Democrats SUE to stop Arizona Senate from forensic audit of 2020 election

So YOU say...Me think thou protests too much.
I do say. These jokers they hired aren’t serious. They aren’t reputable. They don’t know what they’re doing and they’re not really even telling people what they’re doing.

Why would anyone consider this a legitimate audit?

The danger here isn’t unearthing an actual crime, it’s providing more lies for the people who want to believe there was.
So YOU say...Me think thou protests too much.
I do say. These jokers they hired aren’t serious. They aren’t reputable. They don’t know what they’re doing and they’re not really even telling people what they’re doing.

Why would anyone consider this a legitimate audit?

The danger here isn’t unearthing an actual crime, it’s providing more lies for the people who want to believe there was.

If Biden is on the up and up, he should welcome the audit. Millions of people have questions about his legitimacy, this could help him.
Anything that goes against the party line and their agenda is deemed a conspiracy theory and then twisted and spun to a point where it appears crazy
Except a lot of you are crazy. Some of y’all think that the election was stolen and that special forces and the CIA had a firefight in Frankfurt Germany where a server that did the election fraud was seized.

I mean, sorry, but some of y’all are straight up nuts.

I know nothing about the CIA firefight situation, but coupling that with the idea that this election was not on the up and up seems disingenuous and demonstrates exactly my point. There were quite a few anomalies in this election that were never investigated and the Democrats don’t seem interested in pursuing. On top of that, they are introducing legislation in an attempt to emulate this past election with some additional goodies like no voter id. Acknowledging that all of this is suspicious is not nuts, it is pragmatic. Not acknowledging that it is suspicous is much more damaging for the long term success of our country.
It’s a theory that was referenced by none other than Sydney Powell herself. The problem with trying to marginalize these theories is that people who were highly connected to the con are part of them.

The crazy went all the way to the top here.

If its "all crazy" as you are inferring, what's wrong with investing a little bit of money to investigate and audit the election procedures in 2020? A lot of people have doubts about the electoral validity of the election, and Sleepy Joe should be working to eliminate the taint over his supposed election so he can have the legitimacy to rule over us.
Your guy lost the popular vote twice and must have cheated the first time. Let's audit the 2016 results.

You did, it was called the great Russian hoax. And you put America through hell for 4 years...

It has been now about 6 months since the irregular election, and you want the investigation to stop, tough shit dirtbag...

This is just warming up...enjoy
Huh? Who put America through hell over it?

Fuck off dumb shit.

Looks like you figured out the real answer to that on your own. Yeah, it was Republicans.
The audit is being streamed.
That’s nice. It’s not going to stop the Republican Party and their nutter comrades from straight up lying about what they find.

Democrats are by far and away the most corrupt and immoral politicians in the US and it isn’t even close.

Do you have any evidence of that, like Democrats who have been arrested, whose investigations reveal corrupt and illegal activities, or are you just Dumb Bastard Asshole? Can you please provide links because all of the "corrupt, immoral politicians" that come up when I google that phrase, are all Republicans.

The twice impeached Donald Trump presided over the most corrupt administration in the past 100 years. But you fools still call Democrats corrupt. Once again, Republicans accuse others of doing the same things they do.

The "cons" here keep making sweeping statements about the evil Democrats. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, you are the sainted Republicans. You are the Republicans - the party of lies, fraud and hate. insurrection.

LOL...Trump was “corrupt” because your handlers said he was corrupt. The actual evidence said otherwise, despite two sham impeachment’s. Obama was by far and away more corrupt than Trump but he had the MSM on his side. I could tell you that the Democrats lied to a FISA court to start a fruitless Russian investigation that only ended with convictions of some Republicans for process crimes and things unrelated to Russia, but you will say that is not true because well, you were told it wasn’t true. Actual evidence doesn’t matter. The bottom line is that there is no evidence that is counter to your teachings that you will believe because you are indoctrinated. Sadly, you are not alone.

