Democrats Support Anti-Semitism in United States

Can someone explain precisely what is wrong with Jewish people to draw so much ire?
Around here they are great people.
Europeans spent centuries trying to assimilate specifically Ashkenazi Jews, which are the vast majority in the states. They refused living apart and with endogamy.

So when a sickness would come to a village a few hundred years ago. And you notice the Jews won't share your water....They become the obvious cultprits of poison, witchcraft, etc. Rules against intermarriage. Very easy for Europeans to blame for their problems.

So while it's true the Jews have been persecuted. They wanted to live their own way in Christian nations which rarely ended well for them.

In modern times Israel is their problem. Israel's history starts only ~150 years ago not even with the first aliyah. They are like Us, Canada, NZ, and Australia are colonial settler states. The situation is not substantively different from apartheid south africa. Religion alone does not give you claim to land, blood claims matter much more. And Jews have no religious reason to create Israel anyway.
To me this is ancient history palaver rooted in revenge and having Nothing to do with the betterment of peoples lives in the here and now

Can someone explain precisely what is wrong with Jewish people to draw so much ire?
Around here they are great people.

That was the question i was responding to

And the last paragraph directly addresses current problems and why israel is so hated in the states.
Fake as always. Jewish people aroundDC are loved and respected because of their conduct.
What Prince Azir and Shalomey Ginsburg argued about in 1750 over whose line in the sand was valid is irrelevant
You all don’t want peace. If it was given to you then you would not take it because of eons ago. Same affliction that blacks labor under as to 150 years ago

You go ask the non whites what they think about zionists in fucking DC lol

Apartheid is a bright red line for anyone non white with sense in America.
Don’t have to ask. I know because we all live here just fine
You are operating from a feelings theory and live in another area.

You are a white guy who clearly doesn't know much about anything unrelated to your personal life

So i'm gonna go with a big /doubt

You go talk to some black israelites then come back, hah. You should be able to find em pretty easily in DC

Do you ahve any idea what elite black America thinks about the Jews? I just don't like Zionists. They have a whole other set of shit going on that is vaguely related to Zionism.

I live just outside chicago. We're talking about very very very similar communities

You know who Louis Farrakhan is?
Thank you for confirming my assessment and as always your ilk does not know what it’s talking about. The rest of your ages old incoherent chatter is what the problem is about

"incoherent" uh huh

They gave you tests when you were a boy. We both know you don't read well
The assumption close never works on thinkers .
“We both know....” is Fake but it’s all you got.

You know

You remember your education

Do you really think people who score highly on standardized tests can't sniff out those who don't in about half a second?

"incoherent" hahaha

I read and write at the highest levels we measure.
Incoherent means rambling incomplete and inarticulate
Did that help??
No bullets in the gun you are.
Can someone explain precisely what is wrong with Jewish people to draw so much ire?
Around here they are great people.
Europeans spent centuries trying to assimilate specifically Ashkenazi Jews, which are the vast majority in the states. They refused living apart and with endogamy.

So when a sickness would come to a village a few hundred years ago. And you notice the Jews won't share your water....They become the obvious cultprits of poison, witchcraft, etc. Rules against intermarriage. Very easy for Europeans to blame for their problems.

So while it's true the Jews have been persecuted. They wanted to live their own way in Christian nations which rarely ended well for them.

In modern times Israel is their problem. Israel's history starts only ~150 years ago not even with the first aliyah. They are like Us, Canada, NZ, and Australia are colonial settler states. The situation is not substantively different from apartheid south africa. Religion alone does not give you claim to land, blood claims matter much more. And Jews have no religious reason to create Israel anyway.
To me this is ancient history palaver rooted in revenge and having Nothing to do with the betterment of peoples lives in the here and now

Can someone explain precisely what is wrong with Jewish people to draw so much ire?
Around here they are great people.

That was the question i was responding to

And the last paragraph directly addresses current problems and why israel is so hated in the states.
Fake as always. Jewish people aroundDC are loved and respected because of their conduct.
What Prince Azir and Shalomey Ginsburg argued about in 1750 over whose line in the sand was valid is irrelevant
You all don’t want peace. If it was given to you then you would not take it because of eons ago. Same affliction that blacks labor under as to 150 years ago

You go ask the non whites what they think about zionists in fucking DC lol

Apartheid is a bright red line for anyone non white with sense in America.
Don’t have to ask. I know because we all live here just fine
You are operating from a feelings theory and live in another area.

