Democrats SUE to stop Arizona Senate from forensic audit of 2020 election

Actually it had a lot to do with this case. It was cited by the SCOTUS judges that wanted to hear the the case bought by the Texas AG. The same rights were violated.
The case brought by the Texas AG is also irrelevant to this discussion.
Well, what is relevant is the ballots. Those ballots are the evidence if they are illegal. That can be proven. That is why Democrats are desperate.
Then why are Republicans only looking at ballots in Maricopa county? If they were truly interested in validating their election, they would audit the entire state. Clearly, they are Republicans whose only interest is flipping the election for the Republican candidate.
Their interest is fraud. Illegal ballots are fraudulent. They should find a shitload and they are the evidence you say Republicans do not have. There will be no way to prove the were legal if they are on counterfeit ballots. You are screwed.
Liar, that is not their interest. If it was, they would audit ALL the ballots. Not just the ones mostly sent in for Biden.

On the flip side, they invalidated their own audit by doing so. Even if they find fraud, it's meaningless because they're hiding any such fraud by Republicans.
And they want to do it in secret.
someone posted there are cameras, that hardly implies secret to me.
They had cameras at the counts on Nov 4th yet, that was not enough..
The ones that showed actual fraud in GA.? Those cameras?

There was no fraud found.
There sure was, and they are going to find fraud in Arizona. Biden stole the election.
For sure. "Fake" fraud.
So now you are denying the existence of this group of insurrectionists and criminals?
Sorry you haven't heard of 'em. They have no representative, just whoever takes ownership of the moment. Oh well, live and learn
I do not recall him denying the existence of BLM and Anti-Fa.
So now you are denying the existence of this group of insurrectionists and criminals?
Sorry you haven't heard of 'em. They have no representative, just whoever takes ownership of the moment. Oh well, live and learn
dude, i've asked repeatedly on this board for one of you fkers who can't stop posting about them to tell me who they were, and I got crickets. So your q is crickets. do you eat them?
You didn't read the post, yes? You don't like the description of them.
crickets, no names, been no names for three years now. Crickets must be the group.
Actually it had a lot to do with this case. It was cited by the SCOTUS judges that wanted to hear the the case bought by the Texas AG. The same rights were violated.
The case brought by the Texas AG is also irrelevant to this discussion.
Well, what is relevant is the ballots. Those ballots are the evidence if they are illegal. That can be proven. That is why Democrats are desperate.
Then why are Republicans only looking at ballots in Maricopa county? If they were truly interested in validating their election, they would audit the entire state. Clearly, they are Republicans whose only interest is flipping the election for the Republican candidate.
Their interest is fraud. Illegal ballots are fraudulent. They should find a shitload and they are the evidence you say Republicans do not have. There will be no way to prove the were legal if they are on counterfeit ballots. You are screwed.
Liar, that is not their interest. If it was, they would audit ALL the ballots. Not just the ones mostly sent in for Biden.

On the flip side, they invalidated their own audit by doing so. Even if they find fraud, it's meaningless because they're hiding any such fraud by Republicans.
And they want to do it in secret.
someone posted there are cameras, that hardly implies secret to me.
They had cameras at the counts on Nov 4th yet, that was not enough..
The ones that showed actual fraud in GA.? Those cameras?

There was no fraud found.
There sure was, and they are going to find fraud in Arizona. Biden stole the election.
For sure. "Fake" fraud.
Wrong, fake ballots which are fraudulent. It is going to go BOOM.
They are hiding nothing. Pretty stupid question.
That's not true.

They're hiding their funding source.
They're hiding their methods.
They're keeping media out.
They're not letting observers talk to workers.
They're kicking out observers who ask inconvenient questions.
9 cameras say they are hiding nothing. Republican observers were thrown out in MI. Then cardboard was taped over the windows. Has anything like that happened yet?
Republican observers were thrown out for being disruptive. The cardboard on the windows was to stop them from taking pictures.
Actually it had a lot to do with this case. It was cited by the SCOTUS judges that wanted to hear the the case bought by the Texas AG. The same rights were violated.
The case brought by the Texas AG is also irrelevant to this discussion.
Well, what is relevant is the ballots. Those ballots are the evidence if they are illegal. That can be proven. That is why Democrats are desperate.
Then why are Republicans only looking at ballots in Maricopa county? If they were truly interested in validating their election, they would audit the entire state. Clearly, they are Republicans whose only interest is flipping the election for the Republican candidate.
Their interest is fraud. Illegal ballots are fraudulent. They should find a shitload and they are the evidence you say Republicans do not have. There will be no way to prove the were legal if they are on counterfeit ballots. You are screwed.
Liar, that is not their interest. If it was, they would audit ALL the ballots. Not just the ones mostly sent in for Biden.

