Democrats: The Anti-Liberty Party


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Boil down, and 'Liberty' can be reduced to
a. Private Propery
b. Freedom of speech

Both are anathema to Progressives, Liberals, Democrasts.

1. Some know that before it became “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” in our Declaration of Independence,John Locke wrote that man has a right to “life, liberty, and property.”
Property Rights Have Personal Parallels - Forbes

2. " Karl Marx describes in his communist manifesto, the ten steps necessary to destroy a free enterprise system and replace it with a system of omnipotent government power, so as to effect a communist socialist state. Those ten steps are known as theTen Planksof The Communist Manifesto…

a. Abolition of private property and the application of all rents of land to public purposes.

b. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.

c. Centralization of the means of communications and transportation in the hands of the State."
Communist Manifesto 10 Planks

3. Without admitting obeisance to Marx, this government obviates the 'private' part via taxation and regulation.
Remember the "The Anti-Capitalist Brigade..." Occupy Wall Street?

The current Marxists reveal same with its war cry..... 'income inequality' and support for exta-legal demands with it's creation Occupy Wall Street.
And Obama and Pelosi were right there with them from the start.

4. In order to muzzle dissent, the radicals, early on, took aim at the media, and at academia. But controlling these outlets of information was not enough.

Silencing opposition voices, as any fascist program would do, became the corollary.

a. "....attempts to shut down people whose free speech interferes with other people's political agendas go on, with remarkably little notice, much less outrage. The Internal Revenue Service's targeting the tax-exempt status of conservative groups is just one of these attempts to fight political battles by shutting up the opposition, rather than answering them." The New Inquisition - Thomas Sowell - Page 1
Glad you brought this up. As always, your links are worth nothing but the question of which party favors individual freedoms, rights and liberties is worth a discussion.

Marriage equality
Sharia law to control the populace
Forcing people to give up their property for a pipeline that does not benefit the US
Taking from the poor to give to the rich
Believing one criminal rancher should be able to steal millions from Americans

There are many more examples but I'm sure you get the idea.

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Boil down, and 'Liberty' can be reduced to
a. Private Propery
b. Freedom of speech

Both are anathema to Progressives, Liberals, Democrasts.

1. Some know that before it became “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” in our Declaration of Independence,John Locke wrote that man has a right to “life, liberty, and property.”
Property Rights Have Personal Parallels - Forbes
The word "property" was replaced with the term "pursuit of happiness". If the founding fathers wanted to insert your opinion, theory, concept or idea that is needed to build on the rest of theory, they would have kept the quote the way the slave owner Locke wrote it and would not have replaced it with "pursuit of happiness".
5. . "Another insidious attempt to silence voices that dissent from current politically correct crusades is targeting scientists who do not agree with the "global warming" scenario.

[Democrat] Congressman Raul Grijalva has been writing universities, demanding financial records showing who is financing the research of dissenting scientists, and demanding their internal communications ....

[He is just one of the Democrat] politician pushing the idea that scientists who do not march in lockstep with what is called the "consensus" on man-made global warming could be just hired guns for businesses resisting government regulations. [Democrat] Senator Edward Markey has been sending letters to fossil-fuel companies, asking them to hand over details of their financial ties to critics of the "consensus."
The New Inquisition - Thomas Sowell - Page 1
Funny, I voted democratic yet still have property.....anyone need to buy some land?
I am pro liberty and vote independent.

Independent of Republicans and Democrats.
Equal treatment under the law is the most important right.
Thats easily not THE most important. Likely in the top 3.

But the establishment of egregious rights violating laws to begin with is much more important to tackle.
Glad you brought this up. As always, your links are worth nothing but the question of which party favors individual freedoms, rights and liberties is worth a discussion.

Marriage equality
Sharia law to control the populace
Forcing people to give up their property for a pipeline that does not benefit the US
Taking from the poor to give to the rich
Believing one criminal rancher should be able to steal millions from Americans

There are many more examples but I'm sure you get the idea.


It's clear from the farrago and fabrication that you provided that you'd like to avoid the debate.....

...but let's see if we can get you on the record:

Are you, as is true of Democrats, Liberals, Progressives....

....opposed to private property and freedom of speech?

Speak up.
Funny, I voted democratic yet still have property.....anyone need to buy some land?

I voted Dem and still have my guns.

Hafta admit however, I don't have a bible but I didn't have one when Bush was prez either so I don't think that counts.
Funny, I voted democratic yet still have property.....anyone need to buy some land?

I voted Dem and still have my guns.

Hafta admit however, I don't have a bible but I didn't have one when Bush was prez either so I don't think that counts.
I don't have the same guns I had 45 years ago, but I still have guns...and booby traps...and fishing rods, which I heard liberals hate the most...
Glad you brought this up. As always, your links are worth nothing but the question of which party favors individual freedoms, rights and liberties is worth a discussion.

Marriage equality
Sharia law to control the populace
Forcing people to give up their property for a pipeline that does not benefit the US
Taking from the poor to give to the rich
Believing one criminal rancher should be able to steal millions from Americans

There are many more examples but I'm sure you get the idea.


It's clear from the farrago and fabrication that you provided that you'd like to avoid the debate.....

...but let's see if we can get you on the record:

Are you, as is true of Democrats, Liberals, Progressives....

....opposed to private property and freedom of speech?

Speak up.

You're really nuts.

But, let's see if we can get you on record:

Looking at my list and the accompanying graphic, which side are Repubs on?

Speak up.

No dissembling, no deflection, no skittering sideways and PUH-lese, no bolding of unrelated points and oddball spacing that make your posts look like the insane ramblings they really are.

Just answer.
Glad you brought this up. As always, your links are worth nothing but the question of which party favors individual freedoms, rights and liberties is worth a discussion.