Trump was corrupt. He ignored the Constitution. The Russia investigation proved that the Trump campaign gave campaign information to a Russian swith ties to Russian Intelligence.
View attachment 484037

That definitely is how your mind works. Glad to see you are admitting you are a moron.
The audit is being streamed.
That’s nice. It’s not going to stop the Republican Party and their nutter comrades from straight up lying about what they find.

Democrats are by far and away the most corrupt and immoral politicians in the US and it isn’t even close.

Do you have any evidence of that, like Democrats who have been arrested, whose investigations reveal corrupt and illegal activities, or are you just Dumb Bastard Asshole? Can you please provide links because all of the "corrupt, immoral politicians" that come up when I google that phrase, are all Republicans.

The twice impeached Donald Trump presided over the most corrupt administration in the past 100 years. But you fools still call Democrats corrupt. Once again, Republicans accuse others of doing the same things they do.

The "cons" here keep making sweeping statements about the evil Democrats. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, you are the sainted Republicans. You are the Republicans - the party of lies, fraud and hate. insurrection.

LOL...Trump was “corrupt” because your handlers said he was corrupt. The actual evidence said otherwise, despite two sham impeachment’s. Obama was by far and away more corrupt than Trump but he had the MSM on his side. I could tell you that the Democrats lied to a FISA court to start a fruitless Russian investigation that only ended with convictions of some Republicans for process crimes and things unrelated to Russia, but you will say that is not true because well, you were told it wasn’t true. Actual evidence doesn’t matter. The bottom line is that there is no evidence that is counter to your teachings that you will believe because you are indoctrinated. Sadly, you are not alone.

Trump was corrupt. He ignored the Constitution. The Russia investigation proved that the Trump campaign gave campaign information to a Russian swith ties to Russian Intelligence.
WTF...Trump was not corrupt, he never ignored the constitution----and you lie your ass off. Trumps campaign is allowed to talk about their poll numbers with whomever they want.

Yes he ignored the Constitution. He ignored Congress' power of the purse and their ability to conduct oversight over the executive branch. Including a Russian agent?
The audit is being streamed.
That’s nice. It’s not going to stop the Republican Party and their nutter comrades from straight up lying about what they find.

Democrats are by far and away the most corrupt and immoral politicians in the US and it isn’t even close.

Do you have any evidence of that, like Democrats who have been arrested, whose investigations reveal corrupt and illegal activities, or are you just Dumb Bastard Asshole? Can you please provide links because all of the "corrupt, immoral politicians" that come up when I google that phrase, are all Republicans.

The twice impeached Donald Trump presided over the most corrupt administration in the past 100 years. But you fools still call Democrats corrupt. Once again, Republicans accuse others of doing the same things they do.

The "cons" here keep making sweeping statements about the evil Democrats. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, you are the sainted Republicans. You are the Republicans - the party of lies, fraud and hate. insurrection.

LOL...Trump was “corrupt” because your handlers said he was corrupt. The actual evidence said otherwise, despite two sham impeachment’s. Obama was by far and away more corrupt than Trump but he had the MSM on his side. I could tell you that the Democrats lied to a FISA court to start a fruitless Russian investigation that only ended with convictions of some Republicans for process crimes and things unrelated to Russia, but you will say that is not true because well, you were told it wasn’t true. Actual evidence doesn’t matter. The bottom line is that there is no evidence that is counter to your teachings that you will believe because you are indoctrinated. Sadly, you are not alone.

Trump was corrupt. He ignored the Constitution. The Russia investigation proved that the Trump campaign gave campaign information to a Russian swith ties to Russian Intelligence.
View attachment 484037

That definitely is how your mind works. Glad to see you are admitting you are a moron.
Anything that goes against the party line and their agenda is deemed a conspiracy theory and then twisted and spun to a point where it appears crazy
Except a lot of you are crazy. Some of y’all think that the election was stolen and that special forces and the CIA had a firefight in Frankfurt Germany where a server that did the election fraud was seized.

I mean, sorry, but some of y’all are straight up nuts.

