*Democrats Support This, "I Screwed My Way To The Top!*


Dec 9, 2007
Sorry bout that,

1. Well, she did it.
2. Saddleback Harris made it, she's planed and plotted her path, to the, BIG CHAIR!
3. She's so close to getting there, Democrats all over the Counrtry want her in there.
4. A ground swell of support, they just love her, so thrilled, she is so close to taking a seat in the, White House.
5. Sleeping in the bed, with her first gentle-dude.
6. But one word, TRUMP.

Where are all the feminists?

Sorry bout that,

1. Well, she did it.
2. Saddleback Harris made it, she's planed and plotted her path, to the, BIG CHAIR!
3. She's so close to getting there, Democrats all over the Counrtry want her in there.
4. A ground swell of support, they just love her, so thrilled, she is so close to taking a seat in the, White House.
5. Sleeping in the bed, with her first gentle-dude.
6. But one word, TRUMP.


The Federalist is garbage. What on earth is wrong with you?

The Oversight Project — part of the powerful right-wing think tank the Heritage Foundation — claimed this week that it used mobile ad data from cell phones to track the movements of Thomas Crooks in the year leading up to his attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump at a Pennsylvania rally earlier this month.

“We found the assassin’s connections through our in-depth analysis of mobile ad data to track movements of Crooks and his associates,” the Oversight Project wrote on social media on Monday, explaining that it had identified nine “devices that were located at Crook’s home and his work within the past year.”

The organization suggested that Crooks may have had some connection to the FBI before the shooting, writing: “Someone who regularly visited Crooks home and work also visited a building in Washington, DC located in Gallery Place. This is in the same vicinity of an @FBI office on June 26, 2023. Who’s device is this?”
The Federalist is garbage. What on earth is wrong with you?

The Oversight Project — part of the powerful right-wing think tank the Heritage Foundation — claimed this week that it used mobile ad data from cell phones to track the movements of Thomas Crooks in the year leading up to his attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump at a Pennsylvania rally earlier this month.

“We found the assassin’s connections through our in-depth analysis of mobile ad data to track movements of Crooks and his associates,” the Oversight Project wrote on social media on Monday, explaining that it had identified nine “devices that were located at Crook’s home and his work within the past year.”

The organization suggested that Crooks may have had some connection to the FBI before the shooting, writing: “Someone who regularly visited Crooks home and work also visited a building in Washington, DC located in Gallery Place. This is in the same vicinity of an @FBI office on June 26, 2023. Who’s device is this?”
Sorry bout that,

1, Dont try to hijack my thread, terrorist.
2. Here is a small sample, good story, lets read.

"Kamala Harris hasn’t been the presumptive Democrat nominee for even a week, and already the press is desperately trying to insist perfectly valid criticisms of her are illegitimate. If you think the media were complicit in attempting and failing to hide Joe Biden’s senility, the attempt to retcon her political career into something that resembles respectable and competent is even more brazen."

Sorry bout that,

1. She may be looked at, as SLEEZY.
2. She did the down low thing with Brown, who else did she do?

Sorry bout that,

1. There is a history of, Kamala Harris, she tripped many mens, junk, to get her where she is now.
2. Lets take a look, turn the pages of history, who could it be.
3. America needs to know.

And the racists just keep digging their grave deeper and deeper.
Sorry bout that,

1. Kamala made Brown, Kamala a lot.
2. How does this square with Democrats?
3. She is not a good person, how can anyone vote for her?


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