Democrats Support Anti-Semitism in United States

Leftist hate Jews and the State of Israel almost as much as leftist in 1938 Germany hated Jews. Every day we see attacks on supporters of Israel and Democrats like Cortez, Talib, and Omar supporting terrorist groups and Iranian government that provides them with the missiles to fire into Israel.
The thread premise is a lie.
Can someone explain precisely what is wrong with Jewish people to draw so much ire?
Around here they are great people.
Europeans spent centuries trying to assimilate specifically Ashkenazi Jews, which are the vast majority in the states. They refused living apart and with endogamy.

So when a sickness would come to a village a few hundred years ago. And you notice the Jews won't share your water....They become the obvious cultprits of poison, witchcraft, etc. Rules against intermarriage. Very easy for Europeans to blame for their problems.

So while it's true the Jews have been persecuted. They wanted to live their own way in Christian nations which rarely ended well for them.

In modern times Israel is their problem. Israel's history starts only ~150 years ago not even with the first aliyah. They are like Us, Canada, NZ, and Australia are colonial settler states. The situation is not substantively different from apartheid south africa. Religion alone does not give you claim to land, blood claims matter much more. And Jews have no religious reason to create Israel anyway.
To me this is ancient history palaver rooted in revenge and having Nothing to do with the betterment of peoples lives in the here and now

Can someone explain precisely what is wrong with Jewish people to draw so much ire?
Around here they are great people.

That was the question i was responding to

And the last paragraph directly addresses current problems and why israel is so hated in the states.
Fake as always. Jewish people aroundDC are loved and respected because of their conduct.
What Prince Azir and Shalomey Ginsburg argued about in 1750 over whose line in the sand was valid is irrelevant
You all don’t want peace. If it was given to you then you would not take it because of eons ago. Same affliction that blacks labor under as to 150 years ago
Last edited:
Can someone explain precisely what is wrong with Jewish people to draw so much ire?
Around here they are great people.
Europeans spent centuries trying to assimilate specifically Ashkenazi Jews, which are the vast majority in the states. They refused living apart and with endogamy.

So when a sickness would come to a village a few hundred years ago. And you notice the Jews won't share your water....They become the obvious cultprits of poison, witchcraft, etc. Rules against intermarriage. Very easy for Europeans to blame for their problems.

So while it's true the Jews have been persecuted. They wanted to live their own way in Christian nations which rarely ended well for them.

In modern times Israel is their problem. Israel's history starts only ~150 years ago not even with the first aliyah. They are like Us, Canada, NZ, and Australia are colonial settler states. The situation is not substantively different from apartheid south africa. Religion alone does not give you claim to land, blood claims matter much more. And Jews have no religious reason to create Israel anyway.
To me this is ancient history palaver rooted in revenge and having Nothing to do with the betterment of peoples lives in the here and now

Can someone explain precisely what is wrong with Jewish people to draw so much ire?
Around here they are great people.

That was the question i was responding to

And the last paragraph directly addresses current problems and why israel is so hated in the states.
Fake as always. Jewish people aroundDC are loved and respected because of their conduct.
What Prince Azir and Shalomey Ginsburg argued about in 1750 over whose line in the sand was valid is irrelevant
You all don’t want peace. If it was given to you then you would not take it because of eons ago. Same affliction that blacks labor under as to 150 years ago

I am Jewish, but those who claim to be the Chosen People with illegal claims to Promised Land, are clearly arrogant and criminal.
Can someone explain precisely what is wrong with Jewish people to draw so much ire?
Around here they are great people.
Europeans spent centuries trying to assimilate specifically Ashkenazi Jews, which are the vast majority in the states. They refused living apart and with endogamy.

So when a sickness would come to a village a few hundred years ago. And you notice the Jews won't share your water....They become the obvious cultprits of poison, witchcraft, etc. Rules against intermarriage. Very easy for Europeans to blame for their problems.

So while it's true the Jews have been persecuted. They wanted to live their own way in Christian nations which rarely ended well for them.

In modern times Israel is their problem. Israel's history starts only ~150 years ago not even with the first aliyah. They are like Us, Canada, NZ, and Australia are colonial settler states. The situation is not substantively different from apartheid south africa. Religion alone does not give you claim to land, blood claims matter much more. And Jews have no religious reason to create Israel anyway.
To me this is ancient history palaver rooted in revenge and having Nothing to do with the betterment of peoples lives in the here and now

Can someone explain precisely what is wrong with Jewish people to draw so much ire?
Around here they are great people.

