Democrats want a Civil War

You are too dishonest to admit that some opinions are not subject to being proved wrong or right.

Opinion of Trump getting or not getting indicted is OF COURSE subject to being proven right or wrong.

Trump WAS indicted and any opinion to the contrary was proven WRONG.

How long are you going to be shitting your pants here by denying the obvious?
You're no Christian.

You're just another dumbass lying leftard.
You're not a Christian if you're of the Right or the Left (Christians are a bit more balanced than "right or left"). And yes, if you take up arms against the US military or the police, you will be shot at and most likely killed. Like Duh, are you so far gone mentally that you actually deny that fact? Do you actually feel offended by that statement? How stupid can you be?

Are you also aware that the FBI and other government acronyms often read posts on this forum? Again, how dumb can you MAGA Hat rednecks be, opening threads that glorify violence against authorities, like our military and law enforcement? Duh Duh Duh, Duh Duh Duh...You're going to get a knock on your trailer's door. All they have to do is get a subpoena from the owner/s of this forum, and your IP address will be released to them, and that's it. You get the knock on the door, "Hi I'm agent Green and this is my partner agent Martinez, how are you sir, we'd just like to ask you some questions"...I guess you like getting visited by government acronyms? Maybe you can have the donuts ready for them, and some coffee.
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What I think is that opinions can be proven RIGHT or WRONG.

You deny that because your fragile little ego can't admit being proven wrong and this is your pathetic way of coping.


The funny thing is that you actually believe this drivel.

If they take up arms against the US military and law enforcement? No, you wouldn't use the gas chamber, you'd use bullets or explosives to dispatch them. You know, it's called war. It's an activity where people kill each other. If these MAGA Zombies were to take up arms against anyone, especially the US military and law enforcement, they would be trying to kill members of our military and police, hence our men and women in uniform whether of the military or police, would be able to defend themselves. Like Duh. Do you MAGA zombie drones have brains? Are you able to think rationally? If you violently attack our military and police, you will die. Duh, Duh Duh...

You're a lunatic, go take your meds and report back to your room. :cuckoo:
This applies to anyone, right or left. The person who created this thread is a right-wing MAGA zombie-drone, you retard. If you take up arms against our sons and daughters in uniform, you will die. You're fighting the US military and our police, what part of that don't you understand? If you try to kill the members of our military or police, they have every right to fire back at you and take you out. Like DUH, how stupid can you be? Duh.

No one but you has made the assertion that anyone is 'taking up arms' against anyone, It's clearly what you would absolutely love to see happen, so you could see your enemies 'put in their place', right? You'd be cheering with glee watching it happen, that's what you want, death to fellow americans that you don't agree with. It wouldn't matter if the feds you love were the aggressors, you'd still cheer it on and say it was deserved. You're a fucking loon. 🤡
Both the Republicans and Democrats create chaos in the third world, in order to advance "American interests" and that leads to those countries being much poorer and screwed up than they would otherwise be. Hence, all of those people leaving their third-world American cheap labor pool shit-holes (captive markets for US and European corporations), are trying to live a decent life somewhere else. Hmmm, let's see, where do you think they're going to go, hmmmmm?

Stop imposing economic sanctions upon third world countries, stop orchestrating coups, to install puppet dictators, stop preventing these nations from having a middle class of their own that demands higher wages with benefits, and of course, will try to unionize. Stop sodomizing the economies and citizenry of these countries in the name of "AMERICAN INTERESTS" and you will cut illegal immigration to the USA, by 75% or more. What part of what I just said, don't you understand?

NO? NO? You deny what I just said, pretending it's not happening? OK OK...Learn Spanish Bubba. Eat Tacos. How about that? Suffer more, you globalist imperialist, take it. Feel the pain of seeing America get overrun by a third-world population seeking a better life. Keep EFing them, and then they come here and EF YOU. Learn Spanish BUBBA. Hola, como estas? Bein? Come (eat), tacos. Come tacos. Repeat, "come tacos".

What economic sanctions? List them specifically, what countries and what sanctions?

What coups? What puppet dictators?

How is the US preventing them from having a middle class?

How are economies being 'sodomized', specific examples?
You're not a Christian if you're of the Right or the Left (Christians are a bit more balanced than "right or left"). And yes, if you take up arms against the US military or the police, you will be shot at and most likely killed. Like Duh, are you so far gone mentally that you actually deny that fact? Do you actually feel offended by that statement? How stupid can you be?

Are you also aware that the FBI and other government acronyms often read posts on this forum? Again, how dumb can you MAGA Hat rednecks be, opening threads that glorify violence against authorities, like our military and law enforcement? Duh Duh Duh, Duh Duh Duh...You're going to get a knock on your trailer's door. All they have to do is get a subpoena from the owner/s of this forum, and your IP address will be released to them, and that's it. You get the knock on the door, "Hi I'm agent Green and this is my partner agent Martinez, how are you sir, we'd just like to ask you some questions"...I guess you like getting visited by government acronyms? Maybe you can have the donuts ready for them, and some coffee.

What are you, 12 years old? lol
Judge was a degenerate leftist Jew !!

They control the entire state of NY and NJ

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