Democrats sure are Schmart! Minnesota Dems issue anti-Catholic mailer in final week


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010

Now wasn't that schmart of them! :lmao:

If the Minnesota DFL intended to make a splash in an otherwise-obscure state Senate race, well, they succeeded. The party, which is the Minnesota version of the Democratic Party, sent out a mailer attacking Republican challenger and Christian minister Dan Hall by accusing him of ignoring the poor for opposing ObamaCare. However, the front of the postcard shows a headless man wearing the traditional shirt and collar worn by Roman Catholic priests, with a button that proclaims “Ignore the Poor” — which has a large number of Catholics in Minnesota angry over a perceived attack on their church. KSTP reported on the mailer and the DFL silence last night:

Consider this Minnesota’s Aqua Buddha moment. Luke Hellier at Minnesota Democrats Exposed has the full scans of both sides of the mailer. The picture of the priest wearing the button includes the text, “Independent expenditure paid for by the Minnesota DFL State Central Committee, Brian Melendez, Chair[.]”

The flip side of the mailer is a classic case of a cheap-shot, last-minute attack campaign that both parties indulge in the final stretch of an election, but the front picture goes way beyond anything in recent memory in attacking a church of any kind in a political campaign. The full context in which this was issued makes it difficult to believe the archdiocese’s expressed hope that this was just a poor decision. A few weeks ago, the Catholic bishop issued DVDs with the Catholic Church’s arguments on same-sex marriage, which the DFL and its supporters decried as interference in the election. This looks suspiciously like payback.

Minnesota Dems issue anti-Catholic mailer in final week Hot Air

Talk about being thick as a brick and dumber than a bag of hammers, this is it.

A) It rests on the stupid idea that ONLY THE GOVERNMENT can help the poor. No! Catholic Charities, Christian Charities, or just individuals giving of themselves, can't help the poor, ONLY THE GOVERNMENT.

B) It's a direct cheap shot at the religion of a LOT OF AMERICANS, which seems pretty damn tone deaf as to how those Americans might react to such an add.

Way to go liberals. When you aren't just telling Americans they can't say the pledge, or calling them stupid, you're letting them know what you think of their most precious faiths.

Then you have the unmitigaged arrogance to blame the American people for why you are losing the elections. :eusa_snooty:

Keep this up! Tuesday is coming! ;)

Let's see, Democrats have lined up against white men, Christians, and women.

I guess that leaves them with only minorities to save their asses this time around.
They may have also overlooked one slight problem. A lot of those minorities are also Catholic. And, as Catholics, many of them will be offended by the literature. I've looked at it. I'm Catholic. Conveniently, I know nothing about the actual candidates so I considered only the content of the mailer. As a Catholic, I was offended by it. I wouldn't vote for the party who sent it out.
They may have also overlooked one slight problem. A lot of those minorities are also Catholic. And, as Catholics, many of them will be offended by the literature. I've looked at it. I'm Catholic. Conveniently, I know nothing about the actual candidates so I considered only the content of the mailer. As a Catholic, I was offended by it. I wouldn't vote for the party who sent it out.

In fairness you wouldn't have voted for them anyway.
But the rhetoric of "if you're against Obamacare you want to see little children drying in the street" is both over the top and typical of Obama supporters.
i looked at the scanned pdf's.

it is clearly an attack against dan hall.

who is called preacher dan.

this is not anti-catholic.
i looked at the scanned pdf's.

it is clearly an attack against dan hall.

who is called preacher dan.

this is not anti-catholic.

Hmm, the reverse side, where the faceless guy is carrying a Bible and wearing a button that says "Ignore the Poor." Do you recognize that thing around his neck? Any idea what it's called?
i looked at the scanned pdf's.

it is clearly an attack against dan hall.

who is called preacher dan.

this is not anti-catholic.

Hmm, the reverse side, where the faceless guy is carrying a Bible and wearing a button that says "Ignore the Poor." Do you recognize that thing around his neck? Any idea what it's called?

it is a clerical collar, by far not exclusive to catholics. invented by non-catholics.

this pic shows a priest. meaning hall, who is not catholic.

hall is attacked, ergo:

no attack on catholics.
i looked at the scanned pdf's.

it is clearly an attack against dan hall.

who is called preacher dan.

this is not anti-catholic.

Hmm, the reverse side, where the faceless guy is carrying a Bible and wearing a button that says "Ignore the Poor." Do you recognize that thing around his neck? Any idea what it's called?

it is a clerical collar, by far not exclusive to catholics. invented by non-catholics.

this pic shows a priest. meaning hall, who is not catholic.

hall is attacked, ergo:

no attack on catholics.

Really? What if it had been a head scarf? Think anyone would be making any distinctions?
Hmm, the reverse side, where the faceless guy is carrying a Bible and wearing a button that says "Ignore the Poor." Do you recognize that thing around his neck? Any idea what it's called?

it is a clerical collar, by far not exclusive to catholics. invented by non-catholics.

this pic shows a priest. meaning hall, who is not catholic.

hall is attacked, ergo:

no attack on catholics.

Really? What if it had been a head scarf? Think anyone would be making any distinctions?

maybe the guy is wearing a head scarf. the head is not in the picture.

and thank you for your input.
i looked at the scanned pdf's.

it is clearly an attack against dan hall.

who is called preacher dan.

this is not anti-catholic.

Hmm, the reverse side, where the faceless guy is carrying a Bible and wearing a button that says "Ignore the Poor." Do you recognize that thing around his neck? Any idea what it's called?

Catholics who get the mailer will identify it as Catholic. Many minorities are Catholic. It was a dumb move. The semantics don't matter. Individuals will identify it by their own views.... ergo, to Catholics, it will represent a Catholic Priest.
i looked at the scanned pdf's.

it is clearly an attack against dan hall.

who is called preacher dan.

this is not anti-catholic.

Hmm, the reverse side, where the faceless guy is carrying a Bible and wearing a button that says "Ignore the Poor." Do you recognize that thing around his neck? Any idea what it's called?

Catholics who get the mailer will identify it as Catholic. Many minorities are Catholic. It was a dumb move. The semantics don't matter. Individuals will identify it by their own views.... ergo, to Catholics, it will represent a Catholic Priest.


don't speak for Catholics. some catholics might go for context, and look at the second page.

weren't you the one crying for context. but in context of a tweet, where the context is hard to get by?

in this case it is very easy to get the context.

the context is on the second page of the flyer.

you can choose to ignore that context, and claim it is anti-catholic, but that is still not the case.
Hmm, the reverse side, where the faceless guy is carrying a Bible and wearing a button that says "Ignore the Poor." Do you recognize that thing around his neck? Any idea what it's called?

Catholics who get the mailer will identify it as Catholic. Many minorities are Catholic. It was a dumb move. The semantics don't matter. Individuals will identify it by their own views.... ergo, to Catholics, it will represent a Catholic Priest.


don't speak for Catholics. some catholics might go for context, and look at the second page.

weren't you the one crying for context. but in context of a tweet, where the context is hard to get by?

in this case it is very easy to get the context.

the context is on the second page of the flyer.

you can choose to ignore that context, and claim it is anti-catholic, but that is still not the case.

You are really weird that you're taking this like it's about me. It's not. It's not about how I will or will not take it. It is about how Catholics will view it. I'm Catholic. I know that other Catholics will take one look at the front and make a judgement on what the picture represents. It has nothing to do with 'context', it is a gut reaction - the immediate 'emotion based' response.

I think you're letting your personal opinion of me, get in your way of seeing the context of what I said. See how that works?

It is neither offensive nor anti-Catholic.

It merely asks the question, What Would Jesus Do?

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