That was the question i was responding to

And the last paragraph directly addresses current problems and why israel is so hated in the states.
Fake as always. Jewish people aroundDC are loved and respected because of their conduct.
What Prince Azir and Shalomey Ginsburg argued about in 1750 over whose line in the sand was valid is irrelevant
You all don’t want peace. If it was given to you then you would not take it because of eons ago. Same affliction that blacks labor under as to 150 years ago

I am Jewish, but those who claim to be the Chosen People with illegal claims to Promised Land, are clearly arrogant and criminal.
I doubt you are Jewish because it’s unlikely you would offer that they are criminals for trying to live where they do
The Fake alarm was activated
Can someone explain precisely what is wrong with Jewish people to draw so much ire?
Around here they are great people.
Europeans spent centuries trying to assimilate specifically Ashkenazi Jews, which are the vast majority in the states. They refused living apart and with endogamy.

So when a sickness would come to a village a few hundred years ago. And you notice the Jews won't share your water....They become the obvious cultprits of poison, witchcraft, etc. Rules against intermarriage. Very easy for Europeans to blame for their problems.

So while it's true the Jews have been persecuted. They wanted to live their own way in Christian nations which rarely ended well for them.

In modern times Israel is their problem. Israel's history starts only ~150 years ago not even with the first aliyah. They are like Us, Canada, NZ, and Australia are colonial settler states. The situation is not substantively different from apartheid south africa. Religion alone does not give you claim to land, blood claims matter much more. And Jews have no religious reason to create Israel anyway.
To me this is ancient history palaver rooted in revenge and having Nothing to do with the betterment of peoples lives in the here and now

Can someone explain precisely what is wrong with Jewish people to draw so much ire?
Around here they are great people.

That was the question i was responding to

And the last paragraph directly addresses current problems and why israel is so hated in the states.
Fake as always. Jewish people aroundDC are loved and respected because of their conduct.
What Prince Azir and Shalomey Ginsburg argued about in 1750 over whose line in the sand was valid is irrelevant
You all don’t want peace. If it was given to you then you would not take it because of eons ago. Same affliction that blacks labor under as to 150 years ago

You go ask the non whites what they think about zionists in fucking DC lol

Apartheid is a bright red line for anyone non white with sense in America.
Can someone explain precisely what is wrong with Jewish people to draw so much ire?
Around here they are great people.
Europeans spent centuries trying to assimilate specifically Ashkenazi Jews, which are the vast majority in the states. They refused living apart and with endogamy.

So when a sickness would come to a village a few hundred years ago. And you notice the Jews won't share your water....They become the obvious cultprits of poison, witchcraft, etc. Rules against intermarriage. Very easy for Europeans to blame for their problems.

So while it's true the Jews have been persecuted. They wanted to live their own way in Christian nations which rarely ended well for them.

In modern times Israel is their problem. Israel's history starts only ~150 years ago not even with the first aliyah. They are like Us, Canada, NZ, and Australia are colonial settler states. The situation is not substantively different from apartheid south africa. Religion alone does not give you claim to land, blood claims matter much more. And Jews have no religious reason to create Israel anyway.
To me this is ancient history palaver rooted in revenge and having Nothing to do with the betterment of peoples lives in the here and now

Can someone explain precisely what is wrong with Jewish people to draw so much ire?
Around here they are great people.

That was the question i was responding to

And the last paragraph directly addresses current problems and why israel is so hated in the states.
Fake as always. Jewish people aroundDC are loved and respected because of their conduct.
What Prince Azir and Shalomey Ginsburg argued about in 1750 over whose line in the sand was valid is irrelevant
You all don’t want peace. If it was given to you then you would not take it because of eons ago. Same affliction that blacks labor under as to 150 years ago

You go ask the non whites what they think about zionists in fucking DC lol

Apartheid is a bright red line for anyone non white with sense in America.
Don’t have to ask. I know because we all live here just fine
You are operating from a feelings theory and live in another area.
Can someone explain precisely what is wrong with Jewish people to draw so much ire?
Around here they are great people.
Europeans spent centuries trying to assimilate specifically Ashkenazi Jews, which are the vast majority in the states. They refused living apart and with endogamy.

So when a sickness would come to a village a few hundred years ago. And you notice the Jews won't share your water....They become the obvious cultprits of poison, witchcraft, etc. Rules against intermarriage. Very easy for Europeans to blame for their problems.

So while it's true the Jews have been persecuted. They wanted to live their own way in Christian nations which rarely ended well for them.

