Democrats Support Anti-Semitism in United States

Fascism is left, moron. Nazi stood for SOCIALIST party. They knew what they were. And they totally had government control over the economy, which is the definition of socialism.

You're one stupid racist Jew hater.

Rigby5: Nazis were free market capitalists!

No, they weren't, dumb ass

Hitler was NOT a socialist.. The biggest party in Germany from 1918 to 1932 were German Democratic Socialists... Trump USED them to get his foot in the door and broke with the party in 1926.. He purged them as well as Jews from governent with the Enabling Act of 1933 and then went on a rampage to kill them or put them in concentration camps.

You're operatng from a 7th grade soundbite about the Reich and Hitler's rise to power.

The Jews got sort of a triple whammy from Hitler because they were socialists, Democrats and Jews.
Fred Trump moved to USA in 1908.
How could he do that in germany in 1926?


You wrote Trump instead of Hitler. You're a moron, so is he for not realizing what you did. It's the Democrat party, the stupid leading the stupid

I make spelling errors too.
Leftist hate Jews and the State of Israel almost as much as leftist in 1938 Germany hated Jews. Every day we see attacks on supporters of Israel and Democrats like Cortez, Talib, and Omar supporting terrorist groups and Iranian government that provides them with the missiles to fire into Israel.

Having worked in Europe, I can tell you anti-Semitism is still rife over there too, it's not just Democrats here who hate Jews

You moron. Most US Jews are Demmocrats.
Which is why they are dumber than dog shit.

Not by a long shot.. Have some integrity.

Do as you say, not as you do ...

I see Jewish friends every day. In fact, my gardenig buddy is the son of a Rabbi. I had cocktails with three Jewish women that I am very fond of just night before last. You must have a really small life. Not everyone supports Bibi

You have a Jewish friend, every hate filled bigot starts with that bull shit lie, Himmler

I have more than a few Jewish friends that I see every day. In fact, one just showed up an hour ago with three beautiful Asparagus crowns for my Asparagus patch.

You seem so prejudiced and backward. Whats your story? How did you get that way?

Yes, how can you hate Jews when you have Jewish friends? Actually that you hate Jews is the part of that which is not in question

I hate the killing and theft in Palestine. .. have since I was little and listened to news broadcasts about the massacres in Lebanon.. But, most Jews are not like that. Most don't support Bibi or the Likkud.

Exactly, those damned Jews, you hate them. They should just die like the dogs they are when terrorists are shooting missiles into Jewish neighborhoods. You already made completely clear that is your position, Himmler. Death to Jews. Fuck you, bigot

As crazy as it seems, we seem to be doing exactly as Santayana predicted. "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

That's true, but in this case surada remembers the past just fine and is just trying to finish the job the Nazis started. No one supports terrorists shooting rockets into Jewish neighborhoods and supports that like surada and doesn't grasp what they are supporting

Indeed. Just as when Hitler was coming into power, the "liberal left" now the Fascist Left, embraced old Adolph with open arms - until they saw the world turn against him.

Hell, in reality, they STILL in some part, support him by supporting his chief architect for the mass elimination of Jews, Gypsies and "Idiots" in Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood - which has overseen the murder of nearly 59 million babies.

First of all, fascism is an extreme right wing coalition of the wealthy elite, the military, bankers, and corporations.
There can be left wing evil people as well, but they can't be called fascist.
The term is of ancient Roman origins, so can't be changed.

Hitler did not start out as a fascist, but a socialist.
And he only turned fascist in 1933 when given the choice between being appointed Chancellor or being a socialist.
He chose fascism and being Chancellor, which was really something associated more with Mussolini, and had all the socialists killed.

And by the way, Hitler never tried to eliminate all the Jews.
For example, there were over 100,000 Jews in the Wehrmacht, who along with their families, were not touched.
In fact, about 9 million Jews survived the Holocaust in Europe.

And you clearly don't understand if you associate Sanger with Hitler.
There is a huge difference between someone killing others against their will, and women deciding to wait to have a baby.
Women have about 2 million ovum, so there is no reason to accept being forced to birth the first one that becomes impregnated.