I know nothing about the CIA firefight situation, but coupling that with the idea that this election was not on the up and up seems disingenuous and demonstrates exactly my point. There were quite a few anomalies in this election that were never investigated and the Democrats don’t seem interested in pursuing. On top of that, they are introducing legislation in an attempt to emulate this past election with some additional goodies like no voter id. Acknowledging that all of this is suspicious is not nuts, it is pragmatic. Not acknowledging that it is suspicous is much more damaging for the long term success of our country.
It’s a theory that was referenced by none other than Sydney Powell herself. The problem with trying to marginalize these theories is that people who were highly connected to the con are part of them.

The crazy went all the way to the top here.

If its "all crazy" as you are inferring, what's wrong with investing a little bit of money to investigate and audit the election procedures in 2020? A lot of people have doubts about the electoral validity of the election, and Sleepy Joe should be working to eliminate the taint over his supposed election so he can have the legitimacy to rule over us.
Your guy lost the popular vote twice and must have cheated the first time. Let's audit the 2016 results.

The 2016 election is moot. The 2020 is still relevant however, as Sleepy Joe is in the WH.

Another reason for the audit, and a pretty important one, IMHO, is to assure the millions of Little Trumpsters that that election system in America is valid. Without that insurance, their votes will be suppressed in the future as they won't believe the system is legit.

And Voter Suppression is considered to be a terrible sin, no?
And that's why Republicans in Arizona, should have hired credentialed, certified, election auditors to run the recount and forensic audits, instead of a conspiracy nut Trump Crony, Cyber Ninjas, or hire OAN network, ( Trump Media) to be responsible for the security video etc....

No one is going to believe anything they come up with....

If the repub's purpose was truly to assure voters that the election was legit, then they would not have hired Trump cronies, to do this very important audit.

There is no legitimate reason, to do such a reckless and preposterous and crooked appearing move...

The previous audit was done by professionals, with no strings attached:

Two county election department officials announced the findings in a Tuesday letter sent to the Board of Supervisors. The forensic audit, which is comprised of three separate audits, was performed by two United States Elections Assistance Commission Voting System Testing Laboratories and a certified public accounting firm.

The first two parts of the audit, completed by Voting System Testing Laboratories Pro V&V and SLI Compliance, found that the Dominion software, which has been the target of conspiracy theories, was not compromised. The final part of the audit is expected to be completed at the end of March by Barry Dunn.

The audit had four objectives: Determine if the installed software was certified by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission and the Arizona secretary of state, to determine if any malware was installed on the system or the equipment, to determine if the vote tabulators were connected to the internet, and to perform a logic and accuracy test to determine if votes could be switched from one candidate to another.

Both company’s audits found that the counties were using certified software. Neither found any malware nor evidence of an internet connection. Pro V&V’s audit found no problems with the numbers, while that was out of the scope of the SLI Compliance audit.

"The results of the independent forensic audit in Maricopa County are yet another validation that Dominion's machines counted votes accurately in the 2020 election," a spokesperson for Dominion told the Washington Examiner. "The audit reaffirms what election officials and experts around the country already know: there was no hacking, manipulation, or vote switching on Dominion machines. Dominion machines meet rigorous federal and state certification standards. Hundreds of hand counts and independent audits continue to prove the accuracy of our systems."
then why sue?

Because CyberNinja has a vested interest in proving fraud. The head of the company claims there was fraud so he has already put his thumb on the scale. The whole enterprise reeks of corruption. Republican officials in Maricopa have refused to cooperate because they know this is a corrupt enterprise.
The audit is being streamed.
That’s nice. It’s not going to stop the Republican Party and their nutter comrades from straight up lying about what they find.

Democrats are by far and away the most corrupt and immoral politicians in the US and it isn’t even close.

Do you have any evidence of that, like Democrats who have been arrested, whose investigations reveal corrupt and illegal activities, or are you just Dumb Bastard Asshole? Can you please provide links because all of the "corrupt, immoral politicians" that come up when I google that phrase, are all Republicans.

