Democrats Support Anti-Semitism in United States

That is correct, it was a typo. But if you read what I wrote after that, I clearly was referring to milk and meat, not milk and cheese. You have to have noticed that and chose to ignore it

Just trying to be helpful.
I just happened to have researched Jewish food habits since I had to deal with more orthodox relatives.
You're just lying, it's pathetic. Seriously, you think German companies could ignore Hitler. You have no shame, you know that's not true.

NAZI stands for the socialist party, moron. And their policies were all socialist. They knew what they were

Sorry, but there were 2 socialist parties, the SPD and the USPD, and Hitler hated them both.
He was totally anti-socialist.
He was pro war, and socialists are always anti war.

Not only could German companies ignore Hitler if they wanted, but they ORDERED Hitler as to what they wanted him to do.
They picked Hitler, and could drop him any time they wanted to.
Hitler actually had no power.
The military, companies, aristocracy, and banks were all above him.
There was nothing remotely socialist about the Nazis at all.
Socialism is about decentralizing, equality of income, universal government services, unions, etc.
The National Socialists were against all that, and wanted to arrest all the unions, immigrants, poor, etc.
That is right, there should only be one socialist party, and that was the Social Democratic Party (SPD) of Germany, before WWII.
The National Socialists were right wing, anti-socialists.
But even they were too radical and poor for the oligarchs, so they ordered Hitler to have all the SA, (Sturm Abteilung) of the National Socialists, killed or imprisoned.
Hitler was never a socialist, did not believe in socialism, never implemented socialism, was never a member of the socialist party, and always attacked and killed socialists.

But actually there was other socialist parties as well:

Breitman sees World War I as the experience which convinced moderate Social Democrats to abandon the parliamentary strategy of pure opposition which the party had followed before the war. At the beginning of the war, the German Social Democrats, like most European socialists, put aside the rhetoric of the solidarity of the international proletariat and supported their country in the war. The price for this policy was paid in 1917 when those Social Democrats who could no longer tolerate the majority’s support of the war broke away to found a second socialist party in Germany, the Independent Social Democratic Party (USPD). This party spawned the German Communist Party (KPD) and the unity of the German socialist movement was never restored. Thus, in the Weimar Republic the SPD was forced to wage a two-front battle against both right and left.

So you see, Hitler was NEVER associated with any socialist political party at all, and instead was always associated with right wing, anti-socialists, and veterans, the SA and Nazis.

Your stupid level is off the charts. I'm not arguing with you your stupid premise that only one party can be socialist. Can you go to the bathroom by yourself?
Just trying to be helpful.
I just happened to have researched Jewish food habits since I had to deal with more orthodox relatives.

So you get a 10 for "research" and a 0 for reading. You have to have noticed reading that paragraph that it was a typo and decided not to acknowledge that
Sorry, but there were 2 socialist parties, the SPD and the USPD, and Hitler hated them both.
He was totally anti-socialist.
He was pro war, and socialists are always anti war.

Not only could German companies ignore Hitler if they wanted, but they ORDERED Hitler as to what they wanted him to do.
They picked Hitler, and could drop him any time they wanted to.
Hitler actually had no power.
The military, companies, aristocracy, and banks were all above him.
There was nothing remotely socialist about the Nazis at all.
Socialism is about decentralizing, equality of income, universal government services, unions, etc.
The National Socialists were against all that, and wanted to arrest all the unions, immigrants, poor, etc.

You just said there can be only one socialist party, now you turn around and say there were two?

Once again you're just making up your shit as you go
Your stupid level is off the charts. I'm not arguing with you your stupid premise that only one party can be socialist. Can you go to the bathroom by yourself?

The fact there was more than one socialist party is not relevant.
The point is that the National Socialists came out of the SA (Sturm Abteilung), which was a right wing veterans organization by Rohem.
Rohem was right wing, the SA were right wing, the National Socialists were right wing, and Hitler was right wing.

The Sturmabteilung (German: [ˈʃtʊʁmʔapˌtaɪlʊŋ] (About this soundlisten); SA; literally "Storm Detachment") was the Nazi Party's original paramilitary wing. It played a significant role in Adolf Hitler's rise to power in the 1920s and 1930s. Its primary purposes were providing protection for Nazi rallies and assemblies; disrupting the meetings of opposing parties; fighting against the paramilitary units of the opposing parties, especially the Roter Frontkämpferbund of the Communist Party of Germany (KPD) and the Reichsbanner Schwarz-Rot-Gold of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD); and intimidating Romani, trade unionists, and especially Jews.

