Democrats: The Anti-Liberty Party

Boil down, and 'Liberty' can be reduced to
a. Private Propery
b. Freedom of speech

Both are anathema to Progressives, Liberals, Democrasts.

1. Some know that before it became “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” in our Declaration of Independence,John Locke wrote that man has a right to “life, liberty, and property.”
Property Rights Have Personal Parallels - Forbes
The word "property" was replaced with the term "pursuit of happiness". If the founding fathers wanted to insert your opinion, theory, concept or idea that is needed to build on the rest of theory, they would have kept the quote the way the slave owner Locke wrote it and would not have replaced it with "pursuit of happiness".

Liberty, free markets, private property.....inseparable.
There is no liberty without the right to private property.

  1. A fundamental principle of our society is property rights. In nations were property rights have not been formally established, the costs of legally validating ownership of a home, a farm, or a business may be prohibitively expensive relative to the average income level, a crippling handicap for those seeking to rise from poverty to prosperity. Without property rights, one with entrepreneurial talents loses the access to other people’s money: homes or other assets not recognized by a legal system cannot be used as collateral. Sowell, “Economic Facts & Fallacies,” chapter seven.
    1. There is no faster way to create a nation of serfs than to remove property rights.
Boil down, and 'Liberty' can be reduced to
a. Private Propery
b. Freedom of speech

Both are anathema to Progressives, Liberals, Democrasts.

1. Some know that before it became “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” in our Declaration of Independence,John Locke wrote that man has a right to “life, liberty, and property.”
Property Rights Have Personal Parallels - Forbes
The word "property" was replaced with the term "pursuit of happiness". If the founding fathers wanted to insert your opinion, theory, concept or idea that is needed to build on the rest of theory, they would have kept the quote the way the slave owner Locke wrote it and would not have replaced it with "pursuit of happiness".

Liberty, free markets, private property.....inseparable.
There is no liberty without the right to private property.

  1. A fundamental principle of our society is property rights. In nations were property rights have not been formally established, the costs of legally validating ownership of a home, a farm, or a business may be prohibitively expensive relative to the average income level, a crippling handicap for those seeking to rise from poverty to prosperity. Without property rights, one with entrepreneurial talents loses the access to other people’s money: homes or other assets not recognized by a legal system cannot be used as collateral. Sowell, “Economic Facts & Fallacies,” chapter seven.
    1. There is no faster way to create a nation of serfs than to remove property rights.
There must be, cause in Heaven there is no personal property and everyone must pray to a cult personality....
Glad you brought this up. As always, your links are worth nothing but the question of which party favors individual freedoms, rights and liberties is worth a discussion.

Marriage equality
Sharia law to control the populace
Forcing people to give up their property for a pipeline that does not benefit the US
Taking from the poor to give to the rich
Believing one criminal rancher should be able to steal millions from Americans

There are many more examples but I'm sure you get the idea.


It's clear from the farrago and fabrication that you provided that you'd like to avoid the debate.....

...but let's see if we can get you on the record:

Are you, as is true of Democrats, Liberals, Progressives....

....opposed to private property and freedom of speech?

Speak up.

You're really nuts.

But, let's see if we can get you on record:

Looking at my list and the accompanying graphic, which side are Repubs on?

Speak up.

No dissembling, no deflection, no skittering sideways and PUH-lese, no bolding of unrelated points and oddball spacing that make your posts look like the insane ramblings they really are.

Just answer.

Must be some reason that you are afraid to answer a straight-forward question,... which is the very heart of the thread to which you voluntary subscribed.

Are you ".opposed to private property and freedom of speech?"

Could it be that you are opposed to the way America was created, .....but are ashamed at the fascist implication of such a view?

Could be.

I posted a list of the freedoms, rights and liberties the Repubs work so hard at taking away from American citizens.

Those would be the very same freedoms, rights and liberties I support and believe in.

