Democrats want a Civil War

Dumbass libturds think an opinion is a fact

Nope WrongAgain.

Opinion is not nescessarily confirmed by facts, but it can be. We call such opinions CORRECT. Opinions can also be shown to be counter-factual, we call those opinions WRONG.

Your doubts about Trump getting indicted were proven wrong by the fact of Trump's indictement. My confidence that Trump will be indicted has been proven CORRECT.

You were wrong and I was right. Yes, there is such a thing dummy.

This is not some rocket science, these are very basic concepts. The reason they need to be explained to you is are obviously an emotionaly fragile moron. A moron who will take up very silly positions and grasp at straws to keep beliving whatever you want to.
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Nope WrongAgain.

Opinion is not nescessarily confirmed by facts, but it can be. We call such opinions CORRECT. Opinions can also be shown to be counter-factual, we call those opinions WRONG.

Your doubts about Trump getting indicted were proven wrong by the fact of Trump's indictement. My confidence that Trump will be indicted has been proven CORRECT.

You were wrong and I was right. Yes, there is such a thing dummy.

This is not some rocket science, these are very basic concepts. The only reason they need to be explained to you is are a moron. A moron who will take up any silly position, grasp at any straw, to keep beliving whatever your bleeding little nutbag heart desires.
You waste words and electrons trying to come across as intelligent.

If I say night is better than day, you may disagree. But your disagreement doesn’t make my opinion wrong. That’s the nature of opinions.

I know you never learned any of this before. But I am trying hard to educate you despite your profound and stubborn ignorance.
You waste words and electrons trying to come across as intelligent.

If I say night is better than day, you may disagree. But your disagreement doesn’t make my opinion wrong. That’s the nature of opinions.

I know you never learned any of this before. But I am trying hard to educate you despite your profound and stubborn ignorance.

Dummy, Trump getting or not getting indicted is not a matter of opinion the way personal preferences are.

It is a matter of FACT. Trump was in FACT indicted and anyone who had an opinion to the contrary is simply WRONG.

You are mentally underdeveloped and you prove it with your every post.
Send them all to the gas chambers, right?
If they take up arms against the US military and law enforcement? No, you wouldn't use the gas chamber, you'd use bullets or explosives to dispatch them. You know, it's called war. It's an activity where people kill each other. If these MAGA Zombies were to take up arms against anyone, especially the US military and law enforcement, they would be trying to kill members of our military and police, hence our men and women in uniform whether of the military or police, would be able to defend themselves. Like Duh. Do you MAGA zombie drones have brains? Are you able to think rationally? If you violently attack our military and police, you will die. Duh, Duh Duh...
Dummy, Trump getting or not getting indicted is not a matter of opinion the way color preferences are.
It was a prediction, you moron. Nothing more. 😂🤣
It is a matter of FACT. Trump was in FACT indicted and anyone who thinks otherwise is WRONG.
That is a fact. Good on you for finally grasping the distinction, turd brain. 👍
It was a prediction, you moron. Nothing more. 😂🤣

That prediction, based on your understanding of that legal matter, was proven WRONG.

My prediction, based on my understaning of it was proven RIGHT.

You are just too pathetic to admit that yes, I did prove you wrong on that.
Please go out and share your thoughts on every social media platform out there, Americans need to see and understand exactly what they're dealing with, and this asshole is the reality. This idiot really means what he says, he 'qualifies' it by saying that 'right wing' would be the ones 'attacking', and they'll be sure it's staged that way, but this asshole and those like him, would not give one shit who started the aggression, they just want to see their political enemies slaughtered. They want bloodshed, they want to impose their will on you via the force of the federal government, they think they are the ones in power, just listen to the smug arrogance. So 'Christain Man' I hope you're sharing your bloodlust with everyone out there so normal Americans who don't understand what is really going on, finally see the truth.
This applies to anyone, right or left. The person who created this thread is a right-wing MAGA zombie-drone, you retard. If you take up arms against our sons and daughters in uniform, you will die. You're fighting the US military and our police, what part of that don't you understand? If you try to kill the members of our military or police, they have every right to fire back at you and take you out. Like DUH, how stupid can you be? Duh.
That prediction, based on your understanding of the matter, was WRONG.

