Democrats Trying To Do Their Best To Screw Up Our Christmas Holiday

His presence is Disturbing on MANY Levels...
I NEVER Thought I would Live to SEE what is Actually HAPPENING in my country.,


It will be ok little buddy, the bad man can't hurt you.
Every year they fight their war against Christmas.

Only in your

The only war against Christmas has been the hardcore Christians trying to suck the fun out of it with their bitching and griping that it is not primarily a religious observance.
It is a Christian Holiday. I dont buy into the "war on Christmas" stuff but saying Christians wanting to celebrate their holiday in their way is ruining their holiday is some interesting logic.
Maybe it once was, but not any longer.
No it's certainly still a Christian Holiday. Non Christians also celebrating the day doesn't change that. I am a Christian and dont understand why some Christians get so upset by people not saying Merry Christmas or some other "war on Christmas" thing. That said I dont know why non Christians get so upset when Christians want to celebrate their holiday their way. There's a really weird trend in this country where by many think/feel that they should not only not have to participate in things they dont like or agree with but they have some right to be shielded from them or right to nonexposure. It's silly.
It's not surprising to me that a Democrat would try to cancel Christmas.

Remember Easter in 2020? Trump wanted Americans to be able to celebrate like normal in their churches, and Democrats threw a fit.
It`s been 2 years now and you still don`t know what it means to be contagious and asymptomatic? Home schooling is waaayyy overrated.
No it's certainly still a Christian Holiday. Non Christians also celebrating the day doesn't change that. I am a Christian and dont understand why some Christians get so upset by people not saying Merry Christmas or some other "war on Christmas" thing. That said I dont know why non Christians get so upset when Christians want to celebrate their holiday their way. There's a really weird trend in this country where by many think/feel that they should not only not have to participate in things they dont like or agree with but they have some right to be shielded from them or right to nonexposure. It's silly.
I get upset because those calling themselves Christians are very unlike Christ. I went to Catholic school and still attend church services but if a pollster was to ask me if I`m a Christian I would say hell effin no.
I get upset because those calling themselves Christians are very unlike Christ. I went to Catholic school and still attend church services but if a pollster was to ask me if I`m a Christian I would say hell effin no.
So you would deny Christ because someone else wasn't acting Christ like? You dont see the irony in that? And I wont even get into the casting of stones lesson in the bible. Oh and Im not sure if they taught you this in Catholic School but attending a Catholic School and going to mass wont get you to heaven....
Tell you what, I will pass a law saying all your worldly objects are mine if you don't do as I say.

Sound fair?

See, no forcing there.
Again that's an invalid comparison because no one is having their possessions confiscated.

And really the so called mandates give you the CHOICE to be tested frequently rather than getting the shot so you can still keep your job even if you choose not to be vaccinated

So stop whining already
Yep. You're the party pooper for sure. This year as you are into your second hour of bitching about politics take a moment to look at the glazed expressions of the others gathered there and know that it is you that is ruining Christmas.
Not too senile to give trump a thrashing in 2 debates. He refused to show for another beat down. Yo Semite!
Wow beating Trump in a debate.

Like that's difficult.

And why do you assume that because I knock Senile Joe that I somehow endorse Trump?

Is it because you are incapable of thinking in more than 2 dimensions?
No one is forcing anyone to get a vaccine
Nope. You are Fired......You can't shop here. You can't Fly. You can't go on a cruise ship......etc.

Nope NO COHERSION HERE.............So what kind of drugs are you MOONBATS doing now.?
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Just in time for the Holidays. Joe Biden is making threats, and what a wonderful time of the year to make threats. Nobody is going anywhere (thanks to Joe Biden) unless you do what you're told.

As I said a couple of weeks ago....thanks to the negligence of the current administration in his open border policies.....Omicron has spread to every state except for Hawaii and Alaska. No surprise.....because that is where Biden is shipped over 2 million illegals since he swung open the doors to our Southern borders.

Yet again....the Democrats cannot let a self-made crisis go to waste. Nobody will be allowed to travel the way that illegals are traveling at taxpayer's expense. You can't get on an aircraft now (unless you're an illegal immigrant) without proof of a COVID vaccine....and nobody can get tested to see if they are testing positive because Biden has created a shortage of test kits just in time for the Holidays.

Several countries are not allowing flights from the United States (thanks to Biden's reckless open-border policies).
Dr Fauci says don't show up at family gatherings this year if you haven't been vaccinated.
Dr Fauci says the virus is going to find you if you aren't vaccinated.
Joe Biden says if you aren't vaccinated you're going to die.

Merry Christmas.

I cannot say that any of this is true for sure. We can't trust anything these people say anymore. All I can say is this is what is being reported in the news. You can read if for yourselves.

So Merry Christmas're stuck at home. Say hello to diabetes if you don't already have it.

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So you aren't vaccinated?

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