Democrats SUE to stop Arizona Senate from forensic audit of 2020 election

how do you know, and why is it important anyway? isn't there always a first? what is your fear? you are expecting me to trust demofks.
My fear is that a group of political hacks like the Cyber Ninja's who don't know what they're doing and are highly motivated to find a specific outcome are going to do a bad job at the audit and produce a result which is at best misleading and at worse completely fraudulent, thereby giving the Trump supporting rabble more justification to believe the false narrative of a stolen election.

It's similar to the report produced by the "audit" of the Dominion machines in Antrim county by a group called ASOG which had no expertise and produced a report that was false, in no small part due to their considerable ignorance of how what they were "auditing" is supposed to work.
Dims are free to conduct their own audit.
no fold, no good the ballots. copied ballots no good the ballots, wrong paper, no good the ballots. he's free to explain those ballots and I'll listen. but, whatever he says, no good the ballots.
Random Trump supporters who showed up to heckle the vote counters because they had their heads filled with lies about the election.
prove it.
You mean the rule that said they couldn't get closer than 10 ft from the counting?
I say challenging the illegal ballots, no folds, copy ink rather than pen ink, wrong paper. yeppers got to get them out, not following their counting rules.
how do you know, and why is it important anyway? isn't there always a first? what is your fear? you are expecting me to trust demofks.
My fear is that a group of political hacks like the Cyber Ninja's who don't know what they're doing and are highly motivated to find a specific outcome are going to do a bad job at the audit and produce a result which is at best misleading and at worse completely fraudulent, thereby giving the Trump supporting rabble more justification to believe the false narrative of a stolen election.

It's similar to the report produced by the "audit" of the Dominion machines in Antrim county by a group called ASOG which had no expertise and produced a report that was false, in no small part due to their considerable ignorance of how what they were "auditing" is supposed to work.
Dims are free to conduct their own audit.
why don't they watch and challenge the auditors, they can do that. no one is keeping them from seeing it. the auditors are not demofks.
how do you know, and why is it important anyway? isn't there always a first? what is your fear? you are expecting me to trust demofks.
My fear is that a group of political hacks like the Cyber Ninja's who don't know what they're doing and are highly motivated to find a specific outcome are going to do a bad job at the audit and produce a result which is at best misleading and at worse completely fraudulent, thereby giving the Trump supporting rabble more justification to believe the false narrative of a stolen election.

It's similar to the report produced by the "audit" of the Dominion machines in Antrim county by a group called ASOG which had no expertise and produced a report that was false, in no small part due to their considerable ignorance of how what they were "auditing" is supposed to work.
Dims are free to conduct their own audit.
why don't they watch and challenge the auditors, they can do that. no one is keeping them from seeing it. the auditors are not demofks.
Remember what they find out about the ballots can be proven. Dismissing real evidence is not going to work.
how do you know, and why is it important anyway? isn't there always a first? what is your fear? you are expecting me to trust demofks.
My fear is that a group of political hacks like the Cyber Ninja's who don't know what they're doing and are highly motivated to find a specific outcome are going to do a bad job at the audit and produce a result which is at best misleading and at worse completely fraudulent, thereby giving the Trump supporting rabble more justification to believe the false narrative of a stolen election.

It's similar to the report produced by the "audit" of the Dominion machines in Antrim county by a group called ASOG which had no expertise and produced a report that was false, in no small part due to their considerable ignorance of how what they were "auditing" is supposed to work.
Dims are free to conduct their own audit.
Are they? This audit was ordered by the Arizona Senate and since Dems are a minority there, they really have no power.
how do you know, and why is it important anyway? isn't there always a first? what is your fear? you are expecting me to trust demofks.
My fear is that a group of political hacks like the Cyber Ninja's who don't know what they're doing and are highly motivated to find a specific outcome are going to do a bad job at the audit and produce a result which is at best misleading and at worse completely fraudulent, thereby giving the Trump supporting rabble more justification to believe the false narrative of a stolen election.

It's similar to the report produced by the "audit" of the Dominion machines in Antrim county by a group called ASOG which had no expertise and produced a report that was false, in no small part due to their considerable ignorance of how what they were "auditing" is supposed to work.
Dims are free to conduct their own audit.
Are they? This audit was ordered by the Arizona Senate and since Dems are a minority there, they really have no power.
If you have not noticed Democrats do whatever they want. They are NEVER held accountable.
Biden IS the president, He will not be unelected. close race, understand when you really really bigly love someone and they lose it makes you angry, but wont change the results.
because the media has lost all credibility and not welcome anywhere,,,
If they have no credibility then why not just let them in? There’s no reason not to.
to let them in would be more stupid,,

what is it you think they will do if they get in?? they cant see anything other than people looking at ballots from a distance,,
because the media has lost all credibility and not welcome anywhere,,,
If they have no credibility then why not just let them in? There’s no reason not to.
to let them in would be more stupid,,

what is it you think they will do if they get in?? they cant see anything other than people looking at ballots from a distance,,
Not letting them in is cowardly. No reason not to if you want to have a legitimate audit.

Why don’t you want to have a legitimate audit?
because the media has lost all credibility and not welcome anywhere,,,
If they have no credibility then why not just let them in? There’s no reason not to.
to let them in would be more stupid,,

what is it you think they will do if they get in?? they cant see anything other than people looking at ballots from a distance,,
Not letting them in is cowardly. No reason not to if you want to have a legitimate audit.

Why don’t you want to have a legitimate audit?
having them in there doesnt make it legit,,

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