My prediction, based on my understaning was RIGHT.

You are just too pathetic to admit the obvious.
My prediction fell flat. That isn’t even denied.

If that’s all you’ve been trying to say, we didn’t even disagree

But everything else you’ve brayed on about is wrong. (Except for maybe one quibble.)

The immigration problem could be ended at the stroke of a pen but democrats thrive on chaos and unrest. Talk about a civil war is better than trying to prop up the legacy of the doddering old fool in the W.H.
The immigration problem could be ended at the stroke of a pen but democrats thrive on chaos and unrest. Talk about a civil war is better than trying to prop up the legacy of the doddering old fool in the W.H.

Both the Republicans and Democrats create chaos in the third world, in order to advance "American interests" and that leads to those countries being much poorer and screwed up than they would otherwise be. Hence, all of those people leaving their third-world American cheap labor pool shit-holes (captive markets for US and European corporations), are trying to live a decent life somewhere else. Hmmm, let's see, where do you think they're going to go, hmmmmm?

Stop imposing economic sanctions upon third world countries, stop orchestrating coups, to install puppet dictators, stop preventing these nations from having a middle class of their own that demands higher wages with benefits, and of course, will try to unionize. Stop sodomizing the economies and citizenry of these countries in the name of "AMERICAN INTERESTS" and you will cut illegal immigration to the USA, by 75% or more. What part of what I just said, don't you understand?

NO? NO? You deny what I just said, pretending it's not happening? OK OK...Learn Spanish Bubba. Eat Tacos. How about that? Suffer more, you globalist imperialist, take it. Feel the pain of seeing America get overrun by a third-world population seeking a better life. Keep EFing them, and then they come here and EF YOU. Learn Spanish BUBBA. Hola, como estas? Bein? Come (eat), tacos. Come tacos. Repeat, "come tacos".
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My prediction fell flat. That isn’t even denied.

OF COURSE it was denied by you, thats what this conversation is about. DUH.

You got so bent out of shape with your denial that that you even started arguing that no opinion can ever be wrong. :cuckoo:

In this very post you are still using silly "fell flat" euphenism for being wrong instead of simply admitting it directly.
And next when SCOTUS rules that Trump has to be on the ballots, all the Blue states can follow the example of Texas and ignore the SCOTUS and say "nope, we are not doing that".

What could possibly go wrong with a state telling the SCTOUS to go fuck itself.
Are you saying the SC is infallible because you may wanna look up their ruling in the dred scot vs sanford case. The north defied the courts ruling.
OF COURSE it is denied by you,

Really? You probably would have no difficulty quoting where I denied that my prediction had been wrong, then. Get on that.

Lol. You’re so plodding in your dishonesty.
thats what this conversation is about. DUH.
It sure hasn’t been. Why must you lie so much?
You got so bent out of shape with your denial you even started arguing that no opinion can ever be wrong.
I correctly noted that opinions aren’t facts. And that an opinion isn’t subject to being wrong or right. You may disagree. That’s a different matter. But if I prefer night over day, my opinion isn’t “wrong” regardless of how you view it.

You’re a slug. 🤣🤣😂
If they take up arms against the US military and law enforcement? No, you wouldn't use the gas chamber, you'd use bullets or explosives to dispatch them. You know, it's called war. It's an activity where people kill each other. If these MAGA Zombies were to take up arms against anyone, especially the US military and law enforcement, they would be trying to kill members of our military and police, hence our men and women in uniform whether of the military or police, would be able to defend themselves. Like Duh. Do you MAGA zombie drones have brains? Are you able to think rationally? If you violently attack our military and police, you will die. Duh, Duh Duh...
You're no Christian.

You're just another dumbass lying leftard.

What I think is that some opinions are proven WRONG, some RIGHT. But you are too fucking stupid to admit that.
You are too dishonest to admit that some opinions are not subject to being proved wrong or right.

You remain fundamentally dishonest and quite fully ignorant and stupid. 👍

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