In modern times Israel is their problem. Israel's history starts only ~150 years ago not even with the first aliyah. They are like Us, Canada, NZ, and Australia are colonial settler states. The situation is not substantively different from apartheid south africa. Religion alone does not give you claim to land, blood claims matter much more. And Jews have no religious reason to create Israel anyway.
To me this is ancient history palaver rooted in revenge and having Nothing to do with the betterment of peoples lives in the here and now

Can someone explain precisely what is wrong with Jewish people to draw so much ire?
Around here they are great people.

That was the question i was responding to

And the last paragraph directly addresses current problems and why israel is so hated in the states.
Fake as always. Jewish people aroundDC are loved and respected because of their conduct.
What Prince Azir and Shalomey Ginsburg argued about in 1750 over whose line in the sand was valid is irrelevant
You all don’t want peace. If it was given to you then you would not take it because of eons ago. Same affliction that blacks labor under as to 150 years ago

You go ask the non whites what they think about zionists in fucking DC lol

Apartheid is a bright red line for anyone non white with sense in America.
Don’t have to ask. I know because we all live here just fine
You are operating from a feelings theory and live in another area.

You are a white guy who clearly doesn't know much about anything unrelated to your personal life

So i'm gonna go with a big /doubt

You go talk to some black israelites then come back, hah. You should be able to find em pretty easily in DC

Do you ahve any idea what elite black America thinks about the Jews? I just don't like Zionists. They have a whole other set of shit going on that is vaguely related to Zionism.

I live just outside chicago. We're talking about very very very similar communities

You know who Louis Farrakhan is?
Can someone explain precisely what is wrong with Jewish people to draw so much ire?
Around here they are great people.
Europeans spent centuries trying to assimilate specifically Ashkenazi Jews, which are the vast majority in the states. They refused living apart and with endogamy.

So when a sickness would come to a village a few hundred years ago. And you notice the Jews won't share your water....They become the obvious cultprits of poison, witchcraft, etc. Rules against intermarriage. Very easy for Europeans to blame for their problems.

So while it's true the Jews have been persecuted. They wanted to live their own way in Christian nations which rarely ended well for them.

In modern times Israel is their problem. Israel's history starts only ~150 years ago not even with the first aliyah. They are like Us, Canada, NZ, and Australia are colonial settler states. The situation is not substantively different from apartheid south africa. Religion alone does not give you claim to land, blood claims matter much more. And Jews have no religious reason to create Israel anyway.
To me this is ancient history palaver rooted in revenge and having Nothing to do with the betterment of peoples lives in the here and now

Can someone explain precisely what is wrong with Jewish people to draw so much ire?
Around here they are great people.

That was the question i was responding to

And the last paragraph directly addresses current problems and why israel is so hated in the states.
Fake as always. Jewish people aroundDC are loved and respected because of their conduct.
What Prince Azir and Shalomey Ginsburg argued about in 1750 over whose line in the sand was valid is irrelevant
You all don’t want peace. If it was given to you then you would not take it because of eons ago. Same affliction that blacks labor under as to 150 years ago

I am Jewish, but those who claim to be the Chosen People with illegal claims to Promised Land, are clearly arrogant and criminal.
I doubt you are Jewish because it’s unlikely you would offer that they are criminals for trying to live where they do
The Fake alarm was activated

The Zionists who want to steal Palestine from the natives, are not really Jewish.
Jews are not native to Palestine, originated somewhere else, invaded, then left, and are native to where ever they are born.
Anyone born someplace like Poland or Russia, and claiming Israel to be their ancestral land, is just lying.
In fact, real Jews know that according to Judaism, we are supposed to be waiting for the coming of the Messiah in order to know our sins have been forgiven.

The reason Zionist obviously are criminal is that they are trying to murder the Palestinian natives, in order to steal their homes.
There is no way to justify that in any way.
Can someone explain precisely what is wrong with Jewish people to draw so much ire?
Around here they are great people.
Europeans spent centuries trying to assimilate specifically Ashkenazi Jews, which are the vast majority in the states. They refused living apart and with endogamy.

So when a sickness would come to a village a few hundred years ago. And you notice the Jews won't share your water....They become the obvious cultprits of poison, witchcraft, etc. Rules against intermarriage. Very easy for Europeans to blame for their problems.

So while it's true the Jews have been persecuted. They wanted to live their own way in Christian nations which rarely ended well for them.

In modern times Israel is their problem. Israel's history starts only ~150 years ago not even with the first aliyah. They are like Us, Canada, NZ, and Australia are colonial settler states. The situation is not substantively different from apartheid south africa. Religion alone does not give you claim to land, blood claims matter much more. And Jews have no religious reason to create Israel anyway.
To me this is ancient history palaver rooted in revenge and having Nothing to do with the betterment of peoples lives in the here and now

Can someone explain precisely what is wrong with Jewish people to draw so much ire?
Around here they are great people.

