Democrats Trying To Do Their Best To Screw Up Our Christmas Holiday

So you would deny Christ because someone else wasn't acting Christ like? You dont see the irony in that? And I wont even get into the casting of stones lesson in the bible. Oh and Im not sure if they taught you this in Catholic School but attending a Catholic School and going to mass wont get you to heaven....
How about supporting Trump? If there`s really a hell, it will be filled with red hats. How does someone "deny" Christ?
Nope. You are Fired......You can't shop here. You can't Fly. You can't go on a cruise ship......etc.

Nope NO COHERSION HERE.............So what kind of drugs are you MOONBATS doing now.?
You have the option of frequent testing so you won't lose your job even if you don;t get vaccinated.

And you don;t need to be vaccinated to get on a plane. Are there any other lies you want to have debunked?

You have the option of frequent testing so you won't lose your job even if you don;t get vaccinated.

And you don;t need to be vaccinated to get on a plane. Are there any other lies you want to have debunked?

I have the option to tell you to FUCK OFF...........I'm not taking it. And I'm not standing for your COHERSION. This is a red state and we don't comply very well TO OR ELSE FROM YOU.

I'll have a swap up my nose when I want to do that. I'll take the jab when I CHOOSE TO DO IT.

Not when you order it.
I have the option to tell you to FUCK OFF...........I'm not taking it. And I'm not standing for your COHERSION. This is a red state and we don't comply very well TO OR ELSE FROM YOU.

I'll have a swap up my nose when I want to do that. I'll take the jab when I CHOOSE TO DO IT.

Not when you order i

So then don;t whine if you get fired.
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Just in time for the Holidays. Joe Biden is making threats, and what a wonderful time of the year to make threats. Nobody is going anywhere (thanks to Joe Biden) unless you do what you're told.

As I said a couple of weeks ago....thanks to the negligence of the current administration in his open border policies.....Omicron has spread to every state except for Hawaii and Alaska. No surprise.....because that is where Biden is shipped over 2 million illegals since he swung open the doors to our Southern borders.

Yet again....the Democrats cannot let a self-made crisis go to waste. Nobody will be allowed to travel the way that illegals are traveling at taxpayer's expense. You can't get on an aircraft now (unless you're an illegal immigrant) without proof of a COVID vaccine....and nobody can get tested to see if they are testing positive because Biden has created a shortage of test kits just in time for the Holidays.

Several countries are not allowing flights from the United States (thanks to Biden's reckless open-border policies).
Dr Fauci says don't show up at family gatherings this year if you haven't been vaccinated.
Dr Fauci says the virus is going to find you if you aren't vaccinated.
Joe Biden says if you aren't vaccinated you're going to die.

Merry Christmas.

I cannot say that any of this is true for sure. We can't trust anything these people say anymore. All I can say is this is what is being reported in the news. You can read if for yourselves.

So Merry Christmas're stuck at home. Say hello to diabetes if you don't already have it.

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Well I have good news, and Good News.

Good News first: these ghouls cannot rob one iota of joy from those of us who celebrate the birth of Christ. He was born. He died. He was risen. He is seated at the Right Hand of God the Father and He is coming again! Nothing, nothing, nothing form the bowels of Hell can change that, world without end, amen.

Now the good news

Since most of my friends and family are also Christian, more or less, they are not afraid to die. They know their life is ultimately in God's hand at any rate. This is not a license for stupidity, but it is freedom from fear. That means they don't have to close themselves off from loved ones because they are afraid of the virus. They will die when it's their time. That's it.

Immanuel, God With us! Merry Christmas. :)
Nobody influences my family customs. We follow our swedish Christmas customs here in america, where we were born.

Ah! I once was invited to a St. Lucia feast by a former student and her family. It was absolutely beautiful. The girls with actual real candles on wreaths on their heads! The singing! I will never forget it.
Which part of Fuck you don't you understand. Oh it's NOT A MANDATE.

You are a FASCIST PRICK. You and all the other who think Gov't is GOD. Me not so much. We very well might have a divorce in this country soon.
It's not.

Like I said you don't have to get a vaccine. You can still keep your job and you can still get on a plane.

So what are you whining about?
Viruses don't care about your politics or skin color. Stay well. was the sniffles.........And........Most walk through is one age group with issues that mainly die............With Delta was different for some younger is not enough to take a BS vaccine for it.

I again ask why the vaccine makers didn't provide a traditional vaccine like Covaxin......hmmm. Then I'll ask again why take a vaccine for Alpha when we are on O. It's stupid.
It's not.

Like I said you don't have to get a vaccine. You can still keep your job and you can still get on a plane.

So what are you whining about?
I see what is happening in Europe and know they want that here............So I argue against it. And unless you are blind they are doing this crap in Very Blue cities in this country already.

Do you agree with Vaccine passports for this Country????? Speak into the microphone clearly on that question.
I see what is happening in Europe and know they want that here............So I argue against it. And unless you are blind they are doing this crap in Very Blue cities in this country already.

Do you agree with Vaccine passports for this Country????? Speak into the microphone clearly on that question.

If you traveled in the 1940-1980 to Africa or the Middle East, you would have had a shot card. You couldn't get into some countries without it.
If you traveled in the 1940-1980 to Africa or the Middle East, you would have had a shot card. You couldn't get into some countries without it.
I was there after that. Only thing was required then was to get the malaria pills.......Those pills that the politics had so much fun trying to trash even though they saved millions of lives.

So........why does 1.3 billion people in Africa have a quarter of the deaths we have here with 4 times the population.

I see what is happening in Europe and know they want that here............So I argue against it. And unless you are blind they are doing this crap in Very Blue cities in this country already.

Do you agree with Vaccine passports for this Country????? Speak into the microphone clearly on that question.
I think any business owner has the right to require vaccinations or masks for people entering his shop. Employers have the right to require vaccinations or frequent testing as terms of employment.

Like I said if you truly believe that a business owner can refuse service to anyone for any reason or that an employer can fire anyone for any reason then you should have absolutely no problem if you get refused service or fired for any reason.
I think any business owner has the right to require vaccinations or masks for people entering his shop. Employers have the right to require vaccinations or frequent testing as terms of employment.

Like I said if you truly believe that a business owner can refuse service to anyone for any reason or that an employer can fire anyone for any reason then you should have absolutely no problem if you get refused service or fired for any reason.
aka you can't get your FASCISM through the front door you will push it via the Back door. Same thing with Guns............Now your side tries to stop the ammunition.

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