I dare you to answer those same questions. Which of those rights, freedoms and liberties do you support?

Anyone wanna bet she won't answer the question?
Glad you brought this up. As always, your links are worth nothing but the question of which party favors individual freedoms, rights and liberties is worth a discussion.

Marriage equality
Sharia law to control the populace
Forcing people to give up their property for a pipeline that does not benefit the US
Taking from the poor to give to the rich
Believing one criminal rancher should be able to steal millions from Americans

There are many more examples but I'm sure you get the idea.


It's clear from the farrago and fabrication that you provided that you'd like to avoid the debate.....

...but let's see if we can get you on the record:

Are you, as is true of Democrats, Liberals, Progressives....

....opposed to private property and freedom of speech?

Speak up.

You're really nuts.

But, let's see if we can get you on record:

Looking at my list and the accompanying graphic, which side are Repubs on?

Speak up.

No dissembling, no deflection, no skittering sideways and PUH-lese, no bolding of unrelated points and oddball spacing that make your posts look like the insane ramblings they really are.

Just answer.

Must be some reason that you are afraid to answer a straight-forward question,... which is the very heart of the thread to which you voluntary subscribed.

Are you ".opposed to private property and freedom of speech?"

Could it be that you are opposed to the way America was created, .....but are ashamed at the fascist implication of such a view?

Could be.
America was created by taking from others that which they claimed as their own,,,So twist that one...

It costs extra to have FOOL engraved on one's gravestone....but in your case it would be worth it.
Boil down, and 'Liberty' can be reduced to
a. Private Propery
b. Freedom of speech

Both are anathema to Progressives, Liberals, Democrasts.

1. Some know that before it became “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” in our Declaration of Independence,John Locke wrote that man has a right to “life, liberty, and property.”
Property Rights Have Personal Parallels - Forbes
The word "property" was replaced with the term "pursuit of happiness". If the founding fathers wanted to insert your opinion, theory, concept or idea that is needed to build on the rest of theory, they would have kept the quote the way the slave owner Locke wrote it and would not have replaced it with "pursuit of happiness".

Liberty, free markets, private property.....inseparable.
There is no liberty without the right to private property.

  1. A fundamental principle of our society is property rights. In nations were property rights have not been formally established, the costs of legally validating ownership of a home, a farm, or a business may be prohibitively expensive relative to the average income level, a crippling handicap for those seeking to rise from poverty to prosperity. Without property rights, one with entrepreneurial talents loses the access to other people’s money: homes or other assets not recognized by a legal system cannot be used as collateral. Sowell, “Economic Facts & Fallacies,” chapter seven.
    1. There is no faster way to create a nation of serfs than to remove property rights.
Well you don't live in a nation that has voided personal property rights, unless they want to put an oil pipeline in yer backyard......We had to move once to let them build a highway over our yard...
Glad you brought this up. As always, your links are worth nothing but the question of which party favors individual freedoms, rights and liberties is worth a discussion.

Marriage equality
Sharia law to control the populace
Forcing people to give up their property for a pipeline that does not benefit the US
Taking from the poor to give to the rich
Believing one criminal rancher should be able to steal millions from Americans

There are many more examples but I'm sure you get the idea.


It's clear from the farrago and fabrication that you provided that you'd like to avoid the debate.....

...but let's see if we can get you on the record:

Are you, as is true of Democrats, Liberals, Progressives....

....opposed to private property and freedom of speech?

Speak up.

You're really nuts.

But, let's see if we can get you on record:

Looking at my list and the accompanying graphic, which side are Repubs on?

Speak up.

No dissembling, no deflection, no skittering sideways and PUH-lese, no bolding of unrelated points and oddball spacing that make your posts look like the insane ramblings they really are.

Just answer.

Must be some reason that you are afraid to answer a straight-forward question,... which is the very heart of the thread to which you voluntary subscribed.

Are you ".opposed to private property and freedom of speech?"