That was the question i was responding to

And the last paragraph directly addresses current problems and why israel is so hated in the states.
Fake as always. Jewish people aroundDC are loved and respected because of their conduct.
What Prince Azir and Shalomey Ginsburg argued about in 1750 over whose line in the sand was valid is irrelevant
You all don’t want peace. If it was given to you then you would not take it because of eons ago. Same affliction that blacks labor under as to 150 years ago

You go ask the non whites what they think about zionists in fucking DC lol

Apartheid is a bright red line for anyone non white with sense in America.
Don’t have to ask. I know because we all live here just fine
You are operating from a feelings theory and live in another area.

You are a white guy who clearly doesn't know much about anything unrelated to your personal life

So i'm gonna go with a big /doubt

You go talk to some black israelites then come back, hah. You should be able to find em pretty easily in DC

Do you ahve any idea what elite black America thinks about the Jews? I just don't like Zionists. They have a whole other set of shit going on that is vaguely related to Zionism.

I live just outside chicago. We're talking about very very very similar communities

You know who Louis Farrakhan is?
Thank you for confirming my assessment and as always your ilk does not know what it’s talking about. The rest of your ages old incoherent chatter is what the problem is about
Leftist hate Jews and the State of Israel almost as much as leftist in 1938 Germany hated Jews. Every day we see attacks on supporters of Israel and Democrats like Cortez, Talib, and Omar supporting terrorist groups and Iranian government that provides them with the missiles to fire into Israel.

Having worked in Europe, I can tell you anti-Semitism is still rife over there too, it's not just Democrats here who hate Jews
Can someone explain precisely what is wrong with Jewish people to draw so much ire?
Around here they are great people.
Europeans spent centuries trying to assimilate specifically Ashkenazi Jews, which are the vast majority in the states. They refused living apart and with endogamy.

So when a sickness would come to a village a few hundred years ago. And you notice the Jews won't share your water....They become the obvious cultprits of poison, witchcraft, etc. Rules against intermarriage. Very easy for Europeans to blame for their problems.

So while it's true the Jews have been persecuted. They wanted to live their own way in Christian nations which rarely ended well for them.

In modern times Israel is their problem. Israel's history starts only ~150 years ago not even with the first aliyah. They are like Us, Canada, NZ, and Australia are colonial settler states. The situation is not substantively different from apartheid south africa. Religion alone does not give you claim to land, blood claims matter much more. And Jews have no religious reason to create Israel anyway.
To me this is ancient history palaver rooted in revenge and having Nothing to do with the betterment of peoples lives in the here and now

Can someone explain precisely what is wrong with Jewish people to draw so much ire?
Around here they are great people.

That was the question i was responding to

And the last paragraph directly addresses current problems and why israel is so hated in the states.
Fake as always. Jewish people aroundDC are loved and respected because of their conduct.
What Prince Azir and Shalomey Ginsburg argued about in 1750 over whose line in the sand was valid is irrelevant
You all don’t want peace. If it was given to you then you would not take it because of eons ago. Same affliction that blacks labor under as to 150 years ago

I am Jewish, but those who claim to be the Chosen People with illegal claims to Promised Land, are clearly arrogant and criminal.
I doubt you are Jewish because it’s unlikely you would offer that they are criminals for trying to live where they do
The Fake alarm was activated

The Zionists who want to steal Palestine from the natives, are not really Jewish.
Jews are not native to Palestine, originated somewhere else, invaded, then left, and are native to where ever they are born.
Anyone born someplace like Poland or Russia, and claiming Israel to be their ancestral land, is just lying.
In fact, real Jews know that according to Judaism, we are supposed to be waiting for the coming of the Messiah in order to know our sins have been forgiven.

The reason Zionist obviously are criminal is that they are trying to murder the Palestinian natives, in order to steal their homes.
There is no way to justify that in any way.
Soon as response starts about “zionists displacing Palestinians” my reading stops because ages old propaganda and brainwashing are not elements of a discussion
Leftist hate Jews and the State of Israel almost as much as leftist in 1938 Germany hated Jews. Every day we see attacks on supporters of Israel and Democrats like Cortez, Talib, and Omar supporting terrorist groups and Iranian government that provides them with the missiles to fire into Israel.

Hitler was a hard right Fascist who purged the government of Communists, Socialists, Democrats and Jews under the Enabling Act of 1933.

Learnn something and stop parading your pathetic ignorance.
Leftist hate Jews and the State of Israel almost as much as leftist in 1938 Germany hated Jews. Every day we see attacks on supporters of Israel and Democrats like Cortez, Talib, and Omar supporting terrorist groups and Iranian government that provides them with the missiles to fire into Israel.

