country would be in much better shape.
if you have nothing to hide whats the problem with looking??

Say it ain’t so! Democrats in Arizona don’t want anyone looking under the tables to see what really happened in November and they are suing to stop the Senate from conducting their forensic audit of the 2020 election:

How many times are you supposed to look before you concede? They had nothing to hide from any legit outfit, but it is over now. What we now have is the qanons hiring some righty wing fufnick outfit who won't let any opposition watch them.
Who knows what they are doing in there? How are they doing it? Are they being honest? What have YOU got to hide? When is this phony nonsense going to end?
Trump lost. Get over it! And get over him--he is a grifter who wants to control you!
if you have nothing to hide whats the problem with looking??

Say it ain’t so! Democrats in Arizona don’t want anyone looking under the tables to see what really happened in November and they are suing to stop the Senate from conducting their forensic audit of the 2020 election:

How many times are you supposed to look before you concede? They had nothing to hide from any legit outfit, but it is over now. What we now have is the qanons hiring some righty wing fufnick outfit who won't let any opposition watch them.
Who knows what they are doing in there? How are they doing it? Are they being honest? What have YOU got to hide? When is this phony nonsense going to end?
Trump lost. Get over it! And get over him--he is a grifter who wants to control you!
you sound scared,,
Will they have both Democratic and Republican observers?
Read something other than FAKE news, pretty please....

The Cyber Ninja Florida friend of Trump hired by Arizona Republicans didn't even know, or maybe they did know, that blue pens are not allowed by counters, because it can change votes, according to Arizona law, only red ink is allowed by workers, because it can not be read by optical scanners.....

Geez..... What a joke.....

So, does that technicality cancel out everything else involved ? Let them learn as they go, and hopefully everyone will be satisfied with the results in the end. Beware of them stumbling upon the truth right ??
No one in the Republican realm is looking for the truth, silly one.

If they were, they would have hired an independent audit firm.... and not Cyber Ninjas from Florida who coordinated and worked with Sidney Powell promoting the conspiracy theory that Dominion was working with the dead Hugo Chavez to steal the election from Trump via vote swapping....

And they would have not hired the Trump network OANN to be the security video taping company....

The whole thing is simply a SHOW, a choreographed SHOW, by right wing conspiracy theorists....
Did the Democrats hire Republican's to investigate the Russian bullcrap ??? Yes, you could say that ole what's his name (Mueller) was a republican, but only in shirt, because he definitely was a Democrat all the way underneath. He hired nothing but leftist investigator's to investigate Trump, but now you want to cry foul.... LOL
he hired both Republican and Democratic lawyers to prosecute cases and investigate.

None were politicos, involved in politics.
if you have nothing to hide whats the problem with looking??

Say it ain’t so! Democrats in Arizona don’t want anyone looking under the tables to see what really happened in November and they are suing to stop the Senate from conducting their forensic audit of the 2020 election:

How many times are you supposed to look before you concede? They had nothing to hide from any legit outfit, but it is over now. What we now have is the qanons hiring some righty wing fufnick outfit who won't let any opposition watch them.
Who knows what they are doing in there? How are they doing it? Are they being honest? What have YOU got to hide? When is this phony nonsense going to end?
Trump lost. Get over it! And get over him--he is a grifter who wants to control you!
you got problems dude LOL
For sure, exposing swamp creatures is worth it
Sure buddy. Four years of Trump supporters talking about how they were going to lock all these people up. Almost zero results.
Most all of them were exposed. I can tell who was paid off and who was not. it's very simple.

Have you ever heard many saying exactly the same thing daily, nightly across all boundaries? Dude, it's hilarious. All of those people saying the same thing were all bought off. Money, the power of control.
Most all of them were exposed. I can tell who was paid off and who was not. it's very simple.
No exposed, just baselessly and falsely accused.

The criminal charges never occurred (as was promised) because you can't take fake allegations to court.
Most all of them were exposed. I can tell who was paid off and who was not. it's very simple.
No exposed, just baselessly and falsely accused.

The criminal charges never occurred (as was promised) because you can't take fake allegations to court.
WTF are you referring to exactly. I was talking swamp creatures. Criminal charges who?
I hear the ballots and machines are already in place and the auditing begins tomorrow.

If this is all on the up-and-up, why wouldn't the commiecrats want to rub everyone's noses in it?

Bdecause the people who do it should be unbiased. CyberNinja is not. I suspect the report has already been written and they will try to manipulate the figures to support fake fraud.

CyberNinja was promoting "Stop the Steal" before the Republican Party hired them. And the other guy involved participated in the January 6th insurrection at the Capitol.

The Warshington Compost....The DNC's fan fiction rag....ROFLMFAO!! :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg:

You're in a Catch 22. There's no one you can trust, or believe, because the people who are lying to you keep telling you not to believe anyone but them.
Isn't that exactly the situation of everyone who voted for Biden?
No. Biden won the popular vote.
He won all the dead people vote, illegal alien vote, and cartoon character vote. Apparently, many of his voters live in vacant lots.
lol. Your guy lost the popular vote. How could he have won without "cheating"?
Presidents aren’t elected by popular vote. You should educate yourself
I know that. However, isn't it more likely that someone who lost the popular vote should have also lost the election, ceteris paribus?
no, you don't seem to know that. how the electoral vote is achieved has nothing to do with the national popular vote, it has to do with the state vote. you don't know how it works obviously.
if you have nothing to hide whats the problem with looking??

Say it ain’t so! Democrats in Arizona don’t want anyone looking under the tables to see what really happened in November and they are suing to stop the Senate from conducting their forensic audit of the 2020 election:

Yeah, I know I'm late to this lame whinefest and I'm sure it's been said already...but the ballots have already been audited by a credited auditing firm (not the "cyber nijas" pow pow). There was also a hand recount. This is nothing but the GOP trying to keep the BIG LIE alive and well.
shhh,, adults are talking,,,

Make sure to let me know when they appear.
real heros must hide their faces. why?
if you have nothing to hide whats the problem with looking??

Say it ain’t so! Democrats in Arizona don’t want anyone looking under the tables to see what really happened in November and they are suing to stop the Senate from conducting their forensic audit of the 2020 election:

Yeah, I know I'm late to this lame whinefest and I'm sure it's been said already...but the ballots have already been audited by a credited auditing firm (not the "cyber nijas" pow pow). There was also a hand recount. This is nothing but the GOP trying to keep the BIG LIE alive and well.
ahhhh listen to the russia russia whiner complaining again. I'd say you lead the whining with this one.
Because CyberNinja has a vested interest in proving fraud. The head of the company claims there was fraud so he has already put his thumb on the scale. The whole enterprise reeks of corruption. Republican officials in Maricopa have refused to cooperate because they know this is a corrupt enterprise.

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