Democrats SUE to stop Arizona Senate from forensic audit of 2020 election

Anything that goes against the party line and their agenda is deemed a conspiracy theory and then twisted and spun to a point where it appears crazy
Except a lot of you are crazy. Some of y’all think that the election was stolen and that special forces and the CIA had a firefight in Frankfurt Germany where a server that did the election fraud was seized.

I mean, sorry, but some of y’all are straight up nuts.

I know nothing about the CIA firefight situation, but coupling that with the idea that this election was not on the up and up seems disingenuous and demonstrates exactly my point. There were quite a few anomalies in this election that were never investigated and the Democrats don’t seem interested in pursuing. On top of that, they are introducing legislation in an attempt to emulate this past election with some additional goodies like no voter id. Acknowledging that all of this is suspicious is not nuts, it is pragmatic. Not acknowledging that it is suspicous is much more damaging for the long term success of our country.
It’s a theory that was referenced by none other than Sydney Powell herself. The problem with trying to marginalize these theories is that people who were highly connected to the con are part of them.

The crazy went all the way to the top here.

If its "all crazy" as you are inferring, what's wrong with investing a little bit of money to investigate and audit the election procedures in 2020? A lot of people have doubts about the electoral validity of the election, and Sleepy Joe should be working to eliminate the taint over his supposed election so he can have the legitimacy to rule over us.
Your guy lost the popular vote twice and must have cheated the first time. Let's audit the 2016 results.
Go for it. Audit as far back as you like. I’m pretty certain what they find and I can guarantee you won’t like it.
Like right wingers don't like the current results?
we just want the accusations announced looked into. Many county electoral reps. claimed foul, and the judges in those counties refused them their right to challenge. That implies foul play. sorry. Why would a judge not allow them to bring in their evidence?

The ballots are the people's

Because the plaintiffs presented no evidence. Judges do not find evidence. They are not a grand jury.
dude, no way to respond to that much stupid.
you were wrong.
Are you implying that Cyber Ninja's has audited other elections?
Right wingers only believe right wing fantasy is the "gospel Truth".

The Florida-based consultancy has no election experience and is run by a man who has shared unfounded conspiracy theories claiming the official 2020 presidential election results are illegitimate.

you were wrong.
Are you implying that Cyber Ninja's has audited other elections?
Right wingers only believe right wing fantasy is the "gospel Truth".

The Florida-based consultancy has no election experience and is run by a man who has shared unfounded conspiracy theories claiming the official 2020 presidential election results are illegitimate.

russia russia, drop mic.
if you have nothing to hide whats the problem with looking??

Say it ain’t so! Democrats in Arizona don’t want anyone looking under the tables to see what really happened in November and they are suing to stop the Senate from conducting their forensic audit of the 2020 election:

How many times are you supposed to look before you concede? They had nothing to hide from any legit outfit, but it is over now. What we now have is the qanons hiring some righty wing fufnick outfit who won't let any opposition watch them.
Who knows what they are doing in there? How are they doing it? Are they being honest? What have YOU got to hide? When is this phony nonsense going to end?
Trump lost. Get over it! And get over him--he is a grifter who wants to control you!
How many times do people have to be stopped from looking? That is all the courts and Democrats have done.
how do you know, and why is it important anyway? isn't there always a first? what is your fear? you are expecting me to trust demofks.
My fear is that a group of political hacks like the Cyber Ninja's who don't know what they're doing and are highly motivated to find a specific outcome are going to do a bad job at the audit and produce a result which is at best misleading and at worse completely fraudulent, thereby giving the Trump supporting rabble more justification to believe the false narrative of a stolen election.

It's similar to the report produced by the "audit" of the Dominion machines in Antrim county by a group called ASOG which had no expertise and produced a report that was false, in no small part due to their considerable ignorance of how what they were "auditing" is supposed to work.
what happened in Florida and hanging chads? you really have problems with facts son.
Florida in 2000 has no relevance in this discussion.
Actually it had a lot to do with this case. It was cited by the SCOTUS judges that wanted to hear the the case bought by the Texas AG. The same rights were violated. Equal treatment under the law was shit on, and those judges knew it.
Actually it had a lot to do with this case. It was cited by the SCOTUS judges that wanted to hear the the case bought by the Texas AG. The same rights were violated.
The case brought by the Texas AG is also irrelevant to this discussion.
Actually it had a lot to do with this case. It was cited by the SCOTUS judges that wanted to hear the the case bought by the Texas AG. The same rights were violated.
The case brought by the Texas AG is also irrelevant to this discussion.
Well, what is relevant is the ballots. Those ballots are the evidence if they are illegal. That can be proven. That is why Democrats are desperate.
if you have nothing to hide whats the problem with looking??

Say it ain’t so! Democrats in Arizona don’t want anyone looking under the tables to see what really happened in November and they are suing to stop the Senate from conducting their forensic audit of the 2020 election:

How many times are you supposed to look before you concede? They had nothing to hide from any legit outfit, but it is over now. What we now have is the qanons hiring some righty wing fufnick outfit who won't let any opposition watch them.
Who knows what they are doing in there? How are they doing it? Are they being honest? What have YOU got to hide? When is this phony nonsense going to end?
Trump lost. Get over it! And get over him--he is a grifter who wants to control you!
you sound scared,,
Scared? Hardly. I am amazed that you would give any credence to this farce.
That can be proven.
Trump and his supporters have consistently failed to do so.

So far these efforts are typically led by clueless people who don’t know what they’re talking about or looking at. It feels like proof because the badly want it to be so, but in reality it’s just nothing.

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