Could it be that you are opposed to the way America was created, .....but are ashamed at the fascist implication of such a view?

Could be.
America was created by taking from others that which they claimed as their own,,,So twist that one...

It costs extra to have FOOL engraved on one's gravestone....but in your case it would be worth it.
They use water lasers now that are much cheaper...
Glad you brought this up. As always, your links are worth nothing but the question of which party favors individual freedoms, rights and liberties is worth a discussion.

Marriage equality
Sharia law to control the populace
Forcing people to give up their property for a pipeline that does not benefit the US
Taking from the poor to give to the rich
Believing one criminal rancher should be able to steal millions from Americans

There are many more examples but I'm sure you get the idea.


It's clear from the farrago and fabrication that you provided that you'd like to avoid the debate.....

...but let's see if we can get you on the record:

Are you, as is true of Democrats, Liberals, Progressives....

....opposed to private property and freedom of speech?

Speak up.

You're really nuts.

But, let's see if we can get you on record:

Looking at my list and the accompanying graphic, which side are Repubs on?

Speak up.

No dissembling, no deflection, no skittering sideways and PUH-lese, no bolding of unrelated points and oddball spacing that make your posts look like the insane ramblings they really are.

Just answer.

Must be some reason that you are afraid to answer a straight-forward question,... which is the very heart of the thread to which you voluntary subscribed.

Are you ".opposed to private property and freedom of speech?"

Could it be that you are opposed to the way America was created, .....but are ashamed at the fascist implication of such a view?

Could be.

I posted a list of the freedoms, rights and liberties the Repubs work so hard at taking away from American citizens.

Those would be the very same freedoms, rights and liberties I support and believe in.

I dare you to answer those same questions. Which of those rights, freedoms and liberties do you support?

Anyone wanna bet she won't answer the question?

Your attempt to obfuscate is is the correctness of my analysis of same.

So......gonna change your avi to 'Fascist'?
Boil down, and 'Liberty' can be reduced to
a. Private Propery
b. Freedom of speech

Both are anathema to Progressives, Liberals, Democrasts.

1. Some know that before it became “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” in our Declaration of Independence,John Locke wrote that man has a right to “life, liberty, and property.”
Property Rights Have Personal Parallels - Forbes
The word "property" was replaced with the term "pursuit of happiness". If the founding fathers wanted to insert your opinion, theory, concept or idea that is needed to build on the rest of theory, they would have kept the quote the way the slave owner Locke wrote it and would not have replaced it with "pursuit of happiness".

Liberty, free markets, private property.....inseparable.
There is no liberty without the right to private property.

  1. A fundamental principle of our society is property rights. In nations were property rights have not been formally established, the costs of legally validating ownership of a home, a farm, or a business may be prohibitively expensive relative to the average income level, a crippling handicap for those seeking to rise from poverty to prosperity. Without property rights, one with entrepreneurial talents loses the access to other people’s money: homes or other assets not recognized by a legal system cannot be used as collateral. Sowell, “Economic Facts & Fallacies,” chapter seven.
    1. There is no faster way to create a nation of serfs than to remove property rights.
There must be, cause in Heaven there is no personal property and everyone must pray to a cult personality....

Then die and find out if your theory is accurate.
Boil down, and 'Liberty' can be reduced to
a. Private Propery
b. Freedom of speech

Both are anathema to Progressives, Liberals, Democrasts.

1. Some know that before it became “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” in our Declaration of Independence,John Locke wrote that man has a right to “life, liberty, and property.”
Property Rights Have Personal Parallels - Forbes
The word "property" was replaced with the term "pursuit of happiness". If the founding fathers wanted to insert your opinion, theory, concept or idea that is needed to build on the rest of theory, they would have kept the quote the way the slave owner Locke wrote it and would not have replaced it with "pursuit of happiness".

Liberty, free markets, private property.....inseparable.
There is no liberty without the right to private property.