The SA were colloquially called Brownshirts (Braunhemden) because of the colour of their uniform's shirts, similar to Benito Mussolini's blackshirts. The official uniform of the SA was the brown shirt with a brown tie. The color came about because a large shipment of Lettow-shirts, originally intended for the German colonial troops in Germany's former East Africa colony,[2] was purchased in 1921 by Gerhard Roßbach for use by his Freikorps paramilitary unit. They were later used for his Salzburg Schill Youth and in 1924 were adopted by the Schill Youth in Germany.[3] The "Schill Sportversand" then became the main supplier for the SA brown shirts. The SA developed pseudo-military titles for its members, with ranks that were later adopted by several other Nazi Party groups, chief amongst them the Schutzstaffel (SS), which originated as a branch of the SA before it was separated from it after the Night of the Long Knives.

After Adolf Hitler ordered the Night of the Long Knives (die Nacht der langen Messer) in 1934, he withdrew his support for the SA. The SA continued to exist but had lost almost all its influence, and was effectively superseded by the SS, which had carried out Hitler's orders in the purge, and thereafter was formally removed from the SA. The SA remained in existence until after Nazi Germany's final capitulation to the Allies in 1945, after which it was disbanded and outlawed by the Allied Control Council.

The left wing socialist were the SPD, and Hitler had them all killed or imprisoned.
On 20 July 1932, the SPD-led Prussian government in Berlin, headed by Otto Braun, was ousted by Franz von Papen, the new Chancellor, by means of a Presidential decree. Following the appointment of Adolf Hitler as chancellor on 30 January 1933 by president Hindenburg, the SPD received 18.25% of the votes during the last (at least partially) free elections on 5 March, gaining 120 seats. However, the SPD was unable to prevent the ratification of the Enabling Act, which granted extraconstitutional powers to the government. The SPD was the only party to vote against the act (the KPD being already outlawed and its deputies were under arrest, dead, or in exile). Several of its deputies had been detained by the police under the provisions of the Reichstag Fire Decree, which suspended civil liberties. Others suspected that the SPD would be next, and fled into exile.[41] However, even if they had all been present, the Act would have still passed, as the 441 votes in favour would have still been more than the required two-thirds majority.

After the passing of the Enabling Act, dozens of SPD deputies were arrested, and several more fled into exile. Most of the leadership settled in Prague. Those that remained tried their best to appease the Nazis. On 19 May, the few SPD deputies who had not been jailed or fled into exile voted in favour of Hitler's foreign policy statement, in which he declared his willingness to renounce all offensive weapons if other countries followed suit. They also publicly distanced themselves from their brethren abroad who condemned Hitler's tactics.[41][42]

It was to no avail. Over the course of the spring, the police confiscated the SPD's buildings, newspapers and property. On 21 June 1933, Interior Minister Wilhelm Frick ordered the SPD closed down on the basis of the Reichstag Fire Decree, declaring the party "subversive and inimical to the State." All SPD deputies at the state and federal level were stripped of their seats, and all SPD meetings and publications were banned. Party members were also blacklisted from public office and the civil service. Frick took the line that the SPD members in exile were committing treason from abroad, while those still in Germany were helping them.[41][42] The party was a member of the Labour and Socialist International between 1923 and 1940.[43]
You just said there can be only one socialist party, now you turn around and say there were two?

Once again you're just making up your shit as you go

The SPD was the only significant socialist party.
The USPD was tiny, so insignificant, and only mentioned for completeness.

But again, the National Socialist were extremely anti-socialist and right wing.
I dont know why. For the most part jews just want to be left alone to do their thing. Ive never had a jew bother me or do something to me.

Ill take a jew over most blacks any day of the week in terms of how they are in our society.
The fact there was more than one socialist party is not relevant.

You're argument was that the Nazis weren't socialist BECAUSE they split from "the socialist policy."

Now it's not relevant, when your argument was based on that?

You're a special kind of stupid.

The Nazis were socialist because their POLICIES were socialist. They centrally planned the economy. All decisions had to be approved by the party. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about
The SPD was the only significant socialist party.
The USPD was tiny, so insignificant, and only mentioned for completeness.

But again, the National Socialist were extremely anti-socialist and right wing.

Sure, Speed Racer. The Nazis were free market right wingers. History is something you constantly make up
I dont know why. For the most part jews just want to be left alone to do their thing. Ive never had a jew bother me or do something to me.

Ill take a jew over most blacks any day of the week in terms of how they are in our society.

That is because Jews pledged to disperse and cooperate, as penance, to atone for the sins of arrogance and pride, that they believe caused their defeat by the Romans, twice.

