Democrats take great pride in winning the vote of our most desperate, lowest class


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
The DNC kind of reminds me of predators in the wild...always preying on the weakest, most vulnerable and banking on stupidity.
Could they ever win an election, ANY ELECTION if they couldn't count on low iQ and ignorance?
The DNC kind of reminds me of predators in the wild...always preying on the weakest, most vulnerable and banking on stupidity.
Could they ever win an election, ANY ELECTION if they couldn't count on low iQ and ignorance?
^ ironic
The DNC kind of reminds me of predators in the wild...always preying on the weakest, most vulnerable and banking on stupidity.
Could they ever win an election, ANY ELECTION if they couldn't count on low iQ and ignorance?
^ ironic

Ironic that Jones won 96% of the Black vote?
Moore was pretty open about not wanting the black vote. It’s why his base of inbred American Talibaners stood behind him even though he rapes children.
The DNC kind of reminds me of predators in the wild...always preying on the weakest, most vulnerable and banking on stupidity.
I think the word you are looking for is "deplorables".

I'm beginning to wonder....Are you sure you know and understand the definition of "deplorable"?
Let me teach you something...AGAIN.
You know those violent negroes in Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit, St Louis, Oakland, Atlanta, Cleveland...etc....How about those millions of illegals and barely legals in Loon York and Mexifornia? How about all those filthy bottom feeders on the taxpayer tit? You do realize they all vote Democrat...right?
So tell me please....who's deplorable?

  1. deserving strong condemnation.
    "the deplorable conditions in which most prisoners are held"
    synonyms: disgraceful, shameful, dishonorable, unworthy, inexcusable, unpardonable, unforgivable; More
    • shockingly bad in quality.
      "her spelling was deplorable"
      synonyms: lamentable, regrettable, unfortunate, wretched, atrocious, awful, terrible, dreadful, diabolical; More
The DNC kind of reminds me of predators in the wild...always preying on the weakest, most vulnerable and banking on stupidity.
Could they ever win an election, ANY ELECTION if they couldn't count on low iQ and ignorance?
^ ironic

Ironic that Jones won 96% of the Black vote?
Moore was pretty open about not wanting the black vote. It’s why his base of inbred American Talibaners stood behind him even though he rapes children.

Oh shit...SERIOUSLY?
I've been out of the loop apparently. Was he tried and convicted of raping children?
The DNC kind of reminds me of predators in the wild...always preying on the weakest, most vulnerable and banking on stupidity.
Could they ever win an election, ANY ELECTION if they couldn't count on low iQ and ignorance?
Boy are you confused. You were attempting to describe Democrats and nailed a perfect description of Republicans. How do you explain away your two most prominent Republicans, both predator pedofiles and assaulters of women, Trump and Roy Moore?
The DNC kind of reminds me of predators in the wild...always preying on the weakest, most vulnerable and banking on stupidity.
Could they ever win an election, ANY ELECTION if they couldn't count on low iQ and ignorance?
^ ironic

Ironic that Jones won 96% of the Black vote?
Moore was pretty open about not wanting the black vote. It’s why his base of inbred American Talibaners stood behind him even though he rapes children.

Oh shit...SERIOUSLY?
I've been out of the loop apparently. Was he tried and convicted of raping children?
Trump said that was for Alabama to decide with the election. And they did. So I guess, yes.
The DNC kind of reminds me of predators in the wild...always preying on the weakest, most vulnerable and banking on stupidity.
Could they ever win an election, ANY ELECTION if they couldn't count on low iQ and ignorance?

So mods how about your EVER VIGILANT CAMPAIGN against "trolling no content?"


Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Is that your cry for help?
Are you in the fetal position right now?
How do you figure there is "no content"?
Have you read 99% of the threads / posts here?
Democrats take great pride in winning the vote of our most desperate, lowest class

and RW politicians sweep the idiot scetor ..
The DNC kind of reminds me of predators in the wild...always preying on the weakest, most vulnerable and banking on stupidity.
Could they ever win an election, ANY ELECTION if they couldn't count on low iQ and ignorance?
Boy are you confused. You were attempting to describe Democrats and nailed a perfect description of Republicans. How do you explain away your two most prominent Republicans, both predator pedofiles and assaulters of women, Trump and Roy Moore?