Fascism is left, moron. Nazi stood for SOCIALIST party. They knew what they were. And they totally had government control over the economy, which is the definition of socialism.

You're one stupid racist Jew hater.

Rigby5: Nazis were free market capitalists!

No, they weren't, dumb ass

Hitler was NOT a socialist.. The biggest party in Germany from 1918 to 1932 were German Democratic Socialists... Trump USED them to get his foot in the door and broke with the party in 1926.. He purged them as well as Jews from governent with the Enabling Act of 1933 and then went on a rampage to kill them or put them in concentration camps.

You're operatng from a 7th grade soundbite about the Reich and Hitler's rise to power.

The Jews got sort of a triple whammy from Hitler because they were socialists, Democrats and Jews.

You're a fucking moron. German companies had to all follow government economic and social policies and get all major decisions approved. They were socialist.

And Nazi means the SOCIALIST party. If Democrats told you to look at a bird and see a fish, you'd see a fish. You're a total mindless simp as well as a racist and a fascist and a Jew hater

Not really..Hitler courted the German industrialists and ultimately provided them with free labor. The Nazis weren't socialists by any stretch of the imagination. They were Fascists like the Italian conservatives who embrached Mussolini.

You fundamentally don't understand words. You think capitalism is about companies. It's not, it's about free markets. Big government socialists and big companies frequently use government to stifle competition. Crony capitalism is a form of socialism, not capitalism.

You're just babbling words you don't understand

Fascism is left, moron. Nazi stood for SOCIALIST party. They knew what they were. And they totally had government control over the economy, which is the definition of socialism.

You're one stupid racist Jew hater.

Rigby5: Nazis were free market capitalists!

No, they weren't, dumb ass

Hitler was NOT a socialist.. The biggest party in Germany from 1918 to 1932 were German Democratic Socialists... Trump USED them to get his foot in the door and broke with the party in 1926.. He purged them as well as Jews from governent with the Enabling Act of 1933 and then went on a rampage to kill them or put them in concentration camps.

You're operatng from a 7th grade soundbite about the Reich and Hitler's rise to power.

The Jews got sort of a triple whammy from Hitler because they were socialists, Democrats and Jews.
Fred Trump moved to USA in 1908.
How could he do that in germany in 1926?


You wrote Trump instead of Hitler. You're a moron, so is he for not realizing what you did. It's the Democrat party, the stupid leading the stupid

I make spelling errors too.

I just answered your question, moron.

I called you both stupid not because of your initial mistake but that you fucktards were going back and forth and neither of you grasped the source of the confusion
Leftist hate Jews and the State of Israel almost as much as leftist in 1938 Germany hated Jews. Every day we see attacks on supporters of Israel and Democrats like Cortez, Talib, and Omar supporting terrorist groups and Iranian government that provides them with the missiles to fire into Israel.

Having worked in Europe, I can tell you anti-Semitism is still rife over there too, it's not just Democrats here who hate Jews

You moron. Most US Jews are Demmocrats.
Which is why they are dumber than dog shit.

Not by a long shot.. Have some integrity.

Do as you say, not as you do ...

I see Jewish friends every day. In fact, my gardenig buddy is the son of a Rabbi. I had cocktails with three Jewish women that I am very fond of just night before last. You must have a really small life. Not everyone supports Bibi

You have a Jewish friend, every hate filled bigot starts with that bull shit lie, Himmler

I have more than a few Jewish friends that I see every day. In fact, one just showed up an hour ago with three beautiful Asparagus crowns for my Asparagus patch.

You seem so prejudiced and backward. Whats your story? How did you get that way?

Yes, how can you hate Jews when you have Jewish friends? Actually that you hate Jews is the part of that which is not in question

I hate the killing and theft in Palestine. .. have since I was little and listened to news broadcasts about the massacres in Lebanon.. But, most Jews are not like that. Most don't support Bibi or the Likkud.