Marriage equality
Sharia law to control the populace
Forcing people to give up their property for a pipeline that does not benefit the US
Taking from the poor to give to the rich
Believing one criminal rancher should be able to steal millions from Americans

There are many more examples but I'm sure you get the idea.


It's clear from the farrago and fabrication that you provided that you'd like to avoid the debate.....

...but let's see if we can get you on the record:

Are you, as is true of Democrats, Liberals, Progressives....

....opposed to private property and freedom of speech?

Speak up.

You're really nuts.

But, let's see if we can get you on record:

Looking at my list and the accompanying graphic, which side are Repubs on?

Speak up.

No dissembling, no deflection, no skittering sideways and PUH-lese, no bolding of unrelated points and oddball spacing that make your posts look like the insane ramblings they really are.

Just answer.
The truth eludes her, it comes naturally to Asians....
Glad you brought this up. As always, your links are worth nothing but the question of which party favors individual freedoms, rights and liberties is worth a discussion.

Marriage equality
Sharia law to control the populace
Forcing people to give up their property for a pipeline that does not benefit the US
Taking from the poor to give to the rich
Believing one criminal rancher should be able to steal millions from Americans

There are many more examples but I'm sure you get the idea.


It's clear from the farrago and fabrication that you provided that you'd like to avoid the debate.....

...but let's see if we can get you on the record:

Are you, as is true of Democrats, Liberals, Progressives....

....opposed to private property and freedom of speech?

Speak up.

You're really nuts.

But, let's see if we can get you on record:

Looking at my list and the accompanying graphic, which side are Repubs on?

Speak up.

No dissembling, no deflection, no skittering sideways and PUH-lese, no bolding of unrelated points and oddball spacing that make your posts look like the insane ramblings they really are.

Just answer.
The truth eludes her, it comes naturally to Asians....
Glad you brought this up. As always, your links are worth nothing but the question of which party favors individual freedoms, rights and liberties is worth a discussion.

Marriage equality
Sharia law to control the populace
Forcing people to give up their property for a pipeline that does not benefit the US
Taking from the poor to give to the rich
Believing one criminal rancher should be able to steal millions from Americans

There are many more examples but I'm sure you get the idea.


It's clear from the farrago and fabrication that you provided that you'd like to avoid the debate.....

...but let's see if we can get you on the record:

Are you, as is true of Democrats, Liberals, Progressives....

....opposed to private property and freedom of speech?

Speak up.

You're really nuts.

But, let's see if we can get you on record:

Looking at my list and the accompanying graphic, which side are Repubs on?

Speak up.

No dissembling, no deflection, no skittering sideways and PUH-lese, no bolding of unrelated points and oddball spacing that make your posts look like the insane ramblings they really are.

Just answer.

Must be some reason that you are afraid to answer a straight-forward question,... which is the very heart of the thread to which you voluntary subscribed.

Are you ".opposed to private property and freedom of speech?"

Could it be that you are opposed to the way America was created, .....but are ashamed at the fascist implication of such a view?

Could be.
Funny, I voted democratic yet still have property.....anyone need to buy some land?

I voted Dem and still have my guns.

Hafta admit however, I don't have a bible but I didn't have one when Bush was prez either so I don't think that counts.
I don't have the same guns I had 45 years ago, but I still have guns...and booby traps...and fishing rods, which I heard liberals hate the most...


Hell man, why didn't I think of putting BOOBY TRAPS at my front door for the next time the fundies come a-thumping and a-preaching?

I've been using this -


But dang! This would be a lot more fun -

Glad you brought this up. As always, your links are worth nothing but the question of which party favors individual freedoms, rights and liberties is worth a discussion.

Marriage equality
Sharia law to control the populace
Forcing people to give up their property for a pipeline that does not benefit the US
Taking from the poor to give to the rich
Believing one criminal rancher should be able to steal millions from Americans

There are many more examples but I'm sure you get the idea.


It's clear from the farrago and fabrication that you provided that you'd like to avoid the debate.....

...but let's see if we can get you on the record:

Are you, as is true of Democrats, Liberals, Progressives....

....opposed to private property and freedom of speech?

Speak up.

You're really nuts.

But, let's see if we can get you on record:

Looking at my list and the accompanying graphic, which side are Repubs on?

Speak up.

No dissembling, no deflection, no skittering sideways and PUH-lese, no bolding of unrelated points and oddball spacing that make your posts look like the insane ramblings they really are.

Just answer.

Must be some reason that you are afraid to answer a straight-forward question,... which is the very heart of the thread to which you voluntary subscribed.

Are you ".opposed to private property and freedom of speech?"

Could it be that you are opposed to the way America was created, .....but are ashamed at the fascist implication of such a view?

Could be.
America was created by taking from others that which they claimed as their own,,,So twist that one...
Glad you brought this up. As always, your links are worth nothing but the question of which party favors individual freedoms, rights and liberties is worth a discussion.

Marriage equality
Sharia law to control the populace
Forcing people to give up their property for a pipeline that does not benefit the US
Taking from the poor to give to the rich
Believing one criminal rancher should be able to steal millions from Americans

There are many more examples but I'm sure you get the idea.


It's clear from the farrago and fabrication that you provided that you'd like to avoid the debate.....

...but let's see if we can get you on the record:

Are you, as is true of Democrats, Liberals, Progressives....

....opposed to private property and freedom of speech?

Speak up.

You're really nuts.

But, let's see if we can get you on record:

Looking at my list and the accompanying graphic, which side are Repubs on?

Speak up.

No dissembling, no deflection, no skittering sideways and PUH-lese, no bolding of unrelated points and oddball spacing that make your posts look like the insane ramblings they really are.

Just answer.
The truth eludes her, it comes naturally to Asians....
At my age, only in a vehicle...

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