You are a white guy who clearly doesn't know much about anything unrelated to your personal life

So i'm gonna go with a big /doubt

You go talk to some black israelites then come back, hah. You should be able to find em pretty easily in DC

Do you ahve any idea what elite black America thinks about the Jews? I just don't like Zionists. They have a whole other set of shit going on that is vaguely related to Zionism.

I live just outside chicago. We're talking about very very very similar communities

You know who Louis Farrakhan is?
Thank you for confirming my assessment and as always your ilk does not know what it’s talking about. The rest of your ages old incoherent chatter is what the problem is about

"incoherent" uh huh

They gave you tests when you were a boy. We both know you don't read well
The assumption close never works on thinkers .
“We both know....” is Fake but it’s all you got.

You know

You remember your education

Do you really think people who score highly on standardized tests can't sniff out those who don't in about half a second?

"incoherent" hahaha

I read and write at the highest levels we measure.
Incoherent means rambling incomplete and inarticulate
Did that help??
No bullets in the gun you are.

I'm aware of what it means

Like i said i scored very high on those sorts of tests. Haha

Remember your place.
Europeans spent centuries trying to assimilate specifically Ashkenazi Jews, which are the vast majority in the states. They refused living apart and with endogamy.
You are rewriting history. Christians have from the beginning of Christianity had an anti-Semitic streak. It was Christians who invented the Ghetto, periodically expelled Jews from their country, engaged in pogroms, and instituted laws that limited what Jews could own and do. Assimilation was usually left to the inquisition.

I'm not rewriting history

They have tried to assimilate Jews for centuries, they refused

They still refuse in America.

You don't just get to act like caste then be surprised when the people around you treat you like shit. They offered assimilation
How have they tried to assimilate Jews? By converting them?

How the fuck else would you get Jews to assimilate? Your whole religion is about endogamy, like you're of caste from India. Except no one in fucking europe does things that way but Jews.


Thinking you can make it work in India makes sense. Castes are normal in India

They have not been normal in Christian Europe for a millenia, if ever, beyond the Jews who were relentlessly persecuted for their refusal to assimilate.
Thanks now I understand. Christianity wants to destroy Judaism and eliminate all Jews. Too bad the holocaust failed, you'd have gotten your wish.

They want all Europeans to be Christians

There is a difference

Even hitler was not trying to kill all the jews

Hitler was a fucking zionist.

No one cares about your petty little insignifcant religion. They just don't like you as a people
Who is the 'they' that want all Europeans to be Christians. Are you 'they'?

What's the difference?

What was he trying to do?

Jesus was a fucking Zionist.

For a religion of peace and love, Christians don't seem to like a lot of people.

Democrats Support Anti-Semitism in United States​

Gee! That is about the "BEST" thing I've heard truthfully said about democrats in a month!

It all goes farther downhill faster after that.

Democrats don't stand for a single decent, wholesome thing actually desired by the majority of the electorate!

Democrats Support Anti-Semitism in United States​

Gee! That is about the "BEST" thing I've heard truthfully said about democrats in a month!

It all goes farther downhill faster after that.

Democrats don't stand for a single decent, wholesome thing actually desired by the majority of the electorate!
Not even close to being true, for instance:
Leftist hate Jews and the State of Israel almost as much as leftist in 1938 Germany hated Jews. Every day we see attacks on supporters of Israel and Democrats like Cortez, Talib, and Omar supporting terrorist groups and Iranian government that provides them with the missiles to fire into Israel.

You and be anti Israel without being anti-Jew so put that in your pipe an smoke it​

Europeans spent centuries trying to assimilate specifically Ashkenazi Jews, which are the vast majority in the states. They refused living apart and with endogamy.
You are rewriting history. Christians have from the beginning of Christianity had an anti-Semitic streak. It was Christians who invented the Ghetto, periodically expelled Jews from their country, engaged in pogroms, and instituted laws that limited what Jews could own and do. Assimilation was usually left to the inquisition.

I'm not rewriting history

They have tried to assimilate Jews for centuries, they refused

They still refuse in America.

You don't just get to act like caste then be surprised when the people around you treat you like shit. They offered assimilation
How have they tried to assimilate Jews? By converting them?

How the fuck else would you get Jews to assimilate? Your whole religion is about endogamy, like you're of caste from India. Except no one in fucking europe does things that way but Jews.


Thinking you can make it work in India makes sense. Castes are normal in India

They have not been normal in Christian Europe for a millenia, if ever, beyond the Jews who were relentlessly persecuted for their refusal to assimilate.
Thanks now I understand. Christianity wants to destroy Judaism and eliminate all Jews. Too bad the holocaust failed, you'd have gotten your wish.