However, Israel is a violation of that pledge.
They are supposed to wait until the Messiah comes.
So then they are back to being greedy, arrogant, violent, and aggressive.
Anyone who claims to be the "Chosen People" and have a "Promised Land" is a problem.
You're argument was that the Nazis weren't socialist BECAUSE they split from "the socialist policy."

Now it's not relevant, when your argument was based on that?

You're a special kind of stupid.

The Nazis were socialist because their POLICIES were socialist. They centrally planned the economy. All decisions had to be approved by the party. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about

The Nazis did not split from socialist policy.
That National Socialists were always VERY right wing, and formed from a WWI veterans organization, the SA.
They were never left wing and never socialist.
There was never anything remotely socialist about the Nazis.
They most certainly never wanted a planned economy, and absolutely not centrally.
They were ultra capitalists, closer to Libertarians than anything else.
The party had no power and approved nothing.
Germany under the Nazis were an oligarchy of the wealthy elite, corporations, military, and aristocracy.
The Nazis did not split from socialist policy.
That National Socialists were always VERY right wing, and formed from a WWI veterans organization, the SA.
They were never left wing and never socialist.
There was never anything remotely socialist about the Nazis.
They most certainly never wanted a planned economy, and absolutely not centrally.
They were ultra capitalists, closer to Libertarians than anything else.
The party had no power and approved nothing.
Germany under the Nazis were an oligarchy of the wealthy elite, corporations, military, and aristocracy.

There is NOTHING "right wing" about the Nazis. They are left wing socialists, they belong to you. You can keep trying to abandon the Nazis on the roadside, but they are leftists and will always find their way home to your door.

Seriously, again, Nazi stands for socialists and they clearly were socialists. The government controlled the economy. Stop being a moron.

The Democrat party is the fascist party, you're the Nazis, Holmes

Rugby5: {Nazis} were ultra capitalists, closer to Libertarians than anything else"

My God you're an idiot. You're the real thing
There is NOTHING "right wing" about the Nazis. They are left wing socialists, they belong to you. You can keep trying to abandon the Nazis on the roadside, but they are leftists and will always find their way home to your door.

Seriously, again, Nazi stands for socialists and they clearly were socialists. The government controlled the economy. Stop being a moron.

The Democrat party is the fascist party, you're the Nazis, Holmes

Rugby5: {Nazis} were ultra capitalists, closer to Libertarians than anything else"

My God you're an idiot. You're the real thing

Totally wrong.
National Socialist was always known to be totally anti-socialist.
If National Socialists were actually socialist, then what was the SPD?
Why did the Oligarchs, the wealthy elite, military, aristocrats, and corporations, then have Hindenburg appoint Hitler has Chancellor?
He did not get elected, but was appointed Chancellor.
Why would the capitalist coalition pick a socialist?
Totally wrong.
National Socialist was always known to be totally anti-socialist.
If National Socialists were actually socialist, then what was the SPD?
Why did the Oligarchs, the wealthy elite, military, aristocrats, and corporations, then have Hindenburg appoint Hitler has Chancellor?
He did not get elected, but was appointed Chancellor.
Why would the capitalist coalition pick a socialist?

More shit you made up. The Nazis WERE socialists, they had a centrally (government) managed economy. They were the socialist party by name and policy. Only someone as dumb as you thinks that socialists were capitalists.

Rigby5: Nazis were free market almost libertarian hands off economy. Independent, free market companies decided to invade the world, not Hitler

My God you're an idiot
More shit you made up. The Nazis WERE socialists, they had a centrally (government) managed economy. They were the socialist party by name and policy. Only someone as dumb as you thinks that socialists were capitalists.

Rigby5: Nazis were free market almost libertarian hands off economy. Independent, free market companies decided to invade the world, not Hitler

My God you're an idiot

The Nazis did not have any government control over the economy at all, in any way.
The government put out a list of what they wanted to buy, and private companies bid on it.

If what you said were true, there would be one plane company, one tank company, one small arms company, etc.
But there weren't.
There were dozens of competing plane companies, at least 6 tank companies, nearly a hundred small arms companies, etc.
The built what they wanted and charged what they wanted.
Absolutely zero central control.

Again, it was the other way around.
Hitler was a nobody, and the oligarchs selected him.
He did not control the oligarchs.
They needed him to be the fall guy when things went wrong.
And they did.
You guys are having a debate over the word socialism

It's not a solvable issue in 2021

At this point you'd have an easier time defining "terrorism", which has never really been possible

They both had socialist in the name, but weren't REALLY socialists by poly sci standards. But certainly were by American 2021 standards

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