  1. A fundamental principle of our society is property rights. In nations were property rights have not been formally established, the costs of legally validating ownership of a home, a farm, or a business may be prohibitively expensive relative to the average income level, a crippling handicap for those seeking to rise from poverty to prosperity. Without property rights, one with entrepreneurial talents loses the access to other people’s money: homes or other assets not recognized by a legal system cannot be used as collateral. Sowell, “Economic Facts & Fallacies,” chapter seven.
    1. There is no faster way to create a nation of serfs than to remove property rights.
There must be, cause in Heaven there is no personal property and everyone must pray to a cult personality....

Then die and find out if your theory is accurate.
I don't have to, it is written for all to see....
Glad you brought this up. As always, your links are worth nothing but the question of which party favors individual freedoms, rights and liberties is worth a discussion.

Marriage equality
Sharia law to control the populace
Forcing people to give up their property for a pipeline that does not benefit the US
Taking from the poor to give to the rich
Believing one criminal rancher should be able to steal millions from Americans

There are many more examples but I'm sure you get the idea.


It's clear from the farrago and fabrication that you provided that you'd like to avoid the debate.....

...but let's see if we can get you on the record:

Are you, as is true of Democrats, Liberals, Progressives....

....opposed to private property and freedom of speech?

Speak up.

You're really nuts.

But, let's see if we can get you on record:

Looking at my list and the accompanying graphic, which side are Repubs on?

Speak up.

No dissembling, no deflection, no skittering sideways and PUH-lese, no bolding of unrelated points and oddball spacing that make your posts look like the insane ramblings they really are.

Just answer.

Must be some reason that you are afraid to answer a straight-forward question,... which is the very heart of the thread to which you voluntary subscribed.

Are you ".opposed to private property and freedom of speech?"

Could it be that you are opposed to the way America was created, .....but are ashamed at the fascist implication of such a view?

Could be.

I posted a list of the freedoms, rights and liberties the Repubs work so hard at taking away from American citizens.

Those would be the very same freedoms, rights and liberties I support and believe in.

I dare you to answer those same questions. Which of those rights, freedoms and liberties do you support?

Anyone wanna bet she won't answer the question?

Your attempt to obfuscate is is the correctness of my analysis of same.

So......gonna change your avi to 'Fascist'?


I was very clear or do you have trouble understanding simple, declarative sentences?

Here is what I wrote:

I posted a list of the freedoms, rights and liberties the Repubs work so hard at taking away from American citizens.

Those would be the very same freedoms, rights and liberties I support and believe in.

Now its your turn:

I dare you to answer those same questions. Which of those rights, freedoms and liberties do you support?

And I still bet you won't answer.

"The "marketplace of ideas" is a rationale for freedom of expression based on an analogy to the economic concept of a free market. The "marketplace of ideas" belief holds that thetruthwill emerge from the competition of ideas in free, transparent public discourse." Marketplace of ideas - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

If their ideas were correct....or better than the opposition's....there'd be no reason not to debate them.

Yet, the totalitarians called Liberals, Progressives, Democrats, instead, find ways to silence those who disagree....

6. " The head of the National Academy of Sciences has chimed in, saying: "Scientists must disclose their sources of financial support to continue to enjoy societal trust and the respect of fellow scientists."
The New Inquisition - Thomas Sowell - Page full

7. The irony, of course, is that big government....the collectivists who favor global governance (the real motive of the global warming fraud) is the wayyyyyyy biggest financial supporter of the myth.

"Climate Money: The Climate Industry: $79 billion so far – trillions to come

The US government has spent over $79 billion since 1989 on policies related to climate change, including science and technology research, administration, education campaigns, foreign aid, and tax breaks. Despite the billions: “audits” of the science are left to unpaid volunteers. A dedicated but largely uncoordinated grassroots movement of scientists has sprung up around the globe to test the integrity of the theory and compete with a well funded highly organized climate monopoly. They have exposed major errors.