Boy are you confused...not surprisingly at all I might add.
Roy Moore is one of two "most prominent Republicans" he really?
"Assaulters of women"?
Were they tried and convicted or do mean both have been accused?
I'm thinking you Loons have totally confused accusations with I right?
I'd really like to save you from're losing credibility here fast with your false assertions and you're making yourself look ignorant.
What else can I teach you?
The DNC kind of reminds me of predators in the wild...always preying on the weakest, most vulnerable and banking on stupidity.
Could they ever win an election, ANY ELECTION if they couldn't count on low iQ and ignorance?

So mods how about your EVER VIGILANT CAMPAIGN against "trolling no content?"


Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Is that your cry for help?
Are you in the fetal position right now?
How do you figure there is "no content"?
Have you read 99% of the threads / posts here?
You posted an OP that is trolling and has no link to established or support fact, Loser.
The DNC kind of reminds me of predators in the wild...always preying on the weakest, most vulnerable and banking on stupidity.
Could they ever win an election, ANY ELECTION if they couldn't count on low iQ and ignorance?

Why are you picking on college educated liberals?
The DNC kind of reminds me of predators in the wild...always preying on the weakest, most vulnerable and banking on stupidity.
Could they ever win an election, ANY ELECTION if they couldn't count on low iQ and ignorance?

So mods how about your EVER VIGILANT CAMPAIGN against "trolling no content?"


Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Is that your cry for help?
Are you in the fetal position right now?
How do you figure there is "no content"?
Have you read 99% of the threads / posts here?
You posted an OP that is trolling and has no link to established or support fact, Loser.

What is it with you link you think there's a link for everything? Do you need a link and an editors opinion to form your own? What did people do before the internet? Nothing was true then huh?
Do you need a link to tell you the sky is blue today?
The DNC kind of reminds me of predators in the wild...always preying on the weakest, most vulnerable and banking on stupidity.
Could they ever win an election, ANY ELECTION if they couldn't count on low iQ and ignorance?

Since we all know the GOP doesn't give a shit about the poor, someone needs to.

If you were smarter you'd realize that the democrats are looking out of for you more then the Republicans ever have.

But you're not, so we get threads like this one.
The DNC kind of reminds me of predators in the wild...always preying on the weakest, most vulnerable and banking on stupidity.
Could they ever win an election, ANY ELECTION if they couldn't count on low iQ and ignorance?

Since we all know the GOP doesn't give a shit about the poor, someone needs to.

If you were smarter you'd realize that the democrats are looking out of for you more then the Republicans ever have.

But you're not, so we get threads like this one.

Haha...that's exactly what the DNC banks on...stupidity and ignorance like I said.
How's voting Democrat been working out for the poor? Has the quality of life improved for Blacks?
The DNC has completely abandoned "the poor"....their focus and support lies with illegal Mexicans...everybody knows it and it's just a matter of time before some glamorous well respected rapper informs Blacks that Mexicans are stealing their welfare and tells them to get angry and how to think...Blacks will then vote GOP.
What then?
The DNC kind of reminds me of predators in the wild...always preying on the weakest, most vulnerable and banking on stupidity.
Could they ever win an election, ANY ELECTION if they couldn't count on low iQ and ignorance?

Since we all know the GOP doesn't give a shit about the poor, someone needs to.

If you were smarter you'd realize that the democrats are looking out of for you more then the Republicans ever have.

But you're not, so we get threads like this one.

You were awfully vocal for a minute...hopefully I didn't make too much sense with my last post?
The DNC kind of reminds me of predators in the wild...always preying on the weakest, most vulnerable and banking on stupidity.
Could they ever win an election, ANY ELECTION if they couldn't count on low iQ and ignorance?

Since we all know the GOP doesn't give a shit about the poor, someone needs to.

If you were smarter you'd realize that the democrats are looking out of for you more then the Republicans ever have.

But you're not, so we get threads like this one.

Haha...that's exactly what the DNC banks on...stupidity and ignorance like I said.
How's voting Democrat been working out for the poor? Has the quality of life improved for Blacks?
The DNC has completely abandoned "the poor"....their focus and support lies with illegal Mexicans...everybody knows it and it's just a matter of time before some glamorous well respected rapper informs Blacks that Mexicans are stealing their welfare and tells them to get angry and how to think...Blacks will then vote GOP.
What then?

So which is it. Our poor have it too good or their quality of life sucks. There are literally threads on the front page saying both.

Can't you idiots agree on a narrative?

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