Democrats Use “Shady Backroom Deal” To Alter State Voting Procedures In Secret

Let's see, mid to end of May and the right wing is pounding on their latest conspiracy theory in vain hope that it will distract and deflect from the failings of Donald John Trump. Well, I get it, they have to. Because nothing is sticking at this point. I know it's a Grand Canyon of time between now and November but Trump stands to go down to defeat in what could only be considered as abject humiliation..if he even makes it to November...but I digress.

So, present credible evidence (not an alt-right Internet site) that this is illegal...or this is even a story worth of Politics...('s not).
what proof do you have that Trump is sure to lose in november traitor ? is it the pols ? lol ! yeah trust the pols idiot ! remember what the polls said in 2016 ? do you remember the term silent majority ? oh and there are far less never Trumpers left ! if the pols say Trump is down by 5 points look for Trump to win by 5 !

You understand that 2016 was just one of many elections, and the results were highly irregular, don't you? Like always, you right wingers sound more like Al Bundy reliving that one game when he was in high school.
are you trying to say we are living in normal times ? are you saying its normal for an entire political party to side with a brutal communist dictatorship that caused the world wide death and economic troubles ? when this virus ends .....and yes unfortunately for the socialist left and their communist china allies it will end ..the economy will start to recover .

Sorry, I couldn't understand what you were saying. The tinfoil from you hat fell down over your mouth, and all I can hear is the crinkling of that as you blow through it. Rearrange the tin foil and try again.
unfortunately we all heard what you were saying because my left nut fell from your mouth and enabled you to speak .

I'm sure you have the sharpest wit in your entire 5th grade.
and im sure you have the smallest dick in the entire 5th grade .

If anybody would know, it would be you.
Democrats Use “Shady Backroom Deal” To Alter State Voting Procedures In Secret
The potentially illegal ‘agreement’ has already been implemented, republicans warn, without being disclosed to the public.

Democrats controlling Nevada are drawing fire after the Nevada GOP and Republican National Committee (RNC) chairwoman Ronna McDaniel demanded yesterday the state investigate the “shady” and potentially illegal “backroom deal” orchestrated by local politicians, which would alter voting procedures ahead of the state’s all mail-in June 9 primary.
Democrats Use “Shady Backroom Deal” To Alter State Voting Procedures In Secret
The potentially illegal ‘agreement’ has already been implemented, republicans warn, without being disclosed to the public.

Democrats controlling Nevada are drawing fire after the Nevada GOP and Republican National Committee (RNC) chairwoman Ronna McDaniel demanded yesterday the state investigate the “shady” and potentially illegal “backroom deal” orchestrated by local politicians, which would alter voting procedures ahead of the state’s all mail-in June 9 primary.

They need to cheat to stay competitive

Democrats don’t have to cheat. They’ve won the popular vote in every Presidential election since 1992, except one - in 2006. When W was running “terrorism alerts” every week or so.

After the election, there wasn’t one terrorist alert.

Dems don't have to cheat but politicians are so important in they're lives the cant stop themselves. Its disgusting.
Another flamebait "the voter fraud is coming!!!!!!" thread. Stop flogging this dead horse.

Catch 22
How can they check for Voter fraud without Voter ID?

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