The twice impeached Donald Trump presided over the most corrupt administration in the past 100 years. But you fools still call Democrats corrupt. Once again, Republicans accuse others of doing the same things they do.

The "cons" here keep making sweeping statements about the evil Democrats. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, you are the sainted Republicans. You are the Republicans - the party of lies, fraud and hate. insurrection.

LOL...Trump was “corrupt” because your handlers said he was corrupt. The actual evidence said otherwise, despite two sham impeachment’s. Obama was by far and away more corrupt than Trump but he had the MSM on his side. I could tell you that the Democrats lied to a FISA court to start a fruitless Russian investigation that only ended with convictions of some Republicans for process crimes and things unrelated to Russia, but you will say that is not true because well, you were told it wasn’t true. Actual evidence doesn’t matter. The bottom line is that there is no evidence that is counter to your teachings that you will believe because you are indoctrinated. Sadly, you are not alone.

Trump was corrupt. He ignored the Constitution. The Russia investigation proved that the Trump campaign gave campaign information to a Russian swith ties to Russian Intelligence.
View attachment 484037

That definitely is how your mind works. Glad to see you are admitting you are a moron.

That is simple. You are a nut.
So YOU say...Me think thou protests too much.
I do say. These jokers they hired aren’t serious. They aren’t reputable. They don’t know what they’re doing and they’re not really even telling people what they’re doing.

Why would anyone consider this a legitimate audit?

The danger here isn’t unearthing an actual crime, it’s providing more lies for the people who want to believe there was.

If Biden is on the up and up, he should welcome the audit. Millions of people have questions about his legitimacy, this could help him.
If the audit were on the up and up, it wouldn’t be a problem.

This audit isn’t.
again, unclear what this has to do with the OP, but they all took money from demodudes. Once bought, one cannot decline and bid out.
The Republican Party establishment, especially those in charge of Arizona's Republican Party, are crazy.
Nope. Jeff Flake is a crazy who should never have been allowed to run as a Republican because he isn't a real Republican.

He is a real Republican Neither you nor Trump are. You would be at home in Nazi Germany. Little wonder you keep posting pictures of Hitler. He is one of your heroes.
So YOU say...Me think thou protests too much.
I do say. These jokers they hired aren’t serious. They aren’t reputable. They don’t know what they’re doing and they’re not really even telling people what they’re doing.

Why would anyone consider this a legitimate audit?

The danger here isn’t unearthing an actual crime, it’s providing more lies for the people who want to believe there was.

If Biden is on the up and up, he should welcome the audit. Millions of people have questions about his legitimacy, this could help him.
If the audit were on the up and up, it wouldn’t be a problem.

This audit isn’t.
can you prove that???
What are the Dems scared of? Why are they fighting to simply do an audit? Geez...God forbid that the State of Arizona wants to ensure they have a secure and free election
How about the "audit" being performed by someone who believed there was fraud even before being hired to look for it?

How about their admission that many ballots will not be reviewed by Democrats?
Who should do the audit, Nazi Piglosi?
A neutral, certified group, observed equally by both major parties.

That's too difficult a concept for a fucking moron like you to grasp.
No one, in other words. There's no such thing as a "neutral group" in politics. What group is "certified" to audit ballots? Answer: none.

Just admit you don't want anyone reviewing the ballots.

Maricopa County officials reviewed the ballots. They were not biased as CyberNinja is.
What are the Dems scared of? Why are they fighting to simply do an audit? Geez...God forbid that the State of Arizona wants to ensure they have a secure and free election
How about the "audit" being performed by someone who believed there was fraud even before being hired to look for it?

How about their admission that many ballots will not be reviewed by Democrats?
Who should do the audit, Nazi Piglosi?
A neutral, certified group, observed equally by both major parties.

That's too difficult a concept for a fucking moron like you to grasp.
No one, in other words. There's no such thing as a "neutral group" in politics. What group is "certified" to audit ballots? Answer: none.

Just admit you don't want anyone reviewing the ballots.

There are groups that are certified to review ballots.