They want all Europeans to be Christians

There is a difference

Even hitler was not trying to kill all the jews

Hitler was a fucking zionist.

No one cares about your petty little insignifcant religion. They just don't like you as a people
Who is the 'they' that want all Europeans to be Christians. Are you 'they'?

What's the difference?

What was he trying to do?

Jesus was a fucking Zionist.

For a religion of peace and love, Christians don't seem to like a lot of people.

Jesus was not a zionist

Which is again why they're a scattered fucking people

Nothing in Judaism says Israel has to exist. Or they would have died to stay there instead of spreading over multiple continents

Zionism did not exist 200 years ago.

There is no evidence that Ashkenazi have any relation to Jesus anyway. Palestinians in Bethlehem on the other hand....

Democrats Support Anti-Semitism in United States​

Democrats don't stand for a single decent, wholesome thing actually desired by the majority of the electorate!
Not even close to being true
And your "proof" is the opinions of a poll showing lots of people want a free handout? :auiqs.jpg:
You are welcome to continue hiding your head in the sand but the opinion poll shows what is desired by the majority of the electorate. You may dismiss it as 'free' stuff but that doesn't change the facts of what the majority want.

I guess the opposite is true too, the GOP policies are desired by only a minority of the electorate.

Democrats Support Anti-Semitism in United States​

Democrats don't stand for a single decent, wholesome thing actually desired by the majority of the electorate!
Not even close to being true
And your "proof" is the opinions of a poll showing lots of people want a free handout? :auiqs.jpg:
You are welcome to continue hiding your head in the sand but the opinion poll shows what is desired by the majority of the electorate. You may dismiss it as 'free' stuff but that doesn't change the facts of what the majority want.

WRONG. They want universal healthcare. What they are being sold is government run minimal health INSURANCE that won't pay for shit, but will put the government in control of their body.
The Democrat party has decided to court the Muslim vote. They have no choice but to distance themselves from Israel and Jews.
Leftist hate Jews and the State of Israel almost as much as leftist in 1938 Germany hated Jews. Every day we see attacks on supporters of Israel and Democrats like Cortez, Talib, and Omar supporting terrorist groups and Iranian government that provides them with the missiles to fire into Israel.
Total baloney, brainwashed functional moron. Those aren't Democrats. A lot of Democrats don't like scumbag right-wing corrupt Israeli and American politicians who have been screwing the hell out of Palestinians forever. But especially the last 14 years under nothing Yahoo. They're not allowed to have any economy or to travel anywhere. A disgrace. Change the channel and get some reality.

Democrats Support Anti-Semitism in United States​

Democrats don't stand for a single decent, wholesome thing actually desired by the majority of the electorate!
Not even close to being true
And your "proof" is the opinions of a poll showing lots of people want a free handout? :auiqs.jpg:
You are welcome to continue hiding your head in the sand but the opinion poll shows what is desired by the majority of the electorate. You may dismiss it as 'free' stuff but that doesn't change the facts of what the majority want.

I guess the opposite is true too, the GOP policies are desired by only a minority of the electorate.
Taking government handouts is nothing to brag about. Just proves that the USA is in its final days as a world power.
Leftist hate Jews and the State of Israel almost as much as leftist in 1938 Germany hated Jews. Every day we see attacks on supporters of Israel and Democrats like Cortez, Talib, and Omar supporting terrorist groups and Iranian government that provides them with the missiles to fire into Israel.
idiots everyone of them.
They have no idea what they are rooting for or what they are "against".
The Palestinian people voted to keep Hamas in.... so that get's them where they are. They voted against peace, reform and change.
Which what makes these dumbasses as dumb as they are - they are rooting for an organization that is 100% against their own political beliefs.

Democrats Support Anti-Semitism in United States​

Democrats don't stand for a single decent, wholesome thing actually desired by the majority of the electorate!
Not even close to being true
And your "proof" is the opinions of a poll showing lots of people want a free handout? :auiqs.jpg:
You are welcome to continue hiding your head in the sand but the opinion poll shows what is desired by the majority of the electorate. You may dismiss it as 'free' stuff but that doesn't change the facts of what the majority want.

WRONG. They want universal healthcare. What they are being sold is government run minimal health INSURANCE that won't pay for shit, but will put the government in control of their body.
Obviously that is not what Democrats want but was all they could get considering ridiculous GOP obstruction as always. The GOP wants to go back to the pure scam GOP health system or scam. Our health system is a GOP corrupt scam but a lot less than it used to be. "We are all socialists now!" -President of Finland when Obamacare passed. Of course he didn't realize what scum the GOP Masters are...

