Democrats Trying To Do Their Best To Screw Up Our Christmas Holiday

aka you can't get your FASCISM through the front door you will push it via the Back door. Same thing with Guns............Now your side tries to stop the ammunition.
I happen to be very pro second amendment.

Do you think it was OK to deny a gay couple service for a wedding cake?

Do you think an employer has the right to fire anyone at any time for any reason?

If you do then you have no reason to be whining about a business owner requiring vaccines or masks or an employer firing people for refusing to get tested weekly.

Or do you enjoy being a hypocrite?
The only war against Christmas has been the hardcore Christians trying to suck the fun out of it with their bitching and griping that it is not primarily a religious observance.
That's like blaming the rape victim for being raped.

Everything that you hear about it coming from our side is purely a reaction to what you people on the left are saying.....and doing.

If Biden tells us that we're going to get sick and die, we have every right to tell him to go fuck himself.

It's like this staged BS about Jan 6th.

We put up with you leftists supporting BLM and claiming that ANTIFA is an idea......while watching our cities burn and our stores being broken into and robbed.....yet the only thing that happens that you folks think should matter is a single event that was created by Drama Queens in the media, and overly aggressive Capital Police. And the only real victims we discovered were two unarmed women...both murdered by cops on Jan 6th. All of the sudden your hatred of cops evaporates....because they offed a couple of Trumpsters.

This guy put the idea into people's heads to go inside the Capital.....not Trump.

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Do you think it was OK to deny a gay couple service for a wedding cake?
They refused to cater it. And that is religious freedom. Show me how that applies to injecting a chemical into your body and how that is the same thing. It isn't and a false comparison.
Do you think an employer has the right to fire anyone at any time for any reason?
yes. But not via a forced drug. If they told you to take Ivermectin on a daily bases to work there.....WOULD YOU DO IT..............It's not the same no matter how you spin it And if you get the jab and get sick after being ordered to do so...........Then that company should be sued.

If you do then you have no reason to be whining about a business owner requiring vaccines or masks or an employer firing people for refusing to get tested weekly.

Or do you enjoy being a hypocrite?
As stated it's not the same. PERIOD. And it is STILL COHERSION to try and force people to take the jab against their will. Communist like you always resort to this shit with Gov't is my God BS.
Wow beating Trump in a debate.

Like that's difficult.

And why do you assume that because I knock Senile Joe that I somehow endorse Trump?

Is it because you are incapable of thinking in more than 2 dimensions?
Because your too stupid not to endorse Trump?
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Just in time for the Holidays. Joe Biden is making threats, and what a wonderful time of the year to make threats. Nobody is going anywhere (thanks to Joe Biden) unless you do what you're told.

As I said a couple of weeks ago....thanks to the negligence of the current administration in his open border policies.....Omicron has spread to every state except for Hawaii and Alaska. No surprise.....because that is where Biden is shipped over 2 million illegals since he swung open the doors to our Southern borders.

Yet again....the Democrats cannot let a self-made crisis go to waste. Nobody will be allowed to travel the way that illegals are traveling at taxpayer's expense. You can't get on an aircraft now (unless you're an illegal immigrant) without proof of a COVID vaccine....and nobody can get tested to see if they are testing positive because Biden has created a shortage of test kits just in time for the Holidays.

Several countries are not allowing flights from the United States (thanks to Biden's reckless open-border policies).
Dr Fauci says don't show up at family gatherings this year if you haven't been vaccinated.
Dr Fauci says the virus is going to find you if you aren't vaccinated.
Joe Biden says if you aren't vaccinated you're going to die.

Merry Christmas.

I cannot say that any of this is true for sure. We can't trust anything these people say anymore. All I can say is this is what is being reported in the news. You can read if for yourselves.

So Merry Christmas're stuck at home. Say hello to diabetes if you don't already have it.

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Put Christ back in Xmas
Again that's an invalid comparison because no one is having their possessions confiscated.