Meanwhile in a distracting sideshow, Exxon-Mobil Corp is repeatedly attacked
for paying a grand total of $23 million to skeptics—less than a thousandth of what
the US government has put in,
and less than one five-thousandth of the value of carbon trading in just the single year of 2008.

Can science survive the vice-like grip of politics and finance?"
Last edited:
Boil down, and 'Liberty' can be reduced to
a. Private Propery
b. Freedom of speech

Both are anathema to Progressives, Liberals, Democrasts.

1. Some know that before it became “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” in our Declaration of Independence,John Locke wrote that man has a right to “life, liberty, and property.”
Property Rights Have Personal Parallels - Forbes
The word "property" was replaced with the term "pursuit of happiness". If the founding fathers wanted to insert your opinion, theory, concept or idea that is needed to build on the rest of theory, they would have kept the quote the way the slave owner Locke wrote it and would not have replaced it with "pursuit of happiness".

Liberty, free markets, private property.....inseparable.
There is no liberty without the right to private property.

  1. A fundamental principle of our society is property rights. In nations were property rights have not been formally established, the costs of legally validating ownership of a home, a farm, or a business may be prohibitively expensive relative to the average income level, a crippling handicap for those seeking to rise from poverty to prosperity. Without property rights, one with entrepreneurial talents loses the access to other people’s money: homes or other assets not recognized by a legal system cannot be used as collateral. Sowell, “Economic Facts & Fallacies,” chapter seven.
    1. There is no faster way to create a nation of serfs than to remove property rights.
There must be, cause in Heaven there is no personal property and everyone must pray to a cult personality....

Then die and find out if your theory is accurate.
I don't have to, it is written for all to see....

So what. It is also written that taking from others is stealing. Murder in all it's forms is still murder(abortion). Baring false witness, envy, gluttony, perversion, all are are sins. I see nothing in the Bible that says you can't own anything.
Boil down, and 'Liberty' can be reduced to
a. Private Propery
b. Freedom of speech

Both are anathema to Progressives, Liberals, Democrasts.

1. Some know that before it became “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” in our Declaration of Independence,John Locke wrote that man has a right to “life, liberty, and property.”
Property Rights Have Personal Parallels - Forbes
The word "property" was replaced with the term "pursuit of happiness". If the founding fathers wanted to insert your opinion, theory, concept or idea that is needed to build on the rest of theory, they would have kept the quote the way the slave owner Locke wrote it and would not have replaced it with "pursuit of happiness".

Liberty, free markets, private property.....inseparable.
There is no liberty without the right to private property.

  1. A fundamental principle of our society is property rights. In nations were property rights have not been formally established, the costs of legally validating ownership of a home, a farm, or a business may be prohibitively expensive relative to the average income level, a crippling handicap for those seeking to rise from poverty to prosperity. Without property rights, one with entrepreneurial talents loses the access to other people’s money: homes or other assets not recognized by a legal system cannot be used as collateral. Sowell, “Economic Facts & Fallacies,” chapter seven.
    1. There is no faster way to create a nation of serfs than to remove property rights.

Your response does not change the fact that you have begun your OP with a misleading interpretation or misleading evaluation of a a quote which has been changed to create the foundation of your thesis. You further bastardize the term and concept of property rights by interpreting the meaning of property rights to fit your definition. That definition is of course shaped to fit your concept or thesis. Sentence by sentence, quote by quote, paragraph by paragraph and conclusion by conclusion you are using manipulated skewed bits of fraudulent data to attempt to make your point. Lots of little misrepresentations add up to one big one.
It's clear from the farrago and fabrication that you provided that you'd like to avoid the debate.....

...but let's see if we can get you on the record:

Are you, as is true of Democrats, Liberals, Progressives....

....opposed to private property and freedom of speech?

Speak up.

You're really nuts.