Exactly, those damned Jews, you hate them. They should just die like the dogs they are when terrorists are shooting missiles into Jewish neighborhoods. You already made completely clear that is your position, Himmler. Death to Jews. Fuck you, bigot

As crazy as it seems, we seem to be doing exactly as Santayana predicted. "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

That's true, but in this case surada remembers the past just fine and is just trying to finish the job the Nazis started. No one supports terrorists shooting rockets into Jewish neighborhoods and supports that like surada and doesn't grasp what they are supporting

Indeed. Just as when Hitler was coming into power, the "liberal left" now the Fascist Left, embraced old Adolph with open arms - until they saw the world turn against him.

Hell, in reality, they STILL in some part, support him by supporting his chief architect for the mass elimination of Jews, Gypsies and "Idiots" in Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood - which has overseen the murder of nearly 59 million babies.

First of all, fascism is an extreme right wing coalition of the wealthy elite, the military, bankers, and corporations.
There can be left wing evil people as well, but they can't be called fascist.
The term is of ancient Roman origins, so can't be changed.

Hitler did not start out as a fascist, but a socialist.
And he only turned fascist in 1933 when given the choice between being appointed Chancellor or being a socialist.
He chose fascism and being Chancellor, which was really something associated more with Mussolini, and had all the socialists killed.

And by the way, Hitler never tried to eliminate all the Jews.
For example, there were over 100,000 Jews in the Wehrmacht, who along with their families, were not touched.
In fact, about 9 million Jews survived the Holocaust in Europe.

And you clearly don't understand if you associate Sanger with Hitler.
There is a huge difference between someone killing others against their will, and women deciding to wait to have a baby.
Women have about 2 million ovum, so there is no reason to accept being forced to birth the first one that becomes impregnated.

Fascism is left, moron. Nazi stood for SOCIALIST party. They knew what they were. And they totally had government control over the economy, which is the definition of socialism.

You're one stupid racist Jew hater.

Rigby5: Nazis were free market capitalists!

No, they weren't, dumb ass

Hitler was NOT a socialist.. The biggest party in Germany from 1918 to 1932 were German Democratic Socialists... Trump USED them to get his foot in the door and broke with the party in 1926.. He purged them as well as Jews from governent with the Enabling Act of 1933 and then went on a rampage to kill them or put them in concentration camps.

You're operatng from a 7th grade soundbite about the Reich and Hitler's rise to power.

The Jews got sort of a triple whammy from Hitler because they were socialists, Democrats and Jews.

You're a fucking moron. German companies had to all follow government economic and social policies and get all major decisions approved. They were socialist.

And Nazi means the SOCIALIST party. If Democrats told you to look at a bird and see a fish, you'd see a fish. You're a total mindless simp as well as a racist and a fascist and a Jew hater

Not really..Hitler courted the German industrialists and ultimately provided them with free labor. The Nazis weren't socialists by any stretch of the imagination. They were Fascists like the Italian conservatives who embrached Mussolini.

You fundamentally don't understand words. You think capitalism is about companies. It's not, it's about free markets. Big government socialists and big companies frequently use government to stifle competition. Crony capitalism is a form of socialism, not capitalism.

You're just babbling words you don't understand

German industrialists were on a war footing.

Hitler was NOT a socialist.. The biggest party in Germany from 1918 to 1932 were German Democratic Socialists... Trump USED them to get his foot in the door and broke with the party in 1926.. He purged them as well as Jews from governent with the Enabling Act of 1933 and then went on a rampage to kill them or put them in concentration camps.

You're operatng from a 7th grade soundbite about the Reich and Hitler's rise to power.

The Jews got sort of a triple whammy from Hitler because they were socialists, Democrats and Jews.

You're a fucking moron. German companies had to all follow government economic and social policies and get all major decisions approved. They were socialist.

And Nazi means the SOCIALIST party. If Democrats told you to look at a bird and see a fish, you'd see a fish. You're a total mindless simp as well as a racist and a fascist and a Jew hater

Not really..Hitler courted the German industrialists and ultimately provided them with free labor. The Nazis weren't socialists by any stretch of the imagination. They were Fascists like the Italian conservatives who embrached Mussolini.

