Democrats SUE to stop Arizona Senate from forensic audit of 2020 election

if you have nothing to hide whats the problem with looking??

Say it ain’t so! Democrats in Arizona don’t want anyone looking under the tables to see what really happened in November and they are suing to stop the Senate from conducting their forensic audit of the 2020 election:

Yeah, I know I'm late to this lame whinefest and I'm sure it's been said already...but the ballots have already been audited by a credited auditing firm (not the "cyber nijas" pow pow). There was also a hand recount. This is nothing but the GOP trying to keep the BIG LIE alive and well.
shhh,, adults are talking,,,
Pass that on to Dragonidiot.
She already knows you aren’t adults.
if you have nothing to hide whats the problem with looking??

Say it ain’t so! Democrats in Arizona don’t want anyone looking under the tables to see what really happened in November and they are suing to stop the Senate from conducting their forensic audit of the 2020 election:

Yeah, I know I'm late to this lame whinefest and I'm sure it's been said already...but the ballots have already been audited by a credited auditing firm (not the "cyber nijas" pow pow). There was also a hand recount. This is nothing but the GOP trying to keep the BIG LIE alive and well.
shhh,, adults are talking,,,
Pass that on to Dragonidiot.
She already knows you aren’t adults.
hahahahaha that was a stinger,,,
Just like locking Hillary up and the Durham investigation.
Everyone knew they were going nowhere. The Deep State will not allow it. The dual justice system and corrupt government won't let it happen either.
Democrats tried again and failed.

What are they trying to hide? Rhetorical question.
Cyber Ninja's is almost certainly trying to hide their lack of awareness and competency in how to perform an audit.
Democrats tried again and failed.

What are they trying to hide? Rhetorical question.
Cyber Ninja's is almost certainly trying to hide their lack of awareness and competency in how to perform an audit.
What are you worried about? You say there was no fraud. Not to hard to scan ballots, even Democrats can do it. They just do it over and over.
I see nothing from any other media outlet on this supposed recusal. I'll wait a bit before patting you on the back.
We have a winner!

I revisited the OP and gave it a thumbs up.

Sorry bout that,

1. A judge in AZ recused himself right before the findings come out, he was likely hoping for a abortion, but it looks like the babies coming out, and boy is it a whopper!
2. This AZ story looks to totally blow up!
3. Read all about it here: BREAKING REPORT: Maricopa County Judge Handling Audit Challenge Recuses Himself Last Minute Before Hearing - CD Media (

4. When the first state ever gets over turned the SC will then have to look at this election they have so far refused to look at.
5. I want to rub their faces in it!
6. *F* the supreme court, each and every one of them bastards!
7. And those not males!
8. Beyatches!
9. That court is not, honorable.
10 If they were all down in a hole, and on fire, I wouldn't pee on them to put out the fire.

And such a credible source too! After all, who wouldn't trust creative destruction media?
Anything that goes against the party line and their agenda is deemed a conspiracy theory and then twisted and spun to a point where it appears crazy
Except a lot of you are crazy. Some of y’all think that the election was stolen and that special forces and the CIA had a firefight in Frankfurt Germany where a server that did the election fraud was seized.

I mean, sorry, but some of y’all are straight up nuts.

I know nothing about the CIA firefight situation, but coupling that with the idea that this election was not on the up and up seems disingenuous and demonstrates exactly my point. There were quite a few anomalies in this election that were never investigated and the Democrats don’t seem interested in pursuing. On top of that, they are introducing legislation in an attempt to emulate this past election with some additional goodies like no voter id. Acknowledging that all of this is suspicious is not nuts, it is pragmatic. Not acknowledging that it is suspicous is much more damaging for the long term success of our country.
It’s a theory that was referenced by none other than Sydney Powell herself. The problem with trying to marginalize these theories is that people who were highly connected to the con are part of them.

The crazy went all the way to the top here.