But, let's see if we can get you on record:

Looking at my list and the accompanying graphic, which side are Repubs on?

Speak up.

No dissembling, no deflection, no skittering sideways and PUH-lese, no bolding of unrelated points and oddball spacing that make your posts look like the insane ramblings they really are.

Just answer.

Must be some reason that you are afraid to answer a straight-forward question,... which is the very heart of the thread to which you voluntary subscribed.

Are you ".opposed to private property and freedom of speech?"

Could it be that you are opposed to the way America was created, .....but are ashamed at the fascist implication of such a view?

Could be.

I posted a list of the freedoms, rights and liberties the Repubs work so hard at taking away from American citizens.

Those would be the very same freedoms, rights and liberties I support and believe in.

I dare you to answer those same questions. Which of those rights, freedoms and liberties do you support?

Anyone wanna bet she won't answer the question?

Your attempt to obfuscate is is the correctness of my analysis of same.

So......gonna change your avi to 'Fascist'?


I was very clear or do you have trouble understanding simple, declarative sentences?

Here is what I wrote:

I posted a list of the freedoms, rights and liberties the Repubs work so hard at taking away from American citizens.

Those would be the very same freedoms, rights and liberties I support and believe in.

Now its your turn:

I dare you to answer those same questions. Which of those rights, freedoms and liberties do you support?

And I still bet you won't answer.

I never lie.

Anyone reading the thread will see that you've tried smoke and mirrors rather than admit that you favor restricting private property ownership and freedom of speech.

And, I believe, they will see how that perspective is clearly one identified as 'fascistic.'

You are living proof that cow pies can sprout legs and walk.
You're really nuts.

But, let's see if we can get you on record:

Looking at my list and the accompanying graphic, which side are Repubs on?

Speak up.

No dissembling, no deflection, no skittering sideways and PUH-lese, no bolding of unrelated points and oddball spacing that make your posts look like the insane ramblings they really are.

Just answer.

Must be some reason that you are afraid to answer a straight-forward question,... which is the very heart of the thread to which you voluntary subscribed.

Are you ".opposed to private property and freedom of speech?"

Could it be that you are opposed to the way America was created, .....but are ashamed at the fascist implication of such a view?

Could be.

I posted a list of the freedoms, rights and liberties the Repubs work so hard at taking away from American citizens.

Those would be the very same freedoms, rights and liberties I support and believe in.

I dare you to answer those same questions. Which of those rights, freedoms and liberties do you support?

Anyone wanna bet she won't answer the question?

Your attempt to obfuscate is is the correctness of my analysis of same.

So......gonna change your avi to 'Fascist'?


I was very clear or do you have trouble understanding simple, declarative sentences?

Here is what I wrote:

I posted a list of the freedoms, rights and liberties the Repubs work so hard at taking away from American citizens.

Those would be the very same freedoms, rights and liberties I support and believe in.

Now its your turn:

I dare you to answer those same questions. Which of those rights, freedoms and liberties do you support?

And I still bet you won't answer.

I never lie.

Anyone reading the thread will see that you've tried smoke and mirrors rather than admit that you favor restricting private property ownership and freedom of speech.

And, I believe, they will see how that perspective is clearly one identified as 'fascistic.'

You are living proof that cow pies can sprout legs and walk.

IOW, you do not support or believe in any of the freedoms, rights and liberties I listed. Which, BTW, includes freedom of speech and property ownership.

In point of fact, even though you don't have the integrity and honesty to admit it, you believe government should control every single thing I listed:

Marriage equality
Sharia law to control the populace
Forcing people to give up their property for a pipeline that does not benefit the US
Taking from the poor to give to the rich
Believing one criminal rancher should be able to steal millions from Americans

Now, go look up the definition of fascism and look in the mirror.
Must be some reason that you are afraid to answer a straight-forward question,... which is the very heart of the thread to which you voluntary subscribed.

Are you ".opposed to private property and freedom of speech?"