On the flip side, they invalidated their own audit by doing so. Even if they find fraud, it's meaningless because they're hiding any such fraud by Republicans.
And they want to do it in secret.
someone posted there are cameras, that hardly implies secret to me.
They had cameras at the counts on Nov 4th yet, that was not enough..
The ones that showed actual fraud in GA.? Those cameras?

There was no fraud found.
There sure was, and they are going to find fraud in Arizona. Biden stole the election.
Nope, you're lying again.

9 cameras say they are hiding nothing.

They're not allowing anyone else's cameras in. They're hiding.

Republican observers were thrown out in MI.

For violating the rules which they were well aware of and violated anyway.

Then cardboard was taped over the windows.

Because people who were not observers were also violating the rules.

Has anything like that happened yet?

No windows to paper over and observer access is being restricted.
if you have nothing to hide whats the problem with looking??

Say it ain’t so! Democrats in Arizona don’t want anyone looking under the tables to see what really happened in November and they are suing to stop the Senate from conducting their forensic audit of the 2020 election:

How many times are you supposed to look before you concede? They had nothing to hide from any legit outfit, but it is over now. What we now have is the qanons hiring some righty wing fufnick outfit who won't let any opposition watch them.
Who knows what they are doing in there? How are they doing it? Are they being honest? What have YOU got to hide? When is this phony nonsense going to end?
Trump lost. Get over it! And get over him--he is a grifter who wants to control you!
How many times do people have to be stopped from looking? That is all the courts and Democrats have done.
Nobody has stopped Trump fanatics from looking. The fanatics have been proven wrong at every turn and if that is "stopping", then so be it. This latest farce has no meaning.
Bullshit. Machines and ballots are still being withheld in GA.
Right, and the fairy godmother lives in Georgia also.
The SOS in GA. is in court right now trying to stop and independent audit. You are uninformed and do not belong in this discussion.
Actually it had a lot to do with this case. It was cited by the SCOTUS judges that wanted to hear the the case bought by the Texas AG. The same rights were violated.
The case brought by the Texas AG is also irrelevant to this discussion.
Well, what is relevant is the ballots. Those ballots are the evidence if they are illegal. That can be proven. That is why Democrats are desperate.
Then why are Republicans only looking at ballots in Maricopa county? If they were truly interested in validating their election, they would audit the entire state. Clearly, they are Republicans whose only interest is flipping the election for the Republican candidate.
Their interest is fraud. Illegal ballots are fraudulent. They should find a shitload and they are the evidence you say Republicans do not have. There will be no way to prove the were legal if they are on counterfeit ballots. You are screwed.
Liar, that is not their interest. If it was, they would audit ALL the ballots. Not just the ones mostly sent in for Biden.

On the flip side, they invalidated their own audit by doing so. Even if they find fraud, it's meaningless because they're hiding any such fraud by Republicans.
And they want to do it in secret.
someone posted there are cameras, that hardly implies secret to me.
They had cameras at the counts on Nov 4th yet, that was not enough..
The ones that showed actual fraud in GA.? Those cameras?

There was no fraud found.
There sure was, and they are going to find fraud in Arizona. Biden stole the election.

I think you're probably correct that they're going to find malfeasance, but whether they do or not, they will have accomplished their ultimate goal: to convince the voters of Arizona that at least some state officials actually hear and care about their concerns. If they follow up their audit, whatever the results, with plans to try to make Arizona elections more secure, then even better.
For violating the rules which they were well aware of and violated anyway.
yeah, looking for fraudulent ballots. we know. it's why we wanted an audit. thanks for clarifying you knew this.
yeah, looking for fraudulent ballots. we know. it's why we wanted an audit. thanks for clarifying you knew this.
If they wanted to look for fraudulent ballots, they should have signed up to be poll workers so that they could be trained on procedure.

The people in that window were hecklers spurred by Trump's lies.
yeah, looking for fraudulent ballots. we know. it's why we wanted an audit. thanks for clarifying you knew this.
If they wanted to look for fraudulent ballots, they should have signed up to be poll workers so that they could be trained on procedure.

The people in that window were hecklers spurred by Trump's lies.
they did and were kicked out. again, excuses all you got.

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