You fundamentally don't understand words. You think capitalism is about companies. It's not, it's about free markets. Big government socialists and big companies frequently use government to stifle competition. Crony capitalism is a form of socialism, not capitalism.

You're just babbling words you don't understand

German industrialists were on a war footing.

Yes, Hitler was almost pacifist, really. He was terrified of free market capitalists. Every day another free market capitalist was coming in his office demanding open markets and invading Poland. He was trying to get out of it, but they kept pounding their fist on his desk demanding reduced regulation, lower taxes and a World War. Eventually they got their way. Germany went into a period of incredibly free markets and world domination.

You're a fucking idiot
Can someone explain precisely what is wrong with Jewish people to draw so much ire?
Around here they are great people.
My experiences with jews have always been amazing. I hear the orthodox jews in NY are super annoying though. Orthodox people of any religion always fucking suck, so im not going to blame the jews for those douchebags.
Can someone explain precisely what is wrong with Jewish people to draw so much ire?
Around here they are great people.
My experiences with jews have always been amazing. I hear the orthodox jews in NY are super annoying though. Orthodox people of any religion always fucking suck, so im not going to blame the jews for those douchebags.

I worked with an orthodox Jew when I lived in New York. He is a great guy. I'm pescatarian and he took me to amazing Jewish restaurants. If you know anything about Jewish food, there is a rule that you can't mix milk and cheese. Jews don't count fish as meat. So Jewish restaurants tend to be heavily meat that I can't eat much of anything or meatless other than fish I can eat anything.

You may be thinking of Hasidic Jews. Orthodox really are just conservative Jews.

Orthodox actually get along with non-Jews better than liberal Jews. As they put it, liberal Jews have heard the word and know better. They don't have expectations of non-Jews
Leftist hate Jews and the State of Israel almost as much as leftist in 1938 Germany hated Jews. Every day we see attacks on supporters of Israel and Democrats like Cortez, Talib, and Omar supporting terrorist groups and Iranian government that provides them with the missiles to fire into Israel.
I think everyone agrees with you.
Leftist hate Jews and the State of Israel almost as much as leftist in 1938 Germany hated Jews. Every day we see attacks on supporters of Israel and Democrats like Cortez, Talib, and Omar supporting terrorist groups and Iranian government that provides them with the missiles to fire into Israel.
Disagreement with the far right a****** Israelis who have been running the countries the last 20 years not anti-Semitism, it is intelligence and knowledge. Two things you don't have. Or the rest of the ignoramus GOP base. Change the channel stupid.
Democrats are the American version of Hamas
The GOP is the party full of fundamentalist assholes like Hamas and the tailban and all the other fundamentalist assholes around the world. Oop s ignoramuses who are brainwashed functional fundamentalist assholes....
Disagreement with the far right a****** Israelis who have been running the countries the last 20 years not anti-Semitism, it is intelligence and knowledge. Two things you don't have. Or the rest of the ignoramus GOP base. Change the channel stupid.
The GOP is the party full of fundamentalist assholes like Hamas and the tailban and all the other fundamentalist assholes around the world. Oop s ignoramuses who are brainwashed functional fundamentalist assholes....

Islam is only a slight variant of Judaism.
Fundamentalist Moslems are just ones who try to be honest, and are the ones we should be able to get along with the best.
Unless we are the ones who are corrupt.
You're a fucking moron. German companies had to all follow government economic and social policies and get all major decisions approved. They were socialist.

And Nazi means the SOCIALIST party. If Democrats told you to look at a bird and see a fish, you'd see a fish. You're a total mindless simp as well as a racist and a fascist and a Jew hater

Nope.. Hitler broke with the socialists in 1926.. In 1933 he purged the German government of Communists, Socialists, Democrats and Jews and put them in Dachau.
I worked with an orthodox Jew when I lived in New York. He is a great guy. I'm pescatarian and he took me to amazing Jewish restaurants. If you know anything about Jewish food, there is a rule that you can't mix milk and cheese. Jews don't count fish as meat. So Jewish restaurants tend to be heavily meat that I can't eat much of anything or meatless other than fish I can eat anything.