Could it be that you are opposed to the way America was created, .....but are ashamed at the fascist implication of such a view?

Could be.

I posted a list of the freedoms, rights and liberties the Repubs work so hard at taking away from American citizens.

Those would be the very same freedoms, rights and liberties I support and believe in.

I dare you to answer those same questions. Which of those rights, freedoms and liberties do you support?

Anyone wanna bet she won't answer the question?

Your attempt to obfuscate is is the correctness of my analysis of same.

So......gonna change your avi to 'Fascist'?


I was very clear or do you have trouble understanding simple, declarative sentences?

Here is what I wrote:

I posted a list of the freedoms, rights and liberties the Repubs work so hard at taking away from American citizens.

Those would be the very same freedoms, rights and liberties I support and believe in.

Now its your turn:

I dare you to answer those same questions. Which of those rights, freedoms and liberties do you support?

And I still bet you won't answer.

I never lie.

Anyone reading the thread will see that you've tried smoke and mirrors rather than admit that you favor restricting private property ownership and freedom of speech.

And, I believe, they will see how that perspective is clearly one identified as 'fascistic.'

You are living proof that cow pies can sprout legs and walk.

IOW, you do not support or believe in any of the freedoms, rights and liberties I listed. Which, BTW, includes freedom of speech and property ownership.

In point of fact, even though you don't have the integrity and honesty to admit it, you believe government should control every single thing I listed:

Marriage equality
Sharia law to control the populace
Forcing people to give up their property for a pipeline that does not benefit the US
Taking from the poor to give to the rich
Believing one criminal rancher should be able to steal millions from Americans

Now, go look up the definition of fascism and look in the mirror.

I'm curious....did you become a fascist knowingly...i.e., are you 'a true believer,'....

....or simply out of ignorance?
I posted a list of the freedoms, rights and liberties the Repubs work so hard at taking away from American citizens.

Those would be the very same freedoms, rights and liberties I support and believe in.

I dare you to answer those same questions. Which of those rights, freedoms and liberties do you support?

Anyone wanna bet she won't answer the question?

Your attempt to obfuscate is is the correctness of my analysis of same.

So......gonna change your avi to 'Fascist'?


I was very clear or do you have trouble understanding simple, declarative sentences?

Here is what I wrote:

I posted a list of the freedoms, rights and liberties the Repubs work so hard at taking away from American citizens.

Those would be the very same freedoms, rights and liberties I support and believe in.

Now its your turn:

I dare you to answer those same questions. Which of those rights, freedoms and liberties do you support?

And I still bet you won't answer.

I never lie.

Anyone reading the thread will see that you've tried smoke and mirrors rather than admit that you favor restricting private property ownership and freedom of speech.

And, I believe, they will see how that perspective is clearly one identified as 'fascistic.'

You are living proof that cow pies can sprout legs and walk.

IOW, you do not support or believe in any of the freedoms, rights and liberties I listed. Which, BTW, includes freedom of speech and property ownership.

In point of fact, even though you don't have the integrity and honesty to admit it, you believe government should control every single thing I listed:

Marriage equality
Sharia law to control the populace
Forcing people to give up their property for a pipeline that does not benefit the US
Taking from the poor to give to the rich
Believing one criminal rancher should be able to steal millions from Americans

Now, go look up the definition of fascism and look in the mirror.

I'm curious....did you become a fascist knowingly...i.e., are you 'a true believer,'....

....or simply out of ignorance?

Instead of hiding behind childish name calling and lies, stay on topic:

Why don't you have the courage of your convictions? Why don't you just admit you do not believe in or support the rights I listed?

Why don't you have the honesty and integrity to admit you believe government should control every single thing I listed:

Marriage equality
Sharia law to control the populace
Forcing people to give up their property for a pipeline that does not benefit the US
Taking from the poor to give to the rich
Believing one criminal rancher should be able to steal millions from Americans

Quit lying.


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