Having worked in Europe, I can tell you anti-Semitism is still rife over there too, it's not just Democrats here who hate Jews

You moron. Most US Jews are Demmocrats.
Leftist hate Jews and the State of Israel almost as much as leftist in 1938 Germany hated Jews. Every day we see attacks on supporters of Israel and Democrats like Cortez, Talib, and Omar supporting terrorist groups and Iranian government that provides them with the missiles to fire into Israel.

Having worked in Europe, I can tell you anti-Semitism is still rife over there too, it's not just Democrats here who hate Jews

You moron. Most US Jews are Demmocrats.

And? Self hating Jews makes Jew hating OK, Himmler?
Can someone explain precisely what is wrong with Jewish people to draw so much ire?
Around here they are great people.
Europeans spent centuries trying to assimilate specifically Ashkenazi Jews, which are the vast majority in the states. They refused living apart and with endogamy.

So when a sickness would come to a village a few hundred years ago. And you notice the Jews won't share your water....They become the obvious cultprits of poison, witchcraft, etc. Rules against intermarriage. Very easy for Europeans to blame for their problems.

So while it's true the Jews have been persecuted. They wanted to live their own way in Christian nations which rarely ended well for them.

In modern times Israel is their problem. Israel's history starts only ~150 years ago not even with the first aliyah. They are like Us, Canada, NZ, and Australia are colonial settler states. The situation is not substantively different from apartheid south africa. Religion alone does not give you claim to land, blood claims matter much more. And Jews have no religious reason to create Israel anyway.
To me this is ancient history palaver rooted in revenge and having Nothing to do with the betterment of peoples lives in the here and now

Can someone explain precisely what is wrong with Jewish people to draw so much ire?
Around here they are great people.

That was the question i was responding to

And the last paragraph directly addresses current problems and why israel is so hated in the states.
Fake as always. Jewish people aroundDC are loved and respected because of their conduct.
What Prince Azir and Shalomey Ginsburg argued about in 1750 over whose line in the sand was valid is irrelevant
You all don’t want peace. If it was given to you then you would not take it because of eons ago. Same affliction that blacks labor under as to 150 years ago

You go ask the non whites what they think about zionists in fucking DC lol

Apartheid is a bright red line for anyone non white with sense in America.
Don’t have to ask. I know because we all live here just fine
You are operating from a feelings theory and live in another area.

You are a white guy who clearly doesn't know much about anything unrelated to your personal life

So i'm gonna go with a big /doubt

You go talk to some black israelites then come back, hah. You should be able to find em pretty easily in DC

Do you ahve any idea what elite black America thinks about the Jews? I just don't like Zionists. They have a whole other set of shit going on that is vaguely related to Zionism.

I live just outside chicago. We're talking about very very very similar communities

You know who Louis Farrakhan is?
Thank you for confirming my assessment and as always your ilk does not know what it’s talking about. The rest of your ages old incoherent chatter is what the problem is about

"incoherent" uh huh

They gave you tests when you were a boy. We both know you don't read well
Leftist hate Jews and the State of Israel almost as much as leftist in 1938 Germany hated Jews. Every day we see attacks on supporters of Israel and Democrats like Cortez, Talib, and Omar supporting terrorist groups and Iranian government that provides them with the missiles to fire into Israel.

Hitler was a hard right Fascist who purged the government of Communists, Socialists, Democrats and Jews under the Enabling Act of 1933.

Learnn something and stop parading your pathetic ignorance.
Nationalist SOCIALIST Party
Leftist hate Jews and the State of Israel almost as much as leftist in 1938 Germany hated Jews. Every day we see attacks on supporters of Israel and Democrats like Cortez, Talib, and Omar supporting terrorist groups and Iranian government that provides them with the missiles to fire into Israel.

Having worked in Europe, I can tell you anti-Semitism is still rife over there too, it's not just Democrats here who hate Jews

You moron. Most US Jews are Demmocrats.

And? Self hating Jews makes Jew hating OK, Himmler?

Who the hell are YOU to call them self-hating Jews?
Leftist hate Jews and the State of Israel almost as much as leftist in 1938 Germany hated Jews. Every day we see attacks on supporters of Israel and Democrats like Cortez, Talib, and Omar supporting terrorist groups and Iranian government that provides them with the missiles to fire into Israel.

Having worked in Europe, I can tell you anti-Semitism is still rife over there too, it's not just Democrats here who hate Jews

You moron. Most US Jews are Demmocrats.
Which is why they are dumber than dog shit.
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