If its "all crazy" as you are inferring, what's wrong with investing a little bit of money to investigate and audit the election procedures in 2020? A lot of people have doubts about the electoral validity of the election, and Sleepy Joe should be working to eliminate the taint over his supposed election so he can have the legitimacy to rule over us.
Your guy lost the popular vote twice and must have cheated the first time. Let's audit the 2016 results.

You did, it was called the great Russian hoax. And you put America through hell for 4 years...

It has been now about 6 months since the irregular election, and you want the investigation to stop, tough shit dirtbag...

This is just warming up...enjoy
It has been now about 6 months since the irregular election, and you want the investigation to stop, tough shit dirtbag...
They’d have hired legitimate auditors if it were an investigation. This is narrative building.
Anything that goes against the party line and their agenda is deemed a conspiracy theory and then twisted and spun to a point where it appears crazy
Except a lot of you are crazy. Some of y’all think that the election was stolen and that special forces and the CIA had a firefight in Frankfurt Germany where a server that did the election fraud was seized.

I mean, sorry, but some of y’all are straight up nuts.

I know nothing about the CIA firefight situation, but coupling that with the idea that this election was not on the up and up seems disingenuous and demonstrates exactly my point. There were quite a few anomalies in this election that were never investigated and the Democrats don’t seem interested in pursuing. On top of that, they are introducing legislation in an attempt to emulate this past election with some additional goodies like no voter id. Acknowledging that all of this is suspicious is not nuts, it is pragmatic. Not acknowledging that it is suspicous is much more damaging for the long term success of our country.
It’s a theory that was referenced by none other than Sydney Powell herself. The problem with trying to marginalize these theories is that people who were highly connected to the con are part of them.

The crazy went all the way to the top here.

If its "all crazy" as you are inferring, what's wrong with investing a little bit of money to investigate and audit the election procedures in 2020? A lot of people have doubts about the electoral validity of the election, and Sleepy Joe should be working to eliminate the taint over his supposed election so he can have the legitimacy to rule over us.
Your guy lost the popular vote twice and must have cheated the first time. Let's audit the 2016 results.

You did, it was called the great Russian hoax. And you put America through hell for 4 years...

It has been now about 6 months since the irregular election, and you want the investigation to stop, tough shit dirtbag...

This is just warming up...enjoy
Huh? Who put America through hell over it?
Anything that goes against the party line and their agenda is deemed a conspiracy theory and then twisted and spun to a point where it appears crazy
Except a lot of you are crazy. Some of y’all think that the election was stolen and that special forces and the CIA had a firefight in Frankfurt Germany where a server that did the election fraud was seized.

I mean, sorry, but some of y’all are straight up nuts.

I know nothing about the CIA firefight situation, but coupling that with the idea that this election was not on the up and up seems disingenuous and demonstrates exactly my point. There were quite a few anomalies in this election that were never investigated and the Democrats don’t seem interested in pursuing. On top of that, they are introducing legislation in an attempt to emulate this past election with some additional goodies like no voter id. Acknowledging that all of this is suspicious is not nuts, it is pragmatic. Not acknowledging that it is suspicous is much more damaging for the long term success of our country.
It’s a theory that was referenced by none other than Sydney Powell herself. The problem with trying to marginalize these theories is that people who were highly connected to the con are part of them.

The crazy went all the way to the top here.

If its "all crazy" as you are inferring, what's wrong with investing a little bit of money to investigate and audit the election procedures in 2020? A lot of people have doubts about the electoral validity of the election, and Sleepy Joe should be working to eliminate the taint over his supposed election so he can have the legitimacy to rule over us.
Your guy lost the popular vote twice and must have cheated the first time. Let's audit the 2016 results.

You did, it was called the great Russian hoax. And you put America through hell for 4 years...

It has been now about 6 months since the irregular election, and you want the investigation to stop, tough shit dirtbag...

This is just warming up...enjoy
Huh? Who put America through hell over it?

Fuck off dumb shit.

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