Democrats Support Anti-Semitism in United States​

Democrats don't stand for a single decent, wholesome thing actually desired by the majority of the electorate!
Not even close to being true
And your "proof" is the opinions of a poll showing lots of people want a free handout? :auiqs.jpg:
You are welcome to continue hiding your head in the sand but the opinion poll shows what is desired by the majority of the electorate. You may dismiss it as 'free' stuff but that doesn't change the facts of what the majority want.

I guess the opposite is true too, the GOP policies are desired by only a minority of the electorate.
Taking government handouts is nothing to brag about. Just proves that the USA is in its final days as a world power.
A scumbag world power you mean, brainwashed functional moron. Thank God the GOP brainwash is being realized even by doops like you..... After 40 years of GOP tax rates, we have the worst inequality and upward mobility ever and anywhere in the modern world. Great job GOP and silly chumps.

Democrats Support Anti-Semitism in United States​

Democrats don't stand for a single decent, wholesome thing actually desired by the majority of the electorate!
Not even close to being true
And your "proof" is the opinions of a poll showing lots of people want a free handout? :auiqs.jpg:
You are welcome to continue hiding your head in the sand but the opinion poll shows what is desired by the majority of the electorate. You may dismiss it as 'free' stuff but that doesn't change the facts of what the majority want.

WRONG. They want universal healthcare. What they are being sold is government run minimal health INSURANCE that won't pay for shit, but will put the government in control of their body.
I suspect 'they' are smart enough to know which party would like to deliver universal healthcare and which party is bent on stopping it.

Democrats Support Anti-Semitism in United States​

Democrats don't stand for a single decent, wholesome thing actually desired by the majority of the electorate!
Not even close to being true
And your "proof" is the opinions of a poll showing lots of people want a free handout? :auiqs.jpg:
You are welcome to continue hiding your head in the sand but the opinion poll shows what is desired by the majority of the electorate. You may dismiss it as 'free' stuff but that doesn't change the facts of what the majority want.

I guess the opposite is true too, the GOP policies are desired by only a minority of the electorate.
Taking government handouts is nothing to brag about. Just proves that the USA is in its final days as a world power.
Or having government work for people may save this nation.
Europeans spent centuries trying to assimilate specifically Ashkenazi Jews, which are the vast majority in the states. They refused living apart and with endogamy.
You are rewriting history. Christians have from the beginning of Christianity had an anti-Semitic streak. It was Christians who invented the Ghetto, periodically expelled Jews from their country, engaged in pogroms, and instituted laws that limited what Jews could own and do. Assimilation was usually left to the inquisition.

I'm not rewriting history

They have tried to assimilate Jews for centuries, they refused

They still refuse in America.

You don't just get to act like caste then be surprised when the people around you treat you like shit. They offered assimilation
How have they tried to assimilate Jews? By converting them?

How the fuck else would you get Jews to assimilate? Your whole religion is about endogamy, like you're of caste from India. Except no one in fucking europe does things that way but Jews.


Thinking you can make it work in India makes sense. Castes are normal in India

They have not been normal in Christian Europe for a millenia, if ever, beyond the Jews who were relentlessly persecuted for their refusal to assimilate.
Thanks now I understand. Christianity wants to destroy Judaism and eliminate all Jews. Too bad the holocaust failed, you'd have gotten your wish.

They want all Europeans to be Christians

There is a difference

Even hitler was not trying to kill all the jews

Hitler was a fucking zionist.

No one cares about your petty little insignifcant religion. They just don't like you as a people
Who is the 'they' that want all Europeans to be Christians. Are you 'they'?

What's the difference?

What was he trying to do?

Jesus was a fucking Zionist.

For a religion of peace and love, Christians don't seem to like a lot of people.

Jesus most definitely was NOT at all a Zionist.
He would have been about the most anti-Zionist in the world.

Zionists are those who claimed since they are the Chosen People from the Old Testament, that they have divine right to the Promised Land on Earth, even though the claims are totally fake.

Jesus repudiated the Old Testament entirely, and said all people have equal opportunity at redemption, and that their reward in in heaven, not on this Earth.
all they could get considering ridiculous GOP obstruction

Ah yes, that terrible GOP obstruction! The GOP is so good at obstructing stuff, that must be why when they controlled all three branches of government they still couldn't get anything done!

And now that they control nothing, they are still somehow MAGICALLY obstructing the DNC!!!

Could you be interested in some choice swamp land I'm selling in the Everglades?!

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