You may be thinking of Hasidic Jews. Orthodox really are just conservative Jews.

Orthodox actually get along with non-Jews better than liberal Jews. As they put it, liberal Jews have heard the word and know better. They don't have expectations of non-Jews

You can mix milk and cheese, but can't mix dairy and meat.
The origins is that plates originally were wooden or porous terracotta.
Milk/melted cheese gets in and rots, contaminating any meat put on later.
So you keep dairy and meat on separate plates/bowls.
That means a cheeseburger is out.
You're a fucking moron. German companies had to all follow government economic and social policies and get all major decisions approved. They were socialist.

And Nazi means the SOCIALIST party. If Democrats told you to look at a bird and see a fish, you'd see a fish. You're a total mindless simp as well as a racist and a fascist and a Jew hater

Totally wrong.
German companies were above Hitler in the oligarchy ranks.
The only company that got forced was Junkers, because he was anti war.
German companies in WWII follow ZERO government policies, and instead made huge profits deciding what to make or not.

There was never any government as anti-socialist as the Nazis in WWII.
They were pure capitalist oligarchs.
Nazi means National Socialist, which mean anti-socialist.
Nope.. Hitler broke with the socialists in 1926.. In 1933 he purged the German government of Communists, Socialists, Democrats and Jews and put them in Dachau.

I'm dumbfounded by your shear stupidity.

So there can be only one socialist party. So if you break with a socialist party, then you aren't a socialist. It doesn't matter if you believe in socialism, you broke with the "socialist" party.

My God, you really are that stupid, aren't you?
You can mix milk and cheese, but can't mix dairy and meat.
The origins is that plates originally were wooden or porous terracotta.
Milk/melted cheese gets in and rots, contaminating any meat put on later.
So you keep dairy and meat on separate plates/bowls.
That means a cheeseburger is out.

That is correct, it was a typo. But if you read what I wrote after that, I clearly was referring to milk and meat, not milk and cheese. You have to have noticed that and chose to ignore it
Totally wrong.
German companies were above Hitler in the oligarchy ranks.
The only company that got forced was Junkers, because he was anti war.
German companies in WWII follow ZERO government policies, and instead made huge profits deciding what to make or not.

There was never any government as anti-socialist as the Nazis in WWII.
They were pure capitalist oligarchs.
Nazi means National Socialist, which mean anti-socialist.

You're just lying, it's pathetic. Seriously, you think German companies could ignore Hitler. You have no shame, you know that's not true.

NAZI stands for the socialist party, moron. And their policies were all socialist. They knew what they were
I'm dumbfounded by your shear stupidity.

So there can be only one socialist party. So if you break with a socialist party, then you aren't a socialist. It doesn't matter if you believe in socialism, you broke with the "socialist" party.

My God, you really are that stupid, aren't you?

That is right, there should only be one socialist party, and that was the Social Democratic Party (SPD) of Germany, before WWII.
The National Socialists were right wing, anti-socialists.
But even they were too radical and poor for the oligarchs, so they ordered Hitler to have all the SA, (Sturm Abteilung) of the National Socialists, killed or imprisoned.
Hitler was never a socialist, did not believe in socialism, never implemented socialism, was never a member of the socialist party, and always attacked and killed socialists.

But actually there was other socialist parties as well:

Breitman sees World War I as the experience which convinced moderate Social Democrats to abandon the parliamentary strategy of pure opposition which the party had followed before the war. At the beginning of the war, the German Social Democrats, like most European socialists, put aside the rhetoric of the solidarity of the international proletariat and supported their country in the war. The price for this policy was paid in 1917 when those Social Democrats who could no longer tolerate the majority’s support of the war broke away to found a second socialist party in Germany, the Independent Social Democratic Party (USPD). This party spawned the German Communist Party (KPD) and the unity of the German socialist movement was never restored. Thus, in the Weimar Republic the SPD was forced to wage a two-front battle against both right and left.

So you see, Hitler was NEVER associated with any socialist political party at all, and instead was always associated with right wing, anti-socialists, and veterans, the SA and Nazis.
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