Both Pro V&V and SLI Compliance are certified Voting System Test Laboratories and their certification is in good standing with the U."S. Elections Assistance Commission

The county sought out the best, most qualified firms to perform this audit. A certified Voting System Test Laboratory is the only firm with the combined skill sets and knowledge to identify vulnerabilities and to verify the systems are configured according to federal certification standards.

Using a Voting System Test Laboratory is essential, as the county asked auditors to review and analyze at the tabulation source code to perform a true assessment and identify vulnerabilities. Since the Department of Homeland Security designated tabulation equipment as critical Election Infrastructure, if the source code is exposed and posted online, that could jeopardize the integrity of voting systems across the country.

With four jurisdictional elections in 2021, including one on March 9, the county must also ensure its tabulation equipment remains certified."

Auditing Elections Equipment In Maricopa County | Maricopa County, AZ
I hear the ballots and machines are already in place and the auditing begins tomorrow.

If this is all on the up-and-up, why wouldn't the commiecrats want to rub everyone's noses in it?

Bdecause the people who do it should be unbiased. CyberNinja is not. I suspect the report has already been written and they will try to manipulate the figures to support fake fraud.

CyberNinja was promoting "Stop the Steal" before the Republican Party hired them. And the other guy involved participated in the January 6th insurrection at the Capitol.

The Warshington Compost....The DNC's fan fiction rag....ROFLMFAO!! :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg:

You're in a Catch 22. There's no one you can trust, or believe, because the people who are lying to you keep telling you not to believe anyone but them.
Isn't that exactly the situation of everyone who voted for Biden?
No. Biden won the popular vote.
He won all the dead people vote, illegal alien vote, and cartoon character vote. Apparently, many of his voters live in vacant lots.

Keep showing what a idiot you are.
Anything that goes against the party line and their agenda is deemed a conspiracy theory and then twisted and spun to a point where it appears crazy
Except a lot of you are crazy. Some of y’all think that the election was stolen and that special forces and the CIA had a firefight in Frankfurt Germany where a server that did the election fraud was seized.

I mean, sorry, but some of y’all are straight up nuts.

I know nothing about the CIA firefight situation, but coupling that with the idea that this election was not on the up and up seems disingenuous and demonstrates exactly my point. There were quite a few anomalies in this election that were never investigated and the Democrats don’t seem interested in pursuing. On top of that, they are introducing legislation in an attempt to emulate this past election with some additional goodies like no voter id. Acknowledging that all of this is suspicious is not nuts, it is pragmatic. Not acknowledging that it is suspicous is much more damaging for the long term success of our country.
It’s a theory that was referenced by none other than Sydney Powell herself. The problem with trying to marginalize these theories is that people who were highly connected to the con are part of them.

The crazy went all the way to the top here.

If its "all crazy" as you are inferring, what's wrong with investing a little bit of money to investigate and audit the election procedures in 2020? A lot of people have doubts about the electoral validity of the election, and Sleepy Joe should be working to eliminate the taint over his supposed election so he can have the legitimacy to rule over us.
Your guy lost the popular vote twice and must have cheated the first time. Let's audit the 2016 results.
Go for it. Audit as far back as you like. I’m pretty certain what they find and I can guarantee you won’t like it.
Like right wingers don't like the current results?
we just want the accusations announced looked into. Many county electoral reps. claimed foul, and the judges in those counties refused them their right to challenge. That implies foul play. sorry. Why would a judge not allow them to bring in their evidence?

The ballots are the people's

Because the plaintiffs presented no evidence. Judges do not find evidence. They are not a grand jury.
Democrats tried again and failed.

What are they trying to hide? Rhetorical question.

What do you expect from a crooked Republican AG?
This is a bogus effort with one purpose: enhance the GOP's chances for voter changes (e.g.., restrict voting as much as possible, except for the GOP), and prove (falsely) that Trump was cheated out of the election and somehow he should be "reinstated" which is historically impossible and besides Trump lost - get over it GOP ... the conning prick LOST.

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