And really the so called mandates give you the CHOICE to be tested frequently rather than getting the shot so you can still keep your job even if you choose not to be vaccinated

So stop whining already
So if testing is part of the solution, I have a question....

Since fully vaccinated individuals can catch and spread the virus, why aren't THEY required to wear masks and be tested weekly???? After all, if they catch Covid and it isn't severe enough for them to have to seek medical attention and get tested (and a lot of cases are asymptomatic), they will still be spreading Covid in the workplace, and contributing to the infection rate!!!!

If Covid is such a serious issue, WHY IS THIS BEING ALLOWED?????
How about supporting Trump? If there`s really a hell, it will be filled with red hats. How does someone "deny" Christ?
Huh? I dont know what they were teaching in your Catholic school but you might want to try just reading the Bible if you are truly interested because you're way off at the moment.

Didnt you say in the quote that you would deny being a Christian if asked because of the actions of other Christians not being Christ like? That's denying Christ.
I get upset because those calling themselves Christians are very unlike Christ. I went to Catholic school and still attend church services but if a pollster was to ask me if I`m a Christian I would say hell effin no.

Those are your words are they not?
So if testing is part of the solution, I have a question....

Since fully vaccinated individuals can catch and spread the virus, why aren't THEY required to wear masks and be tested weekly???? After all, if they catch Covid and it isn't severe enough for them to have to seek medical attention and get tested (and a lot of cases are asymptomatic), they will still be spreading Covid in the workplace, and contributing to the infection rate!!!!

If Covid is such a serious issue, WHY IS THIS BEING ALLOWED?????
Usually when something doesn't make sense it's because it doesn't make sense.
The problem with these people is they're taking advantage of this virus to create a pandemic...and to make boatloads of cash.
Usually when something doesn't make sense it's because it doesn't make sense.
The problem with these people is they're taking advantage of this virus to create a pandemic...and to make boatloads of cash.
Creating a pandemic?

Wow, you're pretty deep in. Can you see any light?
Why would 2-Term President Barack Hussein Obama be mentioned since he hasn't been in politics since 2016.

You miss him?
Because Obama is up to his neck in this.
It's why he still maintains a home in Washington D.C. and hasn't retired to Hawaii....where he belongs.
Most former presidents go back home.
Obama has a mansion in D.C.
If I was him I'd have been on the first flight back to Oahu HI and stayed there to live out my days.
He can get some of the best drugs and grass on the planet there.
The weather is the way he likes and humid.
No....Obama keeps jumping in every chance he gets to trash this country and make false accusations while fanning the flames of unrest at every possible opportunity.
What a POS.
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Because Obama is up to his neck in this.
It's why he still maintains a home in Washington D.C. and hasn't retired to Hawaii....where he belongs.
Most former presidents go back home.
Obama has a mansion in D.C.
If I was him I'd have been on the first flight back to Oahu HI and stayed there to live out my days.
He can get some of the best drugs and grass on the planet there.
The weather is the way he likes and humid.
No....Obama keeps jumping in every chance he gets to trash this country and make false accusations while fanning the flames of unrest at every possible opportunity.
What a POS.
Don’t you have something to take for obsession.
....a 2 term prez that has never been impeached ....
Democrats have lowered the standards of impeachment to the point where they can literally make up any excuse and impeach a sitting president if they want to. They can waste millions of dollars going thru the process and not be held accountable for it. They don't seem to care about the will of the people anymore....which means they don't respect the democratic process anymore. They proved that when they passed the Affordable Care Act......and verified this belief by
impeaching a popular president....TWICE.....for the very acts they, themselves, were guilty of.

The Dems also impeached Trump because he was doing his job and using his authority as POTUS. Democrats opposed this from the first day of his administration.
The primary beef they had is they wanted to oppose everything he did because it wasn't what they planned to do once Hillary got into office. It set them back 4 years.
Impeachment is being used to punish a president for representing the people of this country the best way he knows how.
Impeachment is being used to depress the vote and discourage their opposition.
They claimed Russia was doing exactly that....but they are doing it.

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